
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · Urbano
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45 Chs

Chapter 42: Yang Shuxi

Yang Shuxi was very beautiful and the most popular girl in school. Every time she went out, she made sure to dress up nicely, as beauty could make a woman confident.

So, no matter where she was, she always became the center of attention.

But today, she felt a bit uneasy. The man next to her, who looked like a rugged worker yet was very handsome, hadn't even glanced at her.

Yang Shuxi wasn't a vain woman, but that didn't mean she didn't have a proud heart.

So, she suddenly turned to Ye Fengwu and smiled, "Hey handsome, where are you from?"

Ye Fengwu frowned slightly. He was trying not to draw any attention, and this woman chose this moment to strike up a conversation.

So, he decided to ignore her, keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings.

Feeling even more frustrated after being ignored, Yang Shuxi muttered, "Hey mister, even if we're just strangers, it's rude to ignore me when I talk to you. I mean no harm."

She leaned back in her seat with a look of frustration.

Seeing this, Ye Fengwu finally glanced at her. She was indeed very pretty, with bright, clear eyes that seemed quite innocent, contrasting with her mature attire.

To get her off his back, he replied indifferently, "Haihua City."

Surprised at his response, Yang Shuxi quickly smiled, "What a coincidence! I go to Haihua University, and my aunt and cousin live there too."

Ye Fengwu had no interest in chatting with her, so he replied blandly, "You don't look like a student."

Yang Shuxi smiled sweetly, "And mister, you don't look like a rugged worker either."

Ye Fengwu raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Yang Shuxi glanced at him, pretending to ponder as she held her chin, "Though your clothes are worn out, your skin isn't too pale, and you have a build similar to a laborer. However..."

She ended with a playful smile, "However, someone as handsome and charismatic as you, with such steady and sharp eyes, you must be a secret agent on a mission, right?"

Yang Shuxi's playful comment about him being a secret agent made the other twenty passengers in the carriage subtly glance at Ye Fengwu with a peculiar look.

Ye Fengwu remained calm but internally wanted to smack the girl.

Then he said lightly, "Kid, if you want to hit on me, just leave your phone number."

He deliberately leaned closer, slightly brushing against Yang Shuxi.

She frowned and moved away instinctively, her playful expression stiffening.

"Mister, I was just kidding. You don't really think I'm interested in you, do you?" Yang Shuxi said awkwardly.

Ye Fengwu's lips curled into a sly smile. He opened a bottle of water and offered it to her, "Have some water, beauty. Let's keep chatting."

Seeing his sly grin and the water bottle, Yang Shuxi became wary, especially of the water. Although it was provided by the train staff, who knew if he had tampered with it?

Regretting her decision to talk to him, she had just wanted a chat to pass the time with someone who seemed pleasant. Little did she know he would turn out to be so creepy.

Yang Shuxi pursed her lips and shook her head, "I'm... not thirsty."

Ye Fengwu persisted, "I already opened it."

He tried to push the bottle into her hand, making her increasingly uncomfortable and angry, "Why are you being so insistent? I said I'm not thirsty!"

This scene should have drawn more attention, but the surrounding passengers who had been watching with interest turned away, some even laughing mockingly.

Seeing her anger, Ye Fengwu frowned, "I already opened it. How can you refuse?"

He continued pushing the bottle towards her.

Yang Shuxi felt both angry and scared, thinking she would take the bottle but not drink from it.

However, as her hand reached out, Ye Fengwu tilted the bottle, spilling water on her pants.

"Ah!" she shrieked, glaring at him furiously, "You... you jerk! I'll call the police if you keep this up!"

Ye Fengwu gave an innocent look, "Sorry, my hand slipped."

Fuming, Yang Shuxi stomped off to the restroom to clean up.

Watching her go, Ye Fengwu quickly followed and called out at the restroom door, "Need help?"

"Go away!" came her angry reply.

Only then did Ye Fengwu turn back, his sly smile fading into a cold, serious expression.

The twenty passengers who had been watching with amusement suddenly froze, realizing the danger from the look in his eyes.

In an instant, they all stood up.

Swish, swish!

Several throwing needles flew towards Ye Fengwu at lightning speed.

Ye Fengwu, calm and collected, raised his hand and caught all the needles.

Then, with a swift motion, he threw them back at even greater speed, faster than bullets.

In an instant, seven or eight passengers collapsed, dead from the poisoned needles.

The remaining attackers pulled out silenced pistols, but before they could aim, Ye Fengwu had already grabbed the guns from the fallen attackers.

Bang, bang, bang!

A rapid series of shots followed, quicker than a machine gun.

In less than two seconds, Ye Fengwu was the only one left standing in the carriage.

He arranged the bodies as if they were just sleeping passengers, even fastening their seatbelts.

Then he looked towards the restroom, muttering, "What a hassle."

Stuffing the guns into a dead man's clothes, he grumbled, "Had to act like a creep just to save that girl."