
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · Urbano
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45 Chs

Chapter 37: Luo Yihuang

Qin Qinghan seemed to sense that Ye Fengwu was angry with her again. As soon as the car came to a stop, she tried to escape. However, before she could unbuckle her seatbelt, a large hand held her in place.

Remembering how he had forcibly kissed her the previous night, Qin Qinghan grew wary and said through gritted teeth, "If you try to bully me again, I... I'll bite you."

Ye Fengwu almost laughed at her words. Despite Qin Qinghan's gentle appearance, she had always fiercely defended herself against anyone who tried to take advantage of her.

Take Jin Bao, for example. He hadn't even touched her hand before she had stomped on his with her high heels, piercing it. When Gao He forced her to be a hostess, she carried scissors with her. Ye Fengwu had no doubt she would have used them if necessary.

The most infuriating incident was yesterday when she had bitten him. So, any improper thoughts Ye Fengwu had vanished instantly.

With a stern face, he said, "How many times do I have to save you before you realize you're being foolish? Why did you go to Xihu Black Wind's territory?"

Feeling guilty, Qin Qinghan looked down and whispered, "I just... I just wanted to return the ring to you."

Ye Fengwu snorted, "A ring isn't worth your life. If I hadn't followed you today, do you know what would have happened? You would have been brutalized and thrown into the river to feed the fish."

Today, Ye Fengwu had planned to apologize for his behavior yesterday, so he followed Qin Qinghan. He hadn't expected her to try to pawn the ring to Chen Yuanzhong.

Qin Qinghan wasn't foolish; she knew Ye Fengwu's anger stemmed from concern for her. So, she pulled out the 100,000 yuan from her bag and said, "Take this as compensation."

Ye Fengwu's expression was odd as he snorted, "100,000 yuan? That ring is worth a billion dollars. You can't get rid of me that easily."

Frustrated by Ye Fengwu's stubbornness, Qin Qinghan said angrily, "It's just a 20,000 yuan imitation ring! Isn't 100,000 enough? If not, I'll give back the money you gave me yesterday. Just stop bothering me!"

Seeing her so agitated, Ye Fengwu's tone softened. "Do you really think a 20,000 yuan imitation ring would make Chen Yuanzhong go against me?"

Qin Qinghan bit her lip and said, "But he said the ring was stolen by one of his employees."

Ye Fengwu scoffed, "I wouldn't believe a single word from that old fox."

Ye Fengwu suspected that Chen Yuanzhong had kept the ring himself, making it difficult to retrieve. That's why he had left so quickly with Qin Qinghan.

But Qin Qinghan knew how powerful Chen Yuanzhong was in Haishua. If he wanted something, no one dared to refuse him. Ye Fengwu not only fought his guards but also extorted 100,000 yuan from him, and Chen Yuanzhong didn't retaliate, which made her wonder about Ye Fengwu's past.

"Also," Ye Fengwu continued, "your grandfather has agreed to let you marry me. If you send me away, he will force you to marry into the Zhang family, and Jing Si will be placed in a foster home you can never find. Is that what you want?"

Hearing this, Qin Qinghan hesitated, her hands clutching her clothes tightly.

She knew Ye Fengwu was right. Without him, her grandfather could force her into an unwanted marriage, and Jing Si would be taken away.

Thinking about everything Ye Fengwu had done for her recently, she admitted he was rough and domineering. He was a rapist, and the thought that he had killed Gao He with a pair of scissors terrified her.

Despite his many flaws, Ye Fengwu was always gentle with Jing Si. After a long pause, Qin Qinghan took a deep breath and said, "I'll let you stay, but you must agree to a few conditions."

Ye Fengwu's heart leaped with joy, but he kept his composure. "Alright, but I'm not sleeping on the couch anymore."

Qin Qinghan hesitated but then said, "You can't bully me like last time. You'll sleep on the floor, and if you want to marry me, you need to become a good person and cut ties with Jiang Hao."

Ye Fengwu was taken aback by her demands but also thrilled. It was clear that Qin Qinghan was giving him a chance to stay with her and Jing Si if he distanced himself from Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao was his brother in arms, someone he had faced life and death with. They had always had each other's backs on the battlefield. But for now, he nodded and said, "Alright, I've already stopped doing what he does. Let's go home."

Qin Qinghan was surprised at how easily Ye Fengwu agreed. As he got out of the car, he thought to himself, "A white lie is still a kind one."

In reality, Ye Fengwu had a deep bond with Jiang Hao. But he was now an honored military war hero. When the time was right, he would reveal his true identity to Qin Qinghan, and she would surely fall into his arms.

Seeing the joy in Ye Fengwu's eyes, Qin Qinghan felt a pang of bitterness. Was bringing him back into her home really a good idea?

To make a good impression, Ye Fengwu suggested they take Jing Si to enroll in the best elementary school in Haishua that afternoon.

Luo Phoenix Tower stood in the busiest part of Haishua, the city's only 75-story building.

The top floor housed a spacious and bright office. The décor was simple: a few high-end sofas and a coffee table in the lounge area, and a desk and chair set by the window.

The office's most luxurious feature was the enormous glass wall, offering a panoramic view of Haishua.

Standing by the glass wall was a tall woman in a silver-gray business suit. Her black hair was neatly pinned up, and even her back exuded an aura of a domineering queen.

Knock, knock, knock~!

"Come in," she said, her voice full of confident authority.

The sound of high heels clicked as a young woman in her mid-twenties, wearing a white blouse and a blue skirt, walked in briskly.

Her name was Lin Yu, assistant to Luo Yihuang, the chairman of Luo Phoenix Group, and she managed much of the company's operations.

Lin Yu stopped behind the queenly figure and said efficiently, "Chairman Luo, as you expected, Qin Qinghan can't find a job."

"It's time to extend an olive branch to her," Luo Yihuang said confidently, her tone reflecting unshakable self-assurance.

When she turned to face Lin Yu, an indescribably beautiful face was revealed. Despite wearing no makeup, her features were flawless.

Her long, almond-shaped eyes gleamed with confidence, and her lips, though unadorned, were naturally rosy.

If Qin Qinghan's beauty was ethereal, Luo Yihuang's could only be described as divine craftsmanship, as if the goddess Nuwa had favored her.

Luo Yihuang, at just twenty-six, was the chairman of Luo Phoenix Group, worth billions, and hailed as the most beautiful woman in China.

Lin Yu, puzzled, asked, "Chairman Luo, it's rare to see you value someone so highly. Is Qin Qinghan really that capable?"

Luo Yihuang replied calmly, "She graduated from Beijing Management University, just like me. I took a year; she took eight months."

Lin Yu noted, "I heard she graduated early to care for her daughter."

Luo Yihuang didn't deny it, saying, "If she lacked ability, she couldn't have graduated early."