

I think after that morning he will continue to reveal himself to me. But it seems like there's still something bothering his mind to make him go back to wearing his bad guy mask again. At first I thought that his cruel mouth was innate. But after spending a lot of time with him at work, I came to understand that he was deliberately making himself a bad person.

There must be a reason for him to build such a high wall. It had been a week since he had returned to his former form. I don't know, why am I bothered by that? Maybe I just care about him because he's my boss and I'm his employee, right? Or because I've done something he doesn't like? Arghh, this pisses me off.

"What's wrong with you? Your ugly face looks even worse when you're in a bad mood. Please, focus on work first, we have half an hour to attend a weekly meeting. Did you purposely want everyone in the meeting room to leave out of fear after seeing that ugly face? After you're done with you're work you can put on your ugly face again later."

"This is all your fault. Are you pretending not to know on purpose?"

"My fault you say? Although I really want to know what's on your mind because it would make things so much easier, but I can't do that. Isn't this your fault?"

"What? My fault? Why are you the one who is scolding me now? You should be asking why I'm frowning now, instead of scolding me back like this."

Daniel took a deep breath and then exhaled, trying to control himself, "Didn't I ask you at the beginning, what's wrong with you? Okay, let's just pretend I didn't say that earlier. Now tell me, what made you frown like this at work? It's definitely not your usual professional attitude."

"I'm annoyed that you're wearing the mask again. I thought we were one step closer after the drinking event a week ago. But I don't think I'm good enough for you to be your close friend. It's as if you're keeping your distance from me again. I- " Luna was surprised by Daniel who suddenly stood up from his seat with a serious face. His current standing position was only an inch away.

"A close friend you say? Is that all you want between us?"

"O-of course! Didn't I tell you before that I was starting to understand you?"

Daniel was stunned his eyes widened at Luna's answer which was not what he expected, "You- you don't understand me at all." Daniel said quietly then turned away from the room, "It's time for a meeting." he said and kept walking.

Luna, who was originally silent because she was digesting what was happening, then realized after being reminded by Daniel that the meeting was about to start. She immediately tidied up the files on Daniel's desk then took them and ran over to Daniel who was already walking first.

During the meeting, the two of them tried to be professional and put their personal affairs aside. An hour passed and the weekly meeting ended smoothly. As they were walking back to Daniel's room, a woman's voice called out to Daniel from a distance.

"Daniel... Wait for me." cried the girl as she trotted over to them.

"Haven't I told you many times, don't shout in the office?"

"Yeah, sorry, I forgot."

"What do you use your ears and brain for?"

"I use my brain to think about you, of course!"

"Never mind, I'm overloaded. Just go home, I don't have time to play with you." Daniel immediately walked away from the girl.

Just a few steps walking, "Ughhh!" he stopped in his tracks and clutched his chest just above his heart. Seeing Daniel who was moaning in pain the girl approached him.

"Daniel, what's wrong? Have you relapsed?" the girl asked worriedly.

But instead of answering the girl, he asked Luna to take he back to his room. Even so, the girl continued to follow them. Arriving in Daniel's room, Luna led him to the couch.

"Please call David, ask him to come here immediately." asked Daniel while enduring the pain.

"I'm so sorry, boss. Wasn't Mr. David out of town since yesterday? Even if I call him now and he'll be here soon, it would take quite a while."

"Ughh! Damn! I can't wait that long."

"Is there anything I can do? Isn't there medicine from the doctor to relieve the pain?" Daniel shook his head because he couldn't speak anymore, he just wanted to focus on enduring the pain.

Luna really didn't know what to do, because this was her first time seeing her boss like this. Meanwhile Luna was confused and Daniel couldn't hold the pain any longer. The girl took the opportunity to help Daniel.

"Calm down, Daniel. I'm here. And you know, I will definitely help you through this. Of course I'm very happy if I can be of use to you at a time like this."

Daniel really had no other choice but to accept help from that girl.

"Luna, can you leave us?" he said in a voice barely audible because it was too low. Luna looked at Daniel with pity.

"Get out quickly! Are you deaf? You useless humans!" Luna suddenly walked away leaving them both inside.

Although there was a feeling of irritation when she heard the woman's words just now, Luna felt that she deserved to be said that way, because she realized that she couldn't help at all at that most important time for Daniel.

As soon as Luna came out of there, the girl brushed her hair to the right so that it was easier for Daniel to suck the blood from her neck. Meanwhile, Luna was restless thinking about Daniel's condition in there, is it true that this girl can help Daniel relieve his pain without medicine.