

The windows were wet from the rain this evening, be my friend quietly waiting for you. I shouldn't have opened my heart to you this much, if someone's heart could change that easily. I'm too confident about us. We, who are now become you and me. If only forgetting someone could be as fast as when we fall in love, maybe it wouldn't make me suffer so much. You easily ignore me even without any explanation. Only heart-piercing words escape your lips. I don't know what else to do to make you want to look at me even just once. At least I want to sit alone with you and straighten things out.

Day by day the distance between the two of them became more and more distant. Daniel often does work outside the office which is usually done by David. Luna didn't know what to do anymore. Whether Daniel just left his house temporarily or moved permanently, for sure Luna doesn't know where Daniel lives now.

"Are you okay?" asked David with concern because he saw Luna's current condition which didn't look good.

"I'm fine." she just answered casually then immediately went back to work.

No matter how hard she tries to keep working well, the fact is that she is still a woman who tends to use her feelings more often. She distracted herself with work but it didn't help at all. What happened was that she hoped that every morning she would meet Daniel in the office or in the elevator like before. Even that day Daniel did not come to the office at all.

With a shaky and confused mind she walked back to her house. Again it rained that night, she kept walking in the rain which made his body soaked. Unknowingly she crossed the street before the traffic light turned green. From a distance, a box car was seen moving at a moderate speed. The rain was heavy enough to make the driver's vision a little disturbed so he realized too late that someone was crossing the road. He stepped on the brakes at that time but still an accident was unavoidable. Several people who were not far from the scene immediately called an ambulance.

David who received the news immediately went to the hospital. When he got there, he wanted to call Luna's family but unfortunately Luna's cell phone was destroyed because it was thrown into the street with a bang. Daniel, who arrived shortly after, ran up to David and scolded his younger brother in front of the emergency room.

"Didn't I tell you to look after her? Why did this happen?!" asked Daniel with a worry that he could no longer control.

"According to people who were at the scene, she crossed without paying attention to traffic lights. Even at work, I saw her sometimes daydreaming, even though she was never absent for a day and still got work done."

Daniel felt like his chest was being hit by something heavy so he felt tight and sore, "Are you sure it wasn't because the driver was drunk or something?" he asked to make sure.

"Calm down... There's no use getting angry and blaming other people right now. Sit quietly and just wait."

He followed David's words, "I thought staying away from him was the best thing."

Daniel waited anxiously and angry with himself. But no matter how regretful he is now, he will not return the time that has passed. Daniel was surprised when he saw the doctor coming out of the emergency room.

A doctor and nurse came out of the emergency room, "Who is the family?" the doctor asked them both.

"I am. How is she? Is she okay?" Daniel seemed in a hurry to find out Luna's current condition.

"She suffered a fractured left bone and several minor injuries to other parts of his body. Even though it wasn't a fatal injury, she needed hospitalization until her condition improved."

"Can I see her now?"

"Of course, after being transferred to the patient's room."

"Please, provide the best room and service here."

For the doctor it was not a fatal injury but for Daniel it was still an injury whether it was fatal or not. He kept blaming himself when he saw Luna lying helplessly in the patient's bed. Daniel held her hand so desperately that some of his tears dripped onto Luna's palm. Luna slowly began to move her hand and then returned Daniel's grip.

"Luna? Are you awake?" asked Daniel worriedly while stroking Luna's hair. As if she didn't feel pain after the accident, instead she smiled looking at Daniel who was now beside, guarding her.

"I should have been in an accident long ago if I knew you would come to me like this." said Luna in a low voice but she still cracked a smile on her lips even though she was helpless.

"Are you crazy?!" Daniel took a deep breath, "How can you still talk like that after having an accident like this." he really didn't understand Luna's way of thinking.

After going through long days with a chaotic mind and full of tears, now she chooses to smile a lot rather than be sad again. She wanted to enjoy time with Daniel even if it was only in the hospital, at least she had to smile because she didn't know when she would have another chance like this. In his little heart there was a little fear that Daniel would leave again after his condition improved.

"Are you very happy to be sick like this? You haven't stopped smiling."

"Maybe or rather because of this illness, I can finally have some alone time with you."

"You better get some rest, you have to recover first. I promise I'll still be here when you wake up." Daniel said convincing Luna to rest.

But Luna was still a little doubtful after what happened before, "Really?" she hesitated.

"Of course, have I ever lied?"

"Yes, you have. Sometimes when you say sweet words, suddenly the next day you do the opposite. I don't know, it's just that you make me doubt now."

"I'll keep my word this time, so you can sleep well." Daniel stroked Luna's head gently, at least it made Luna a little obedient and obeyed her to rest.