

Everyone seemed busy since morning at the Rosewild's house. Even some of the maids seemed to be sleep deprived because they decorated the room for Ariella's birthday party. Ariella is the only child of husband and wife Helena and James Rosewild. Because she is the only child of course her parents want to give the best for her. But that's also what made Ariella grow up to be a spoiled and selfish girl. Despite her bad character, she is still an origin vampire.

"Madam Butler, it looks like there are not enough red roses for decoration on the table, how about we replace it with another flower?"

"What did you say? Another flower? Are you a new maid here? You should remember that Miss only likes red roses. And today is an important day for her, not only because of her birthday party, but today is the official engagement party of Miss. Ariella with Mr. Daniel. Don't let this happy day be spoiled just because of roses, hurry up and look for it in another shop, whatever the price!"

"Y-yes, Madam!"

Quickly the servants ran to look for roses in another shop. Although not all of them, some of the servants here were slave vampires. Including the butler who had served the Rosewild family since Ariella had not been born. If David and Daniel rule the business field because of David's ability to see the future and Daniel reads the minds and intentions of humans, the Rosewild family has the ability to make humans and vampires believe and obey every word that comes out of their mouths. However, this ability can only affect other than origin vampires, slaves and alters. And the reason for some of Daniel's secretaries who resigned from work was because of Ariella. She didn't like seeing other women looking at Daniel with loving eyes. Long before they were matched, Ariella liked Daniel, that's why after they got matched she became more obsessed and became possessive of Daniel.

Ariella's family deliberately spread many invitations, even Daniel's business clients whom Ariella knew personally came to this event. Daniel's grandfather also came because he agreed to immediately formalize his grandson's engagement. But it seems that Daniel is the only one who doesn't know clearly or deliberately doesn't care about what they have planned. Instead, he chose to go with Luna to find a gift to be sent to Ariella. Even though it was actually Daniel's only fake excuse, his original intention was to go on a date with Luna. Because he really doesn't care about Ariella. Celebrating birthdays for creatures like us? Seriously? Daniel thought at that time.

"Do you know stuff or anything that Ariella likes?"

"I don't know and don't want to know."

"You are a cruel fiancé."

"I wouldn't be like this if my fiancée was you."

"What a dual personality guy!"

"But you like it, don't you?"

"Yes, of course with the good side of your personality. Have a look! This bag seems to suit Ariella. When I met her the other day I think she really cares about her appearance. Everything she wears is branded."

"Appearance doesn't matter. What matters is personality."

"So you think I'm ugly huh?"

"What? Why are you asking like that? We're talking about Ariella. Gosh, you woman. I mean, no matter how good a woman looks, the most important thing is her personality. If her personality is good, of course she will look good in any situation."

"Well, it turns out you're pretty good at sweet talk sometimes too."

"Never mind, don't keep teasing me, quickly buy something for Ariella so that David sends it. I don't want our date to just run out to find gifts for her."

"You said a date? Didn't you just ask me to help find a present?"

"My real intention is because I want to go out on a date with you." Daniel took the bag that Luna was holding and immediately took it to the cashier to pay for it, not forgetting that he also asked for the bag to be wrapped, "Choose any item for yourself that you like, I will call David for a while outside to ask him to come here to pick up this troublesome item." Luna nodded.

After a few minutes of waiting, David came. While looking at the other items, Luna occasionally looked at them. David had a very serious look on his face when he spoke to Daniel.

"Are you really going to not attend this event?"

"If I really intend to go, I will not ask you to deliver this gift to her. Besides, from the start I told grandfather that I would not accept this arranged marriage."

"But you also know that this is for your own sake too. Especially since losing our mother, his only child, he is very overprotective of you. Do you think it will easily get out of Grandpa's reach?"

"I know. Why are you being so fussy today?"

"It's just, I have a bad feeling if you don't come now."

"You must have seen something, right? Tell me what it is, so I can anticipate it."

"To anticipate this, there is only one way, come to the event with me right now."

"In that case, I also have no other choice, but to face the troubles to come."

"If that's your choice, good luck. At least I warned you."

David took the gift from Daniel's hand roughly, then immediately turned and left Daniel who was very stubborn. Regardless of David's attitude, he immediately went back into the shop and approached Luna.

"Is there any problem?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Really? I looked like David was a little bit angry."

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it. So, which one do you want to buy?"

"I'm not used to buying branded things like this, maybe if you took my mother it would be a different story. She really likes shopping."

"Then buy one for your mother too. One for you, one for her."

"No need to bother. You'd better buy me some food, that's more than enough." Luna took Daniel's hand then immediately pulled him out of the shop and asked him to buy food.

Meanwhile at Rosewild's family home, the event hasn't fully started yet. The invited guests had already filled the banquet hall. The dress with a red base color that Ariella wore was so stunning that it amazed every eye that looked at it. Some of the invited guests were some western origin vampires of the Rosewild family and David and Daniel's grandfather. Others are humans who have become slaves to the origin vampires. And the rest are humans who don't know that they are currently in a vampire's den.

"Thank you to the invited guests who have come to my birthday party this time. Please enjoy the dishes, while waiting for the male lead tonight to come."

A few minutes after Ariella's opening remarks, David came. Immediately Ariella's face looked very happy, she thought Daniel was coming with her. David greeted Ariella by kissing her palm.

"Happy birthday, Ariella. Even tonight, you are more beautiful than every rose here."

"Of course! Thank you. Where's Daniel? Is he still in the car park?"

"This is a gift from him. He, can't come tonight."

"What?!" Suddenly all eyes in the room were on him. David immediately drew himself closer to Ariella, then whispered to her,

"Calm down. Don't let everyone notice that Daniel didn't come on purpose. It will only embarrass you more." hearing advice from David that sounded right too, she immediately did her craft.

"Even at an important event like this, he's still professional at his job, right, David? But that's one of the reasons I like him. Even if he's unable to come, it's not a problem, the most important thing is that this event must continue."

"You're right, Miss Ariella."

Everyone didn't realize that Ariella's words just now were just a lie she made to save her face. But in her heart of course she was very angry with Daniel right now. She wondered what exactly was keeping Daniel from not coming to this event.