
The CEO'S feisty wife

It was a perfect plan to destroy both their families in one go. Manipulated with the aid of sorcery, Samantha and Leo were caught in-between their grandparent's old fraternity feud when they found themselves in a one night stand situation. The previous night was blurry. Samantha was aghast when she realized she was not in her dormitory room… "Did we have sex!?..." "Why can't I remember?..." Leo thought it was just a hook-up between two adults, only to learn he must marry her even if she was part of the group that killed his father. She hated him for taking away her innocence. He hated her for destroying his family and taking away his freedom. It was a huge misunderstanding that they must unravel and a feud they must overcome only if they could find love in the midst of their hatred for each other.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 43

That statement was exactly why I forbade him from having anything to do with Rose... God! I nearly destroy his future because of my need for revenge!..." Lincoln reminisced sadly.

"It's okay. That's already in the past and we've already learned from our mistakes. Now let's just move on, okay" Mama Silver said while patting Lincoln's shoulder.

"Silver is right. It's already in the past, let us forget about it and move on." Oracle added before he continued with what he was saying.

So even though the bond between these two is strong, loving each other will not come easy to them... If they had met naturally and the due process that her guardian spirit required was followed before their bodies were joined together then it would have been a walk in the park for them..."

"If they had met naturally!?... But I thought everything is now settled? Will that still affect them!? Mama Silver asked alarmingly, worried lines etched on her face.

"Yes, it will!... Don't forget what her guardian spirit told us when we consulted with him when she was fifteen?..."

"I remembered" Mama Silver confirmed what Oracle was about saying...

"Whenever she meets the man destined for her, they are both to come before her guardian spirit and asked for the ritual that needs to be done before they could be joined in matrimony... After which they are free to do everything couples do together."

"The mistake has already been made. What can we do to correct it? What is the solution?" Lincoln asked somewhat impatiently!

"The solution?... The solution does not require any sacrifice. There is nothing we can do for them at this stage. Everything is now left in their hands... Just that it's not going to be easy for them to achieve it."

"How?... Why is it not going to be easy for them?" Lincoln asked again.

"It's not going to be easy because right now, their heart is in turmoil, and is set against each other. The fact that they share the same soul even makes the situation between them more difficult...

The two of them are similar in so many ways... Leonard is as stubborn and strong-willed as Rosee is... He would want to control and dominate her but the more he tries to control her, which he will surely do, the more she will refuse and rebel against him.

What makes me anxious for them is that this period they are in is when both of them need to love and be closer to each other, as they don't have much time to waste... Leonard's enemies are closing in on him and Rose's soul is getting more corrupt by the day."

"Oracle can you please explain, because I don't understand what you said..." Mama Silver said

"Each of their lives depends on the other person to survive...

Leonard was born to lead, but leadership won't come easy for him... That boy has a lot of battle ahead of him. He would face great adversity from enemies within and outside his family.

The enemies that wouldn't dare face his grandfather are now getting ready to confront him because they thought he's going to be an easy target.

There's no way he can fight this battle alone and there's nothing you can do about it Lincoln... It is his destiny!... For him to live longer than his father did was why Rose was destined for him.

Silver... Your granddaughter now has more powers than the three of us combined" Oracle announced and there was pin-drop silence in the room because of how surprised they were.

"How is that even posible!?... She just has the fire element in her, which has not even been properly activated!" Lincoln broke the silence when Mama Silver became short of words

"That was before she died for the second time... Now she doesn't just carry the fire element in her I'm afraid, she carries much more powers from both evil and good spirits...

Rose has crossed many seas... Our forefathers were buried just six feet under but she has gone farther down than all of them put together... She has seen with her spiritual eyes what the three of us have never seen and been to where the three of us has never been to..."

"The spirit world!" Lincoln asked with a whisper like he was afraid to speak louder than necessary.

"Yes, the spirit world! The realm inhabited by both the good and evil of various spiritual manifestations... She can now see while sitting what most of us cannot see even if we stand... She's older than us now."

"Oracle but how could you say this is not bad news!?... This is disaster waiting to happen! These powers are certainly too much for her! She is just a twenty-year-old girl who can't even control her element yet!... It will destroy her!" Mama Silver said with panic

That is why she needs him now just as much as he needs her. Her soul is already getting corrupt because of these power combinations living inside her!...

Leonard is her soul tie because they share the same soul. When they get married, their soul will become one again. He is destined to help her strengthen her soul at a time like this when her soul is weak. When they finally love and accept each other, then she will be able to use the powers that are necessary and keeps the rest locked up!

It is now that I fully understand what her guardian spirit revealed to us that there can only be one man for her... Perhaps if we had looked into their predestination earlier enough we would have been able to avert many of these disasters.

Everything would have been good for them had it been we were able to do everything her guardian soirit required. Especially the one required by her parents which was left undone!

The circumstances of her birth and all the negative words that her mother uttered when she was conceived that now have negative effects on her would have been automatically neutralized.

Mama Silver sighed deeply. She has been meaning to ask her son and daughter-in-law about the ritual all this while but because she had a lot going on for Rose, she totally forgot about it

"Is it too late now? Can it still be done? I will personally drag both of them here to do it..."

"Yes! It's too late now... Leonard and Rose's faith is now left in their own hands..."

"What about if we just tell them what is require of them so that they can easily do what is right for each other," Loncoln asked

"Don't you dare it! You can not teach them how to do this? You cannot tell them anything. You have to allow them to solve their issues. Their hatred towards each other must be resolved out of their own free will, and not because grandma or grandpa commanded!

They must work through all their challenges themselves and the moment they've finally love and accept each other fully, their lives begin, and balance will be restored. That's when they will be able to support each other and continue to facilitate growth for each other.

All they need from us is prayers. I have faith in them and I know they will pull through" Oracle said but the two grandparents just sighed deeply and nodded.

"Cheer up my friends and have faith." Oracle said on a lighter note and smiled now we can celebrate." He looked towards Lincoln and they all laughed together.

The wedding proper is the one that will be held here before God in two weeks. Then the elaborate ones that you people like to do so much must be done two weeks after if the couple wants it, we don't have much time to waste. The sooner they are married, the sooner they can get their lives back on track


"Alright..." Lincoln and Mama Silver said and nodded back in return.

"Oh, I almost forget... Oracle who was about to stand sat down again. "Anything they would be needing for the wedding here, must be provided by the both of them, paid for by the husband of course."

"You mean they must go and buy the items by themselves?" Mama Silver asked

"Yes. Point them in the right direction and let them get it by themselves. It will also help them to be closer to each other"