
The CEO'S feisty wife

It was a perfect plan to destroy both their families in one go. Manipulated with the aid of sorcery, Samantha and Leo were caught in-between their grandparent's old fraternity feud when they found themselves in a one night stand situation. The previous night was blurry. Samantha was aghast when she realized she was not in her dormitory room… "Did we have sex!?..." "Why can't I remember?..." Leo thought it was just a hook-up between two adults, only to learn he must marry her even if she was part of the group that killed his father. She hated him for taking away her innocence. He hated her for destroying his family and taking away his freedom. It was a huge misunderstanding that they must unravel and a feud they must overcome only if they could find love in the midst of their hatred for each other.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 31

Samantha woke up to the persistent pinging sound coming from her phone that signifies she has an incoming email. She tried ignoring the sound by burying her head deep under her pillow.

'Better...' She thought to herself and heaved a sigh of relief. She was about to drift off to sleep when her small alarm clock started with its high and sharp shrilling noise that penetrated through the pillow even.

'Oh bloody hell!... It's six am already!?' She wondered in annoyance. However late she slept the previous night, she knew if she wants to have any hope of beating the Lagos traffic, she should get up and starts preparing to go for her interview at the Salvadorian Empire

'Five more minutes.' She said to herself sleepily. 'I will get up after five minutes.' Stretching her hand to feel around on the nightstand where the alarm clock always sits. She hit a button that immediately snoozes the alarm.

'Ah!... blessed silence.' She thought and sighed to herself in relief when she was finally able to snooze the darn thing.

Exactly when she was drifting off to dreamland again, her phone started playing Celine Dion's 'Mama you gave life to me' song which was the ringtone she used in saving her grandmother's phone number. That fully woke her up as she hastily got up from the bed to reach for her phone

[Grandma, is everything okay?] She immediately asked. Her voice that was still heavy with sleep sounded worried.

[Good morning to you too Rose. Hope you had a good night's rest?] Mama Silver said instead, ignoring Samantha's worried question.

[Uhm... Sorry! Good morning grandma...] She replied awkwardly to the mild reprimand she just received from her grandma. [I hope that everything is fine, this one that you're calling this early in the morning...] She asked tentatively

Ever since her grandma promised to talk to a friend about how to find a solution to the difficult situation she found herself in. She has been in anticipation to find out what needed to be done to make everything right in her life.

[Don't tell me you're still on the bed when you're supposed to be on your way to your interview already?] Mama Silver evaded her question once again

[Uhm... No! I was actually about to get up when you called.] She replied taking her phone along with her towards the bathroom

[You should hurry then! You know traffic situation is always bad every monday and today is not a day you want to be caught up in the traffic.]

[Okay grandma]

[Rose, I don't want you to be worried about anything right now... The members of my fraternity are meeting today and I'm sure a favorable and lasting solution would be given to us, so just concentrate on your interview and make me proud.]

[I will grandma, Samantha answered with a smile. I love you...]

[Love you too honey... Good luck.]

After the call with her grandma ended, Samantha opened her mailbox to check the email she got earlier, which reads...

'We are pleased to inform you that you have been shortlisted for the internship interview at the Salvadorian Empire.

The venue is top floor, The Executive department of the Salvadorian Empire

Time: 8 am prompt.'

'Shortlisted? Executive department?' Emma wondered with confusion since the whole interview process was supposed to start on that same day, plus she has already gotten a confirmation email from the Empire's Human Resources Department to that effect.

She checked the message again and found she was indeed right. The email she got from the human resources department of the Salvadorian Empire said the interview would be held at the human resource department, not the Executive department.

What made her question the authenticity of this current email was that it was sent from a Human resources firm located in NewYork.

'Something is definitely not right... Otherwise, why would a reputable organization send emails that contradicted each other? Aside that, why would a New York based firm send a letter for an internship job I applied for in Los Angeles?'

So many questions that were begging for urgent answers which Samantha was pondering to herself when her phone started ringing again. It was her mentor Dr. Miller.

[Did you also get an email?] He asked as soon as Samantha answered the call.

[Yes sir... I did and I was just wondering what it was all about]

[Well stop wondering too hard because all your peers also got the same mail. The venue is now the Salvadorian Empire's executive floor. Time is 8 am prompt...

And according to what I heard, The Empire is going through a major reform hence the change. Do you now see that you can easily get that job as I said before?...

Samantha I have no doubt about your capabilities, I'm sure you'll ace every test given to you. What I'm concern about is your attitude. Salvadorian Empire is the best in the country. Please check your attitude while you're there because you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Get there early and make sure you leave a good impression, okay?] Dr. Miller asked firmly.

[Yes sir!] Samantha replied and rolled her eyes upward.

'I don't know why he's always giving me speeches like I'm the worst person in the whole world.' She thought to herself.


Samantha came out of the bathroom to find Abby lying on the bed waiting for her. And immediately Abby saw Samantha entered, she stood from the bed and moved towards the wardrobe with her game face on.

She started talking while rummaging through Emma's neatly arranged clothes...

"Your clothing style can speak volumes about you even before you open your mouth to introduce yourself..."

Picking and discarding clothes, she continually talked... "No this is too loud... Yes, this will flatter your skin tone... Go with this underwear cos we don't want visible panty lines on your backsides..."

When Abby was done with the cloth selection, she placed her makeup box on the vanity table.

"Come sit..." Abby said while she selected the right color to use. "Soft and natural is the right look for a job interview... Now let's match your makeup to your skin tone. You want to make a good impression without overdoing it..."


Samantha arrived at the Salvadorian Empire looking polished, cool, and professional in a slim-cut navy blue pantsuit with a white shirt, heels, and a structured black handbag.

She stood in front of the huge all-glass building of the Salvadorian Empire and practically felt her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. She stood still for some seconds to calm her nerves, saying to herself...

"Calm down Sam, you can do it." before walking with confidence into the huge and impressive reception hall.

"Good morning... I'm here for the internship interview" Samantha said to the receptionist

"Miss Samantha-,Rose Da-Silva?" The receptionist asked with a bright smile after briefly looking through her computer.

"Yes, Samantha replied with a smile of her own and a questioning look on her face wondering how she got her name right.

The lady understood the look on Samantha's face and said...

"Oh, your the last person to arrive, and the last name I've not checked yet is Samantha-Rose Da-silva."

Hearing that she was the person that came last, Samantha's heart nearly jumped out from her mouth

"Oh my God, I'm not late... Or am I" she asked while her eyes quickly darted through her wristwatch to confirm the time.

"It's quarter to eight, please tell me I'm not late" She pleaded towards the receptionist who just nodded her with assurance.

No, you're not late... Yet! The lady looked towards the big wall clock hanging on the wall opposite her before adding 'yet' to her sentence.

"Now let's not delay you any further... Your id please?" The receptionist asked and Samsntha immediately handed over all necessary identity cards which the receptionist cross-checked with the one she has on the computer before finally handing Samantha a visitor's pass and gave her direction to the executive floor.