
Chapter 5 Feng Shui Turns

However, the situation didn't give Alex Black too much time to speculate on what Emily White's next move was. He responded immediately, "An emergency meeting is called, I'll be there in ten minutes."

Vivian Miller also saw the seriousness of the situation, and cared for Emily White while secretly hurting her, "What's wrong? Did Ms. White hype up your relationship as a husband and wife? I don't think she would be this kind of person..."

"Get out of the car." Alex Black ordered suddenly.

Vivian Miller froze for a moment, did she say that Emily White upset Alex Black? Aren't they emotionless?

She grabbed the hem of her clothes and looked at Alex Black with red eyes.

Alex Black frowned, and finally explained, "The company has something to do, you should go back by yourself first."

Vivian Miller felt aggrieved but dared not speak out.

How anxious did he have to be to let him throw her by the side of the road?

She was just about to say that she could go to the company and wait for him, but unexpectedly, Alex Black threw over a bank card and said concisely, "Take a taxi."

Vivian Miller glanced at the black card, did not refuse, took the card and told Alex Black to drive safely, and then got out of the car.

In this case, no matter how pretentious she is, it will only annoy Alex Black.

It's okay to be hypocritical, but you still have to grasp the scale.

the Delight corporation.

Alex Black arrives in the conference room.

"Mr. Black."

"Mr. Black..."

Several executives inside stood up in unison, their heads drooping, afraid of meeting Alex Black's eyes.

Assistant Chris Huston reported the situation again, "Mr. Black, two suppliers have terminated their cooperative relationship."

"What else?" Alex Black asked coldly.

"Netizens found out that you have been married for three years, divorced your ex-wife for... Ms. Miller, and questioned our corporate culture..."

"that's all?"

Chris Huston pursed his lips and didn't dare to say any more. The words spoken by netizens were ten thousand times worse than what he dictated.

"Alex Black doesn't talk about masculinity, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot..."

"Alex Black is obviously married, why set up a single noble personality? This is deception. The corporate culture of this company is not good, it is too dishonest."

"It's obviously for the sake of Xiaosan that he abandoned his scumbag wife! A scumbag!"

"Can you really do whatever you want with being handsome? Who is Xiaosan? Why can't I find her high-definition photo?"

Alex Black clicked on the webpage by himself, his handsome face darkened.

Vivian Miller's face has been blurred in photos circulating online.

Emily White has become the focus, and netizens are discussing how she became the woman behind Alex Black, silently supporting and giving but being abandoned by scumbags.

Before Alex Black's eyes, Emily White calmly stated that she chose to step aside.

It was she who took the initiative to choose, voluntarily quit, and no longer participated in his life.

and not anything else!

This confidence is unprecedented in her body.

Alex Black faintly suspects that Emily White has designed everything, exposing the divorce, discrediting his image, and becoming her most powerful revenge against him.

However, this is not possible.

Emily White has been living by him for three years, so what kind of contacts and abilities stop him from withdrawing the news?

"Mr. Black, find out who did it." Chris Huston received the message and interrupted Alex Black.

Alex Black flipped through the messages on the tablet, frowning slightly, "The Garcia family?"

He remembered that the Garcia family had nothing to do with him, nor did it have anything to do with Emily White.

"Andrew Garcia, what does this mean?" Alex Black didn't think the Garcia family had the ability to make things ferment into the current scene, there should be someone behind it.

Chris Huston shook his head again, "Ms. Garcia was responsible for this matter."

Alex Black squinted his eyes. As far as he knew, Ms. Garcia hadn't been out of the house for a long time.

They never crossed paths.

"Call and let's meet Ms. Garcia for a while."

The top floor of the MZ building.

The news that the president of the Delight corporation suspected of cheating and abandoning his hidden wife was projected on the entire wall. The facial features of the man behind Emily White were enlarged, and it seemed that every pore was full of anger.


The woman's voice hooked slightly, and she clicked her lips, revealing a bit of mockery. The stylist just changed her into a small black fragrant dress. Her long hair is slightly curly, and her high heels are sleek and neat. She has a temperament that she has never had before.

Secretary Anna came in at this time and asked her, "Miss, the special assistant to the president of the Delight corporation just called to ask, their president wants to meet you."

"Who are you seeing?" Kyle Garcia's lips moved slightly, reconfirming.

The secretary was a little confused.

Is there anyone in New York who doesn't know about Delight? Are there people who don't know the Delight corporation, but are there people who don't know Alex Black? The youngest, richest and most handsome man in the mall.

"Alex Black, the president of the Delight Corporation, he seems to have misunderstood you." The secretary repeated again.

Kyle Garcia smiled, relaxed, "Tell him I'm not free."


The secretary backed out, and Kyle Garcia couldn't know how happy he was.

Over the years, she had endured that man enough.

Now, Feng Shui turns, and it's his turn to be deflated!

But she is also aware of surnamed black's temperament, he will never give up until he achieves his goal.

So Kyle Garcia didn't stay long in MZ, and drove away after meeting Chairman Qi.

It's just that she underestimated Alex Black after all.

Kyle Garcia had just driven out of the MZ building when Alex Black's car appeared in the rearview mirror.