
The CEO's Deadly Love

Zhang Shi doesn't need anyone, she is more than enough to handle all her problems herself. She is strong enough to look after herself and is rich enough to buy anything she desires. Her past experiences forced herself to not believe in anyone again and not to give her heart to someone else. She was afraid of falling in love But it took all his efforts, care and patience to make her realize that neither all men are same nor every love story ends with tears. She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put together back by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again. Then came the devil of the business world, Bao Yang who fell in love with her at first sight, he was a man who was willing to go to any length just for her. He was willing to destroy anyone who dared to harm her, He set fire to the world around him but never let a flame touch her. They were destined to be together before they were pulled apart by the ones they called their family. Now fate has once again brought them back together, but will the two of them still recognize each other after all the changes that they went through. ***** Shi entered the living room of her house only to find her dear husband huddled in the corner of the living room surrounded by his top bodyguards as they stared at a packet lying on the table. Yang: [After noticing his wife] Shi come near me, some idiot actually delivered a bomb. It is dangerous. Shi: [With a smirk on her face] What danger? Yang and the rest of the people surrounding him watch in shock as their mistress walks towards the bomb and easily diffuses it using a knife she just picked up from the counter. The bodyguards were ready to cough blood when their lady boss causally said, Shi: It was one of the easiest bomb I have seen till date. Any normal person would be able to diffuse it. Bodyguards: [In their hearts] No mistress no one would be able to do it, you are not normally at all. ***** Join my discord server, https://discord.gg/hS4mgQkWVB

BelleFille · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs


On the large oak table, Yang and Shi sat opposite to each other as Yang called for the cooks to once again heat up the food and bring it out.

''Butler Yan please tell the cooks to once again heat up the food and then bring it out.''

After saying this Yang once again fell in deep thought as he tried to think of an excuse to lure Shi so that he could begin his plan.

During this time, housekeeper Ying came out and placed some light food in front of them.

"Master and lady instead of reheating the food for the nth time,

I asked for the kitchen to make you some light food as it is quite late and the regular dinner may cause the two of you some indigestion. I hope that it is alright, if not, then please do tell me so that I could bring out your original dinner.''

Shi, who had started eating her food, lightly waved her hand as she told her.

"No it's alright aunty Ying, I am fine how about you Yang?"

Yang also nodded his head, expressing that he was fine, with the change, and waved his hand to disperse all of the servants to go out.

In a quiet room, the two of them silently ate their food in tactic understanding with the silence surrounding them.

And neither of them found the silence overbearing.

They did not feel the need to talk as they knew that the person opposite to them was silent not because of their presence, but because the silence felt nice, it felt calming.

After finishing the dinner, Shi was on her way to her room and Yang was silently following her like a faithful puppy as he continuously recked his brain to find an excuse to stop Shi.

''Shi do you like drinking?"

Yang suddenly blurted out of his nervousness when he saw Shi turned the knob of her bedroom door.


Shi said,

"I actually don't drink that much as I have low alcohol intolerance, but why are you asking?"

"umm... well.... you see....."

Yang racked his brain to come up with an excuse on the spot,

'Think Yang..... think dammit!'

"You see... I have recently acquired an expensive and rare wine, and I wanted to drink it tonight, but drinking alone is a bit depressing, don't you think so?"

Yang felt like patting himself on the back for coming up with such an awesome excuse.

Shi slowly nodded her head as she told him,

"Well yeah, it's quite depressing, I think."

"You are right! It is very depressing.''

Yang furiously nodded his head,

"So why don't you drink with me?"

Yang asked with hope that she will say yes.

Hey guys!

Thank you all for your wishes, I am recovering well.


Slowly but well.

Except for the fact that I think god hates me.


Right now at the moment of writing this I am suffering from Covid-19, secondary infection, sprained right foot and probably a UTI.

My room feels like my own personal hell, with an attached bathroom.

But on the brighter side,

I am recovering well.


See you all next time

Stay safe

Stay healthy

Much Love



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