
When heartbreak lingers

"Stop!" she exclaimed in panic, holding her trembling hands up in surrender and her heart slammed away in her chest in fear. "I will do what you want, just don't hurt her." Her eyes blurred up and her lips quivered.

She knew better than to call bluff on his threats.

He halted and uncocked the gun before turning to meet her glassy, and now desperate, eyes. And what he saw pleased him.

"That's my girl, so obedient." he cooed. "Your good heart never leads you astray. Now bring out your phone and call your lover boy. You need to make sure that your words are believable because Lisa isn't out of the woods yet."

Afraid, angry and defeated, she pulled out her phone from her purse on the couch and dialled Cainan's number.

After the third dial, with no answer from Cainan, she lowered the phone from her ear, mumbling. "He's not answering, usually he answers..."