

Damon said nothing, but his eyes were hooded and heavy. “Just one kiss, Wendy. Just one. I have to kiss you. It’s all I’ll demand for now. I can wait for more until we have this account settled.” he said, and then he put his arms around her. She stood frozen in the circle of them as his heavy dark gaze followed the line of her throat Without waiting her consent, he swept his mouth over hers. Finally. Her sweetness exploded onto his tongue the moment he licked over her lips. Her mouth parted in a gasp, and he took full advantage, delving deep into her moist heat. It was everything she’d dreamt about, their kiss. The taste, the feel, the joy at the sheer fineness of Damon Paige, in all his tall, beautifully built splendor, thrilled her and filled her with exquisite sensations. And for that moment, all the complications of getting involved with Damon melted away as if they’d never existed…. When he raised his head abruptly, she thought it was so he could say something personal and intimate that would put the perfect seal on their togetherness. He didn’t. He stared down at her, and she could see his tortured expression before he closed his eyes briefly and then put her away from him. The look in his eyes was brooding and somber. “I should never have done that.” he said. ---------------------- Wendy Morgan relocates to New York and reunites with Deborah Paige, her best friend from high school, despite the fact that her father disagrees with her decision. But Wendy is tired of letting her father dictate every aspect of her life, especially now that he has arranged for her to marry Jordan Baker, so she is convinced that she has made the right decision by leaving. Soon, Wendy finds herself in the same situation with Damon Paige.... Will she walk away this time? She only has to pretend to be Damon's fiance for a while though.... She could do that. What could possibly go wrong?

Whendhie · Fantasia
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31 Chs

Chapter Eight

It would make her life easier to be able to hide her thoughts from this man. Then she wouldn’t concern herself over whether he was giving her a shot because he thought she deserved it or whether he was thinking only of the powerful sexual pull between them and how best to capitalize on it.

Wow, Wendy. Lump him in with all the other jerks you’ve known, why don’t you? Nothing like being tried and convicted based on your gender, she thought.

Okay maybe that was wrong to judge him like that, but what about Debbie? What if something happened and her friendship with Debbie was ruined. She didn't want to hurt someone who had always been good to her.

“Relax. You’re thinking way too much,” Damon murmured close to her ear. "You were the one who said you wanted to do this professionally"

"And I am doing this professionally" she replied.

He giggled. "You know, you are wound up tight. The Wendy I knew from high school wasn't so uptight, she was more..... flexible"

She looked up and glared at him. "I am not uptight" she said.

He smiled at her. "Alright... If you say so, Red"

She forced herself to do as he’d instructed and gave herself over to the beautiful music and the sheer enjoyment of dancing with a man who took her breath away.

“So how is next week? I have Friday free.” Damon said, breaking the silence.

She jerked back to reality, and for a moment couldn’t for the life of her figure out what he was talking about. Some professional she was.

“I was thinking we could meet informally and you could go over what you have in mind. If I’m interested we could do the whole shebang at your agency. Maybe that’ll save us both a lot of time and hassle if I’m not loving your ideas.” he added.

“Sure. I can do Friday. Friday is good.” Wendy replied.

He nodded, and after a few seconds, he said, "You know, you might not believe this, but I had a huge crush on you when we were growing up"

Wendy smiled. "I kinda knew, though I wasn't sure" she said.

He looked a bit surprised, though he didn't stop smiling. "Oh really?" he said. "Wow, so much for my big secret. I thought you just saw me as Debbie's geeky older brother"

"I kinda did" Wendy replied, and then she laughed.

Daniel decided he liked the sound of her laughter. The music ended, and he held her just a bit longer than necessary, or maybe it was that long, but she was so affected by the intensity of his gaze that she couldn’t formulate a single objection.

“I’ll have my assistant call you with the time and location for the meeting.” he said.

He picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. The warm brush of his mouth over the back of her hand sent a bolt of pleasure straight down her spine.

“Until Friday.” he said.

She watched wordlessly as he strolled away. He was immediately swallowed up by a crowd of people again, but he turned and found her gaze. For a moment they simply stared at one another and then the corners of his mouth lifted into a half smile.

Oh, yes, he knew. He knew exactly what her reaction to him was. He knew exactly what she was thinking. He’d have to be a complete moron not to. And he was anything but. The man was smart, she knew that. He was driven. And as she had learnt, he had a reputation for being ruthless. He was the perfect client.

She turned to walk toward the exit. She’d done what she’d come for. There was no reason to stick around and be social.

If there was any gossip over her dance with Damon, she certainly didn’t want to hear it.

On the way, she passed Evan and Camille, who were standing somewhat awkwardly to the side. Evan didn’t say anything. He just lifted an inquiring brow. Of course he would have seen her dancing with Damon.

Evan probably hadn’t looked at anyone but Damon all night. A shame, really, since Camille looked fabulous in her black sheath.

“Friday,” she said in a low voice. “I meet with him Friday. No formal pitch. He wants to hear my ideas first. If he likes them, he’ll arrange a time for us to hit him with both barrels.” She said.

Evan nodded, and she saw the gleam of satisfaction light his eyes. She was happy.

“Good work, Wendy.” he replied.

Wendy smiled and resumed her path to the door. She had a lot to do before next Friday.


Damon Paige loosened his tie as soon as he walked into his house. He left a trail of clothing from the door, where he threw his jacket over one of the chairs, to the bedroom where he peeled off his socks and left them on the floor.

The desk with his laptop and briefcase beckoned, but for once, the idea of work didn’t appeal to him. He was too preoccupied with thoughts of Wendy Morgan.

Beautiful, seductive, impossibly aloof Wendy Morgan. She hadn't changed much, only gotten hotter with the passage of time.

His body had been on heightened sense of alert ever since she walked into his sister's apartment. He had thought that he was over that crush he had on her, but clearly he wasn't... Or maybe it had just come back.

He had been on alert in the ballroom, and though he’d known the moment she left, he was still tense and painfully aware of her scent, how she felt in his arms, how her skin felt under his fingers the one time he’d been bold enough to touch her.

He wanted to do a hell of a lot more than just touch. He wanted to taste her. He wanted her underneath him, making all those feminine, breathy sounds of a woman being pleasured.

He wanted to slide his hand between those gorgeous legs and spread her thighs.

He would spend all night making love to her. A woman such as Wendy wasn’t to be rushed. No, not when he had wanted her for so long. He would get to know every inch of her body. Find out where she liked to be touched and kissed.