
The Ceo's arrogant wife

Drowning in sorrows in her favorite bar, Li Xie looked at the bartender with her flushed cheeks and ordered for another drink. With her blurry eyes, she saw a man who made the whole bar whispher,she immediately went forward and held his firm shoulders seducing him and in the end she had a one night stand with a stranger.The next morning, she woke up with a terrible hangover,memories of yesterday flooded in.The man looked less bothered, looking so elegant and charismatic,he held his tea cup and moved his lips"i don't mind taking responsibility,be my wife since i took your first time".It seem so fast in her eyes that she didn't know how to reply"okay"she immediately gave in to him later realizing that he was the heir of the zhang corporation. Showering her with love and affection as he dealt with any enemy that comes his wife way. ----------- Zhang Linfen,an arrogant Ceo of the Zhang corporation,in need of a wife. He went to a bar and got seduced by a fiesty girl, being the one who took her first time,he offered to accept responsibility. Their marriage was very complicated,full with secrets and mysteries that neither of them are yet to unravel. Dealing with all their enemies,they had to deal with the biggest enemy which was themselves. Follow the trail of their love and hate relationship and how they go through it. ------------------ Their Love "Zhang Linfen, listen,i don't....."he interrupted her.       "Don't call me Zhang Linfen, we're married,so call me hubby. Ok"she looked at him in daze.        "Hubby?,why would i call you that?"she asked.        "Oh,you don't want to call me hubby, then you can call me sweet heart, honey,boo"she was surprised at his shamelessness, she didn't know that the multi billionaire Zhang Linfen could be so childish. --------------- Their Hate. She pushed him away and looked away"am really sorry for....."she shush him hiding her tears.       "Mr Zhang,you don't need to be sorry for anything,let bygones be bygones. And i assume we're both happy separately"she turned off the cooker and poured the water in bowl. Zhang Linfen heart hurts when he heard her call him with alienation.        "What about our children?"she stopped in her tracks with a frightened look.      "What about them?, they're mine not yours"she started walking again when he talked.       "They are also mine since they were created through me"she sigh, he hasn't changed one bit.       "What if i said they are not your children....uh... what will you say?"shewalked away from his sight as he smiled.

Purpleblack · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

First Date as a couple (2)

In City F underworld.

       "Who is that woman that dares to challenge me"a strong voice said as everyone broke into cold sweats, anybody could have thought that the person was a man but who would have guessed that it was actually a woman that made all the men cower in fear of facing her wrath.

     A man came forward with courage and boldness,he didn't look intimidated by her aura, the rest of the people looked at him like they just found their messiah.

     "Milady,it looks like the girl didn't died but she has no memories of what happened to her few years ago. To her, she's an orphan whose mother died and was taken captive by her father and betrayed by her fiance, right now she's married to a Zhang secretly"the lady's look softened as she soon forgot why she was angry,so many years ago, she was separated from her because of her background but soon, soon, she'll be reunited with her.

     She couldn't help but smile,the men in the room were beyond stupified seeing their master smiled for the first time of working here, what they would do to see that beautiful smile.

    The woman was in cloud nine,she would soon take what rightfully hers


          (The story may get confusing from here but please read on and go with the flow, you'll soon understand everything.

     There's a lot of secrets to be unraveled, comment, review and vote, don't forget to add to your library. If you're faithful readers, I'll will update two chapters a day,it may not be constant, just bear with me please.

   Lots of love).

      In the restaurant.

   Li Xie sneered at the person she just met in her heart, she washed her hands and then her face to avoid any conversation with the person, she was about to walk away without any interaction when the person talked.

     "Xiexie,how are you doing?"Li Xie almost puked when she heard her high pitched voice say her name so intimately.

     She had no choice but to turn back and look at the person.

     "Minmin"she forced a smiled.

      "Sister-in-law,i haven't seen you for a while now. Why aren't you visiting anymore"Li Xie heart pained,why she deliberately trying to open her barely healed wounds.

      The person in her front was Fu Min, Fu Yohan younger sister and a spoilt brat, she had always hated Li Xie because of her relationship with her brother, she preferred Wen xuminin because she's her best friend.

       "Or are you and brother having an argument of any sort?"she looked at Li Xie trying to catch her emotions.

      "Of course not,i just needed some space and we broke up"Li Xie said nonchalantly but her heart was hurting, she had loved that man for five years,he showered her with nothing but love,care and support. 

     Fu Min sneered in her heart and cursed her'pretenious woman'.

         "Aiya,why?,you were really the greatest sister in law before giving up"she said with a tone of mockery.

      "I wasn't giving up,my sister was clearly fond of reusing my used stuff so i gave her. You know the saying, another man's garbage is another man treasure"Li Xie said as Fu Min face twisted a bit in anger and frustration, she was trying to break this woman but she won't bulge.

      "Yes that saying is true,you came with a dat right sister..."Li Xie looked at her warily not understanding what she hinting to before nodding.

      "He's really handsome and i could see the women out her eyeing him,who knows how many women has gotten into his pants,so that means you may be using another woman trash"she praised herself inwardly for the great comeback.

      "I don't care how many women has gotten into his pants, what i care about is that he has eyes for me only and if you excuse me, i have to take my leave"without saying anymore words, she walked out with a beating heart, she started feeling insecure.

       What Fu Min said was right, she didn't know how many women he had been with, he's the CEO and multi billionaire of a well known company. Who is she?,a girl with no background, her eyes got tearing.

      She opened the door to see Zhang Linfen waiting outside patiently,his eyes lit up when he saw her as he curled up his lips in happiness, he immediately hugged her sniffing in her smell while catching her by surprise.

      "Why are you angry?, did i do anything wrong?"he hugged her tightly as if if he let go, she would disappear.

      "C.... can't b...bre..breath"he released her as she tried to catch her breath, she looked at the man face with conflicted emotions,the man saw her pluffy eyes.

     "Did you cry in the restroom?"just then, the door opened as Fu Min came out, seeing Li Xie so close to another man made her feel so irritated, she sneered and walked pass them but not before saying a word that will turn her whole life upside down.

     "Whore"Zhang Linfen eyes turned frosty, he didn't mind her but she insulted his wife, so she has to pay the price,he looked at the woman in front of him, the woman he fell for at first sight, the woman that made him change drastically. He looked at her lips,her seducing and enticing lips,he was drawn by them.

     He drew closer and entwined their lips together, she tried resisting but her body kept doing the opposite,he attacked her lips, nibbling the lower lips and forcing her mouth open until he got full access to it. When he felt her complying,he deepened the kiss,he felt his little brother hardened and released her not wanting to go any further.

      She wanted to die from embarrassment, he kissed her in front of the restrooms where people where passing by, he didn't look like he was bothered, he looked at her swollen lips and smiled at his art work.

      "Don't cry again, when you cry,i get sad"he said like a small little boy coaxing his mother, she smiled slightly and nodded still feeling shy.

       "I think we should continue our dinner"he held her hand and led her to the dinner table he reserved,he noticed her sad expression and wanted to ask her the matter but he was sure,she won't answer,so he left her and continued with their dinner in silence.