
The CEO“s Office Boy is a Girl (edited original by Zehell2218)

Do you know a reincarnation in modern times with a cliche plot? A super talented woman. Betrayed by best friend. Cheated by her dear fiance. A broken family. Luckily she is spoiled by the cool ML and the gentle second ML. She also got her revenge! Ahhh super cliche, no? But still! Isn't it exciting? A lot of girls fawned over this kind of cliche drama and Tan Hua, a talented young fashion designer is also not an exception. But...will it still be exciting if you one day found out that somehow you have transmigrated into this kind of chinese drama not as the FL or the villainess but as a nameless nobody, a lowly office boy who is actually a girl?! That is what Tan Hua, a 22 years old super rich daughter of a famous fashion designer parents ended up in. From an extremely rich and pampered life into a poor life of commoner. Not only that...Tan Hua also had to live her new life in disguise as a boy! The worst part is that the second male lead-sama the one who fawn over the FL...is going to kill her the moment she just transmigrated in??!! Watch as Tan Hua survived from the black-bellied second male lead-sama scheme being only a normal office boy with no money no power at all, slowly rising to be a world-wide famous fashion designer! But...could someone tell her just why the hell that evil second male lead-sama who was courting the FL before...is now pestering her?? THIS IS NOT THE ORIGINAL STORY BUT IS A EDIT FOR GRAMMAR ALL CREDIT GOES TO Zehell2218 THIS STORY IS NOT MINE

grammarpolice · Fantasia
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6 Chs


Tan Hua looked at her room and once again wanted to faint. There wasn't any king-size bed in her room so she just slept using a futon. Her bedroom was small!Tan Hua wanted to cry. How could she live like this? For 22 years, she lived like a princess, making millions of dollars a year, eating delicious food, wearing expensive clothes, but now she was broke! And she only had boy clothes!She, from a super-rich family, now had to live in a super poor family!!"Hueee I wanna go back....this room doesn't have air conditioning...no dressing tables, no mirrors...no sofas...no mini theater...no libraries...How could I live on?"Tan Hua ended up crying that day. She cried a lot until she woke up at 7 p.m. She was woken up by Tan Hui, her older sister."Tan Huo are you feeling unwell? Are you sick?" Tan Hui's gentle voice and her unconcealed care for her reminded her of her mom. Well even though this Tan Hui was mentally unstable she still cared a lot for her family.Looking at the worried Tan Hui, Tan Hua quickly wiped her eyes and comforted her. She told her she was alright even though she didn't feel so.With Tan Hui's love for her Tan Hua slowly cheered up. No wonder the Tan Hua in this world willing to live as Tan Huo just for his sister.Tan Hui was kind and caring. For her sake.Tan Hua looked at her new sister and promised that she would take on this burden. She accepted the fact that she had to live as a boy from now on. She would also try to deal with their poor condition.'Right! No need to cry over something like this. Crying will not solve everything!'Tan Hua, feeling energetic again, slowly left her room following Tan Hui to eat dinner.Tan Hua had just accepted her fate when she finally saw their house condition.She almost fainted.The house wasn't exactly a house. It was only a rented room in a shabby-looking apartment. No, not a high-class apartment with many floors, there were only 2 floors.The room itself wasn't good. The kitchen, the living room, all of it were placed in one place. Tan Hua sat down with a lot of reluctance and when she saw the food she nearly died.There was only a bowl of rice and vegetables. No meat. Tan Hui couldn't provide chopsticks or anything. The drink? No tea. No coffee. No milk. Only plain water.Tan Hua was used to eating like a rich person and now she had to eat with her bare hands.Tan Hua had the urge to vomit. She had to eat these low-quality rice and half-cooked vegetables? From now on? 'Nooo!!! I wanna go home!'That night Tan Hua forced herself to eat everything Tan Hui made for her. It was usual for her to waste food back in her previous world but now she couldn't.Just looking at that charming smile of her sister she couldn't waste food she didn't like. For the first time in her life, Tan Hua learned to not waste food.That night, Tan Hua cried in her sleep. She felt bad. What's wrong with her that she had to live like this? Couldn't she just go back to her old world and enjoy her life?It was hard. Extremely hard for Tan Hua. She often read in novels about other people transmigrated as another person but they seemed okay so she thought she would also be okay.But the reality was harsh. What's fun about being transmigrated if she couldn't have her old life?Tan Hua was depressed. She even thought to commit suicide as she thought it would be a way to go home.But just as she had thought so something unbelievable happened. chapter 9Someone suddenly appeared in front of Tan Hua."W-who are you?!"Tan Hua who was lazying on her bed while her sister was out working, was almost startled to death. She was alone in the house since her sister went out to her job when someone suddenly appeared in front of her."Hohoho calm down child I am a good man." With a strange laugh, the person approached Tan Hua slowly."Don't come here!" frightened, Tan Hua moved back until her back met the wall.She was terrified that the man would be someone sent by Nan Shen to kill her but when she looked closely the man was someone young. He wore a white shirt and jeans, his hair white but his eyes were golden.In short, he was handsome. Tan Hua's bad habit and that was the fact that she was easily distracted by handsome men.Somehow because the man was handsome, Tan Hua felt that she wasn't that scared anymore.She was about to say hi to the man when she looked at his feet and realized something.The man was floating on air!1 second later, Tan Hua fainted."Ei? She fainted!" The man who was quietly looking at Tan Hua was shocked as well when he saw Tan Hua faint just like that!5 minutes later...Tan Hua blinked her eyes slowly and the first thing she saw was that man face in front of her."Waah!""Aah!" The man was startled and backed away from Tan Hua's place with a surprised look on his face.With a scream, Tan Hua woke up and ran away to the corner, shivering like a hamster."Go away you ghost! Don't bother me! Go find someone else to haunt!" With all her might she waved her hand and curled her body like a wounded cat.'I was a fool! Even though this stranger was handsome who would have thought that he was a ghost? What was he doing here?! Was he here to bother me or to kill me?!'Before Tan Hua's imagination ran wild, the man sighed and quickly clarified his identity."Wait. I'm not a ghost. I'm a God. I'm the one who brought you here you know?" With a casual tone, the man who claimed to be God, sat down not far from Tan Hua's place while grinning mischievously."...what? God?" That sh**ty God who brought all this calamity onto her? The corner of Tan Hua's lips twitched unconsciously when she heard what this crazy man said.'Hahaha, should I laugh, scream, be surprised, cry, or what?'Seeing that Tan Hua was too shocked to speak, the man claiming himself to be God nodded his head arrogantly."I know this might sound crazy to you but don't get too excited 'kay? I know that you must be shocked to see the great me but..." The man spoke with his chin raised. He spoke as if it was Tan Hua's honor to receive him in this place.Tan Hua's forehead twitched the moment that man began to brag about how great he was.She wondered if she could punch that smug grin off. Without thinking any further, Tan Hua launched a sudden punch straight to the man's face. That was what supposed to happen but it didn't happen.It was a pity to punch a handsome man so Tan Hua punched the man's stomach instead."GAH!"It was beyond Tan Hua's imagination that her punch would land to her target. She thought that it would pass through his body as the man was supposedly a ghost but...She hit him! Yeah!"Y-you!!! why the hell would you hit me?!" The man clutched his stomach as tears formed at the corner of his eyes."Heh! As if I'll believe someone like you to be a God! Even if you're a God, I'll still punch you. Why? Because you brought me to this world without my permission and I have to suffer all because of you!" With a scream, Tan Hua pointed her finger to the man's face and harumphed arrogantly.This was what she had wanted to do if she met the God who brought her to this world. She wanted to punch him."Haishh I came here to tell you about this actually...you have to know why you are here in this world." The man called God to stroke his stomach with a pitiful appearance."Tell me!" Tan Hua harumphed once again but this time she didn't punch the man for the second time."Alright. Listen well." The man then started to tell Tan Hua the reason why she was transmigrated here.chapter 10It turned out that the man was God of Drama World which was this world. He made a bet with his friend, a God of Tan Hua's original world.His friend wanted to exchange a soul from the other world to this drama world but the God of this world refused so they made a bet while playing a game and the God of this world lost the game!The bet was that The God of Tan Hua's previous world will exchange someone's soul from her world to this world but the God of this world also had to do the same.Because the God of this world lost the bet, even though he was reluctant to do so he had to exchange a soul.Then one day the God heard a pious girl pray to have a nice life and that girl was Tan Hua of this world.Then looking at Tan Hua at another world who lived happily, also looking at her talent for the better future of his world the God of this world finally exchanged their souls so Tan Hua of this world was now in Tan Hua's previous world."How dare you?! How dare you involve me in your little puny game? Don't you know that I am suffering because of you? I want to go back!" Tan Hua's eyes were teary as she poured all her feelings to that b*stard God.What kind of God is he? How can he make other people's life suffer just because he lost a bet?! She hated him!"And why me?! Why the hell did you choose me?? if you want someone talented in the fashion world there are a lot of people more talented than me!" Tan Hua grabbed the man's collar and shook it crazy.She was mad. What was fun about this? Being transmigrated into someone pitiful like this, did God know how hard it was for her?"What? I'm sorry that I had to involve you but I choose you for a reason! I know you will survive and even become someone influential in this world..." God was taken aback by Tan Hua's complaint and he did feel bad for her but he choose Tan Hua for a reason okay?"What reason?" Wiping her tears, Tan Hua stare daggers at the man in front of her. So this was God of Fashion huh? No wonder he looked young, handsome, and fashionable.Hmph! If he wasn't handsome maybe she would have already beat him up until he became a pig!"So...haish I want you to bring a new era to fashion in this world. You have to realize it by yourself but I am sure if it is you, you can do it." God scratched his non-itching head with an awkward feeling.He wasn't lying. He choose Tan Hua for a reason and he knew for sure that Tan Hua would do many extraordinary things in this world."So I will live forever in this world from now on?" Tan Hua lowered her head and slumped down her shoulder. She was tired of arguing with this sh**ty God."Y-yeah... but don't worry for your parents as the Tan Hua from this world is ready to replace you there. A-and...emm...you can sometimes look at your parents' condition through me." God fidgeted while answering Tan Hua's question.Tan Hua was silent. She didn't know why God choose her but...she couldn't keep complaining and crying right?Fine! She'll believe in herself, in her talent, and her ability that she will live well in this world!"Fine. I accept my condition but at least you should give me a compensation gift or something right?" Already have calmed down her heart, Tan Hua looked at the God with a sly smile."Okay then... what do you want? I promise I'll grant one of your wish" The God sighed. 'If only I didn't lose the game...' But it's okay, this girl over here would surely bring many good things to his world! A little compensation gift was nothing for him."Promise me you'll grant it first then I'll say my wish" Tan Hua rubbed her chin as a cunning light flashed through her black eyes."As long as it's not something that will bring harm to my world, I promise I'll grant it for you" God then made a promise to granted Tan Hua wish."Then my wish is for you to descend as a human being and accompany me as my servant from now on. This wish won't bring harm to this world so you must grant it" Tan Hua dropped a bomb to the God with her bizarre wish.