

In the CURIO-VII-G bunker net after the Fallout, Dr. Evelyn Walsh, a renowned yet forgotten researcher, receives a crystal with the power to create life from scratch. Her student, Ava Knight, senses danger within this mysterious object. Follow brilliant Dr. Walsh and courageous Ava Knight in a series of recovered tapes narrating the CURIO VII-G anomaly.

Lena_Black · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Tape #11 - Unrelenting

That night, Dr. Walsh and her assistant slept peacefully in the medical bay. Ava tossed and turned on the couch, trying to make herself comfortable when she was startled by a tap on the window that overlooked the hall.

She peeked from outside the blanket, being met by the abnormally chilly air. Only then, she realized the heavy metallic door was ajar.

Fear replaced sleepiness as she shot up and went to wake Dr. Walsh, but the geneticist's bed was empty, blankets tossed aside. Anxiety tightened her throat. Grabbing a pen from the table for potential defense, she whispered, -"Doc? Please, you're freaking me out..."-

Silence. Then, a creak from the other side of the room. Ava spun around, pen held aloft like a desperate sword. Dr. Walsh stood there, hair tucked into a silk cap.

-"Ava, what...?"- She inquired, her voice husky from sleep. Ava lowered the pen, embarrassed. -"Sorry, Doc. Saw the door open and panicked. If you were hot, you could've just kicked off the comforter."-

-"But I didn't..."- Dr. Walsh's voice died in her throat as she glanced behind Ava. The door, previously locked, gaped open. A shiver echoed Ava's fear.

-"Ava,"- Dr. Walsh whispered, more to herself than to her student. -"Don't panic. Maybe the nurses checked in."-

She gently took the pen from Ava's shaky hand. -"Hey. I know this situation is less than ideal."- She reached to stroke her student's hair. Ava lowered her head, welcoming the touch. -"But I'm here. Okay?"-

She nodded, a warm feeling blooming in her chest.

Suddenly, Dr. Walsh pulled her close. -"Behind you."-

Ava's blood ran cold as she recognized the rasping voice. -"The scientist. And you."- The creature extended its long fingers towards them, but the geneticist swatted them away.

-"What do you want?"- she hissed, shielding her student. Ava turned, facing the tall figure as it leaned down.

-"You brought me into existence."- It began, its uncanny voice dripping with disdain. It drew its fingers at its face in a gesture of discomfort. -"But you're inferior. Limited, weak. And because of you, so am I."-

With a flash of unnatural speed, it took Dr. Walsh by the arm, pushing Ava away. -"You will make me perfect."-

The creature tugs at its skin, ripping open the space under its eyes and revealing an opening without teeth. A mouth, albeit shaped in an uncanny grin devoid of any friendliness.

But Ava's determination was stronger than her fear. She took hold of the table beside the couch and flung it at the creature's back.

-"Let her go!"- She demanded, the wood cracking and splintering against its hardened skin.

It turned its head slowly, in a gesture that reminded her of owls. -"Your arrogance blinds you."- The creature released Dr. Walsh and focused on Ava.

Dr. Walsh's mind flashed with understanding. Distraction. She grabbed her pillow, ripping it open with the pen she got from Ava. The creature turned at the tearing sound, feathers flying as she flung the pillow into its face.

It clawed at the feathers, giving Dr. Walsh her chance. Driven by protectiveness and fear, she plunged the pen into its exposed eye.

A bloodcurdling scream echoed as the creature stumbled back, clutching its face. -"Ava, push it!"- Dr. Walsh yelled over the screeching. Ava kicked the creature out the door, and Dr. Walsh slammed it shut, locking it. The howls faded into the distance.

Dr. Walsh finally allowed herself to look at Ava. -"Are you okay?"- she panted, wincing at the ache in her side.

-"I'm okay. Are you?"-

-"I think so..."-

Ava sighed, running a hand through her hair. -"Doc, this is getting way out of hand."-

A glint caught Dr. Walsh's eye. A dark puddle. Crouching, she dipped a finger in the gooey liquid. -"I think it's blood,"- Ava observed. The doctor's face lit up. -"Get me a container."-

Ava raised an eyebrow but found an empty perfume bottle, rinsed it, and returned. Dr. Walsh carefully collected as much of the substance as possible, her eyes sparkling excitedly.

-"To the lab."-