

In the CURIO-VII-G bunker net after the Fallout, Dr. Evelyn Walsh, a renowned yet forgotten researcher, receives a crystal with the power to create life from scratch. Her student, Ava Knight, senses danger within this mysterious object. Follow brilliant Dr. Walsh and courageous Ava Knight in a series of recovered tapes narrating the CURIO VII-G anomaly.

Lena_Black · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Picture Day

[This is a short story based loosely on the canon timeline. Here, makeup enthusiast Ava persuades Dr. Walsh to put makeup on her for the picture of her new ID.]

-"Come on, Doc..."- Ava pleaded, tentatively extending a fluffy, thick brush towards her mentor's face. -"Just a little?"-

-"Ava, dear..."- The doctor pinched the bridge of her nose as she spoke, articulating her words in a heavy yet kindly tone. -"I told you, makeup doesn't suit me. It makes my skin feel unnatural."-

The student frowned, faking disappointment as she put the brush away. -"Fine, fine,"- she conceded. -"Maybe just some gloss?"-

Before Dr. Walsh could protest, the student produced the cutest little tube from her bag. Inside gleamed a sweet, reddish-pink shade that screamed Ava. It seemed innocent enough.

The doctor was indecisive for a second but finally gave in, tilting her head to the side. -"I guess I could stand a bit of that..."-

-"Yes!"- Ava chuckled triumphantly, a pleasant sound that chimed in the cozy room like music.

She opened the desk chair for her mentor and sat on the desk herself, before vigorously shaking the tube and opening it. A subtle berry scent filled the air, a refreshing contrast to the eternally dusty air of the office.

-"Okay..."- Ava composed herself. -"Look at me, Doc. Preferably close your eyes."-

The doctor did as she was told. Ava's cool hand landed underneath her chin, tilting it up slightly. Then, she felt the distinct sensation of a fluffy applicator softly caressing her lips, and made a mental note to refrain from smiling as she felt the student's hands tremble ever so slightly.

-"There..."- Ava whispered, her touch lingering for a second longer before breaking contact. The doctor opened her eyes as her assistant fished a mirror from her bag and handed it to her. -"Do you like it?"- She asked almost sheepishly, expecting her mentor's reaction.

The shade turned out to be rather flattering on the scientist. She marveled at the glossy, smooth finish, and was pleasantly surprised to discover that the texture wasn't heavy or sticky in the slightest. -"I do, in fact,"- she declared, a smile tugging at her lips.

Ava rose a fist in the air triumphantly. -"That's great! You look great!"-

Her mentor's cheeks tinted a faint pink at the compliment. -"Thank you, Ava."-

-"Don't thank me yet, Doc,"- Ava gave her a mischievous, knowing smile. -"We're not done..."-

- - -

A few moments later, much had changed. The scientist was now adorned with Ava's gloss, blush, eye shadow and even a touch of highlighter. Even some discrete eyeliner, the experience cut short because of Ava's shaky hands. No makeup base, as per the doctor's request.

When Ava finally stepped back to admire her work, her breath caught. There, under the yellowish lights of the office, her mentor had never looked so good.

-"I have to admit,"- Dr. Walsh chuckled. -"It was fun being your artistic guinea pig for a moment."-

Ava had to force herself to snap back to reality. -"Right! Guinea pig... No, I mean, it was fun- no, I..."-

The doctor laughed at the student's stammering, a sweet sound that only served to charm the poor, blushing student further. -"Thank you, Ava."-