
The Blue Eyed Cat

You deserve to die!

No, I don't!

You mean nothing!

I want to mean something to someone!

I know, but when they look at you, all they see is a pale white ghost, unworthy of love!

I can find someone to love me! I have to mean something!

You can look all you want, but the only one who cared for you was Hayan, but where is that poor cat? Dead...

Just as you should be.

You told me to kill Hayan! Hayan cared for me, and now she's dead! I held the knife, I tore her belly, I watched her blood turn the snow red, but you told me that it was the right thing to do!

Do you honestly believe that it was okay to leave her to watch your body deteriorate? Yes, she cared for you, but it was a cruel thing to let her live with the pain of watching her master suffer...


The bloodcurdling screech rung through the house as a mother sat with her back against her son's bedroom, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. Hayan, the pure white cat who was gifted to the boy by his mother was found dead in their wooded yard beneath an old oak tree, its blood seeping into the glittering snow. He was only ten at the time, and for five years he hid the secret from his parents. That he had killed the cat, his precious Hayan.

It hadn't been the first time that he had killed an innocent animal. When he was only six years of age, he had a little white hamster. His parents were watching their sweet little boy handle the animal with such tender, loving care when the young boy stood, a wide gummy smile plastered on his face. Little did they know that their son carried scissors in his hoodie's pocket. Hours later they found him laughing, tears streaming down his face as he stared at the little white body of the hamster on his bedroom floor, scissors buried into the small animal's flank.

Two years later, a sweet old woman asked the boy to care for her dog while she was way, visiting family, despite his parents dire warnings. For the first few days, the boy cared for the dog happily. Then came a day when the boy forgot to feed the poor dog. The dog, desperately hungry, trashed the house. When the old woman returned, she was met with a horrible scene in her backyard. Bloody bricks littered the lawn, and a trail of bloodstained grass led to the bloodied, broken body of her beloved poodle.

Broken bones pierced through its curly brown fur and its head was hidden beneath a large brick. Then she heard it, the ring of manic laughter. She looked up and saw the boy, sitting not far from the body. He was laughing, but his features were contorted with pain. "I killed it." The boy whispered. "He made a mess in your house, so I gave him a pat on the head and started cleaning up, but he kept on howling. It was hurting my head, so I killed it,"

After that incident, his father threw him in his room and locked it. That was when his mother gave him the cat. He loved the cat dearly, and was almost normal. That is, until his father lost it.


I can' t sleep. I was scared. Hayan looked so peacefully asleep on my pillow. I love her, but the voices in my head keep telling me that she's better off dead. A knock on my window scares me, but I see the blonde hair and sweet smile of a boy outside my window. I scramble to open the window, and the boy leaps into my arms. His skin is pale and he is very light. Anorexia. I always tried to get him to eat, coaxing him gently, and in return he helps me feel calm. We are both broken, but we help each other feel safe.

We don't need to speak to each other to know what is needed. I carry the boy onto the bed and wrap my arms around his thin, frail body. He nestles his head into the crook of my neck and I feel him wrap his legs around my waist. His warm breath against my neck makes me shudder, and I feel a deep ache in my belly. I groan.

"Shh..." he says as he rubs my back. I feel my eyes grow heavy. I snuggle closer and hold him. I moan softly.

The boy, I like the way he makes me feel. He makes me feel safe. Yes, Hayan does that for me too, but the boy... I love him. Every night is the same. He holds me in his arms and I feel the ache in my belly. I don't know why my belly aches, but I know it's because of him. My belly aches for him. It's as if my body needs him. It's only then that I am able to sleep peacefully.

My eyes close. I hear my door being unlocked. "Yoo- what the!?"

I hear my father shout. Second later I feel the boy being pulled away from me. The ache in my belly gets worse. My legs hurt. My head hurts. I moan the boy's name.

"I will not tolerate this in my house! Why cant you just be a normal boy!?" He pulls me to the ground. "All I wanted was a perfect son and instead I get a homosexual psychopath!"


My cheek hurts.


"Jimin?" I moan softly.

The floor... so cold. My clothes... so tight. And then I see them. The scared blue eyes of the white cat.
