


/"Hey./" She smiles warmly, depositing the flowers on the counter and turns to me with a look of surprise on her pretty face. Taking in my appearance and then my expression with a questioning frown that she is trying to conceal. /"What’s wrong? You look awful?/"

She blinks at me, all dark soft eyes, and elfin features. Natasha is a pretty girl, she always has been, but if I am being honest with myself. I only ever saw in her, someone who looked nothing like Sophie. A complete opposite in every way. Manufactured on purpose.

It feels like everything is clicking clearly into place and with every little notch of the puzzle fitting, it highlights how much of a complete jerk I am. How blind I have been to exactly where my heart has always been.

Sophs is the reason my life is falling to shit these past weeks. Sophie leaves and I fall apart. Isn’t that how it always goes? Why didn’t I see this when I had time to change it?