
The Card Master System

What happens when you wake up in another world completely different from your own? After committing suicide from being so weak in his past life, Leo woke up in where he thought was the afterlife, except he finds out that he was instead transferred to a new world with a system! ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/s322Qvp This server is a platform that is free to publish your work on and they pay you via website traffic so authors interested in posting on yet another free to use platform should check it out!

OmniFrog · Oriental
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75 Chs

Chapter 53

"I hope that he was able to make his way back in one piece. I do not think that I will be able to protect him while I try to escape here." After waiting for several more minutes to make all his preparations for the way back, Leo finally made his way towards the exit of the cave.

It was strange that no spiders came inside the cave from the outside, nor did any crawl over due to the webbing being gone. However, Leo felt that maybe they were asleep or making their preparations elsewhere, possibly on the other side of the cave.

"If the spiders decided to attack the village, this rescue mission me and Christopher took upon ourselves, will mean much less. If there is no village for us to escape to and recover these forces, what will we do?" pondered Leo as he ran forward at his full speed towards the tunnel to lead back to the outside world.

"Hm?" quickly ducking as if someone tried to stab him from behind, Leo stumbled forward on his stomach before recovering his bearing and stood back up.

"No bad little one, for you to sense my killing intent proves that you and I will have a fun time playing hunter and prey. Unfortunately for you, I will of course be the hunter in this scenario!" releasing its grip from the ceiling right above Leo, the muscular spider child of the Spider Queen pounced close to Leo.

"At first, I did not believe that a human that was so young could take down so many members of my army, but instead of making me upset, I was actually pleased. You may be the second human who I have some respect for. It is too bad that you will become my food, I would have loved to see you grow and battle you later." The spider said as it started to transform its body.

This spider who was now hunting down Leo openly had two big horns on top of its head, and it grew an additional two arms with two big poisonous fangs. It still had a human shaped body, but these new features made it look like a deadly monster.

"Your mistake was showing yourself before me. If you were to remain hidden, you would find it easier to battle me. That is not your style though, is it?" Leo asked his opponent. It was clear that he needed to defeat this spider before he could escape back to where Christopher was.

Right now, Leo was pressed for time, but he remained calm and collective. Before him was an enemy that wanted to show off its strength without staying hidden. His opponent also seemed like the type who did not want others to interfere.

Though there may have been more of the Spider Queen's children hiding nearby to launch a surprise attack, Leo still felt that by facing this one head on, would hold the others off until a victor was decided between them. "Time, that is all I need right now!" thought Leo as he withdrew his powerful weapon.

"You humans and your weapons. If you decide to put your weapon away and face me without it, I will make sure that my siblings do not interfere." The spider quickly explained to Leo. "I witnessed your power, but what I want to see now is how formidable you are without the help of a weapon like that one!"

"I must apologize, but I will have to decline on your offer. As my enemy, I can't bring myself to trusting you. Besides, that monster blood that runs through your veins proves that you are not that trustworthy." Leo responded. He would rather have a match with his words to bring him more time, than to battle this spider right away.

Hearing Leo's response enraged the spider as it let out a loud screeching noise. It then looked in Leo's direction before its muscles started to stiffen all over its body as purple poison started to drip out under its fangs.

Not giving his opponent any time to make the initial attack of this fight, Leo quickly started to chant to himself as two wind type clones appeared on his left and right side. Both clones were unarmed, but they released a large amount of energy between them.

"Hmph!" seeing Leo creating two clones continued to enrage the spider. It wanted to beat Leo with his raw strength, but now he needed to use some strategy in this battle. He would much rather crush Leo and hang his skull on its wall with the other formidable humans he bested in battle.

"Go!" shouting his order, the two wind clones started to rush towards the spider at their full speed, trying to catch the spider off guard. During this time, Leo quickly retreated towards the exit of the cave using the strongest wind spell that increased his speed that he knew.

Both wind clones landed a barrage of punches onto the spider's body, but the spider shook them off like it was being hit by small insects. Once the clones saw this, some panic appeared within their faces, before the spider made its move. With its four arms, it quickly ripped the heads of these wind clones off them cleanly as they dispersed.

Leo coughed up a mouthful of blood, before he spit it onto the ground while continuing to head towards the tunnel that was now only several yards in front of him. However, a breath of time later, he felt a sharp stab appear on his shoulder.

Letting out a sharp cry from the pain, Leo stumbled over before finally catching his step as he looked behind him. The spider hit him with its horns and a little chunk of skin hung there one of them as the spider let out an evil smirk on its face.

"Fine, I will face you with all my might." Leo now understanding that all his escape tactics now meant nothing in front of such a dominating opponent, could only accept the situation he was now forced into. Dashing with all his power, Leo in just a moment of time landed next to the spider and swung his weapon directly towards its left shoulder.

Drops of blood started to slowly drop onto the ground below the spider, but the evil grin on its face did not fade away, rather, it became bigger. Licking its wound, the spider only said a single sentence before hitting Leo with all its strength in a single punch. "An eye for an eye!"