
Prom night

Bernard had brought a date for prom night. They had a crush on each other for a long time. They even tried dating a few times throughout the year, but their timing was always off. In some ways, this was their first mutually accepted first date.

Bernard introduced his friends to Susie, she was a really pretty girl, with blue eyes and long straight hair. All of them were surely shocked they couldn’t believe he had someone who loved him so much to tolerate us all and even wanted to marry him. They had never seen this polite, loving side of Bernard. They always knew him as their web friend who liked to tough it out.

So Gerry asked Fiona cheekily “What’s going on?”

“Is that his girlfriend,” he said slowly as they both laughed.

Suddenly Isabella turned towards them and asked,

“Guys, what’s happening back there?”

“Fiona, why are you laughing? Olivia asked.

“It’s nothing.” Fiona uttered.