
A day at the Museum

The afternoon passed, it was about Three o’clock, they decided to go do some sightseeing, in the museum so they all decided to go out and loosen up.

“Phew, finally everything is fine and we are all going to be happy right Isabella, Olivia said.

Fiona was all dressed and they went straight to the museum.

“The National Archaeological Museum here we come”

As they all got out, they were all happy, but Jacob was still standing there and Fiona was just ignoring him. She couldn’t pinpoint what, but an area of anger and lust radiated from him.

They visited the cultural and the art section and revisited Greek history, took some selfies submerged themselves in a jolt of cultural experiences.

The museum was built on the island of Aegina, in the sardonic Gulf in 1829. It was divided into many different collections, and as they all went inside they saw.

It is from the Neolithic era, roughly between 6800-3000bc, and early and mid-Bronze Age between 3000-1700bc

They sawthe Cycladicc art collection, which finds marble figurines that have influenced modern art. These tiny sculptures date back to the third millennium BC from cemeteries throughout the Cyclades island sin the Aegean.

As they looked around they saw what is called Mycenaean collections, it was also found in the Bronze Age Mycenaean civilization and includes gold death masks, stone sellers, bronze weapons, cups, rings, Ivory, and Figurines. The artifacts came from all over the sites, Tiryns, Pylons, Mycenaean, and so on.

The Golden death mask is found by Heinrich Schliemann in 1876 in grave circle a, Mycenae from the 16th century BC.

The Egyptian collection- was one of the best collections in the world, out of over six thousand artifacts only 1100 are displayed to the public.

Which they saw was interesting they saw the Antikythera Ephebe which is a bronze statue of a youth. It was discovered in the year 1900 by sponge divers at a shipwreck off the coast of anticathode.

The Stathatos collection has about a thousand items, pottery, vases, and jewels dating back to the bronze- age up till post-Byzantine.

As Olivia, Bernard, Isabella, and Gerry were looking at them, they noticed that Fiona was missing and started searching for her.

“Fiona, where are you? All shouted desperately.

Fiona was with Jacob, trying to kill him, but she couldn’t. She brought her hands up to her face to protect it, but it was useless. He brushed them aside as if they were nothing more than a nuisance. He pulled her hair, twisting her head around so that she was forced to look up at him. His pale blue eyes flickered over her face without expression. She could hear herself saying something. A word or two, a reply perhaps in her language, she could not tell. He took no notice. He slapped her heavily as if making fun of her, and then he drew back his hand, correcting his aim. There was a moment’s pause and then his heavy fist made contact with her cheek. She felt it hitting on her jaw. Her mouth was filled with blood; after a second pause, she received another punch, and another, and then another. Her mouth felt pulpy and warm. Suddenly there was ice on her teeth. It took her a moment to realize that the cold, sandy stuff in her mouth was grit, mixed with ice. The next thing she knew, she was lying on the floor face down. He was big, almost her size, and when he got her on her feet again, she was light as snow, and carried her in his arms.

“Stupid." He whispered stuck between his lips and teeth. “You stupid girl!” He said it again and again; each time with a blow, and sometimes even with a slap. She could see his boots, clean black boots. She even caught a glimpse of her face

She felt the steel cap prodding her face, below the site he had kicked her hard and fast. The poker-hot stab of pain went all the way up to her follicles. He looked down. His face was inches away from her as he pulled her coat from her shoulders and kept it aside. She was already cold, colder than she could’ve ever dreamt of, she felt a chill on her bare skin that had nothing to do with the wind. He then grabbed her skirt ripping it off her hips.

She Screamed, “No.... Please, no".


“No, No."

“Shut up." The exchange lasted less than a second. Slapping her again and again, he climbed on top of her, smothering her with his bulk and weight. He wrapped his thick meaty hands around her neck and pulled her knees apart. She had never felt anything like this. He was cutting into her as if to split her in two. She cried, she pleaded. But he did not stop. She could feel him sliding in and out of her in a rhythm of excruciating pain and discomfort. His hand choked her throat, cutting off her breath, all the while continuing his treacherous desires. She could feel herself slipping in and out of consciousness. The sounds coming out of his throat seemed like that of an animal, forcing himself on her as she struggled desperately underneath him.

She was lying lifeless on the ground when they found her. They couldn’t believe what had happened.

Who could do this? No human being for sure. No one, not even him…