[Paused, going to be eddited] In the 1920s, a son is born. Emrys Caddell, heir to the most ancient and noble house of Caddel, a house that is the descendent of Ravenclaw herself is born. This is the story of the house of Caddell, the family he was now born into. Mature content.
--Caddell Manor—11th, September 1938—
Atticus Caddell was sat slouched in his chair. He had been sitting there in his office for hours. He quickly cast a cooling charm on his small glass before downing the fiery liquid in one go, before grabbing the bottle to pour more. Just as he had done before, he drank it again in another go before pushing the glass away from his person.
He had ended up cutting his business trip short, coming back to Britain once he had that confrontation with Grindelwald. The man was completely mad. What could he possibly want with the deadly hallows? Did he truly believe those tales? Of course, the existence of the deathly hallows wasn't false.
There was the invisibility cloak, which the Potter's had inherited through Ignotus Peverell, but he was sure not to mention it. It was likely now in the hands of the Potter heir, Fleamont, who would then pass onto his own heir if he was to have one, with him still being unwed.
Then there was the Resurrection Stone and the Elder Wand. It was a wonder that Grindelwald had obtained it. It was a powerful wand, a power that seemed endless. The story of how the objects came to be was just a tale. It was said the Peverell brothers were on the brink of death. Death then told them that he would fulfil one wish for each brother before they died.
The eldest brother, a combative man, asked for a wand more powerful than any to exist. Death granted his wish by fashioning the Elder Wand from a branch of a nearby tree.
The second brother, an arrogant man, chose to further humiliate death and asked for the power to recall the deceased from the grave. Death granted his wish by crafting the Resurrection Stone from a stone picked from the riverbank.
The third brother and youngest brother, who was the most humble and wise, did not trust Death and asked for something to enable him to go forth without Death being able to follow. A reluctant Death, most unwillingly, handed over his own invisibility cloak.
The three brothers took their prizes and soon went on their separate ways.
Though it was more likely that the story of the brothers was changed over the years, although Atticus thought it to be true as well, he wouldn't let others know. It made sense that it was true, as the Caddell story was true, with evidence, from that time to prove it.
Then there was a 'story' called 'Caddell's Kairos'. The word 'Kairos' comes from Ancient Greek, a term that translated as the 'Right Time' or 'Opportune moment' to do or say something. The story was similar in some ways to the Peverell brothers in regards to meeting 'Death'. His ancestor, Eridanus Corron Caddell. The man was born in 1214, on 18th November. He was the last remaining Caddell in his time and sought no purpose in life, falling into depression when his wife and child had been murdered by muggles.
He had found a bridge, one over a river, ready to take his life, but before he could take it, Death appeared before him, just as he did for the Peverell brothers, which was why people thought the stories true with the similarities such as the bridge. The Peverell brothers together had conjured a bridge to cross a river.
A hooded figure had revealed itself to Eridanus. An enraged spirit of Death cheated of his due. Death cunningly pretended to congratulate him and proceeded to award him a gift of his choosing. Eridanus was silent, processing it all. Death was granting him a wish? He was the last Caddell. He wished not to be. Therefore he asked Death to give him something that would allow him to change the wrong- which Death created the Kairos from the grains of sand and dust, carved and moulted with gold that had sunk to the bottom of the river. It was similar to a watch, which didn't work. The time didn't tick until the button was pressed. Eridanus wasted no time pressing the button. With that, the time began to change, and the 'watch' began to work. Spinning and spinning as he was stood in place, everything changing as it did before it would go dark.
He wished to save his wife and son, and with the Kairos, he was able to do so, coming back in time and preventing their deaths. The Kairos hadn't brought him to the time they had died but took him to when he was only a child. He waited years until he met his love again.
Eridanus never again used the Karios, seeing it as dangerous as it rewrote history, changed the timeline. For it to get into the wrong hands, he hid it away somewhere in Germany, leaving a cryptic map for his descendants who had yet to solve the mystery of the map, that only The Lords of the hOuse of Caddell were aware of.
The story was similar to the actual events that occurred.
If Grindelwald wanted it… then he truly believes the story and is adamant that this 'Kairos' existed. Atticus didn't wish to think of a future where Grindelwald could go back to the past with his present knowledge. He would only be more powerful and knowledgeable.
He didn't doubt that Grindelwald would find a way to find it, even if it took years trying to decode the map that was left. Though Grindelwald seemed to believe his words of not knowing about it, and Atticus' belief of the Kairos being nothing but a tale.
Grindelwald was a problem. He couldn't have the madman grow some sort of obsession with the House of Caddell as he had for the house of Peverell.
In the House of Caddell, once an heir has reached the age of 13, they would be told of the history of the Caddell story. Though it wasn't just the hair who was taught, but the other male heirs as well, in case, the Lord and first heir were to die. They wouldn't want a situation where the descendants were unaware of this information. They wanted it to be kept alive in hopes that one day a lord would solve the mystery of the map.
Since Eridanus had been placed in the 'Right' time, that's what Eridanus supposed the Kairos did. He had wanted to go back to when he had been in his early thirties to save his wife, but instead, he woke up as a young teenager with the Karios in his hand. Maybe from him going back, everything, of course, was different, the way he spoke, what he did. Just such little changes could change the future. Maybe he was there for a reason. Was what was written in his journal.
Once he was a child again, he began a journal explaining it all, his experience. Within the Caddell Manor, which would really be called the 'Caddell Castle', while the 'Manding Residence' would be called the Caddell Manor as it was the second-largest estate, the House of Caddell owned second to the ancestral home.
Hidden in the walls of the second floor of the manor was a passage that would be revealed when an heir or Lord of the house wishes to enter. It was a large room. The walls had carved shelves on each wall, each shelf a journal of an ancestor. It was some sort of tradition that Atticus himself didn't bother with.
The journals from Caddells, who wished to find the Kairos. It was when they were introduced to this family secret that they would begin journaling for a decedent to one day read. A way of recording history from the eyes of a Caddell. It was A journal on their investigation of the map and the clues they thought they might have found. He had yet to read all of them, with there being so much but only some for some leisurely reading.
He grabbed the bottle of Dragon Barrel Brandy, glancing towards the glass, contemplating before he decided to just drink from the bottle, leaving nothing left. Pushing aside everything on his desk, he took out a parchment and quill and began writing a will before he was to travel back to Germany, where he planned to meet with the madman again.
He sighed in frustration, knowing he had to deal with Lenora's child. He was able to get some sort of lead from Italy.
--Hogwarts—14th September 1938—
Aries and himself had just finished their Herbology lesson and how had an hour before their next class began and decided to head towards the Great Hall. As they were going, Emrys had spotted Tom, who was sitting quietly at the Slytherin table away from all the other Slytherins who were there. Even after just two weeks, one could say Tom didn't really have friends, more so acquaintances. It was obvious he was being shunned by the Slytherins and most of his pureblood peers.
Though it wasn't like Tom was trying to make friends, he probably thought friends to be some sort of setback. He dragged Aries along with him, and they sat opposite the boy. Who was buried in a book just as he was on the train.
"You're the mudblood from the train", Aries drawled.
"Aries", Emrys hissed, "Don't mind him, Riddle," Emrys said before glancing towards Aries and speaking again, "Aries, Riddle here is an acquaintance of mine, an intelligent one. In fact, it's hard to have intelligent conversations now and then."
Aries raised a brow, "Do you not have intelligent conversations with me?" Aries asked. Emrys snorted, "You mean those strange questions of yours?" Emrys said. Aries rolled his eyes, "You mean 'Educational'?" Aries said with a pointed look.
"Right, Educational," Emrys said, amused before turning his gaze to Tom, who was silently watching. It was obvious he was annoyed at having his silence interrupted, but he didn't say anything. "What are you reading, Riddle?" Emrys asked.
"About the war that occurred between the wizards and goblins."
Tom sighed and turned the page of his heavy textbook. "I say, this writer's commentary on the subject of the war is highly limited and biased ," Tom responded before glancing up from the book, "have you any recommendations on the topic?"
Emrys shrugged his shoulders, "I wouldn't say so. No, not from the top of my head."
"You should try 'Revolution of our Time'. It was written by Erwin Sayre. I'd say you'll find it in that place Hogwarts call a 'library'," Aries offered the boy in disinterest, "I don't think the Hogwarts library is that bad." Emrys told his friend, who looked and gave Emrys a look before Emrys admitted it was terrible. "I guess it could use some work, but then again, you have to remember the restricted section," Emrys said.
"Even, so I doubt there's anything interesting there- another question for you, Emrys, it's been on my mind. Do vampires blink?" Aries asked, his arms folded on the table as he stared at Emrys, who just blinked at the question, his head tilting in thought.
"Did you just ask… do vampires blink?" Emrys spoke, and Aries nodded his head. "Um… well, why wouldn't they?" Emrys questioned, honestly curious now, and Aries responded, "Well, they don't have to breathe since they're dead, so would they not have to blink too?"
Emrys has read a lot of books on magical creatures but not those types of creatures. He's mostly read about werewolves seeing as he wished to give them a potion to make the turn much different but vampires? That area wasn't something he was knowledgeable about. Tom's gaze had shifted away from the book and was now focused on the question Aries had posed. Perhaps he had no idea vampires existed, but he doubted Tom would ask to avoid seeming ignorant.
"I'm not sure... but if they didn't, wouldn't their eyeballs just dry up?" Emrys remarked. Aries furrowed his brows in thought, "Well, maybe they don't blink and just use special eye drops," he offered after some consideration. "Really?" Emrys said with a snort. "eye drops?"
Aries nodded vigorously, "Of course, it makes sense they would use eye drops if they didn't blink."
"Could you imagine?" Emrys gaffed. The notion was absolutely ridiculous yet hilarious.
"I guess eye drops wouldn't be very convenient. Or romantic. Maybe they just let their eyes dry out, then." Aries spoke, then Emrys dropped into a heavy accent, "My dear, you look really ravishing tonight. I'm tempted to just eat you—pardon me, my love, but my eyes appear to have dried up; please excuse me while I use my eye drops."
They burst into laughter just as another voice spoke out, calling out to them, "Cousin, Aries!"
Looking away from each other and they look to their right, staring. It was Abraxas, and at his side was Romulus Lestrange. "Abraxas", Emrys and Aries greeted the Slytherin as he neared them. They hadn't sat down. They were glaring at Tom, noticing him there. "What's funny?" his cousin asked.
Emrys just shook his head, "Nothing interesting."
Abraxas just shrugged his shoulders, "Why are you sitting on the Slytherin table?" Romulus was the one to speak.
"Just because we're Ravenclaws doesn't mean we can't be as 'brave' as Gryffindors and sit amongst 'slimy snakes, '" Aries said jokingly, and both Abraxas and Romulus snorted. "Right, but in this case, you're sitting beside filth," Romouls said as he sneered at Tom, who was ignoring both Abraxas and Romulus as he was continuing his reading.
"Riddle is intelligent company. He's one of the other smart people in our year. I don't see either of you catching up or getting as many points as either of us. Anyways, Aries and I have to get to Transfiguration with the Gryffindors." Emrys said as he stood, Aries, standing with him.
"Right…" Abraxas said as Emrys waved at him, "is your cousin a mudblood lover or something?" Romulus whispered. "No", Abraxas answered immediately as they walked away from Tom, finding a seat further down the table as they waited for their other friends.
"You already know the Caddell family are Centric, and they were Politically Conservative nearly 200 years ago when Emrys became lord Caddell. It's likely he'll remain Centric," Abraxas told his friend.
"Right, well, it makes sense that he's being friendly with Riddle. He's smart. That's bound to come in handy."
Emrys and Aries were able to make it to class on time, although the class was nearly full, leaving a limited amount of seats. Luckily Enzo had saved them a seat, only for Aries to mumble to the French boy, 'Why are we in the front?'
"-Due to the fact in transfiguration, we alter objects. Charms can affect that object, though it stays the same in shape. Transfiguration changes the object completely. If you try to make an object float, and you get it wrong, the object will break and can be easily fixed with 'reparo'. Did that answer your question, Miss Tyler?" His professor, Dumbledore, asked the blonde-haired Gryffindor.
It was strange seeing Dumbledore, not in those robes he was always wearing or seeing him without his long beard and hair that was already all white, but here he was, standing in front of their class teaching them transfiguration yet to become the headmaster. Fro that silvery colour he had, his youthful hair was an auburn colour, his blue eyes scanned the students.
The Gryffindor, Miss Tyler, Rose Tyler. She was a muggleborn and was always full of questions, which usually delayed lessons. She was always the first to class. You'd just find her sat in the front- always the front, she'd be jotting notes and questions.
You could say the class didn't like her. In their last lesson, they were supposed to get to conjure a pot to a key, but she began asking questions that ran through the whole class, and they hadn't got to do it. Dumbledore had said they would in this lesson, but it seemed Rose Tyler came prepared with more questions.
"Right, I understand. Thank you, professor." The blonde said as she began to vigorously write down notes on what he had said, the sound of her quill scratching the parchment sounding loud, and some Ravenclaws rolled their eyes, and some Gryffindors groaned.
Dumbledore smiled, "Alright, then I suppose we can start- oh, yes, Miss Tyler?"
Aries groaned, "I think she's doing it on purpose", Aries whispered, "She's just curious", Enzo whispered back.
Rose gave Dumbledore a sheepish smile, "Sorry, professor, the last question, I swear. Theoretically, we can turn a pig into a pencil, right? so does that mean it kills the pig?"
"Good question. Does anyone want to answer it for Miss Tyler?" Dumbledore asked the class, which only had the students avoid his gaze. Hmm, this table is looking more interesting right about now. "Ah, what about you, Mr Caddell?" looking up from the table, he looked towards the impatient look that Rose had and just answered the question.
Usually, he was enthusiastic about this class, but Rose was dragging it along now.
"It would not kill the animal in use, only suspending its state, which wears off after a short time." He simply said, not really wanting to explain further than that. If this was the last question, then they could finally get to the practical work. Dumbledore had given him 2 points, then asked if Rose understood. She nodded her head slowly before snapping her neck to Emrys, surprising him.
She then proceeded to question his response further, bringing all sorts of theories she had, now and then mentioning the muggle world. Dumbledore had taken over from there, answering those questions, which were never-ending. It didn't hurt to listen, though, to some of her questions he wouldn't have even thought of. Sometimes he just knew how to do something without having much of an understanding of what was happening in the background.
The lesson ended with Dumbledore promising them that their next lesson would entirely be practical work.
"Why can't he just tell her to shut up- obviously in a nicer way," Aries asked, talking about Dumbledore, "Because she's a muggleborn, he's glad that she's trying to learn more about magic." A voice said coming from his right. It was Callista who had an amused look on her face.
"He's just a muggle loving fool. He really had the whole class dragged out. Sure some of her questions were reasonable, but most of them would have been answered if she had just read the damn class book! And then some were just plain stupid." Aries ranted.
"I heard a friend of my uncle say that ideologies like Dumbledore's are nice but idealistic. Something about not being practical. He said muggles are necessary in extreme cases to further the race of wizardry, but embracing them so suddenly would only result in chaos."
Aries rolled his eyes as Callista spoke, "I suppose muggles do have some interesting culture such as Shakesphere. I've been reading some of his works. He has a brilliant mind and a firm grip on the art of playwriting.
"Shakes- who?" Aries said dumbly, "I, too, am not familiar with the name. Shakespeare, was it?" Enzo said in interest as Emrys' gaze turned to Callista in surprise. She knows Shakesphere? How fascinating, he wouldn't have thought she would. Then again, it wasn't as though he knew her properly. He's read some of Shakespeare's work, which had been mandatory in secondary school as they studied him. His writing was highly stylized.
"He's a playwriter, isn't he," Emrys said, and Callista nodded, "Yes, a writer. Quite a good one. I quite found 'Macbeth' interesting. Although I do trust you won't tell anyone? I fear what father or mother would if they found out."
"Don't worry, none of us will spill on your interest with 'muggles'," Aries said laxly, already bored of the topic.