
The Butler Did It

Abnormal_Genius · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Encountering The Monster

It's been 5 years since that very day, and Cholé haven't seen Zachary or Reina around these days. According to the New article it was said that Zachary died in a tragic accident involving assault. As for Reina, Cholé father demoted her dad to counselor. Cholé walking down the stairs, she saw a mysterious man who appeared to look a lot like Zachary. He bowed down to her

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Everbloom, " the mysterious man said with a gentle tone

"Your name, please?"

"My Name is Asta Yorichii plesure to meet you Mrs.Everbloom." Asta said with a mischievous look. The thing that still scares Cholé is that he looks so much like Zachary with his golden, attractive eyes and black furry hair as if he came out of a fantasy novel.

"I will be looking forward to working with you asta, I will be taking my leave." Cholé spoke with a slight smile on her face

Cholé rushed over to her father's office and yelled, "Father!!"

"Yes, what is it?" He asked

"Did you hire a butler named Asta Yorichii?" She asked

"Yes, he met all of the housework expectations." He said

"You didn't bother to tell me!? How outrageous of you." Cholé mumbled

"Since when were you interested in hiring spefic maids and butlers?" Father asked. Cholé walking out of her father's office she hired her maids to escort her into town and asked a bunch of people if they knew who Asta Yorichii and surprisingly nobody knew who this mysterious man was. So she couldn't really tell if Asta was a threat. Instead of cholé waiting here thinking, she ran into the Royal Library and started rapidly looking for files of the Yorichii family. She found that appeared to be a record based on the Yorichii family, but as soon as she opened the file, everything she needed to know was completely burned away. So, Cholé was convinced that Asta Yorichii was a threat to the imperial family.

She rushed back to the kingdom, breaking one heel along the way. As soon as Cholé made it home, she went straight to her father's office. She shouted


"Yes, my dear?" He replied

"Asta Yorichii isn't who you think he is."

"How so?" He questioned

"I went to the royal library. The files of the Yorichii family were completely burned away." Cholé said confidently

"What do you mean?" Cholé father asked with a confusing look in his face.

"Come with me,and I'll show you," she said

Cholé brought her father to the royal library and showed him the Yorichii family records, but as soon as cholé opened them, there they were the records of the Yorichii family.

Cholé Dropping down to the ground, she couldn't believe her eyes that the burned files were restored. Her father thought that cholé was feeling ill and told the royal guards to escort her back to her room.

Cholé thought she was stupid for a second, she was for certain that the files were completely burned off before her very eyes, and suddenly they're restored? She thought "Am I going crazy?" Cholé kept biting her nails to restrain her stress. Finally, she fell asleep while she was sleeping she woke up to some movement, but she didn't open her eyes. She heard footsteps moving towards her bed. Then suddenly cholé opened her eyes and there was a knife. She couldn't see the one holding the knife because it was so dark. The mysterious man was about to stab Cholé, but Cholé restrained his hand and shouted

"Who are you!?"

"A monster who's going to turn your life into living hell." He said in a gentle tone

Then the attacker ran away, but unfortunately, Cholé wasn't able to see the victim's face. She called for her personal maid, Jane, and asked

"Jane, did you see anyone enter my bedroom?"

"No, the door was closed shut." She said

Then Cholé started to believe She had schizophrenia but then I thought of something. She held Jane neck and pushed her towards the wall.

"Jane Visalia, you've been by my side ever since I was just a little girl." Cholé said in a gentle voice

"Master, please let me go. You're hurting me." Jane cried.

Cholé opened her drawer and took out her gun.

"You're not Jane, just who the f*c* are you?" Cholé asked. Then she laughed, but it wasn't a laugh of happiness it was a laugh of trickery.

"You're right. I'm not Jane," she said with a smile. Cholé pointed the gun straight at Jane's head.

"Go ahead, kill me now, but all that valuable information you need is going to be a waste." She laughed. She was obviously mocking chole, but she gave in either way. So Cholé dropped the gun and proposed a deal with "Jane Visalia"

"It turns out I won't be killing you tonight in cold blood." Chole said with a disappointed look

"But you have to prove my worth to me you will be my little spy. Got it?" Chole said. Jane giggled and said

"You got yourself a deal. I will do my part." After that eventful night the thing that still got cholé frightened is about this so-called "Monster" that she encountered in her bedroom.