
The burning rose

In an alternate universe, Summer lives and finds Cinder in Atlas. She decided to bring her back to Patch. Due to her traumatic past, Cinder is hesitant to trust the family, but after a close brush with death, she opens up to them and is eventually adopted by the loving family. After a few years of training, she heads off to Beacon to train to become a huntress! Created by: UnknownkingfromAO3 all rights belong to them

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime e quadrinhos
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61 Chs

Chapter 56: A lease on life

so, this is something I didn't think I'd have to type. long and embarrassing story short, I forget my password and didn't notice the forget my password nexts to the login button. and in my infinite stupidity, I trusted a Reddit post. enough said.

anyway, sorry for the wait and I hope you'll enjoy regardless. bye.


"Aaahhh!" Amber screamed as she was thrown backwards from a car slamming into her, knocking her back into a pile of junk which pinned her to the ground, the vehicle pressing into her chest as the pile beneath her dug up into her back, making it impossible to breathe.

Across the yard, Howard raised his hand, palm facing yet another heap for junk lying several feet away.

Immediately several pointed pieces of debris ripped themselves out of the pile and flew toward the girl, the tips aimed to skewer her!

"Oh shit!" Amber thought. As quickly as she could, she directed the point of her staff towards the top of the pile she was pinned against, immediately firing a burst of flames into a point just below the tip.

As the flames shot from her staff and into the pile, the intense heat melted the front of the stack, causing everything above it to come crashing down on top of the girl, pelting her with debris, but also forming a wall of raining junk that knocked away any of Howard's magnetized metal.

However, before the dust had even settled, she pressed the tip of her spear against the car, activating the wind dust creating a massive vortex that blasted the vehicle back toward the old man, pulling a huge amount of junk with it.

But Howard was ready. Without missing a beat, he slammed his boomerang into the ground and planted his feet, activating his semblance once again causing the metal junk to be knocked off course, slamming into the piles on his sides or harmlessly on the ground, leaving him without a scratch.

"Not bad. You were able to identify the weakness of my semblance." Howard said as Amber leapt up onto the molten top of the pile. She was panting and out of breath, but out of his range. Something she had gotten a rough idea of during the course of the fight. At least she hoped she had.

"No matter how much power I put into it, it's only magnesium. As such, it needs a metal base all around it, otherwise it becomes much harder to use for crushing opponents to death. And if you know your stuff, it can be counter or even used against me. It's been a while since I've seen something like that." Howard calmly took a step forward, looking up at the exhausted girl, his eyes narrowed as he watched her. "Still, it's not enough!"

Immediately, he swung his arm to the side, and the pile of junk the girl was standing on shifted, throwing itself onto another pile causing the girl to lose her balance and plummet toward the ground.

Frantically, Amber spun in the air, pointing her staff into the ground and releasing a jet of flames, slowing her descent as she was pushed upward from the force.

However, before she could get to a safe level to fall, the wind was knocked from the young girl as Howard's boomerang slammed into her side right below her ribs and carrying her off where it smashed her through another mountain of junk before depositing her onto the ground where she fell in a heap, coughing violently as it sailed back to Howard.

"Gah." She gasped, rolling onto her uninjured side, coughing and spluttering as she tried to crawl to her feet. Everything hurt. If it wasn't for her aura, that blow would have cut her in half, no question. And while she still had a surprising amount left, she knew she couldn't take much more.

Slowly, the girl managed to get to her hands and knees, her entire body shaking from pain and exhaustion. Her limbs already felt like lead and her head was pounding as she could hear a dull ringing in her ears. Her staff had slipped from her grasp when she had been hit and was now lying a short distance away, not far, but well outside of her reach, leaving her basically defenseless.

But despite everything, she could feel a smile trying to spread itself across her face. She was almost there. Just a few more good hits, and everything would finally be-.

Before she could finish her thought, Howard's metal boot slammed down on her back, immediately pressing her into the ground with a constant force as he pulled his leg towards the metal buried deep under the surface.

"Aaahhhhh!" The girl screamed in agony as she felt her spine begin to shift and pop painfully under the incredible pressure as she tried to squirm out from under the old man's metal boot to no avail.

"What was that display about? I know you're stronger than that." Howard said calmly as he drove his foot into her back, forcing her aura to bend and distort, gathering around the point of impact to stop her spine from snapping under the pressure.

"I don't know exactly what you're planning, but whatever it is, I have no doubt it's dangerous. You are already a masterful tactician. I think it's safe to say that underestimating you alone has proven our downfall. I'm sorry, but I can't risk you interfering again." With that, the old man raised his weapon above the girl's head, blade pointing down right towards her nose.

"You had so much potential, shame." He said, locking eyes with the girl. "When you reach the other side, tell Silver that when I get there, I won't ask for either understanding or forgiveness, I know I don't deserve either. But please, just find some happiness on that side. You of all people deserve it, and it pains me to see such a fake smile masking such sadness."

His words made Amber's eyes widened slightly in surprise. He knew what she was trying to do? Guess she should have seen that coming given his incredible intuition. Still, at least he hadn't figured out her double plan from this fight. Hopefully her death would buy enough time for Cinder and the others to get Jiao back to Minstrel. Or at least out of the Seraphim's reach.

Slowly, the dark skinned girl closed her eyes as she heard the air being pushed aside as the blade of the old man's weapon came plummeting down toward her face. In this instant, despite the crushing weight on her back, she felt as if for the first time in years, she could breathe again.

For once, she truly had no regrets. Sure, she regrets the things she had done to get her here, but as for the lead up to this plan, none. She had made sure to cross every I and dott every T to ensure everything went smoothly after her death. And yes, she knew that phrase was supposed to be the other way around.

She made sure her teammates had no idea of what she was up to. And when they did figure it out, she hadn't left any obvious trails as to where she had actually gone. As for taking the blame with her to the grave, she had already given Fang the details, including what she actually planned. And while he hadn't approved at first, he had eventually agreed to do it as her last request after she had told him some of the guilt she had been carrying and that she just wanted it to end.

Honestly, she had felt bad about dragging him into this mess. But he was the only person with the skill in espionage to pull something like this off convincingly. Everyone else involved, both her teammates and herself, wouldn't be able to pull it off and actually make people believe she was that horrible.

And as she took her last deep breath, her mind wandered to her parents. She wondered if maybe, just maybe, she'd get one last chance to see them again. Even if for an instant, just for a chance to apologize, that would be enough. If she could just lay her guilt before and let them tear into her for being such a horrible monster, let them say their piece, that should allow them to rest in-.

Suddenly, an explosion went off right above the girl, ripping her out of her thoughts as Howard stumbled back, smoke trailing from his head. Immediately, both of them turned to the entrance of the junkyard which had been blocked by a huge pile of discarded metal, and while it still was, they could see someone sliding down the side, her bow aimed at the old man as she fired arrow after arrow at him.

"I found you, bastard!" Cinder screamed as she reached the ground, rolling to displace her weight, ripping her bow apart into blade form as she let out a cry of fury as she charged at them, her gaze fixing on the dark skinned girl.

"I'm not letting you off the hook that easily! So stop moping around and-!"

Before she could finish, Howard hurled his boomerang at the dark haired girl, the wind it whipped up was so powerful it pushed several pieces of junk to the side in its wake.

Cinder immediately fell down to her knee and slid across the ground, dodging the attack by the skin of her nose, much more literally than she'd like.

However, Howard had predicted that. Immediately after throwing, he opened his palm and used his semblance to call a large, metal rod to his hand. And the second the dark haired girl had begun falling, he had pulled his arm back holding the rob like a javelin and taken aim at where the girl would end up.

And given how much pain Igor had been after being speared by the old man, Amber knew even Cinder would be hurting after getting hit by that.

"No!" Amber screamed, lunging forward, grabbing her staff before rolling in between the two facing the old man.

Immediately, a concentrated jet of flames shot from her staff slamming into the old man, knocking him back several feet.

"Amber, you-!"

Hearing her partner's scream, the dark skinned girl turned back to face her, opening her mouth to give some orders on how they should combat Howard. She was slightly annoyed that the girl had just messed up ANOTHER carefully laid plan, but now properly wasn't the time. She had to make sure Cinder didn't figure out her real-.

"-You fucking idiot!"

Right as the dark skinned girl turned, she was met with her partner's fist slamming into her face with the girl's whole weight behind it.

Caught completely off guard, Amber couldn't steady herself enough to stay on her feet, as a result, both she and Cinder were sent tumbling across the ground before coming to a stop with the team leader's back pressed against a pile of junk with her partner laying on top of her.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Running off like that to get yourself killed! Are you really so dense that you actually think that's going to help anyone?! You stupid, stupid idiot! Why can't you see what's right in front of you?!" Cinder screamed at her dazed partner, taking full advantage of the fact she couldn't throw her off instantly to chastise her.

"Wha?" Amber drones confusedly, her head still throbbing from the hit. What was Cinder talking about? No way she had figured out her real plan, had she? And was this really the time for this with Howard right there?

Her last point seemed to be shared by said old man, who after recalling his weapon loudly cleared his throat as he took a step toward the two girls.

"I see you somehow escaped Adelaide. Impressive." He said, trying to keep his face emotionless. "But it is far too early to celebrate. Or have this petty little squabble amongst yourself when you opponents is-."

"Oh shut up, you stupid gezer!" Cinder snapped, whipping her head around to send the old man a glare. "I'll deal with you shortly! But right now, I have something more important to do, so just be quiet and wait your turn! I'll let you do some cliche villain monologue after I've had my talk with my leader!"

With that, she turned her attention back to Amber, leaving the old man staring at her, mouth hanging open in surprise. Surely she couldn't be serious, right? No way she'd just turn her back on an opponent as dangerous as Howard, right?

Apparently she was, as the the second she had finished smack talking him, the dark haired girl turned her attention back to Amber, grabbing her by the collar and giving her a shake.

"What were you thinking?! Did you honestly think I'd be okay with you killing yourself for the sake of a lousy mission?! Do you really think I'm that shallow?!" She demanded, giving the girl another shake. "I care about you, you idiot! I-! I don't want you to die for a mistake you made nearly a decade ago. You-. You are the best huntress of our year, better than I could ever hope to be. So why? Why are you so willing to throw it all away? Why?"

Amber's eyes widened at her partner's tone. It sounded so tired and sad, like she was on the verge of breaking down and sobbing her heart out. Something she never thought was possible for the girl given her usual overconfidence and boastful tone.

Slowly, Amber reached and gently cupped her partner's face, turning her head to ensure eye contact as she smiled up at her.

"Don't be sad." Amber said quietly, her thumb gently stroking her cheek as she tried to be reassuring. "I want this. All my life I've done nothing but make others suffer. I now see that the only true way I can contribute to this world is by leaving it. Before, I thought that it was my punishment to suffer as I toiled away, trying to redeem myself, but now I see that my truest punishment wasn't to make amends, it was to suffer in the cruelest way possible. By watching my hope die right before my eyes."

Slowly, Amber leaned back, her gaze moving from Cinder to the sky, a small, sad smile playing on her lips.

"Ironic, isn't it? All those years I spent chasing down something that I could never do, even going so far as to make it my dream. It was only when I was closest to seeing even a fraction of it become realized that I saw just how rotten I am. I guess it's a fitting for something like-."

"You're not rotten!" Cinder cut in, angrily shaking the girl again. "You aren't! You're one of the kindest, sweetest, hardest working people I've ever met! How in Remnant can you not see that?! You try, and try, and try again! Over and over you work yourself to the bone to make it easier for others! What part of any of that is selfish?!"

Amber, not even reacting to begin shaken anymore, slowly turned her gaze back to her partner, a calm exception on her face.

"It's my punishment." She answered simply. "I hurt and killed so many people, became a massive pest to others. Why shouldn't I be forced to labor for my crimes? Besides, nobody would care if a monster like me creaked or got hurt."

"I care!" Cinder snapped immediately, her shakes becoming more and more desperate as Amber didn't react, even when her head jerked in painful ways. "I care about you! I-! I hate watching you destroy yourself over something that's hardly your fault! You don't deserve punishment for your trauma, you deserve love, and peace! You-!"

"Love? Peace?" Amber murmured, her voice slowly starting to shake as her emotionless mask started to crack. "I can't even remember what those feel like anymore. I…I don't remember what it felt like to have my mother smother me with a hug, my father to praise me over some little task. I can't remember what it felt like to have a space where you know you're safe, a place to call home. I can't remember any of it."

Immediately Cinder felt her heart break at her partner's confession. She remembered her time at the orphanage, at the Glass Unicorn. How the memories of safety and love had slipped through her fingers. How it had made her bitter and angry at the world, made her dream about ending it.

If it hadn't been for Summer finding her all those years ago, she knew she would have undoubtedly gone down a dark path to get her revenge at this cursed world for all the wrong she had suffered.

Yet Amber was so different. Instead of being angry at the world, she had internalized it. Put the blame on herself and grow kinder as a result. Cinder knew there was a part of the girl who really was the nerdy, history loving dork she had come to know and love. But she had been buried under such crushing guilt for so long, she had broken. Broken in a way that the dark haired girl didn't know if she could ever truly be healed.

And that hurt her in a way she had never felt before.

"I can still remember their voices, but even that is starting to fade. I-. I don't want to forget them. I-! I couldn't stand it!" Amber now had tears brimming in her eyes. Her voice shook as the dam she had built over the course of years finally started to come crashing down and her emotions started to flood out.

"I don't want that! I don't want any of this!" She screamed, clamping her hands over her head, burying her face in her palms. "I never asked for any of this! I didn't want to survive that no night! I don't want to survive my captivity! I don't want the memories of my parents, my friend to fade! I couldn't-! I couldn't live with myself if they did!"

Tears were now flowing out from behind the dark skinned girl's hands. Then, moving so fast it caught her partner off guard, Amber suddenly shot up, grabbing the dark haired girl by her collar and pulling her close, letting Cinder take in every inch of the distraught girl's face.

"Please. Please! Let me die so I won't ever forget them!" She screamed, her voice breaking with sobs as she buried her face into her partner's chest. "Please, let my suffering finally be over! Let me rest! I don't have a place in this world anymore! I don't! So please, just let me leave my misery and pain behind! I just want to see them again! I don't care if it's here or in the afterlife, I just want to be with them again!"

With that, Amber broke completely, sobbing uncontrollably into Cinder's chest as she pulled her as close as possible, her entire body shaking with each gut wrenching cry.

"I'm so sick of it!" She screamed. "I'm sick of the pain, of the loneliness! Sick of people telling me who I should feel! I don't have anything, not a family, not a home, not even a goal of my own anymore! Death is the only thing I have to look forward to now! So please, stop trying to hold me back and let me go! I don't want to live with this pain anymore! I…I-!"

Amber's voice became weak and her words started to jumble. Slowly, the girl slumped against her partner as all her strength had left her body, meaning she would fall without support. Yet despite this, her grip remained firm. Clinging to her like a lifeline, as if she was afraid Cinder would disappear if she let go.

"I…I don't know what I even am anymore."

At this confession, Cinder felt what little strength she had left leave her body and she slid to the ground, her own arms now clinging to Amber just as tightly.

"Amber…i-." She began, but then paused. She didn't know what to say to someone this far gone. She knew that telling the girl that it wasn't her fault wouldn't work and that she was in so much pain, any form of logic probably would fail as well. And top it all off, the dark haired girl, try as she might, still couldn't understand her partner's pain.

Of course she could remember every word of the night's confession, but thinking about them now, she still didn't understand the source of it. She didn't know why Amber would hold herself accountable for everything that happened, why she insisted on the weak evidence and superstitious claims as facts, nor did she know how to counter them. In the end, she was still as useless as before to help her partner confront her demons.

But that didn't mean she wasn't going to try.

"Amber…I…I don't really understand what you're going through." Cinder said gently, rubbing the girl's back as she spoke. "I never had anything to begin with, so I don't know what it's like to lose everything you had. But I wanted you to know that you're not all by yourself."

Her words caused the dark skinned girl's breath to hitch, indicating that if nothing else, she was listening. "I'm-. I want to be there for you, want to help you, work with you, fight with you, laugh and cry with you. I don't want you to disappear from my life or this world. You don't need to atone for anything, but if you feel the need to, I want to be there to help and support you, no matter if you have too or not. So please, stop pushing me away and let me try to help you."

As she finished her speech, she heard her partner let out a weak chuckle, slowly pulling back so she could look her in the face.

"Cinder, I know what you're trying to do, and I appreciate it." She said gently. "But if you truly want to support me, then please respect my decision and let me go. This is what I want because honestly, I'm just so tired."

Reaching up, the girl wiped some tears from her eyes as she continued, her voice now completely exhausted, no longer hiding behind her forced happiness she always had.

"I'm tired of fighting, pretending I'm okay. Tired of this crushing guilt, this incurable pain. I'm tired of it all." Her body slumped at her words, her body betraying how much of a toll these years of battle had taken from her. How she had been crushed by its weight years ago, but had forced herself to keep going despite it all.

"This is what I want, what I've dreamed of." Amber said, placing her hand on her partner's chest, right above her heart. "So please, let me go. I don't want to fight anymore. And this way, my death will bring some good to this world instead of my dying pointlessly in a ditch. So please, just let me go."

The two sat there for a few seconds before Cinder reached up, and took her partner's hand in her's, locking eyes with her partner.

"Okay, if that's what you truly want." She said, giving her partner's hand a squeeze. "If you truly are sick of this world and all the pain and misery it brings, I won't try to stop you. The two of us will go together so when we're reborn, I'll be able to find you once again."

Immediately the dark skinned girl's eyes widened in shock and she tried to rip her hand away. Emphasis on try.

"W-what are you talking about?!" She protested as she tried to put distance between them, only for her hand still in the dark haired girl's grasp to keep her held in place. "You can't just die with me! What about the team?! Your family?! Your dream?!"

Cinder snorted in response, tightening her grip as her partner desperately tried to free herself.

"Come on, Adam's probably more qualified to lead the team than me. Sure he's a hot head, but he has had some training and experience. And with Eric right by his side, they'd be fine no matter who the losers they'd replace us with. Besides, I hate this world and its backwards rules and opinions. And if I have to go, I'd rather go side by side with a friend so that way, I can have someone to brag about in the next life."

Amber could do nothing but stare at her partner in disbelief at what she was hearing. Cinder was actually willing to die with her? Why?! Why give up her bright future for a monster like her?

"Oh! And as for my dream, let's be real. I'd never make it as a huntress." Cinder joked as she addressed the other question. "Knowing me, I'd probably just have my license revoked after a year for some petty crime like, oh I don't know. Insubordination or punching a client. If I'm going to have such a short go at it, then I don't think going out here sounds that bad."

"But-! I-! You can't just-!" Amber spluttered, her depressing thoughts temporarily driven from her mind as she tried to process what her partner was saying. "You can't just rob the world of a huntress of your abilities! Think of how many lives you could save, how much fame you'd obtain! You can't throw all that away from something like me!"

"What about your talents and abilities? Is losing that even more of a waste?" Cinder shot back, immediately bringing her partner to a stop.

"T-that's not the same thing." She said, turning her gaze to the ground. "I have sins I have to atone for. The people whose lives I destroyed, I have to make amends. And seeing as I can't, the least I can do is end myself before I kill anyone else."

There was a short pause as Amber's gaze fell to the point of her spear, reflecting the grinning devil back at her, mocking her for her newest victim. Because of her, Cinder might now die as well. Something that, for all her grievances with the girl, was something she never wanted.

Cinder had so much talent and potential. Her death would be a tragedy for both her family and the world at large. In this time, when skilled huntsmen and huntresses were needed, she had just robbed it of one of the-.

Suddenly, Amber felt a warm hand touch her cheek, gently guiding her head back up where she was met with Cinder yellow eyes.

"Back at the Glass Unicorn, I don't find my mother and sisters dead. I killed them. Not because I couldn't survive their abuse, not because I was scared. I did it because I wanted to. Because that made me feel powerful. Because for the first time in my life, I knew I could take control."

Immediately Amber felt her stomach drop at Cinder's confession. Back when she heard her partner's story for the first time, she had noticed something seemed off, but she hadn't expected that. For someone that young to take pleasure in the act of killing was something she had never even thought was possible.

However, before she could continue down that line of thought, she heard her partner begin to speak again. Her words somehow carried even more weight than before.

"I know you think of yourself as a bad person, a monster. But what happened to you was from an honest mistake. Mine on the other hand was malicious, intentionally. If you're a monster, I'm something much worse. Maybe I still am, but to me, that's not what makes a bad person. Or a monster."

Gently, Cinder crawled closer to Amber, reaching out and taking her other cheek with her other hand, holding her head in place as she stared at her partner through tears stained eyes.

"To me, what makes a monster is someone who does a horrible deed, and doesn't regret it, doesn't take responsibility for it, or doesn't see any need to change. Everyone makes mistakes and we all pay the consequences for it. But the people who are perfectly happy to throw everyone else under the bus, the ones who see nothing wrong with hurting others over and over for no reason, those people are the ones who should be called monsters. Not the innocent people who have seen their mistakes and are trying their hardest to change."

At this point, Cinder's voice was cracking, shaking with emotion that made her words slur together as she struggled to continue. "And maybe I'm just making up excuses for myself. Maybe I really haven't changed at all. But you Amber, you're different. Anyone can see you are trying your hardest to make amends for your past. Trying to make the world a better place despite not owning anything to it. So please, stop calling yourself a monster and try to see the beautiful, broken girl I see. Please, if not for your sake, for mine."

And as Cinder finally stopped fighting and let her tears fall, Amber felt something stirred inside her. As if a long forgotten feeling was trying to fight its way to the surface. Something she had held onto until her arms had been cut to ribbons before she had smothered it as it had only caused her more pain. For the first time in a long time, she felt her inner turmoil start to calm.

"Thank you for your kind words, Cinder. I…wish I could reciprocate them as I do want to stand alongside you and watch you grow, I really do. But I'm afraid it's to late for me." Amber breathed, leaning forward to touch her forehead to her partner's. "My lease on life is already spent. I have nothing. No family, no home, no friends, and no future I can see anymore. I have nothing to strive for, no dream I can chase without the tainted memories of all that I've done. And even if I were to walk away alive today, let's be honest, I would relapse anyway. I'm just not strong enough to face this on my own. No matter how much I wish I was.

With a weak chuckle, the girl's gaze sank, eyes fixing on the ground between them that despite being only a few feet, felt like an ocean away.

"Hehe. I'm really pathetic, aren't I." She said humorlessly. "Here you are, pouring your heart out to me and I can't even muster the strength to respond in kind. I really am just a-."

"I'll be it." Cinder cut in, making Amber look up in confusion. What was she talking about?

"I'll be your new lease on life. If that's all you need, then let me be it." The dark haired girl said, her gaze now fixed on her partner, eyes burning with determination. "I'll be the one who stands by you, the one who makes your life worth living. So please, don't go."

Slowly, Cinder's hands moved down, reaching her partner's shoulders where they gave her a squeeze.

"Amber, you know your parents, your best friend, they didn't want you to suffer like this. They sacrificed themselves so you could live happily." She said. "They never blamed you for what happened and they never will. I'm not going to tell you what to do. Or order you to live for them, I just want you to ask yourself, truly ask yourself, is this truly the only way? Or is all the self hatred of yours clouding your vision? They loved you. And would never want you to suffer like this."

At her words, Amber opened her mouth to reply, but stopped when she found herself unable to find a good argument. This feeling of warmth, of this love. This was a feeling she had missed so much. And now, with this feeling blooming once again in her chest, a part of her almost didn't want to let it go.

However, guilt and fear quickly rose up, smothering any hope of this feeling lasting. She didn't deserve it, not after everything she had done. Why should she be happy when she had caused the death and suffering of so many? Robbed them of this happiness. It wasn't fair that she got to be loved, supported when she had taken their lives. It wasn't righ-!

"Stop that." Cinder said as if she could see what was in her partner's mind. "This isn't about deserving or not. It's about what you want, what you're going to do with your life. If you don't think you deserve to be happy, I'll believe that enough for both of us. If you think you deserve to die, I'll believe you deserve to live. And when you decide that it's not enough, then the two of us can go together. That I promise.

Tears started to well up in Amber's eyes as Cinder pulled her close once again, hugging her as she rested her head on her partner's shoulder.

"I can't promise no pain or regret from the past, but I can promise I'll be there, standing right next to you, helping you bear that weight." Cinder whispered, her voice soft and gentle. "So, if you'll have me, I'd love to be part of your life. A life that we can share, one that isn't ruled by the past, but by a hopeful future that we can bring together. So, let it all out. All that pain and suffering you've held onto for years. I'll take it all, and when you're done, then we can talk more, or whatever you want."

Amber didn't know why these words felt so warm, so inviting. But as Cinder said them, she felt a burden on her chest, one she didn't even notice was there, lift leaving her bare, raw.

The wall she had built up around her heart finally came crashing down as she hugged her partner back, squeezing her so tightly she felt her let out a little gasp and her back pop.

But she couldn't help herself as she started sobbing into her shoulder, body shaking with each rough heave. She had been holding so much in for so many years, and now for some reason, she was finally choosing to let it all out, letting someone else share in her burden.

She knew she shouldn't be doing this. Hell, she didn't even know why she was. But one thing she did know was that she was so tired of fighting, of holding everything in, of a life of nothing but pain. She wanted to end it all as she had seen no other option, no other path. She saw nothing in her future but more suffering.

But now? After her talk with Cinder, she was starting to rethink her decision. As rough around the edges as she was, she knew the girl wasn't the type of person to fake something this important.

This feeling of warmth that had begun to bloom inside Amber, it was the same as when she had been with her parents, with Whinny. It was the feeling of being loved, being cared for, and being home. It was a feeling she had long forgotten and only missed because she associated it with her happy past.

But this wasn't some fleeting dream or forced feeling, it was real. Here and now, sitting in her partner's arms, hearing her heartbeat, knowing she wasn't leaving, made her happier than she had been in years.

And maybe, if she could continue feeling this, even if only once in a while, she might be willing to give life another chance.


Meanwhile, under the highway.





"Slip bastard!"



Summer slid back from the force of Igor's drop kick, digging her blades into the ground to stop herself, before ripping off some of Petal's and throwing them at her opponent, changing them into icy daggers mid-flight.

However her opponent dodged by throwing his sickle into one of the support columns and using it to pull himself into the air, dodging the attack.

"Ahahah!" Igor laughed as he began using his weapons to swing from column to column, approaching Summer from the air before wildly whipping around whatever weapon wasn't holding him in the air.

Immediately, bullets began flying out of the hidden muzzle of his weapon, shooting ricocheting rounds in every direction turning the entire area into a maze of bullets, making it impossible for most people to get anywhere close to him.

But random shots were far too weak to take Summer down.

Moving with a practiced ease, Summer shot forward, gracefully dodging the bullets or deflecting them before she leapt into the air flying straight at the deranged huntsman.

Seeing, Igor let out a shrill squeal of delight, a horrible smile spreading across his face. Immediately, he swung his weapon toward the woman, the muzzle retracted and the blades closed back into their rightful position, where they were now posed to slash his opponent's head open.

Summer, seeing the approaching blade, immediately countered by trying to knock the blade away with her sword. However, right before impact, Igor tugged the chain of his weapon, charging its path so she hit the chain instead, causing it to become tangled in it.

"AhahaHaha!" Igor laughed, immediately landing on the column his other blade was in. Then, he tightened the chain locking Summer's blade inside while she was still in the air. The next second, he swung the woman around, slamming her into another column knocking the wind from her as it cracked from the force.

"Gah!" She cried, her voice weak from the attack as she was stunned. And while it was only for a moment, that was all the opening he needed.

"Now die!" Igor laughed, imagining flowing his semblance through the chain and toward the woman.

However, as Summer looked up, she gave him a smirk, making his eyes widened. She had expected this!

Moving as fast as lightning, Summer threw her hand out, her palm open and pointing right at the huntsman. Immediately petals seem to shoot from under her cloak and race toward Igor forming a long, thin line that instantly burst into flames from the crushed fire dust from her free sword as it aims for his head. It was going so fast, it was actually out pacing his own semblance which was still shooting down the chain.

It was a good strategy, hit him before he could kill her. She must know his semblance weakens his aura cloak and was aiming for a critical strike. And while she couldn't move much when controlling her semblance like this, it didn't matter as her blade was still connected by his chain, making it very difficult to dodge.

However she had made one foolish mistake.

Reacting immediately, the madman spun, yanking on his chain and pulling himself up and out of the way of the attack which shot past his head, just barely grazing his hair while at the same time pulling Summer off the wall sending her into free fall while still bound by the chain.

"Nice try, but my semblance doesn't impair my movement!" He laughed as he watched his semblance race down the chain. It had almost reached her and he couldn't wait to watch the woman collapse screaming in agony. He bet her screams would be delicious. He knew watching her writhe in uncontrollable spasms would get him the kick he crave-!

Suddenly, and without warning, Summer let go of her trapped blade, immediately freeing her right as Igor's semblance reached the guard, missing her fingers by a hair!

Immediately, Igor opened his mouth, letting out a cry of anger and disappointment as she slipped away from his attack. But that was short lived as the next second, before even realized what was happening, the guard of the trapped sword exploded, creating a mass of ice that trapped his weapon between two different columns!

"Wha-!?" He cried, eyes wide as he realized he had been played. But before he could make any move to erode the ice, behind him, the storm of petals he had dodged suddenly split apart into multiple streams of fire that spread out above him in all different directions before dive bombing onto him from all side creating a massive explosion of dust and debris, severing the chain on the trapped weapon.

"Damn it all! That hurt!" Igor snarled as he threw himself out of the smoke, still swinging from the chain on his other weapon, his purple aura flickering slightly before puffing out. "I spent too much on that last attack. Didn't reserve enough for defense. How careless! I forgot I'm not fighting a bunch of useless kids but an actual huntress! Can't believe I made such a careless-!"

Before he could finish, a petal fell onto his nose. Immediately his head shot up to see Summer above him, kicking off the column his blade was stuck in and falling toward him, her sword poised for attack.

Immediately he pulls on his weapon, intending to free it and counter the huntress' obvious line of attack. However to his horror, the blade had been stuck into the cement deep, trapping it for several seconds rendering him helpless!

"No!" He thought eyes wide as he threw himself to the side in a futile attempt to dodge. "That bitch! She kicked my weapon in when she jumped toward me! Making sure I couldn't counter attack! Damn you, Summer Rose!"

But that was all he got before the woman shot past him, landing on the ground gracefully, her sword still in the position from its swing. And while in reality it had been less then a second, when the first drop of blood fell onto her cloak, she knew this battle was won.

"Aaaahhhhhh!" Igor screamed in pain and fury, crashing down in a heap several feet away from his opponent, his hand clamped to the side of his face as his ear landed in between the two combatants, blood dripping out from between his fingers.

"Damn! Damn it allll!" He screamed as he rolled over and struggled to his feet, glaring at the woman as she stood, looking back over her shoulder at the injured man. "Bastard! I'll kill you for that! I'll make you pay!"

His roar, despite scarring the hiding soldiers, did little to the huntress who simply turned to face him. And instead of acting emotionally, remained calm as she simply leveled her blade at him, her face a mask of uncaring resolve.

"You don't scare me." She said calmly, not taking her eyes off the man. "You were sloppy, put way too much aura into an attack thinking it would work. Now you paid the price for it. And in that condition and without your weapon, an empty threat like that holds little weight."

Igor didn't even glance over at where his weapon had fallen, which was in between the two. His gaze remained fixed on Summer as a hysterical grin spread across his face.

"Empty…threat?" He asked, his tone light and vacant, as if he couldn't understand the woman. "Me? Make an empty threat? Hehe. You took my ear, interrupted my killing, destroyed one of my weapons and then dared to call my threat empty? Hehe. AhaHahaHAhahahAhHahahaaHhhAaaaAhA!"

Summer raised an eyebrow as the man threw his head back, roaring with deranged laughter that shook his entire body head to toe. Foam was forming at his mouth and she could see tears in his eyes as blood ran down the side of his face, spurting out with each guffaw from his grinning mouth.

And as she stood there watching the scene play out, a horrible, unsettling feeling took root in the pit of her stomach.

She had seen plenty of people crack during the war, several even laughing uncontrollably after a friend had just died in their arms. This generally happened when something so awful happened, they couldn't comprehend it. But this was different from that. Igor definitely seemed a little out of it, but not so much that he couldn't cope with it, and given his experience with dismembering his unfortunate victims, she knew there was no way he'd crack after losing an ear.

"What's so funny?" She finally decided to ask, readying her blade as she prepared to strike. A part of her honesty didn't want to know, but she knew he was the kind of opponent who did nothing without reason.

Slowly, the man's laughter came to a stop and he slumped forward, his eyes fixed on the woman as he rolled his head slightly to the side, that same horrible smile still etched on his face.

"Oh, nothing." He said in a creepily calm and quiet tone. "I was just thinking how long it's been since someone has dared to call my threat empty. And for that, I suppose I should thank you. After all, now I have a very good reason to start my killing sprees again."

Shifting his weight, the madman leaned forward to leer at the woman as he let out a chuckle. "I'll show you who's making empty threats. And once I'm done, you'll know the truest means of pain!" With that he quickly reached to his belt and ripped a grenade from it, rising high into the air as he popped the pin out.

"But for now a part gift, something to ensure you'll remember this day. So when I break you, you'll wish you had never crossed me!" He screeched as brought the projectile down next to his face, fingers drumming against the trigger, loosening it a bit, but never let it go completely.

Summer however didn't react at all.

"You actually think that's going to work on me?" She asked, eye narrowed as she glared at him, taking stock of everything he had. "You should know that by the time that thing goes off, I'll have cut your disgusting head off your body. A grenade is useless in the high speed battles between huntsmen and huntresses."

At her question, Igor simply grinned wider, pulling his arm back to throw the weapon.

"True. This is useless against you. If it wasn't, I'd never have bothered to fight you." He said before his eyes flicked over to where a certain redhead was still lying unconscious on the ground, his tongue darting out to lick his lips, immediately making the woman's eye widening in horror as she immediately charged in an attempt to stop him.

"But what about him? Think he'll be able to dodge?!" He bellowed, taking aim. Immediately drawing a scream from the woman.

"Don't you dare!" Summer cried, but her words fell on deaf ears as the next instant, Igor, with a shrill laugh, hurled the grenade at Adam.

Time seemed to stop for Summer as she watched it fly through the air towards the Faunus. From this distance she could see the trajectory of the object would carry it right next to the boy where it would detonate instantly, killing him.

Without a second's hesitation, Summer activated her semblance, creating a storm of petals that flew with lightning speeds from her cloak into the grenade's path, blocking its path and knocking it back toward her where she leapt up, and pulled the object into a tight bearhug.

The next second the grenade exploded, sending Summer flying backwards into one of the columns where she felt her spine crack before she fell to the ground with a wheezing, but otherwise okay.

Her position had contained the blast and shrapnel resulting in minimal damage to either the surrounding area as well as muffled the sound so nobody on the highway would panic, and of course ensured Adam was safe. So overall she'd call it a success, even if she did feel like she had just been punched in the gut by Qrow.

She had to remember to thank Howard for teaching her that one.

However, as she got to her feet, her eye widened as she saw the spot Igor had been moments ago was now empty and a nearby manhole cover torn from the ground. Seems the man had decided to cut his losses and run, smart decision unfortunately. She had honestly wanted to take him down here before he could cause anymore trouble.

"Mrs. Rose!"

Looking up, Summer saw the two soldiers who had escorted her to the location of the fight rush toward her, their weapons held tightly in their hands.

"Target is attempting to escape through the sewer system. Shall we pursue?" One of them said, as if the huntress didn't already know. The question on the other hand, did make the woman pause. Right now, Igor was weak, without weapons or aura. Taking him down now would be child's play. And putting the maniac behind bars, or better yet in the ground would stop him from hurting anyone else. Stop him from inevitably coming back to hurt her.

It was very tempting, she wouldn't lie. But as she looked back at the Faunus lying on the ground, blood leaking from his mouth, she knew that at the end of the day, trading one life for another would never lead to anything more than countless unnecessary deaths. So, as much as she wanted to get Igor, she knew what the right decision was.

"No." She said, immediately turning to Adam and quickly making her way over to him. "Let him go. Right now, we need to focus on saving this boy's life. Begin emergency treatment and call the hospital to prepare an operating room. His internal organs were liquified, we need to get them stabilized NOW or he won't make it!"

As the soldiers rush to follow her order, Summer knelt next to the Faunus and immediately began trying to repair the damage. She refused to let any more children die on her watch. Not again!

She swore on the names of the late princess of Atlas, she would save this Faunus no matter what!


Back at the junkyard.

After what had felt like an eternity, Cinder felt Amber's breathing steady and her sobs began to slow as her grip weakened. It seemed the girl had finally gotten everything out of her system.

Yet the dark haired didn't pull away. She wanted to make sure Amber knew this wasn't going away, that no matter what, she'd be able to count on Cinder to keep her word and be the rock whenever she needed it. And while she deserved so much more, for now, this was all she could offer.

Still, as little as it was, it seemed to be exactly what Amber needed, as when the girl slowly pulled back, the look in her eyes was different. Despite being red, puffy, and still brimming with tears, there was something else in them, something that she had never had before. Genuine happiness.

And as the dark skinned girl locked eyes with her partner, she gave her a small smile that radiated beauty like the sun.

"Cinder, thank you." She said shakily, her smile widening as she closed her eyes in happiness. "I don't know what to say. I…thank you. I was wrong about you. You really are a wonderful-."

"A lovely sentiment. I'm glad you found someone to stand by your side, Amber."

Immediately both girls turned their heads towards Howard, as he stood up from the pile of junk he had been sitting on.

"You have found the hope of something to fight for, and that conviction is something that you should never abandon. For without that conviction, all that remains in violence, which will never carry far." He spoke with a calm yet commanding voice. One that both remembered he used around Summer and from that night when he had given Amber advice during Music Fest. The voice of the kind old man she had once looked up to.

"Violence without conviction leads only to more violence, conviction without violence is not but empty words. If one truly desires to make a better tomorrow, one must hold firm to both." Howard can to a stop as he looked right at Amber, their eyes locking in an intense stare. Then he closed his with a quiet chuckle, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

"And now you have finally found it. Something to carry you into that bright future you wish to create." He paused once again, eyes stayed closed for a few more seconds before he opened and looked straight at the dark skinned girl.

"It's truly a shame that it can't coexist with mine."

With that Howard's entire demeanor changed. His tone, while quiet, was hash and set. His eyes were narrowed and fixed on his opponent, as his kindness immediately gave way to killing intent. His hand tightened on his weapon as his entire body tensed. Immediately both girls could feel his aura flare up, strong, overwhelming, like a title-wave that was about to crash over them. Looming and unavoidable, its very presence seemingly darkening the sky itself.

All around them, metal began to fly around wildly as even the wind around them began to shift, becoming so strong that their sports car was ripped off the ground and thrown in their direction, forcing Amber to push on Cinder, using her as a stepping stone to get them both out of the way.

As they skidded to a halt on either side of the lot, both Amber and Cinder felt their hearts drop when they saw Howard's body glowing with his aura flared up around him, large metal scraps orbiting around him as if he had his own center of gravity. And right now, with the unbelievable heave aura that was practically smothering them, neither would be surprised.

"Your conviction is nothing compared to mine! I am prepared to sell my heart, my very soul to ensure Vale remains safe! I swear this on my forefathers' names!" Howard, the heroic bane of Atlas cried, ripping his boomerang apart into tonfa. "I know what waits for me down this path I walk, but so long as Atlas remains a threat, it can't-. No. Will not go unchecked! That kingdom, it's people, mark my words, they will bring ruin to all of Remnant! So go on and label me a villain, a thug, a monster! I don't care! I will ensure that a kingdom full of backstabbing, money laundering, wretched excuses for people cannot threaten our way of life ever again! So, now that you have a reason to live, I'm going to ask you one last time. Stand aside."

As small metal scraps pelted down on the two girls, they exchanged a look. They both knew even in a two on one fight, they wouldn't just lose, they would die.

But despite that, they also both knew this was one time where they couldn't afford to just roll over. There was so much more at stake just the life of a single person. If they let him go, let Vale continue to ignore the crimes being committed right in the heart of the kingdom, then another Howard, Adelaide, and Igor would just rise up.

"No, no more of this." Amber replied as she rose to her feet, spinning her staff around so the point was leveled at the old man. "I refuse to let the past repeat itself, let more people die senseless death for the hatred of those who can't let their pain go! Can't you see that as long as we brandish it as a weapon, the fighting will never stop? The only way we can make all the fighting and death mean something, is to let go of that grief and try to learn from it! If not, everything, including your son's death, will have been absolutely pointless!"

"Hmph, nonsense." The old man said, waving his hand as if to get rid of a bug. "Let go of our grief? You're in no place to talk about that. Besides, what would you have me do? Lower my guard, allow that kingdom, which already has more military might than any other, be left unchecked? Ridicules. Why not just tear down our own wall than? Burn our own people in their homes after raping them? That place which is full of scum shouldn't be trusted with a bank account, let alone the world's largest army."

"Scum? Backstabbing and money laundering, huh? That's ironic coming from you." Cinder said, rising alongside her partner. "Who was it that used us to get what they wanted? Who was it that paid for Vale's continued crime problems? Last I checked, it wasn't Atlas, or the Eternal Dynasty. It was you and your shipping company, not anyone else. So if you ask me, I think you might be the problem, not the military that's staying well within their borders."

"Howard, I know you're a man of logic. So please listen to me. You don't have to do this!" Amber pleaded, her voice slightly cracking as spoke. "Just turn yourself in! I promise it's the first step towards healing the hole in your heart. Your son wouldn't want you to suffer like this! So please, stop thi-!"


Howard's bellow, swinging his arm which sent a power gust of wind rippling throughout the air, nearly blowing both girls off their feet, forcing them to stab the ground to stay in place.

"I know what you're trying, and let me tell you, it won't work!" He said, his tone one of stern determination. "I know my son better than you. And I know he'd do anything to protect his kingdom, his family, and most of all, his son! He made the mistake of trusting that kingdom once, one I promise I won't make in his stead!"

Tightening her grip on her staff, Amber took a staggering step forward, her legs shaking, but determined.

"Mr. Howar-!"

"Enough!" The man bellowed, cutting her off as he sent another power gust freezing her place. "The time for discussion is over! Right now you only have to choose before you, either surrender and hand the singer over, or die to me, right here and now. I've given you more than enough chances to leave, be grateful I'm even leaving it on the table!"

Amber bit her lip as she staggered, her knuckles white as she held her weapon in a death grip. If Howard wouldn't listen to reason, then she was left with no other choice.

She shot a quick glance to her side where her partner sent the same look back, then nodded to her. She understood the situation and what she was feeling. And more than that, she was willing to support her in her decisions. Which somehow meant more to the dark skinned girl than it probably should.

Regardless, she would have to figure that out later. So for now, she mentally added it to the massive, ever growing backlog of stuff she'd have to work out.

With a quick return nod, she refocused her attention back to the man in front of her. If she survived this battle, she would make this her new start. Her new lease on life, if you would. One where she would be moving forward with her friends and pain by her side. And for better or worse, she'd face that in the future, with a smile on her face and determination in her heart.

And as this chapter of her life came to an end, the first page of her next life started as the two girls charged towards their opponent.