
The burning rose

In an alternate universe, Summer lives and finds Cinder in Atlas. She decided to bring her back to Patch. Due to her traumatic past, Cinder is hesitant to trust the family, but after a close brush with death, she opens up to them and is eventually adopted by the loving family. After a few years of training, she heads off to Beacon to train to become a huntress! Created by: UnknownkingfromAO3 all rights belong to them

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 41: Faunus justice

Ruby let out a cry as she was thrown into the bottom of the boat. Beside her, one of the men, who she learned was named Eskus, placed Weiss next to her and attached a chain from the bottom of the boat to her girl's ankles.

"Humph! Ten years old and doesn't have a semblance. I'm surprised her parents have the balls to show their faces in public." The other man, Aften, grunted as he made his way to the helm. "Goes to show how soft this generation is going to be. Looks like us old dogs won't be able to retire with these pathetic rejects being the ones to take our place."

"Ohh knock it off Aften." The woman, Chesher, said as she pulled off the tape covering Ruby's mouth and offering her some water. "The average age for semblance awakening is between twelve and fifteen. It's not that uncommon to not awaken a semblance until much later than us. Give the kid a break."

Aften let out a scoff at the team leader, pointedly rolling his eyes at her.

"Blake awoke her semblance at ten. And Adam was even earlier! If you want my opinion, this kid is either useless or her parents are incompetent! Sheltering her from the world is the new age parenting method and it's pathetic!"

"Adam awoke his semblance at the age of seven. SEVEN! That's a feat unheard of before him and one yet to be repeated!" Chesher shot back with an air of pride. "He's trained Blake. So of course she was so talented at her age. She was literally trained by the best! So stop comparing other people to the best of us. It's not fair."

Aften let out a grunt as he turned away, but didn't reply, making Chesher smirk.

After letting Ruby finish her drink, she stood and walked over to the still gagged Weiss and knelt down next to the girl, grabbing her hair and forcing her head up.

"And speaking of comparing ourselves to the best of us. How's our hospitality, Schnee? Living up to your cushy lifestyle built on our backs? We live to serve you humans after all. The least you could do is give us a three star rating." She laughed at the captive, relishing the power she had over the girl as she slowly pulled her hair harder.

"My, my! Such soft and smooth hair you have! You must get it groomed regularly! I'm so jealous!" She said giving it a tug, causing the girl pain. "I bet you spend more money on your hair then I make in a year. How much are you worth anyway? If you're high enough, we might just change our plans if your dear daddy can cough up a couple million."

Despite her helpless position and the pain she must be in from having her hair pulled, Weiss kept a strong face on. Glaring daggers at the woman who smirked down at her. Eyes narrowed in defiance even the claws on the huntress slowly began extending.

"Aww. Looks like you have something on your mind. Going to beg?" Chesher mocked, retracting her claws like blades back into her gauntlets and grabbing the tape over the girl's mouth. "I love hearing the rich come crashing down when they finally realize how little power they have. So beg Schnee! Let me enjoy your screams!"

With that, she ripped the tape of the girl's mouth making her flinch, her head being dragged to the side for a second before she turned back to look her captor in the eyes.

"Well, this is your moment." Chesher said, grinning at the girl. "Just know if you scream, I'll gag you and we'll be long gone before anyone shows up. And even then, nobody comes through this area, so it's just the…five of us. But I-!"

The Faunus was cut off as the heiress spat in her face! The gob splattering against her cheek just below her eye.

"Go to HELL you worthless animal!" Weiss snapped, her glare filled with cold loathing! "I don't care what you have to say! You people are all the same! Scoundrels, thieves and liars! I couldn't care less what you do to me! So go ahead and kill me on tv! You and everyone in that stupid organization of your will be hanging by your necks before the end of the week! And I'll have happily died a martyr showing that for all your talks of peace, all you deserve is the same things as your bloodthirsty ancestor! To rot in the fields where you belong!"

Weiss let out several angry buffs as she continued to glare at the woman who slowly moved her hand to wipe the spit off her face. And while Ruby couldn't see Chesher's face from this angle, her tensioned shoulders and clenched fist told her how angry she was.

"So, you won't apologize even to save your life? You'd prefer we stay in servitude for your worthless family back in Atlas? How noble of you." Chesher said in a dangerously low tone that carried the weight as a blade bearing down on a helpless animal.

But Weiss held her hate filled gaze with one of her own. Equally full of disgust.

"My only family left me." The girl snapped. "So yes, I don't care what you do to me. And if I can make a difference to them, fine! I'll happily die to protect them from your animal paws!" With that, she spat on the huntress once again!

A silence passed as the two women had their standoff. Then, after several minutes, Chesher let out a low laugh.

"Ms. Schnee, you really shouldn't be spitting like that." She said, whipping the spit off her once again. "You'll get dehydrated! And then what will we do? Fortunately, i, your lowly servant, am more that happy to help with that!"

Before the heiress could react, Chesher grabbed her and threw her onto the side of the boat, hitting her stomach against the hard material, knocking the wind out of her! Then, when the girl let out a cough, she grabbed her head and forced it over the edge and into the water!

"Haha! Not so tough now, are you?!" She laughed as she pinned the girl there. She had positioned herself so that her entire body was on top of Weiss', so when the girl began thrashing, she could keep her struggling to a minimum while making sure her head was submerged!

Immediately the cold water made the heiress gasp, only to inhale a mouth full of water! Immediately she began to struggle, desperately trying to push her head above the surface as she fought the urge to gasp again!

But her attempts were futile as the woman above her was much stronger, and effortlessly held her head in place. And as time ticked on, Weiss' lungs burned for air sending her into a more panicked state as got closer and closer to gasping again!

"Aww! What the matter?! I thought you were fine dying!" She mocked as Weiss' thrashing grew more panicked as her body began demanding air. "Don't tell me that Schnees are all talk without any substance! I would never have guessed that!"

Her tone was mockingly high as she continued to torture the girl, relishing her pain!

Darkness began appearing at the edges of Weiss' vision as her strength began to leave her. Her struggles lost power and she began going limp as her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. She could feel water invading her lungs as she lost the strength to keep her mouth shut.

Her chest felt heavy as it filled with water and the burning sensation in her lungs began to increase. Her struggles were now nothing more than her muscles convulsing outside of her control. As her eyelids began to close, she wondered what Winter was doing right now and wished she could have seen her one last time.

"Well, come on! Are you done yet? I do have other duties to attend to your highness! Keep this up and people will think you a pig!" She laughed as pushed the girl's stomach against the boat. "I must say, it's a shock to find that you enjoy seawater this much! I guess everyone has their tastes but I wouldn't give this to my dog! Although, unlike you, I guess someone actually cares about her unlike a bitch like-!"

"S-stop it!"

Chesher froze as the small yet powerful voice cried out. Turning slowly, she came face to face with Ruby, who was glaring at her through tear stained eyes.

"Stop it! You're hurting her!" The girl said again. "I-I! Huntresses were supposed to protect people! What did she do to you to deserve this kind of treatment?! She's a kid!"

Chesher stared blankly at the girl for a few seconds, then hauled Weiss out of the water and dropped the girl back onto the boat before standing and making her way over to Ruby as her other captive coughed water out of her lungs.

"You're joking, right? Surely even a child like you can understand why I'm doing this." Chesher said as she knelt next to the bound girl. "I'm a Faunus and she's a Schnee. There's not enough room on this planet for both of us. So I'm removing a piece of disgusting filth to help my people find a more prosperous future."

"A future built on bodies?! That's not the future! It's an excuse!" Ruby yelled angrily at the Faunus, stunning the woman as she looked into her eyes. The fear was still there, but it was swallowed whole by the girl's fierce determination!

"Huntsmen and huntresses are supposed to protect people, not hurt them for their own gain!" The little girl yelled. "But you're just using your power to take out your pain on others! That's not the actions of a huntress, that's the actions of a jerk!"

Across the boat, Weiss turned her head to look at the dark haired girl. Surprise to find someone in Vale willing to put their life on the line for her. She hadn't forgotten the silence after her preferences, or even if security had simply stood by as she had been abducted.

But Ruby wasn't done yet.

"You say there's no room for both the Faunus and the Schnee, but you just can't accept them! Because they hurt you, you're not willing to forgive them or help those who were hurt by them! You're not helping the Faunus, you're just trying to make yourself feel better because they hurt you and-!"

Ruby was silenced as Chesher extended her claw-like blade from her gauntlet, pressing the cold steel against her soft neck. Cutting through her skin like a hot knife through butter.

"Ya know, I actually like kids." She said, extending the blade a little deeper into Ruby. "But I'm not going to lie. Mouthy brats like you annoy me. I get you probably weren't raised with proper discipline and it's not really your fault. But keep running your mouth and believe me, you're going to get a lot worse than a spanking."

Ruby shuttered as a cold feeling ran up her spine. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she swallowed hard. The scent of fear of death was ever present with this woman and it made the girl shake as she was forced to comprehend her powerlessness.

Yet the girl didn't regret what she had done. She had stood up to her and if nothing else, she had probably just saved the other girl's life just now. That alone was worth it and filled her chest with a warmth that helped push the fear back.

"I don't know or care about your opinions. So just be quiet." Chesher said darkly. "Once we get out of here, we'll drop you off somewhere nearby and you can get a hold of the cops to take you home. Until then, don't make another sound. Because it will take me less than a second to kill you. And I won't hesitate in the slightest either. I don't-."


The five people looked up to see someone pelting towards them, making Chesher stand up in surprise.

"Adam?!" She cried. "What are you doing here?!"

"That's my line!" He said, skidding to a halt right beside the boat, panting heavily. "What are you doing?! Don't you know what this will do to the White Fang?! To the Faunus?! I know you want the Schnee to face justice, I do too! But you can't do it at the cost of our reputation! Think about how far we've come! Killing that bitch on live tv will ruin any hope we had of creating an equal world for everyone! You can't just-!"

"An equal world for everyone?! Adam, can you hear yourself right now? What we're doing is enacting justice for our people!" Chesher said, gracefully leaping out of the boat and landing in front of the Faunus.

"This is only illegal in the eyes of the people who treat us as animals! That's what you once told us. Well that is also true for this. If the Atlas won't punish them for their abuse, then it falls to us to enact justice! Besides, you're the one who first started taking what we're owed. This is just the next logical step."

"Except it's not!" Adam countered, violently gesturing in frustration. "Killing her will set us back a decade if we're lucky! And even if it doesn't, the Vale branch of the White Fang would be made into criminals! After that, it's only a matter of time before we all go under!"

Chesher grinned at Adam's response. Then slowly pulled a piece of paper from her bag and held it up for the bull Faunus to see. And immediately his jaw dropped!

It was a VIP pass to Music Feat! Three of them! By using this, not only could they come and go as they pleased, but they also didn't need to go through security or be checked! What's more, it allowed them access to all areas of the event! Backstage, personal talks, and first row seating to anything they wanted to see without needing to wait in line!

Adam felt his brain shut off as he stared at the pass! This was impossible! How had Chesher gotten a hold of these! Not only were they super expensive, but you could only get them from certain companies or sponsors! This was normally the kind of thing kept in reserve for impressing big name company managers and high ranking politicians! One alone cost more than five huntsmen made in two years!

"How did you get that?" He said breathlessly, eyes bugging out of his head as the woman grinned at him.

"Let's just say we've got a powerful sympathizer. He arranged everything. Even got us a nice In without raising any suspicions." She said, twirling the pass between her fingers. "Even said he'd cover us if we got the Schnee brat. Apparently he wants to see her dead as much as we do. He even gave us clear instructions on how to get in without being noticed and where she'd be. Got to say, it's nice for a human to share our cause."

Adam immediately felt his stomach turn at her last words.

"A human? A HUMAN!" He screamed, grabbing her collar and giving her a shake. "Is this what you want the White Fang to become?! Petty mercenaries?! We're not a group of thugs for hire! We're a force of revolution! Didn't you understand what this is?! Humans taking advantage of us! Remember what Ghira said?! Corrupting a symbol will kill it! He knows that we can't change them with violence! He said that-!"

"And where has following him gotten us?!" Chesher snapped, shoving Adam back, a fire back in her eyes. "Look at where we are! In the past four years, we haven't made an inch of progress! Nobody treats us as equals or even as people! Everyday a Faunus is mugged and the cops just turn the other way! Can't you see that Ghira's way doesn't work?! If we follow him and his outdated ideals, nothing will change! We need a new approach! We need a new leader!"

Adam opened his mouth to protest, but paused as a sick feeling took root in his stomach. As much as he respected and looked up to Ghira, he had to admit his pacifist methods were making little to no progress. If anything, the crimes against the Faunus seemed to be getting worse as time went on.

More and more young people were getting fed up with his methods and their lack of impact and were leaving the White Fang to join the Enlighten Seraphim. If something wasn't done soon, the entire organization might have to disband!

"So what?!" He snapped, shaking his head to dislodge those thoughts. "Even if you did try something as stupid as a coup and by some miracle you did succeed, do you honestly think anyone would follow you?! The high up members would never expect someone working with a human! And lest you forget, Sienna is in charge of all combat oriented units! Including escorts through Grimm infested areas! Without her approval, you can't do anything! And let me assure you, she would never approve of you running the White Fang!"

Chesher smiled at Adam, completely unfazed by the speech. Instead she let out a giggle as if he had said something funny that she didn't want to laugh at.

"Adam, relax. I don't want to run the White Fang. I never wanted that kind of responsibility! Believe me, I've had more than my share of running teams of huntsmen for our people." She said reassuringly as she took a step forward, her smile warm as she stared straight at him. Then she slowly raised a finger and pointed it straight at him, her voice filled with confidence.

"I want you to run the White Fang."

A few seconds passed. Then…

"You what!?" Adam spluttered, eyes wide, mouth hanging open in utter shock at Chesher's suggestion! Him?! Lead the White Fang?! Why?! He was an eighteen year old kid who was still in school! He hadn't even been assigned as his team's leader! And why would he ever betray Ghira and the others?! Surely she couldn't actually think he'd go along with this, did she?!

"No need to look so surprised. After all, it makes the most sense." Chesher said, taking another step towards Adam. Her demeanor had no hostility or killer intent. If anything, her eyes and tone carried complete sincerity without a hint of malice.

"You're the prodigy of the White Fang! Everyone knows in another ten, fifteen years Ghira will step down and retire to Menagerie prominently. Then the higher ups will name you as the next leader. You have the skill, the passion, and the charisma to pull it off! More than that, you're a person everyone looks up to and adores! They'll follow you to the ends of Remnant if you asked! Nobody, not a single human or Faunus has ever had that kind of support! Even Sienna can see that! You taking over now would just speed up the process."

Adam froze at the suggestion, his jaw hanging limply opened as he stared wide eyed at the Faunus as she approached! Her approach was uncomfortably similar to what he was doing on his team, overruling the leader's decisions, keeping secrets, going on solo missions behind her back, the list of similarities went on. And as each new one popped into his head, the more Adam felt guilty for his decisions.

"No. It's not!" Adam snapped, shaking his head, clearing those types of thoughts. It was one thing to take responsibility away from someone who clearly couldn't handle it and another to take it away because of impatience! He wasn't a power hungry madman nor was he doing anything immoral! It wasn't his fault he had been assigned to a team with a leader who didn't know what she was doing! He was the one with experience in leading! If the world wasn't against Faunus, everyone knew he would have been named leader!

"I'm not taking over the White Fang! Not when Ghira's still in perfect health! And not because you're frustrated his methods aren't fast enough! I refuse to hurt my friends and family!" Chesher paused at his words, eyes narrowing. "Can't you see that this will only hurt the Faunus in the long run?! All your stunt will do is make people fear us more! That will only lead to more racism! You-!"

"Are you the one talking? Or is it Ghira?"

Immediately Adam stopped, eyes wide in shock. He was actually echoing Ghira's words over and over again. He had always believed in them and followed them, never stopping to think about his own ideals. Sure he might toe the line every now and again, taking what was rightfully theirs, but even then, he had never wavered in his belief.

But upon Chesher's simple, yet difficult question had frozen him in his tracks. He had heard those speeches since he was a kid. Taken in by the Belladonnas after he had lost his parents at the hands of the SDC, those words had been engraved into him at a young age. But was it really the only way for the Faunus to become liberated? Was there a better way? Recently, their protests were getting more and more violent, yet the number of places that refused them service had gone down. He had originally thought this was because of their previous work, but what if it wasn't? What if it was something else. Something Ghira, in all his wisdom's had missed? What if the changing times were causing a change to the way people saw their injustice?

Was Chesher onto something?

The woman gave him a small smile as she reached out and put her hand gently on his shoulder. Her eyes filled with kindness and compassion. Something he hadn't seen since the Atlas division, her division, was destroyed.

"Look, I get it. You're scared." She said softly. "I don't blame you. I was terrified when I was named a squad commander. Having lives in your hands isn't something to be taken lightly. But I know you can do it. You're the savior of the Faunus. The one destined to lead us to a glorious utopia where humans can't hurt any of us ever again. If someone as gifted as you can't isn't fit to lead us, then nobody is."

Adam felt his insides purr at her praise. He'd never admit it but he always loved getting praise from his superior, even for small things.

"And it's not like you'd be alone! Me, over half of the other squad leaders, Sienna, Fennec, Corsac, and of course Blake. We're all going to help and support you as a leader."

Adam felt his stomach tighten as thought about what Chesher had said. If he could lead the Faunus to a better future by betraying those closeted to him, would he? Could he even bring himself to do it? Ghira and Kali were his family! But if their old ideology was holding the White Fang back, it was wrong to just ignore it, right?

"I…I." Adam stammered, unsure of what to say. He didn't know what was right anymore. Were the Faunus being held back by the pacifist ways Ghira had always preached? He didn't know anymore!



Before Adam could respond, an arrow hit Chesher in the face, exploding on contact! Both Faunus were knocked several feet as shards of glass and dust flew past them!

Turning, Adam saw Cinder standing at the edge of the docks. Her mouth pulled into a tight snarl, eyes burning with hate as she glared at Chesher! Her bow was aimed right at her, free arm hovering over the quiver on her hip!

"Give me back my sister, you stupid animals!" She screamed, her voice matching her face in fury! Adam had never seen her this angry before, not even when they had first met! She was beyond livid right now!

"Cinder!" Ruby cried from the boat, immediately drawing the girl's attention.

"Ruby! Thank goodness you're okay!" Cinder cried, a bit of relief in her voice. "Hand on! I'm going to get you out of there!" With that, she pulled three arrows from her quiver and fired them all at once! Two heading towards the other huntsman in the boat, the third aimed at the motor!

"W-wait! Cinder don't-!" Adam was cut off as a gust of wind blew past him!

Chesher had used what looked like a speed semblance to shoot forward, extending her blades as she went! Intercepting the attack, knocking all the arrows out of the air at once!

"Go! Go now!" She screamed to her team on the boat! "Take Schnee and finish what we started! We need to show people we aren't afraid to stand up for our rights!"

"Ma'm!" Aften yelled, immediately ripping the rope holding them to the docks off and starting up the engine!

"Like hell!" Cinder screamed, pulling more arrows. But before she could take aim, Chesher shot forward, swiping at the dark haired girl's face with her claws, barely giving Cinder enough time to dodge!

Sliding back, Cinder was forced to break her bow apart into blade form to block the Faunus huntress as she released a volley of lightning fast attacks! Pushing the less experienced huntress back farther away from the boat as it began departing!

"No!" Cinder yelled, trying to run to the edge of docks, but couldn't get past Chesher as she continued her relentless attacks. "Out of my way!" She screamed frustratedly, trying to counter the speedster, but missing completely.

As he stood there, Adam looked from the battle between the two girls and the disappearing boat. He didn't know what to do! Stop them or let them go, which was right?! Try something new or stick to the old methods.

What was he supposed to-?!

But as he looked over at the boat and saw the girl who apparently was her sister, (he had no idea she even had one!) his stomach dropped.

She was looking back at the shore, tears in her eyes as her family got father and father away from her. He had seen that look so many times. Kids watching their parents being shipped off to the mines where odds were, one day they wouldn't come back.

The SDC had bled his people dry over and over again! Taking more and more from then until they had nothing left to give. At which point they were killing so another could take their place. As much as he'd love to see the Schnee girl bag for her life, he wasn't going to let his teammate's sister become a victim to their war!

And just as he found his resolve, there was a loud blast and the next second, his partner flew past above him, his shield glowing a bright green as he filled it with his aura!

"Adam! Boots!" Reacting immediately, Adam discharged a blast from his semblance, smashing into Eric's shield knocking him higher into the air where he used his weight to turn so he could land on one specific place. The boat!

Eskus and Aften looked up just in time to see Adam launch his partner towards them. Immediately they both slid in front of the boat, dragging Ruby with them to ensure they still had a hostage.

But as the huntsman decided, Eskus' eyes widened as he realized what Eric's plan was!

"Aften! Drop the hostage! Grab the boa-!"

Too late!

Eric crashed onto the back of the boat, using his semblance to release a burst of energy at the same time! Between the blast and the weight of a young man in full armor crashing into it sent the boat's front shooting upward!

Aften let out a scream as he and Ruby were launched off the boat and onto the dock, where Adam lunged forward, managing to catch the little girl before she hit the ground! Eskus meanwhile, had stayed in place as he discharged twine jade daggers from his sleeve, stabbing into the boat, keeping him on. As for Weiss, she jerk, letting out a cry of pain as the binding on her ankles caused her to bounce in place!

"Sorry, kid. I'm not letting you go with our prize that easily." Eskus said, ripping his daggers out of the boat as his tongue slipped out as he made a quiet hiss. "But I suppose you wouldn't really understand our plight. An Atlesian like yourself could never understand our pain. So while it's not personal, I'm not going to apologize for killing you!"

"Why does everyone think Atlesians are that different from Faunus?" Eric said with a sigh as he positioned himself between his opponent and Weiss as his aura settled back into cloak form, covering him head to toe in a green glow. "If you'd just stop and look at our situations, you'd see things aren't as different as you think. But whatever. You want to kill me, so!"

With that, he pulled the ripcord on his shield and immediately the edges turned into chainsaw form! Filling the area with a loud buzzing sound as he pulled it back, readying for a strike!

"I'd like to see you try!"

Soon, the boat rocked as the two opponents began to fight in the tight space! Neither willing to give ground as they knew they couldn't afford too!

And as they fought on the sea, more fights were beginning on the land!

"Adam! What the hell?!" Aften yelled as he got to his feet, fists tightening as he glared at the bull Faunus. "I thought you were on our side! Why the hell are you helping a Schnee?!"

"I'm not helping a Schnee!" Adam shot back as he pushed Ruby behind him. "I'm protecting the Faunus from more problems that you'd cause! And besides, I'm not letting my teammate's sister get hurt just because she was in the way! I want justice just as much as you! But I can see this won't work in the long run!"

"Then what?! We sit back and expect humans to magically change?! They've clearly proven at this point they won't! Humans are incapable of change! You want our next generation to grow up their slaves?! You want that for Blake?!" Adam felt his resolve falter at those words, but he gritted his teeth and held firm. He knew deep down Aften had a point, but he couldn't afford to think about it now!

Aften snarled upon seeing Adam wasn't going to change. His teeth bared and eyes narrowed in rage. "Fine!" He snapped. "If you're not with us, then you're against us! And I'm not going to show any mercy to someone who stands before our liberation! You want to be a lapdog to the Schnee's, that's your call! But as one Faunus to another, you picked the wrong side!"

With that, he let out a deafening roar and changed at Adam! Each step shook the docks and his muscles seemed to expand as his aura lit up and ran across his body! He had activated his semblance, super strength! And Adam braced for impact!

A little ways away, Chesher let out an annoyed grunt as she looked over at her fighting team. She knew that was too easy! And these kids had their weapons, meaning they were part of the staff!

"Stupid old fart!" She snarled. "Can't trust anyone these days! So much for a carefree abduction! I'm going to kill him next time I-!"

She broke off to block one of Cinder's strikes! Once caught against her claws, she swiped it away and took a swing at Cinder only for the girl to duck under it and lash out with a kick! Forcing Chesher back.

"Heh! Sounds like you've got an acomplus." The dark haired girl said with a smirk. "Care to share? I promise to put them six feet under right next to you. After all, anyone who hurts my family is going to pay the price with their lives. And trust me, that is a mercy compared to what I want to do with them!"

"Cute kid." The cheetah Faunus. "Too bad you're all talk. From what I've seen, you aren't talentless, but lack practical experience. You're going to regret crossing me!"

With that, she shot forward, using her semblance to fly at Cinder! Landing a powerful slash against her side staggering her! Then, she bounced off a shipping container and flew back towards the dark haired girl!

But this time, to her surprise, Cinder spun and grabbed Chesher's outstretched arm! Then, using her momentum, threw the Faunus over head into a different container! Knocking the wind from her!

"I guess it's not true. Cats don't always land on their feet!" She said smugly as she watched Chesher cough! "Too bad. I've actually seen a speed semblance before back in Atlas. The difference was that the huntress was way faster. And that was four years ago!"

Cockily, Cinder used two fingers to mockingly call the huntress over, smirking the whole time. "Well, come on! Surely that's not all you can do. So hurry up and use some more tricks against me! I'll crush them all! And make sure you know just how powerless you really are!"

There was a pause as the two held each other's gaze, then the Faunus slid into a crotch not unlike a runner before a race.

"Fine. I was going to go easy on you kid." Chesher said eyes slit as she glared at Cinder. "But you asked for it! Sorry kid, but I'm going to kill you!"

With that, she shot forward as Cinder slid into her fighting stance! And soon, the sounds of the three fights echoed throughout the abandoned dock!