
The burning rose

In an alternate universe, Summer lives and finds Cinder in Atlas. She decided to bring her back to Patch. Due to her traumatic past, Cinder is hesitant to trust the family, but after a close brush with death, she opens up to them and is eventually adopted by the loving family. After a few years of training, she heads off to Beacon to train to become a huntress! Created by: UnknownkingfromAO3 all rights belong to them

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 24: Flight in the night

In a darkened corner of Vale, two cloaked figures weaved through the shadows towards each other in an alley next to an electronic store. Their faces were hidden by the long shadows the cloaks cast as if they were spotted, they'd be in big trouble.

"Couldn't find them in any of the slums or hobo cities. No one even saw them! Wherever they are, they clearly Didn't want to be found." The first figure said, not bothering to hide the annoyance in her voice. Her yellow eyes burned with anger. "Brothers help them! When we find them I'm going to rip them to pieces!"

"Cinder, you don't always have to get violent when people annoy you. Try to have at least a little empathy." The other cloaked figure, Amber, chastised. "I'm sure they must have a good reason for being out this late. We just need to find them and show them the secret way into school so they don't get in trouble."

"Or we could just leave them to rot."

Cinder shrugged as Amber gave her a hard look. "What? They brought it on themselves by staying out this late. Not our fault they can't follow basic rules."

Amber stared at Cinder, then let out a sigh. "Look, like it or not, we're going to be teammates with them for the next four years. So, can you at least try not to constantly antagonist them? With the kingdom starved for huntsmen, we'll be going on real missions at some point in the near future. And they'll be a lot easier if you're not constantly at each other's throats."

Cinder openly rolled her eyes as she let out a huff. Why did she always have to compromise? Adam had started the fight. He should be the one trying to get along with her, not the other way around.

"I'm guessing you haven't interacted with others outside your family much, have you?" Amber asked, her question catching Cinder off guard.

"Not really. Most of my classmates were so unbearable I didn't bother getting to know them." Cinder replied honestly. "Knowing them wouldn't have helped me in any way, shape or form. I knew I'd leave them in the dust when I came to Beacon. So there was no point becoming friends with those lesser than me. They would only slow me down."

Amber stared at Cinder for a few seconds, a strange glint in her eyes. Cinder shifted under her gaze uncomfortably. She hadn't seen this side of the girl back in the forest.

"For someone so against Atlas, you sure sound just like them." Amber said bluntly, causing Cinder to immediately feel heat burn instead of her stomach.

"How dare you!" She snapped, struggling to hold herself back. She didn't want to cause a scene. Her hands clenched into fists as they started shaking. Her teeth were grinding as she glared at the dark skinned girl.

"I'm nothing like them! I detest their elitist horse shit! They-!"

"I'm better than my classmates, so why should I associate with them?"

Immediately Cinder's protest died on her lips. She hadn't meant it like that! It was just a slip of the tongue. She wasn't-!

"People should be treated based on their abilities to fight. And anyone who is weaker should be left to die."

Cinder felt a horrible feeling twist her guts. She turned away as she struggled to reply. "That's different. I didn't mean it like that."

"I'm the standard for what people should archive and anyone who hasn't has nobody but themselves to blame. Anyone who wants a normal school life is just goofing off and should be thrown out because they work differently than me."

Cinder hands were shaking for completely different reasons now. She couldn't even find a rebuttal. Who knew Amber could be so savage?

"Other people are suffering, but I've gone through something that I believe is worse. Therefore, they should just learn to put up and shut up. They can't have any luxuries that i didn't because I overcame it on my own. And even though I escaped mine, they have to go through the hardships because-."

"Okay! I get your point! Shut up!" Cinder snapped, finally unable to stand it. "You've made your point! I'm a horrible human being! Are you happy?! I'll stop talking back! You don't have to rub it in!"

Cinder glared at the ground as she felt her heart hammering in her chest. Amber was right, she did sound just like an Atlas elite. Sure, she had clawed her way up by the skin of her teeth, but so had Atlas. And once at the top, they had developed a system that threw people under the bus. Throw her under the bus.

What about little Ruby? By her own logic, Ruby was completely worthless because no matter how long TaI and Summer tried to train her, she couldn't show much, if any, improvement. The girl didn't have any trauma blocking her, or a weak body, she just couldn't get the hang of weapons that her parents could teach. Hell, Cinder herself had tried to teach the girl and had gotten a black eye for her troubles.

And how many times had she openly spoken about how useless her classmates were around Ruby? She wasn't even close to their level even when they were her age. She had been bullying her own sister for years now and never once realized it!

Some sister she was. Even when they had been fighting, Yang had only ever pushed her to the ground and called her names for a few months. Cinder had been torturing her for years!

Some sister she was. Too stupid to realize how much she had been hurting Ruby. Cinder reached her trembling fingers up and gripped the pendent Ruby had given her. She wondered how much her attitude had hurt the girl, she needed to apologize to Ruby as soon as possible.

"You're not a horrible person."

Cinder looked up at Amber, who had taken a step closer. "You just have flaws, like everyone else. Nobody's perfect, that's just the way we are."

Amber smiled as she offered her hand to Cinder. "You don't need to take everything so seriously, just learn to relax. No matter how much you strive for perfection, you'll never reach it because that's not possible. Nothing in this world will be perfect. Instead of striving for it, try striving to be better than you were yesterday. That way, you'll always have something to strive for without setting impossible goals for yourself."

A long silence fell between them at Amber's words.

"You really are a damn cliché." Cinder chuckled as she looked back up, her eyes held none of her previous sadness. "But I guess I'll thank you this once. As lame as you are, I can appreciate what you see. You have good eyes, just like my sister." Her words caused Amber to smile. Cinder was finally starting to come out of her shell.

"But! Just so you know, I've got a good memory." Cinder teased. "And make no mistake, I'll pay you back for all the lectures you've given me after just 48 hours of knowing each other. And when I do, I plan to talk your ears off without relying on some cheap movie lines!"

Amber let out a laugh as Cinder smirked at her. "Well, I look forward to the wisdom you'll drop on me later. And just know, I've got your back." Amber held out her closed fist towards Cinder, and the dark haired girl bumped it with her own. Neither could stop themselves from grinning, it felt good to have a friend. It was a feeling both had forgotten a while ago.

Suddenly, a report from a TV in the store drew their attention with a loud announcement.

"Police reports that the thefts have broken through their barricade and are moving deeper into the slums of the city. Residents are advised to stay home and avoid anywhere close to the slums as two of the five thieves have huntsmen training."

Cinder and Amber moved to get a better look and saw a map of the city with the slums highlighted. Interestingly enough, it looked like the area was centered around a highly Faunus populated area.

"Police are requesting any available huntsmen and huntresses to rally to their position at once. The suspects have their faces concealed, but the authorities have confirmed one uses a large shield and the other a katana like blade. Both are highly skilled and are accompanied by three armed gunmen. It is believed that the suspects are members of the Enlightened Seraphim and the police are determined to bring them in dead or alive."

As the report continued to speak, Cinder turned dumbfounded to Amber, who looked just as shocked. The reported weapons, the area they were in, the fact that they couldn't find the hide or hair of their two teammates.

"Oh give me a fucking break!"

Adam pelted into an alley, right behind him were the other members of the White Fang, and bringing up the rear was Eric, who was ripping a car door off his shield.

"Hurry! We need to get out of the slums before they find us!" Adam yelled as they ran towards the highway. "We can lose ourselves in the city and then we'll have plausible deniability! So let's move people!"

Before them, they could hear sirens blaring as they ran. The police were hot on their heels. Fortunately, they all had their faces covered. Eric had a helmet with a visor covering his.

As they approached the highway, Fox let out a squeak. The entire road was blocked with swat cars and several officers hiding behind them. If it wasn't for their excellent night vision, they would have missed it.

"Follow me!" Adam screamed as he immediately took a right. As the others followed, the air was suddenly split as automatic gunfire filled the night. Glancing back, Adam saw Eric move up to use his own body as a shield for the Faunus.

Confident that his people were safe, he turned his attention back to navigation. If he remembered correctly, there was a tunnel nearby that led out of the city not too far from here. It was mostly used by smugglers and thieves, but in a pinch, it would have to do.

"Hurry this way!" Adam yelled as he began leading them away from the city and towards the outer wall. As they ran, the gunshots started to die out and the sirens picked up, but this time the blaring sounds were all around them. And closing in fast!

"This isn't good." Adam thought as he activated the device on his scabbard. They couldn't hope to escape without conflict. Soon enough it might end up life or death.

He could feel his hands trembling as he gripped his sword. He had never killed before and the thought had given him a strange feeling in his gut. And he couldn't tell if it was a good thing or not.

Suddenly, as they ran out of the alley into an intersection, they found themselves in the headlights of a swat car bearing down on them. Adam swore as he saw an SMG poke out of the opened window.

Immediately, he drew his sword, releasing some of his stored up power. Parts of his body glowed red as his aura channeled all its power to his attack, a wave of red horizontal energy, tearing up the ground as it went!

As the attack clashed with the vehicle, the car was cut in half!

There was a scream of surprise as the two halves slid to either side of Adam before falling onto the ground.

"Stay down!" Adam ordered the two terrified officers as the others ran past him. "I could kill you right now! Be grateful I don't have time to deal with you!" Adam smirked as he saw them cower even more. Seeing the fear in their eyes felt good.

With a cocky grin, Adam turned and followed the others. And when he did, he saw Eric looking back at him, face unreadable behind his helmet.

Adam frowned at the armored man, but didn't press the subject. They could talk about it when they were safe.

After a few more minutes, Adam came to an old grate. Without any hesitation, he grabbed it and pulled a large chunk off.

"Through here! Hurry!" He yelled, beckoning them to the grate. One by one, the Faunus scrambled into the sewer as quickly as they could. Behind them, the sound of sirens were getting closer.

As soon as Eric had gone through, Adam climbed in, setting the grate back in place, making it impossible to tell it had been moved. He had just disappeared down the tunnel when the grate was bathed in red and blue lights as the police passed by.

There was a heavy pressure on all of them as they made their way deeper into the sewer system. Ankle deep in dirty water, everyone kept glancing back expecting to see a huntsman coming down after them. But after a few more minutes, Adam let out a sigh. They had gotten away.

"A sewer? How hygienic." Eric said dryly, making Adam roll his eyes.

"This is a special underground smuggling route for criminals. It was designed to keep all waste out. As you can tell, this place has a very different structure then any other sewer in the city." Adam explained, gesturing to how it was a wide, arching tunnel, with enough room to fit a single story house in it. "Of course, there are still plenty of ways to get into the main sewer, but don't worry, everything here will wash off easily."

"Do I want to know how you know all this?" Eric asked sarcastically. "Where are we even going? This seems like a death trap then an escape. To many ways to get in here, and without knowing the way out, we could be wondering for days." He gestured to the numerous tunnels that led off down to the main line. They had no grate or covering, the only thing keeping the sewage down was the fact that it was designed to be higher than the other lines.

"The sewer system snakes all over the city. We can use it to get us outside the city." He explained. "Once there, we can hide out before sneaking back in. Nobody will ever notice. Just remember, we have no idea what-."

"Are you crazy!?" Eric snapped, cutting Adam off. "We have school tomorrow! They already have our profile! If we miss class, then they'll know it was us!"

Adam but his lip and clenched his fist. Of course he knew that, but whatever choice did he have? They couldn't get back to Beacon without going through a police barricade. And if they were caught, everything would be futile anyway. This was the best option!

"We don't have a choice." He said quietly. "If we go back, we'll be caught for sure. We'll have to sneak back in first thing in the morning. Going back now is suicide."

"Or! We can sneak back through the sewer and come out at a different point in the city!" Eric countered. "Then we can just give an excuse to the police. Then we just need to keep ourselves very far within the law for the next few months until we're off the keep-an-eye-on list and then we're home free! It's easy p-."


All four jumped at Adam's yell. The rage and anger in it was clear to everyone who heard it. And even if it wasn't, the intensity of his glare was.

"I'm not going on a human watch list! If I did, humans would just use it to discredit the White Fang! To enslave the Faunus even more! Besides, I'm sure they've already got every member of the White Fang on a watch list. I go back out, they'll throw me in jail before they have any proof I was involved in anything." Adam said as he spat into the water in disgust. "That's topical human behavior. Put the blame on the innocent Faunus, then find evidence to convict them instead of looking for the real criminal."

Eric brow creased and his eyes popped as Adam spoke. "What are you talking about!? You are the real criminal here!" He yelled, hands raised next to him in frustration. "Of course you'd get arrested! You actually did the crime! How can you even blame the police for this one!?"

"Crime?" Adam scoffed. "It's only a crime in the eyes of those who abused us. Who treat us as slaves. From the way I see it, we're just getting what we deserve."

"And that's the problem!" Eric yelled. "You think you're entitled to do whatever you want! You're not! Laws exist for a reason! If people took what they thought they were owed, society would fall to anarchy! Did you listen to a word I said back in the warehouse!?"

"I did. And because of your experience, you must see what we're doing is right. This isn't some petty crime spree run by a bunch of greedy humans, it's a noble crusade to reclaim what the Faunus have been denied." Adam stepped forward and offered his hand to Eric.

"You can be a part of it." He said, much to the surprise of the other man. "You might not be Faunus, but you know what it's like to be oppressed by other people. You can join us as the first human among the White Fang. Think! You'll never have to lick the boots of others again. You'll be able to take what's owed to you. You'll be able to avenge your father! Come on, be my partner and help us take what's ours."

A long silence filled the sewer as the two stared at each other. Neither moving, gazing into the other's eyes. Nobody dared make a sound and Adam could feel his heart hammered in his chest. He could barely contain himself as he waited for Eric's response. Once the knight understood his cause, he'd finally have the means to go head to head with huntsmen.

After what felt like an eternity, Eric finally took a step forward and began extending his hand. This was it! In a few more moments, Adam would finally have a partner in crime! And together, they could retake what was owed to the Faunus! He had always thought it would be Blake standing beside him, but Eric had learned to fight in a very different style. So he'd cover Adam more effectively. As Eric's hand reached out for Adam's, the bull Faunus stepped forward to meet his partner.

Only for Eric to move his hand to the side and push the Faunus aside by his arm.

Adam's eyes widened. Had Eric just rejected his offer?! That was impossible! He should see how noble their cause was! He couldn't just refuse!

Adam was so stunned, Eric was able to push past him and make his way down the sewer putting several feet between himself and the Faunus.

"W-wait!" Adam called, finally regaining his composure. "Where are you going? I'm the one who knows how to get out of the city! You can't just go running off without me!"

Eric said nothing as he began looking down different tunnels, eventually finding what he was looking for.

"When we met yesterday, I thought you were the one who would start a revolution. A journey towards the beginning of the end to racism." Eric confessed, still refusing to look at Adam. "But now I see you're just a thug, like the rest of the so-called peace bringers. You just want personal gratification. And for this, you need others to agree with you."

Eric turned and Adam saw pure disgust in his eyes as he glared at the Faunus through his helmet. It was quite alarming to see the laid back knight have such fire in his eyes. He hadn't had this even when he had jumped in to help Adam during the exam.

"Well, you can count me out. I don't want anything to do with your self-gratification. You go on and do whatever you want. I'm going back to Beacon to work on becoming a huntsman. You can go do whatever you want,

Adam watched speechless as Eric turned back down the tunnel and began walking down it. This couldn't be. Eric couldn't see how noble his cause was?! Why!? He had suffered at the hands of racism too! Why was he turning his back on the people who understood him better than anyone!?

"W-wait!" Adam yelled as he ran down the sewer and skidded to a belt down the tunnel Eric had gone down. "Where are you going?! You're Atlesian! Do you honestly think they'll give you fat treatment!?"

Despite his cries, Eric continued down the tunnel. "What do you care?" He asked coldly, not even bothering to turn around to face the Faunus. "I'm not going to cause trouble like this again. So I'll be able to endure my watch list. Don't worry, I'll cover for you tonight, but after that you're on your own. I want to part in your so-called 'noble' crusade."

The disgust in Eric's voice filled Adam's gut. Fury burned in his chest and his hands started to tremble. Eric was just like the other humans who were to blind to see it. This wasn't petty vengeance, it was justice! Slowly his hand traveled to the handle of his blade.

"If you can see the justice in my work, that's not my problem," Adam said through shaky breaths. "But you know too much. I can let you rat us out later. So I'll-!"

"You know, if you want to escape the police, maybe don't spend an hour yakking away in a known hiding hole of scumbags and thieves. Someone with knowledge of Vale's underground might find you."

All eyes looked up to see a dark haired huntsman walking slowly towards them from the entrance of the sewer. He had a sword which looked like it was made up of different segments all held together. His guard was the barrel of a gun and he had an old ratty cloak on his back.

Immediately the former escapists froze as they watched the man draw closer. Revealing a head of shaggy black hair and a scruffy beard.

"Qrow Branwen." Eric breathed. "One of Vale's strongest huntsmen. I never imagined he'd be chasing petty criminals."

"So you know me, huh?" Qrow said leveling his weapon at them. "Then I guess you already know that I'm not very good at holding back. So you can either surrender now, or after I've beaten you to a pulp. I'm not too fussy either way."

Beside him, Adam felt his comrades shaking. They didn't have auras or semblances. They stood no chance against a huntsman, let alone Qrow Branwen, one of, if not the strongest huntsmen in the kingdom.

Adam bit his lip as the huntsmen approached. He had promised he'd get his team out of this situation and he intended to keep that promise. But doing so would sacrifice his own future in the process.

Adam glanced behind him at his team, the three Faunus were shaking in their boots, guns leveled uselessly at the huntsman. Eric had grabbed his shield with one hand and was ready to pull it off his back at a moment's notice. But he didn't stand a chance against the huntsman, none of them did.

But Adam knew what he had to do. Even if his journey ended here, he would live on as a martyr who would inspire others to follow his example and fight for Faunus rights no matter the cost.

His legend would be immortalized!

Run now!" He yelled as he charged at Qrow, Ignoring the shocked cry behind him. In front of him, the huntsman gave him a smirk as he crouched into a fighting stance, blade leveled at his opponent.

"Really? The self-sacrifice cliché? You can't be serious." Qrow said dryly. "Fine, have it your way. Just don't come crying to me when I throw you in jail, you brat."

As Adam got closer, he suddenly sped up, trying to catch the huntsman off guard. With a single fluid movement, he drew his sword and swung at his opponent at the same time! Immediately their swords clashed, sparks flying off their weapons, Adam's masked face close enough to feel Qrow's breath.

As they struggled, Qrow was able to quickly get the upper hand, forcing Adam back with superior strength. As the two locked eyes the reality of his situation finally dawned on Adam.

He was dead. There was no version of this where he was able to escape or weasel his way out. He was going to spend the rest of his life in prison after being humiliated in a bs trial.

But as Qrow looked behind him and the Faunus saw the look of annoyance on his face as the others disappeared down a tunnel, Adam knew he had made the right decision.

"Gaahh!" He yelled, releasing a burst of stored power, knocking Qrow back several feet. Unfortunately the huntsman was able to keep on his feet even as he slid back across the sewer floor.

Adam stood straight as he slid his blade back into his scabbard. Qrow glared at him from a ways away as he tried to figure out what had just happened. It would only be a matter of time before he guessed Adam's semblance, but the Faunus remained undeterred.

"If you want them, you'll have to get by me!" He called, crouching back down into his fighting stance. "And believe me, that won't be easy!"

"Well said."

Adam almost jumped in surprise as he turned to see Eric approaching from behind. His shield off his back and ready for battle causing his jaw to drop.

"I figured it would be better to keep you out of prison so I don't get ratted out." Eric said, answering Adam unasked question. "Besides, What kind of knight would I be if I left someone to die to save my own skin? And if I let you die, it'll kind of prove you right about all humans being scum, which is something I take personal offense too."

Eric stopped next to Adam, shooting the Faunus a hard look through his helmet. "But remember, you owe me! And I plan to collect by the end of the year!"

Adam slowly closed his mouth and turned his attention back to Qrow. He still had questions, but he could wait. Right now, they had to deal with the skilled huntsman in front of them.

"Alright." He said, gripping his sword tightly in his hands. "Let's take this guy down and get out of here. We'll talk then." Eric nodded as they stared down Qrow.

"You two done?" Qrow asked as he returned their stare. "I don't know who you are, but I'm guessing this isn't your first crime, but clearly you don't understand the gravity of your crime. Just surrender now and save yourself a beating. Then at least I won't have to throw you in prison with broken bones."

Eric lowered his head as he let out a dry chuckle. Then he looked up, eyes locking with Qrow.

"I'd like to see you try!" With that, he yanked on the ripcord! Immediately the sides of his shield slid open and several sharp razors extended taking their place. Then, with a dull hum, then razors began rotating around his shield.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Qrow groaned as he took a step back. "It's a chainsaw! Of course it is!"

As the chainsaw shield filled the sewer with a loud humming, Adam smirked. Eric was full of surprises.

"Alright, let's do this!"

On Adam's signal, they both charged at the older huntsman.