
The burning rose

In an alternate universe, Summer lives and finds Cinder in Atlas. She decided to bring her back to Patch. Due to her traumatic past, Cinder is hesitant to trust the family, but after a close brush with death, she opens up to them and is eventually adopted by the loving family. After a few years of training, she heads off to Beacon to train to become a huntress! Created by: UnknownkingfromAO3 all rights belong to them

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime e quadrinhos
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61 Chs

Chapter 13: Our official welcome

The Burning Rose by UnknownkingfromAO3

Cinder woke up to cold water being thrown on her. She jerked awake to find her step-sisters standing over smirking as usual. She was back in the closet that she had slept in during her slavery at the Glass Unicorn.

"Hurry up Cinder!" One of them said. "Mother wants breakfast for some huntsmen coming in tonight." At first Cinder was confused about why they needed breakfast if they were coming in later tonight, but they emptied the bucket over her again, (she could have sworn they didn't have anything left after the first.) She bit her tongue and didn't say anything.

She got to work without changing her clothes, (it was a hassle, and they had already dried.) She began her daily routine of scrubbing the floor that would never be clean.

However, today she found her work going slower than usual. She didn't know why, but she tried to pick up the pace. She wanted to eat tonight.

As she worked, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was forgetting something. Maybe the Madam had given her some instructions last night? What had she been doing last night anyway? Her chest hurt like she had been hit by a truck.

Oh yeah! She had been chasing that stupid ape Yang, then she had learned they had a lost more in common they she cared to admit. She remembered thinking that maybe they could get along aft-.

"Yang!" Cinder yelled as she jumped to her feet. That's right! She had been living with the Rose/Xi long family for a few months now! How had she ended up back here?

"How? Isn't it obvious?" Cinder jumped as the Madam spoke right behind her. She spun around to find the cruel woman grinning at her while holding a knife.

"They got bored of you." The Madam said as she began advancing towards Cinder, who began backing up. "When they found out what you did, they returned you here. Ironwood wanted to lock you up, but I said I could make good use of you and prevent you from escaping. So he agreed and now you're mine!"

The mad woman lunged at Cinder, who tried to roll out-of-the-way, but found herself to be bound in shackles that had appeared out of thin air. Horrified, Cinder swung the chains up, intercepting the blade.

"But I'm in trouble for killing you!" Cinder reasoned. "How are you back alive!?" The Madam only laughed as she began launching a series of quick attacks with the knife.

"You didn't kill me!" She cackled insanely. "A few weeks in the hospital and I'm good as new! Better even! Look what I can do now!" With that, she opened her mouth and flames shot from it, burning Cinder's arm as she dodged.

"No." Cinder said in disbelief. "No! You wouldn't hold me here again! I won't let you!" Without a second thought, she jumped off over the railing and fell to the first floor.

Landing with a roll, Cinder raced towards the doors that led outside, but no matter how fast she ran, she wasn't getting any closer.

"Still running I see." A voice boomed over her head. She looked up to see him as a building sized entity. She realized had been in the palm of Rhodes' hand the entire time. Terrified, Cinder threw herself off his hand, trying to escape no matter the cost.

Unfortunately, he caught her by the chains and pulled her up like a spider on its web. "No! No! No!" Cinder screamed as she covered her head. "Your all dead! Leave me alone!" Rhodes looked at her with sympathy. Then raised her to his eye level.

"You're still running." Rhodes said, his voice booming loudly. "As long as you run away from everything, I'll be here to remind you that is your nature. Every mistake you've ever made, and every mistake you will ever make, I will be here to judge your actions. There is no way to escape this nightmare. The only way up is down."

Before Cinder could ask what he meant, he tossed her skyward, her small body struggling in her bounds. She sailed high above Atlas where a massive Grimm head eclipsed the sky. She screamed as she fell into the beast's open mouth, flailing wildly as she watched Remnant disappearing below her.

Then the Grimm closed its mouth, plunging Cinder into complete darkness.

Cinder opened her eyes to see a white ceiling above her. A soft loose-fitting gown had replaced her normal clothes. She looked around seeing a hospital room confusing her. Where was she?

The last thing she remembered was fighting the Werewolf, then she had been taken out and was forced to lay helplessly as the Grimm beat up the others. Right before the Grimm had finished her off, Ruby had done something that had turned the Grimm do dust. What had happened after that?

Oh right, she had passed out from loss of blood. But what happened after that? How did she get here? Where even was here?

"Oh good. You're awake." Cinder looked up to see the same nurse who had been in the hospital during their visit to Summer. Why was she here? Cinder tried to sit up, but a sharp pain across her chest stopped her before she had made any progress. Seeing this attempt, the nurse rushed over to the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but please stay down and let me treat your wounds." She said calmly. "You've survived the worst of it, but you should still rest. Otherwise you might reopen them."

Cinder opened her mouth to protest, but was stopped by a harsh set of coughs, that hurt terribly. Deciding she could wait for answers, Cinder lay back down and let the nurse help her.

Using the hospital bed, the nurse raised Cinder into a sitting position, then began removing the bandages around the girl's chest. "You've probably already guessed, but you're in the Patch hospital. We found you three days ago and you've been unconscious until just now."

Cinder eyes widened. "Three da-! Cough! Cough!" She was cut off as her injuries burned from her shout, and she began coughing violently.

"Be careful!" The nurse warned. "If you shout then you might reopen your injuries. Just rest and I'll explain everything." Cinder wanted to protest, but she was still coughing quite hard and painfully. So she decided to just listen for now.

"Your sisters are alright. Yang had a few bruises, but that not new for her. And Ruby had fainted from exhaustion and had a bad cut, but they were quickly patched up by the doctor. When they left, we all knew that the next time they came in it would be to see you." The nurse opened Cinder's hospital gown revealing her heavily bandaged front.

"Zwei is okay too." She said as she began removing Cinder's bandages. "He'll have a limp for the next few months, but he'll make a full recovery. Until then, knowing Summer, he'll be spoiled rotten with all the pets and belly rubs a dog could dream of."

The bandages fell away, and Cinder covered her mouth as she saw deep, ugly slash marks running across her body. Starting at her stomach, then traveling all the way across to her shoulder. She could see the stitches holding her together and fell their strain against the injury the Werewolf had inflicted.

Nausea filled her stomach, she felt sick just imagining being spilt open by the Werewolf's claws. She forced her eyes closed and took several deep breaths, ignoring the pain they caused.

"You're lucky." The nurse said as she began cleaning the wound. "Another hour or so, and no treatment would have saved you. Make sure to thank Yang next time you see her, she saved your life."

Cinder opened her eyes in confusion. What was she talking about? Yang had saved her? The little brat hated her!

"You know, I've known Yang and Ruby all their lives." The nurse said. "And in all my years, I've never seen Yang more scared than she was when I found her rushing into town. She had you slung on her back, Ruby tied on top of you. Zwei carried under one arm, and a set of broken swords in the other." Cinder could only stare at the nurse in disbelief. Yang had gotten all of them back into Patch before she bled to death? How?

"She couldn't speak, and her feet were bleeding. She was missing several clothes she had used to bandage you up before the trip. I later found out she ran several miles to reach Patch without a break or her semblance. It was pure determination and fear that drove her to carry all of you that entire way. She's really something."

Cinder couldn't believe what she had just heard. She never thought Yang would willingly help her. In fact, she was surprised that the girl hadn't just left her back there. She would have gotten her mother back completely and Cinder would be out of the picture.

Had her confession really had that much of an impact?

"There. All done. Normally, I'd tell you to rest, but I think the staff are getting sick of having to escort Miss Rose off the premises, so I'll give you the decision. If you're not feeling well, I'll inform them you're awake, but not feeling up to a visit, which is what I recommend. Or you can see them for a few minutes, but no strenuous talking. And the moment you feel tired, you are to inform them and then get some rest."

"I want to see them." Cinder said immediately. The nurse nodded and turned to leave, but stopped as Cinder called out to her.

"Hey. Will this ever heal?" She asked, causing the nurse to turn with a sad expression on her face.

"After a few weeks of aura enhancing supplements you'll be able to return to a normal routine with no long-lasting effects to your health." She said. "That's what's important. You'll still be able to get most any career you want." With that final word, she left Cinder alone.

Cinder fixed her gaze on the bed again. She knew what that meant. She'd have those scars for the rest of her life.

The door opened again and Summer rushed in. "Cinder! Yang told me everything! Thank goodness you're alright!" She was about to wrap her arms around the girl when the nurse loudly cleared her throat.

Summer stopped, struggled with herself for a moment, then grabbed Cinder's hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "You have ten minutes." The nurse said. "After that, your daughter will need her rest."

Summer nodded and the nurse left, giving the two privacy.

"How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? How bad was it?" Summer asked in rapid succession. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I promise I won't leave you alone like that ever again! Please forgive my negligence! I promi-!"

"Summer!" Cinder said forcefully, ignoring the pain. "It's okay. I'll be fine. Unlike the other two, I'm durable." She tapped her chest to prove her point and immediately regret it. Had that thing splayed her ribs!? (Yes, it had.)

"Is Ruby okay? The nurse said she was okay, but I'm not sure if she just said that to keep me calm." Despite her question, Summer just smiled at her.

"You really are a kindhearted child." She said, causing Cinder to blush. "You got severely injured and you're still worrying about others. I'm sure Ruby would appreciate that." Cinder found herself smiling at Summer's praise. She didn't know why but she liked getting Summer's approval.

"Ruby's fine." Summer continued. "She was just tired. She's at home resting, but soon she'll be back up and around." Cinder let out a sigh of relief. That was good news. But there was still something that they needed to discuss.

"What on Remnant are silver eyes!?" Cinder demanded as she sat up in bed. "First they can turn lesser Grimm to stone, now they can vaporize bigger ones!? Is that why Rouge was hunting them down!? What's going on and who is Salem!? Why- cough! Cough!" She was interrupted by a fit of violent coughing that caused her entire body to shake. Her injuries burned and Summer quickly began rubbing her back to soothe the young girl.

"Relax Cinder." Summer said. "You'll reopen your wounds. I'll tell you what I know, but you have to promise to keep it a secret. There's a lot more going on than you realize."

When Cinder had stopped coughing, Summer helped her lean back against her pillow. Once she was comfortable, Summer took a seat and began explaining.

"There's a legend that those with silver eyes have the potential to be great warriors, which is true, but the real reason why it exists is because of the power their eyes possess." Cinder was surprised as she had never heard this legend before. And she had grown up around a veteran like Rhodes, who had never mentioned it. Did he not know? If so, then it must be incredibly scarce knowledge.

"I don't know the why or how of it, but when a silver eyed warrior wants to protect something they can tap into the incredible power hidden within their eyes. Depending on the person, they can either petrify or reduce their opponent to dust on command. Although Ruby did it out of pure emotion." Cinder's eyes widened. That was incredible! She wished she had been born with silver eyes.

"However. It only works on Grimm, not people." Summer continued as if she had read Cinder's mind. "And I just found out that losing one will decrease its capabilities dramatically. At the end of the day, a person's training and abilities are still their best asset."

Summer paused for a second as she racked her brain for more information. "Unfortunately, that's all I really know. It's an incredibly rare genetic mutation that isn't very common. And as such, the power of silver eyes are still very untested. Even my own father didn't know very much. In fact, he never even knew about their power until I petrified one trying to save a schoolmate."

"But that doesn't make sense!" Cinder protested. "Evolution dictates that a genetic mutation that helps a creature survive will increase in number! How could something so powerful be so rare?" Summer gave the girl a sad smile.

"That's where people like Rouge come in."

"I don't know his motivation, but I guess, money. If you take out someone with the power to kill Grimm faster than you, then you're more likely to get the contracts with the higher paychecks." Summer didn't bother hiding the disgust in her voice. Fighting for money was a concept that turned her stomach.

"People like that existed all across history. I don't doubt they would kill anyone simply for being better than them. Another reason is fear." Summer saw something in Cinder's eyes as the girl perked up. She couldn't place what it was, but it was something dark and ugly that always seemed to rear its head whenever someone talked about power around the girl.

"Those with power have always feared those who could usurp them. And I imagine that the kings and queens of old would fear the silver eyes that could turn Grimm to dust. Probably thought they might do the same to them if not kept in check. And was what led to the witch hunts a few hundred years ago."

Cinder had heard about the witch hunts, but she really didn't know much about them other than it happened all across the globe. It was conducted by the kingdoms of old and had invoked a series of ridiculous trials to test if you were a witch. If you didn't die, then you were a witch, if you did, then you weren't. Either way, you'd be dead.

"Well enough dark and depressing topics." Summer said with a clap of her hands. "Yang been coming with me everyday. She says she wants to talk to you about something. I'll grab her so you two can finally discuss your differences."

Summer got up a little too quickly and walked to the door. Cinder narrowed her eyes as she watched her leave. She hadn't missed how Summer had dodge the topic of Salem. Just who is she and why's Summer so hesitant to talk about her?

Her thoughts were interrupted by Yang as she stepped into the room alone.

"Where's Summer?" Cinder asked, trying to sound as cold as she could.

"Outside." Yang replied, looking incredibly uncomfortable as she shifted around unsure what to do. "I wanted to talk to you alone."

"Than get on with it!" Cinder snapped. She knew she was being unfair to the girl, but she didn't want to risk being hurt again. Yang's words could hurt, even before Cinder had come to understand her pain.

"…I… I wanted to apologize properly." Yang said with an unsteady voice. "I'm sorry for my behavior the past few months and I wanted to tell you that I've decided to go to counseling."

Cinder was taken aback. She had never expected this out of the blonde brat. She wasn't just saying she was sorry, but taking steps to improve. Honestly, she was impressed.

"So… anyway. I was hoping for a fresh start. I understand if you're not ready yet, but I promise to work hard and re-earn your trust!" Yang said as she stepped forward and offered her hand. Cinder raised an eyebrow at the girl. A part of her told her not to forgive the blonde brat, but she was so tired of being angry at the girl, tired of fighting with her at every turn. Maybe, just maybe, she'd make an exception just this once and just leave their bad history behind them.

"Fine." Cinder sighed and took Yang's hand. "But remember. Do anything stupid again and I'll make sure you won't live to regret it." The blonde girl laughed and shook her hand. "Deal!" She said with a happy grin across her face.

"I see you've finally worked things out." Both girls turned to see Summer step in carrying a piece of paper. "Not really, but whatever." Cinder replied, causing Summer to laugh.

"Well, that's fine. You'll have plenty of time for that later." She said as she sat down on the edge of Cinder's bed. "Right now, there's something I want you to see." Summer said and handed Cinder the papers.

Confused, Cinder read the document and felt her eyes widened and her breathing increased. It was her official adoption certificate.

A warm feeling filled Cinder's chest, then spread all across her body. She had always been treated as a member of the family, but sitting here looking at the paper made her heart swell with joy.

She looked back to Summer's smiling face and tried to thank the woman for everything, but a large lump in her throat made it impossible to speak without her voice shaking. Tears filled her eyes and she fought to hold them back, angrily wiping them away, but they wouldn't stop.

Suddenly, Summer placed her hand gently on Cinder's shoulder, smiling at the girl. "It's okay to cry." She said. "You're happy. You don't need to hold it in. And while I never felt like a piece of paper is what makes a family, this makes everything official. So from this point on, nobody can ever take you away from us again, Cinder Rose."

Summer pulled Cinder into a gentle hug, making sure not to aggravate her injuries, and resting Cinder's head on her shoulder. Yang, still grinning, wrapped her arms around Cinder as well, adding her warmth to her new sister. It was there, in the comfort of the family who had given a home and unconditional support that Cinder finally felt all her emotions spill out.

Grabbing Summer's back and pulling her close, Cinder everything out. Her fear, her anger, her want to be needed, and everything in between. She let it all out as cried into the woman's shoulder.

Never before had she felt so loved and safe. She had finally found people who loved and cared for her. Their kindness had given her what she had always wanted, a home. And she would never let them go.

As she sat in their embrace, she swore to repay their kindness. She'd become the best huntresses ever and make them all the proudest family who lived on Remnant.

Behind her, Rhodes' shadow began to recede .