
The burning rose

In an alternate universe, Summer lives and finds Cinder in Atlas. She decided to bring her back to Patch. Due to her traumatic past, Cinder is hesitant to trust the family, but after a close brush with death, she opens up to them and is eventually adopted by the loving family. After a few years of training, she heads off to Beacon to train to become a huntress! Created by: UnknownkingfromAO3 all rights belong to them

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 11: Gentle dragon or venomous serpent

Okay. I have no idea how to put a proper Author's note on this site, so if this is jarring, I apologize.

From this point on, the story is going to become a tad more lore driven. As such, I'm putting the official time line here. If you want proper context, make sure to read Thoroughly! I won't be giving any dates as RWBY doesn't have the same year system as real life.

The war the characters are constantly talking about is the Great War. The one started by the king of Atlas all those years ago. It started at the same time and for the same reason, but do to Salem's interference, it dragged on for much longer. Ending only a few years after Ruby was born.

The Faunus rebellion also happened around the same time as canon, but at that point the war was still raging. So it's counted as part of the Great War.

After many years of fighting, the united front of Vale, Vacuo, and a Atlas rebel force led by Ironwood fought their way to the king and killed him.

Now peace between the kingdoms have been established, but tension between the kingdoms are still high.

Many ant-peace factions have formed and are getting stronger. Many adults fear a second Great War and Ozpin have been forced to use his influence in each kingdom to try to hold them together.

This is going to be very important in the coming chapters. So I suggest you keep this info in mind when reading.

Anyway, hope you enjoy doing didn't find this to jarring. Now on to the chapter. Bye!


Summer stared at the ceiling of the oriental elevator. Maybe it was her she hadn't been here since Raven left, but it seemed smaller than she remembered.

Her hand moved up and touched the eye patch that covered her face. It was a white leather piece embroidered with a red rose that covered her right eye as well as the part of her skull that had been blown off in the fight. She had briefly thoughts about going back to Atlas to see if they had something to replace her eye. She vaguely remembered a doctor who made fake limbs for people, civilian and military alike. She remembered hearing about him during the war. That he could have made himself rich by selling powerful augmentation to the kingdoms, but he chose to help people for free. Anyone, no matter their kingdom or position would be denied if they need help. If only more people were like that. Then maybe Remnant wouldn't be in such a sorry state.

In a rare occurrence, Summer snapped out of her daydream before she was called too. The ding of the elevator told her she had arrived. With another deep breath, she entered Ozpin's office.

The headmaster sat at his desk, hands clasped in front of him as always. To his right was Glynda Goodwitch, his second in command. She was holding a file and had her signature stern expression as always. Even when they were attending Beacon, the upper classmates had been all business, something that hadn't changed over the years.

And to his left was a big surprise.

"Qrow! I wasn't expecting you here!" She rushed forward and pulled her teammate into a tight hug.

"Yeah, well, Oz said it was important." Qrow said as Summer pulled away. "I see you got a new look. Is it practical or are you just trying to be goth like Raven?" Summer playfully stuck out her tongue at him.

Ozpin cleared his throat causing the two teammates to look over at him. Both respectfully approached his desk and got comfortable. Summer sat in the chair she had always sat in when she had gotten in trouble in school. Qrow leaned lazily against the wall and took a swig from his flask.

"Now that we're all here, let's cut to the chase. Miss Rose." Ozpin addressed Summer. "You were attacked by one of Salem's minions, correct?" Summer nodded. "Yes. Said his name was Rouge. Used a gun and sword breaker on his boots. His semblance let him create a mirage after whistling. Apparently, he has been hunting those with silver eyes. Killed quite a few too."

Oz leaned back in his chair, letting out a sigh. "Unfortunately, that's not new. We've known for some time Salem's fear of those with silver eyes. Having someone hunt them to extinction sounds like something she'd do without hesitation." Ozpin stood up and walked to look out his window.

"After the war, we thought she'd be left without pawns to do her bidding, but it seems we were wrong." Ozpin ran his fingers across his cane as he continued. "I've sent your report to general Ironwood and he sent back a file he believes has Rouge's real name, as well as personal information. Glynda!"

On cue, Glynda opened the file and handed Summer a picture of a black haired boy in his late teens. He was wearing an Atlas academy uniform and had slick hair combed back. "Is that the man who attacked you?" Ozpin asked as he made his way back to his desk. "This would be several years ago when he was still a student."

Summer looked over the picture, black hair and dark eyes. She could see him looking like this when he was younger. "I think so." She said unsurely. "It's hard to tell. But all the characteristics are there." Ozpin nodded.

"Good." He said. "His file held several pieces of information about him and his fighting style. Would you please read it out loud, Glynda?" Said woman nodded. With a clear of her throat, she began to read from the fill in her hands.

"Name: Robert Gudra.

Status: Presumed dead.

Weapon: A single handgun, revolver style. It can inject a chemical compound into his bullets that causes them to explode.

Semblance: He calls it singing mirage. He can create a mirage by whistling a single note, but he can only create a single, unmoving image. However, if anything touches the image, it fades. What's more, he loses his vision if used for a prolonged amount of time.


Father. Bobby Gudra. Deceased.

Mother. Winona Gudra. Formally Nafaria. Deceased.


Robert was a wealthy kid growing up. His father worked for the SDC, making him a lot of money. However, during the Great War, Winona was killed in the crossfire between the White Fang mercenaries and Atlas military. His father took his own life not long after, leaving Robert alone.

Apparently, the bank found a legal way to strip the young heir of all his money, forcing him to drop out of the academy. Following a failure to find a job, Robert went out into the wilderness to live off the land. He began taking assassination jobs and got very good at it. Eventually, he killed the wrong person and a team was sent to dispose of him. He made his last stand in a small town under occupation by Vacuo. They say it devolved into chaos resulting in everyone in the town's death. Robert's body was found, but it was so mutilated it was hard to recognize.

Glynda let out a breath as she finished reading. Then closed the file. "From your description, I think we've found your assailant. Unfortunately it doesn't help the larger problem. If this guy, who was presumed dead, was working for Salem, who knows how many others she's recruited."

Summer nodded. She had always assumed those in the ground would stay there, but Rouge's appearance had thrown that theory out the window.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about that right now." Ozpin said, causing everyone to turn and look at him. "As skilled as he was, he still lost. I doubt Salem's trying to build an army, that's not her style. Most likely, he joined her while fighting somewhere during the war. Then she sent him to kill those with silver eyes, but you managed to stop him. So, that's one less enemy to worry about. And importantly, he failed to kill you or kidnapped little Ruby, which brings us to the most important topic." He turned to face Summer, an intense look filled his eyes. "Why did Salem want Ruby alive?"

A long silence followed. Nobody had the faintest clue as to why the insane woman would change her tune so drastically. Finally, Summer spoke.

"He said there was a new development. That she could use people with silver eyes for something and that Ruby would have a place at her side. As for what that means, I have no idea, but I don't like it." Summer began to wring her hands nervously. "There must have been a shift in power right at the end of the war. Something that gives her pause and actually try to capture those with silver eyes. I doubt Ruby was her first choice as she's being protected by us, but she must have been desperate to try anyway."

Another long silence, broken only by the clicking of the headmaster's many gears.

"Well, at least silver eyed people are rare." Ozpin said, breaking the silence. "So doing whatever she's doing isn't going to be-"

"Seven people." Summer cut in, causing everyone to stare at her. "Rouge got to seven people with silver eyes. I don't know how many he killed or captured, but they found at least seven others." Summer felt her breath pick up, and her heart hammering against her chest. "Meaning she may have found a way to track us. And if she has, then every other silver eyed warrior is in danger. We have to-!"

"Miss Rose!" Oz cut in. "Relax. You shouldn't aggravate your wounds."

Summer wanted to protest that she was past the point where they could reopen, but took several deep breaths instead. Even if she wasn't going to injure herself, panic didn't help them at all.

"Good." Ozpin said when Summer got her breathing under control. "Now you probably know this, but during the war, many people were called to fight. I suspected those with silver eyes were no exception. Rouge probably fought against some in the war. Given how little time he could have been with Salem, I doubt he fought all of them on her behaved."

Summer wasn't convinced, but she had no argument to prove otherwise, so she chose a different line of conversation.

"Regardless, Salem's made her move." She said, staring at Ozpin. "We need to make ours. I think if we can follow Rouge's movement before attacking me, we might trace it back to her base of operation. Then we can-"

"Can what? Miss Rose." Oz cut in again. Summer found herself getting more and more frustrated at his constant intrusions.

"Assassinate her? Believe me, I wish it was that simple. But from the information my spies tell me, she doesn't sleep, and always seems to know everything that happens in her domain." Oz spoke with such complete confidence that Summer found a little unnerving. Normally she didn't, but for some reason today she couldn't shake the feeling Oz was hiding more than usual.

"Right now we need to focus on the schools." Oz said. "She knows the relics are buried under them, but she doesn't know what the keys are. The war left us all drained of resources, so we need to increase our defenses before making a counter attack."

"But Salem's forces have to be exhausted too!" Summer pushed. "If we wait, she'll regroup and we'll miss an opportunity to put her in the ground for good! We need to-!"

"No!" Oz snapped, causing Summer to jump. Oz almost never yelled, even during the war, he had been as calm as ever.

"If we leave ourselves vulnerable, then Salem has a perfect in." He pressed his finger on the table to emphasize his point. "If she gets any more information then we'll be on the back foot. We need to protect the vaults. And we need to protect the relics!"

Summer stood, opening her mouth to protest once again, but was cut off by Qrow this time. "Summer, give it a rest." He said putting a hand on her shoulder. "I agree with Oz. No point gambling our safety on a maybe with so many variables. We don't even know what she looks like and attacking now put all the kingdoms at risk from…other threats."

Summer frowned. She snuck a glance at Glynda, but saw her nodding along with Qrow. She agreed, meaning Summer was out voted.

With a heavy sigh, Summer threw herself back down into the chair and crossed her arms pouting. "Well, can you at least tell me what the keys are? I'm the only one in the room with no idea what I'm supposed to be protecting! Or how my silver eyes play such an important role in the plan."

Ozpin let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his brow. "Summer, we've had this conversation before." He said like a tired parent talking to their kid. "The more people know a secret, the harder it is to keep it one. Only Qrow and the headmasters know what the keys are, and I plan on keeping it that way." Summer let out a quiet huff. She should have known it wasn't going to be that easy.

"But I do want to talk about your eyes."

Summer took another deep breath as a nervous sweat ran down her brow. She had been dreading this part. In more recent years, she had started to notice Ozpin seemed somewhat fixated on her eyes. And a little while after Raven had left Tai, Summer had tried to reason with her in her own camp.

During that meeting, Raven had made some bold claims about the headmaster. At the time she had written them off, but not long after Ruby was born, Oz had suddenly taken an interest in her family, something he hadn't done when Raven had Yang.

A cough brought Summer out of her trances. She blinked at Oz in confusion. "I'm sorry." She apologized. "Didn't catch that. Could you repeat yourself?"

Oz let out a sigh. "I said, after you lost your eye, did you notice any changes? Was it weaker or the same? You have tested it, haven't you?" Ozpin's questions made Summer squirm in her seat. She really didn't like the way Oz seemed so focused on her eyes, but they needed to know, so she told them the truth.

"It's noticeably weaker." She admitted. "I tried to vaporize three Beowolves, but could barely turn them to stone. You'd think having one eye would give you half the power, but I'm at less than a third. I doubt I'll be able to use it on anything powerful."

Summer scanned the faces of the people in the room, reading their expressions. Eventually, her gaze fell on Ozpin, who didn't seem surprised. Had he been expecting that?

"I see." He said in a tone that Summer couldn't read. "If what you say is true, then I have no choice but to temporarily remove you from any missions that could involve you with Salem."

"What!?" Summer yelled as she leapt from her seat. She couldn't believe it. She had been shelved just because of one injury! Ironwood had lost a quarter of his body and he was still active! "You can't be serious!" She protested. "I'm more then my eyes! I can fight just fine with one!"

"No you can't." Oz fired back, still as calm as ever. "And even if you could, I can't risk your capture. It's not just your silver eye, but the information you have on our organization would be disastrous in Salem's hands. You need to stay safe for now, so please try to understand why I'm doing this."

Summer opened and closed her mouth like a fish, trying to find a counter argument, but was coming up blank. Fortunately, Qrow stepped in on her behalf.

"I agree with Summer on this one Oz." He said. "We've already lost several good men. We can't risk any more battle strength right now. And Summer is one of the best soldiers we've got." Ozpin smiled at Qrow, then pulled some blueprints from his desk and laid them on his table.

"I'm well aware." He said as he motioned them to look. "So I've made a backup plan. In another few years, this will become a pure symbol of unity and hope, as well as let find powerful new allies and scope out potential enemies."

Curious, the two teammates gathered around Oz's table. They saw what looked like the blueprints for a flying arena of some sort.

"It's called Amity Colosseum." Ozpin said proudly. "Once completed, we'll host a tournament of the students of each of the four schools. This way, we can find those with promise and help them achieve their full potential. All the while keeping track of who might become an ally of Salem."

"So that's what you've been up to in Atlas." Qrow said. He sound somewhat impressed. "You've been using their technology to build this arena." Oz smiled and nodded.

"But it's not just Atlas." He corrected. "I rallied all the kingdoms to pitch in to it's construction. A physical sign of unity and peace between all. Once completed, everyone will have to accept the end of the Great War. And those who can't get something too."

"The tournament?" Summer asked. "I don't see how that well bring people together."

"Oh it will." Oz assured her. "In ancient times, the kingdoms of the old world would hold a sporting event every few years. Even putting wars on hold until it ended. I plan to do the same with this tournament. I've even thought of a name for the event, the Vytal festival. A celebration of the peace we've fought for."

Despite Ozpin's reassurance, Summer found herself still worried about the plan. Maybe it was the thought of kids fighting for peace, but something didn't sit right to her.

"If we make children fight for their kingdom, wouldn't that increase animosity between them? I see the potential to keep an eye on every huntsmen and huntresses in training, but I think it could cause more harm than good."

Oz smiled at Summer, giving her that all-knowing look. "I don't remember ever saying they'd represent their kingdoms."

"Huh?" Summer said with a start. He had something else in mind?

"The students will be representing themselves, not their kingdom." Glynda chimed in. "As such, students from the same school will still end up fighting each other in the tournament. This will not only sharpen their skill, but give then a sense of unity as they learn about other cultures."

"Age, race, and ideology won't matter." Ozpin added. "People from all walks of life will be allowed to participate. You could be a first year human, or a fourth year faunas. As long as you're willing to play by the rules, then you'll be allowed."

Oz paused for a second before continuing. "And even if it doesn't work, we can make adjustments or even pull the plug on the whole thing. I'm sure I could find a use for a floating Colosseum."

"Huh." Summer replied. She had to admit she was impressed. They had really thought of everything hadn't they.

"So when will this thing be ready?" Qrow asked. He sounded interested for the first time since the meeting started. Summer had always assumed he didn't care about kids outside of hers. She was beginning to find a new type of respect for her teammate's new found maturity.

"I can't wait to start betting on who's going to win. With you lot on board, I bet I can make a lot of money." And there it goes. So much for his maturity.

Oz however, let out a chuckle. "Construction will be finished in two and a half years. And then will have extensive testing to do. So the first Vytal festival won't be held for three years at earliest." He explained. "Until then, you all have your assessments. Qrow, make sure Salem can't find any more silver eyed warriors, and send any you do find back here so we can protect them. Glynda, well, you know what to do, keep up the good work. Summer, you stay home and keep Ruby safe. I doubt Salem will try the same target twice, but you can never be too careful."

With that, the meeting was adjourned. Qrow and Glynda made their way towards the elevator. Behind them, Summer stood up and made to follow when Oz called out to her.

"Summer!" His voice made her turn, looking back at Oz in confusion. "Before you go, I want to talk to you about your…new ward." Summer frowned. What did Oz want with Cinder? Has there been a new development with her case?

At the mention of Cinder, Qrow stopped and glanced back at Summer. And while no words were spoken, she knew he was asking if she wanted him to stay. But she waved him off, telling him that it was under control and not to worry.

While not completely convinced, Qrow didn't comment, and hurried after Glynda who was waiting in the elevator.

Oz waited until Qrow and Glynda had disappeared behind the ornate doors before he spoke, clearly he didn't want the others to hear what was going on.

"General Ironwood has found something that suggests the girl in your care wasn't entirely truthful when he interviewed her." Oz explained. "He was trying to contact you, but didn't have your address, so he sent the information to me instead. He believes that the girl-."

"Cinder." Summer cut in. "Her name is Cinder."

"Yes, Cinder." Oz corrected. "He believes she is the one who killed the owner and daughters of the Glass Unicorn out of cold blood, not self-defense. He also requests she be sent back to Atlas to stand trial."

Summer felt anger boil in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't believe someone like Ironwood couldn't see that an Atlas trial was nothing more than a way for the rich to oppress the poor. He didn't come from wealth, surely he knew how screwed up the system was!

"Well, unfortunately he has no jurisdiction in Vale, so I'm going to have to decline." Summer said as calmly as she could. "I'm sure once he gets Atlas' justice system in order, Cinder will be happy to have a hearing."

Oz stared at her, then let out a tired sigh. "Summer, I don't think you understand the consequences of refusing." He said. "The Glass Unicorn is a famous hotel. The people of Atlas will want the murder held responsible. If she's really innocent then she has nothing to fear from a trial."

"Nothing to fear?" Summer asked incredulously. "Nothing to FEAR!? Fear is all that girl has known! And where was that system when an innocent girl was a slave to this famous hotel!?"

Oz sighed again and rubbed his trembles. "Summer, all actions have consequences. If she is guilty then she needs to be held responsible. We keep order by following the rules. If we start acting-"

Summer slammed her hands onto the desk with a loud bang. Oz, however, didn't react in the slightest. He simply looked up into her burning silver eye. Somehow his calm nature was annoying her even more.

"You want to talk about consequences, how about we, the grown adults, start taking responsibility for RUINING these kids' lives!" Summer was yelling now, but she didn't care. All the things she had done on Ozpin's orders during the war had been burning a hole in her heart and now she was ready to let that fire run loose.

"I've killed hundreds in the name of peace! How many of them were parents? How many were siblings? We've turned their worlds on their heads trying to win a better future for them and now you want to say they have to pay for the situation WE put them in!? Do you understand how wrong that is!? That girl wants the freedom long denied her! She wants to become a huntress who is able to go where she wants, when she wants! And if she goes to prison for trying to escape a slavery, that dream will be forever out of her reach! I will NOT take that away from her!"

Oz held Summer's angry gaze with a calm but unmoving one. He wasn't going to drop it.

"Salem had manipulated the royal family of Atlas." He explained. "We fought to protest the entire world. I will admit things are far from perfect and many innocent people were hurt in the process, but right now, we can't divide ourselves. Refusing to turn the girl in will put a question in James' mind if we're really on the same side. Something I'd prefer to avoid."

"Then I'll take full responsibility for Cinder." Summer said without hesitation. "Anything goes wrong, both of you can take it up with me. But I will not let her rot in prison for trying to escape slavery." With that, Summer turned and began walking towards the elevator.

"That last mission at the royal palace, I swore that day I wouldn't harm another child, no matter the situation." Summer gave Oz one final glance over her shoulder, eyes burning with determination. "I intended to keep that promise. No more sacrificing kids for the greater good. I'm not going to save the world if I kill those who are going to inherit it."

"Summer!" Oz called after, but she didn't respond. She reached the elevator doors and pressed the bottom to call it.

"Summer, you don't really understand." Oz said as he got up and made his way towards her. "I can smooth things out with Ironwood, but the fact remains that girl is dangerous."

The elevator arrived with a ding. As the door slowly slid open, Summer could see Ozpin in the shiny metal.

"If she merely seeks power for entirely selfish reasons, she'll undoubtedly find her way to Salem. And we don't need her to get anymore followers." Oz reasoned. "Better to put her in prison for a few months and let her become re-educated. I'm sure she'll find a craft that she enjoys that is less detrimental to our cause. You'd be surprised how forgiving some people can be."

The doors were now completely open, and Summer walked through them as she spoke. "Cinder will seek and acquire power with or without us." She said. "So right now we have a choice. Either we can try to teach her to be a gentle dragon, or let her become a venomous serpent. And while it's ultimately her choice, right now we can help her to decide what she wants out of her life."

Summer turned around and pressed the bottom for the first floor. She locked eyes with Ozpin with the same intensity as before as the doors began to close.

"One way or another, it's her generation that'll become the future for Remnant, not us." She said with complete confidence. "And someday, it'll be her turn to pass the torch. These children will build the world into a much better place than we left it. That's the way it is, and no matter how hard you try to control everything around, one day it'll be your turn as well. No amount of reincarnations will change that."

Summer disappeared from sight as the doors closed on Ozpin. He stood there staring blankly at his own reflection for several seconds. Then let out a deep sigh.

"If only that we're true, miss Rose. If only that we're true."