
The Burning Fiend

"Coiling Dragon" fanfic - What if Reynolds decided to work hard from early age? What if he was blessed by Lady Luck? WARNINGS - 1. This novel is set up on a world where the strong eat the weak, so non-politically correct situations will be common as the story progresses. 2. This is a fanfic, so don't expect to relive all situations from the original novel as the MC will not follow Linley around all the time and their meetings will be reduced as the story progresses. 3. I'm not a native speaker, so don't expect grammar perfection. I don't own either the cover picture or the characters of "Coiling Dragon". patreon.com/_Vlad_

_Vlad_ · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs

The Yellow Dragon Clan

A metallic life form, in the shape of a winged snake, crossed the air at high speed, 20 years had passed since Reynolds left Silver Grass City and it will take 5 more years for him to reach the site where the Yellow Dragon Clan had settled nearly two thousand years ago. Reynolds had spent most of the time training, and he expected that by the time he returned to his family he would be close to complete the last 3-way fusion, still his saint body was already searching for a starting point as he compared the different 3-way fusion he had already completed.

(A/N- to put in other words... he had already fused 123, 134 and 124, he is working in fusing 234 [God avatar] while [saint body] comparing the 4 sets of 3-way fusions to find a point of coincidence. Once he is able to find it, it is when he can star fusing 1234)

His power had improved considerably in comparison to the time when he took part on the Fiend Trials more than a hundred years ago, at that time his more powerful attack was the fusion of 'Heat' and 'Mirage' aided with the traits of the Edicts to create a near 7-star Fiend level soul attack. But now, that he had added the 'Fire Elemental Essence' to it, his attacks were well-established at the peak of the 7-star Fiend level, so he expected no complications from this mission. 'A 6-star mission might be upgraded to a 7-star level due to unexpected circumstances, but to reach the realm of Shura... that nearly impossible, still it is always good to be careful'. Reynolds thought to himself as a mischievous smile and the draft of a plan started to form on his face and mind respectively.

He had also spent some time using his probing the poison he would be using to his target trying to identify it and gain insights from it, but at the moment he only managed to realize that it was a soul type poison that would not kill the target but it would cause tremendous pain to the recipient, he could not be sure... but he suspected that all avatars would experience the effect of the poison regardless of how far they were from each other. Reynolds felt fascinated not only by the poison, but for the complexity of souls and started wondering how could it be possible for two avatars of the same person to know what the other was experiencing even if they were in different planes... 'How are is it that avatars are connected by the soul?' He shook his head to try dispelling the frustration of not being able to understand.

His thoughts were directed again to the mission at hand and started to wonder the real objective of the mission. "It seems to be a way of sending a message". Reynolds muttered to himself and wondered what situation would require such a measure. "Perhaps the real target is not the leader of the Yellow Dragon, perhaps he has another avatar that is with the person the message is intended for " He shook his head and decided to stop thinking about it, he would take the opportunity to study the effects of the poison before traveling back to Silver Grass City, and that was his main purpose.

Five years later the metallic life form stopped a few hundreds of kilometers from the territory belonging to the Yellow Dragon Clan, and he made his way towards the tribe. He was slightly frustrated as he had only cross paths with two bands of robbers during his trip causing him to fell bored and wondered if this mission would turn out to be entertaining as a diabolical smile started to form in his face.


He made his way slowly and soon found nearly a thousand stone houses of different styles surrounding a Castle. The houses belonged to the members of the tribe that did not work as guards or servants at the castle, most of the people living around the castle were Demigods with the occasional God. It appeared that as soon as they became Gods they were invited to work at the castle and enjoy a much better life style.

He noticed that many saints also lived in these stone houses, but they were kept as pets and toys to entertain the deities. He found it strange that no female humanoid was either among these saints or the deities and realized that these Demigods were also no different from slaves to the castle.

They were the working class responsible for either preparing products, obtaining food or creating artifacts that the owner of the castle would receive as tribute for allowing them to live under his 'protection'. Reynolds did not make any move against these Demigods as he did not want to provide his target with the opportunity of escape.

Before entering the castle, Reynolds made a few preparations as placing a few small fire constructs that he could use as teleportation coordinates in case of need. He soon found the main entrance of the castle that was protected by four Gods wearing a leather type armor with the Yellow Dragon ensign, and after a few minutes he realized that there was no special entrance for servants. "Perhaps the servants are not allowed to leave the castle?" Reynolds muttered to himself and sighed knowing that he might soon need to cause a small disturbance in order to break from the main entrance.

He walked leisurely towards the main entrance and under the use of 'Mirage' the guards did not find him immediately and only realized there might be an intruder when he was practically in front of them as they released their divine sense around the area every few minutes. Reynolds sighed in frustration as he felt the divine sense passing through him and then turned the four guards into ashes before they could make a sound.

He stood there frowning for a moment before he smiled as four fire constructs identical to the guards appeared and donned the leather armors before taking their positions at the entrance while Reynolds entered the castle walking leisurely. He soon found a few saint level servants and used the techniques from the Edicts of Death to gain control of them and understand where his target was and whatever information they would know.

"Is the Leader of the Yellow Dragon Clan in the castle?" And old man with gray beard and empty eyes responded. "Yes Lord, he is entertaining the two Fiends that were invited as bodyguards that arrived a few days ago". Reynolds smiled as he continued to investigate the situation. "Tell me what you know of these two Fiends".

The old man continue to answer with a mechanical voice as his empty eyes remained unchanged. "I only know that they are two 5-star Fiends that came to protect the Clan Leader under the orders of a benefactor". Reynolds frowned at this moment, perhaps it would be a good idea to ask who the benefactor was before killing the two 5-star Fiends and only then he would decide if he should apply the poison to his target. It would not hurt to be careful, and failing a 6-star mission had no meaning to him.


Three Highgods were sitting on a table while enjoying delicacies and wine, a beautiful maid remained standing close to each of the Highgods ready to refill their cups. From time to time one of the maids would yelp as a curious hand explored what treasures might be below their clothes but the main sound on the room was the laughter of the three men.

"I must said Goonny, you have quite the life here, no wonder you other avatar is always smiling!" a muscular man with black short hair said happily to the noble looking youth who had long red hair, he smiled at the comment and raised his cup. "Well Konnos, I can't complain. But I could not have any of this without the protection of my dear brother... I'm happy that this time you and Kerna came, the last pair of guardians sent by my brother spent most of their time training and would not care for the pleasures of life". The young man laughed while the other two raised their cups in response.

Reynolds was watching the scene with curiosity, he had changed his appearance to look like the 3-star Fiend that had survived the Fiend Trials due to having another body in a safe place and smiled as dark chains bounded the three Highgods rendering unable to move. The three beautiful maids could not move either as they were only Demigods and Reynolds's Godrealm was comparable to the one of a Highgod, only their eyes could reveal the terror they were experiencing.

Reynolds walked calmly into the room while the three Highgods were in panic as they could not escape from the chains binding them, and they felt their souls burning just by the mere contact of the chains, the pain increased the more they struggle to regain their freedom. Reynolds sat on a chair facing the three Highgods while placing a recording orb on the table as he smiled to the three people as if he were meeting old friends.

"Hello there, I suppose you are the leader of the Yellow Dragon Tribe? I have a few questions for you and I hope your answers to be truthful, alright?" Reynolds gentle smile seemed terrifying to the 6 people in the room. The three Highgods wanted to scream and curse at him but every time they opened their mouths the pain increased making them unwilling to provoke the monster any further.

"You were talking about your dear brother a few moments ago, forgive me as I could not avoid listening... it is not as if I was trying to spy on you. Could you please tell me his name?" This time the chains did not react when they opened their mouths and Goonny said. "My brother is Temark, a 7-star Fiend! If you leave now I assure you that we would not pursue this issue and..." He stopped talking as he saw that Reynolds was no paying attention to him anymore and was muttering to himself.

"Only a 7-star Fiend... I see, there seems to be no danger in that". The people on the room trembled when they heard his mutterings and the three women started crying when they saw that he took a glass vial that looked ominous. "You know... I was here thinking that our friend Temark would be a Paragon or at least a Shura, but it turned out to be only a little 7-star Fiend". Reynolds's voice sounded slightly disappointed stunning the three Highgods.

"Well dude, there is nothing personal to this situation... I just took a mission in which I'm supposed to force this poison into you and record the effects it has on you with this little orb. Do not worry too much, I'm sure that the poison will not kill you but you will experience a lot of pain and you will be requiring and antidote... I guess that the whole point of this is that someone wants to force your brother to do something in exchange for the antidote to release you from your misery." Reynolds seemed to be discussing the weather with an old friend as he described what was going to happen to him making the six people terrified.

He looked at the two guards and said. "I guess that leaving one of you alive is enough to show good faith to that Temark, isn't it? That way you will be able to protect this person and report back the situation. The question is... who of you wants to live? Who of you can pay the highest price to stay alive? You should understand that the reason that I'm not in a hurry is to give dear Goonny enough time to talk to his brother before I gave him the poison... because all of his bodies will be affected by it".

The red haired young man seemed about to cry, he had already resigned himself to lose his divine avatar but now it seemed that there would be no escape for him.

The black haired muscular man said. "Lord, in my ring I have 5 million inkstones and a book on runes that I found a few decades ago... I think it is quite valuable and... I have another avatar so you will not be able to get my treasures if you kill me". He seemed to hesitate a moment but saw the look of contempt his companion was giving him and smirked. "And I know that Kerna has no other avatars".

Kerna's eyes almost left their sockets as he started cursing at the black haired man before a dark fire sword materialized in front of him and pierced his head taking his life. A divine spark and one interspatial ring floated towards Reynolds. He bounded the ring smiling at Konnos who unbound his interspatial ring and allowed it to float towards Reynolds who nodded satisfied.

"Well my dear friend, have you already ended your discussion with your brother? It is time for me to end this business". The youth was terrified and said. "My brother says that if you let me go then..." he could not finish his words before Reynolds had placed the glass vial in his mouth and forced him to drink it.

He then returned to his seat while holding one of the maids and started petting her head while watching careful how the poison started to take effect, but he was being extremely careful of not allowing his divine sense to explore the screaming man in front of him in fear of the poison could take effect on him as well.

There will be another chapter in about two hours.

Thank you for reading!



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_Vlad_creators' thoughts