
The Burning Desire

Damian is a well raised Alpha male with women desiring his attention. But only one woman has his attention, Evangeline. Evangeline has a dark past. She has been hurt by love and she'll do anything to make sure that her heart is protected.

Favour_Faith · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter Eleven

At that moment all the gruesome deaths white women faced on Crime TV shows went through Eva's mind. He was stalking her. The knave was stalking her. Probably he knew where she stayed, the number of lingerie she owned. He must have cameras in her apartment. Probably knew how she snored in her sleep. He must know the color of panties she was wearing at the moment. He had to be a "serial killer rapist murder cannibal" her brain branded the tall white man as the distance between them became smaller. She could see her death on all television stations. She imagined Evans alone. Her poor mother; the shelter would go under the administration of a some fancy firm that didn't give a gig about the well-being of her girls. The horror of the situation. He looked like the kind that would cook her body parts as he tied her on a bed in his dungeon. Poor Banyezaaki didn't know the kind of monster he was smiling at, probably narrating stories about his beloved cows to.

"White men!" what had she been thinking trying to get his attention. What had she brought upon her family. However all the

fear suddenly turned to anger. If he wanted to eat her body parts he should do it away from her family. It was very rude to threaten someone before her family. She marched towards him at a pace Evans knew meant trouble. She was practically marching. She looked like Joan of Arc about to conquer her enemies in this case Damian Dunbar.

Upon seeing her shapely hips clad in those troublesome blue skin shorts that had no problem pronouncing all her curves; Damian found his groin tightening. Lust that he had never known before invaded his senses. If only he was immune to the chit. He would give anything to find her repulsive. He began creating images of a very pregnant Evangeline, roaming around his penthouse back home in Houston. He was in so much trouble.

"Evangeline Kata!" her name alone was a poison to his senses. Her entire existence was enough to drive him crazy.

The lust turned to anger as he noticed the person that she had been hugging and looking at like a hero. Evans Ayebale

So Evans was the beloved boyfriend! She was using his friend, of all the men on his planet! Well that slut! How dare she look at Evans like a god while she couldn't even let his kisses…oh the chit! He wondered what Evans' reaction would be when he discovered that that innocent, beautiful angelic seductive face was up to no good.

He watched her as she marched like a an army commander glaring at him as though she's the most grieved. The tantalizing bounce of her breasts took his attention for a moment and the lust made it's presence felt once again.

A strong resounding slap jolted him from the captivating sight that was her bosom

"You pompous arrogant knave. You stalker serial killer rapist murderer cannibal!" the words were said in a soft but accusatory voice. Banyezaaki the cow guru was shocked. Evans was outraged. Damian was raging mad. He had never wanted to be violent towards a woman but Evangeline was really testing his limit. He wanted to lay her on his lap, pull down her pants and spank her senseless till she couldn't sit properly. Then grab her and kiss her till she couldn't breathe. This was the second time she had slapped him. He couldn't remember any other woman doing so, ever.

Eva was seething with rage. She wanted to kick the man. Maybe self defense classes were not a good idea because all she could think about was the 1000 different ways she could kill this man. Silence prevailed. The two seized each other up. Damian noticed the daring look in her eyes. The gauntlet had been thrown and Damian had never been the kind to turn down a dare. She wanted him to do his worst and he wasn't about to disappoint her. He was ready to indulge her. He knew she would never forget. He moved towards her fuming. She didn't back down. If anything Eva wanted him to do anything that would provoke her to harm him.

Evans moved between the two, stopping Damian from doing anything to his twin. He had seen the man on the field. Damian could be a raging bull.

Evans choosing to be an intermediate between the two calmly dragged his sister away preventing her from doing harm to their guest and suggested that they resolve their issues in the privacy of the bedroom without harassing their parents' guests any further. To say that they walked to the room Evans directed them to is an understatement. Eva barged into the room with Damian right on her heels. Evans locked the door and turned to his sister.

"What in heavens name is going on here?" he asked in a barely controlled voice.

" Evans, this man is Damian Dunbar!" Eva shouted as though that statement was enough to explain everything that was wrong with the world.

Evans looked at his friend and wondered if he should be worried.

" Let me explain, my friend. Your girlfriend here is the flirting chit I told you about." Damian said looking at Eva with a lot of contempt. He realized that he was more angry at the prospect of Eva being Evans' girlfriend than the fact that she was cheating on his friend.

"Girlfriend!" Evans and Eva said at the same time. Damian noticed that the two were looking at him as though he had grown a second head.

"Are you crazy!" two voices once again accused. The way their eyes widened looked similar. For the first time Damian had to revisit the facts about Evangeline Kata.

"She's my sister, you moron, " Evans said

"my twin to be exact. Do you know how blasphemous what you just presumed is?" Evans continued.

" How was I supposed to know that she's your twin? Look at her. You don't particularly look a like," Damian accused as though he had been lied to.

"Besides, isn't she supposed to be some kind of angel or mother Theresa?"

Evans ignored him and turned his attention to his sister. His eyes softened and his voice became gentle.

"Sweetheart, are you fine?"

"I'll be as soon as you tell me what this man is doing here? Don't tell me he his your friend because I know it's not true. " Eva said eyes full of rage.

Damian looked at her lips and wondered how they feel wrapped around his...

"What are you looking at you freak?" Eva directed her anger to Damian interrupting his meandering lustful thoughts. Eva saw how he looked at her as though she was the most tasty morsel in a display case. "Definitely a cannibal!" she thought.

"You will not take a bite of any part of my body!" she said moving slightly.

" What are you going on about?" Damian exclaimed.

As much as biting her was very intriguing, he observed that she and him had different ideas on the topic. He definitely wanted to bite her. Maybe her nipples. Her neck. Her clit. Her…. Okay there were very many areas he could bite.

"Evans, I've watched enough episodes of criminal minds to know the kind of evil inside that man's head. His a stalker rapist cannibal murderer. I'm sure of it! How else can you explain his presence here after the nonsense he pulled at the office!" She paced keeping a safe distance from the presumed cannibal.

Damian thought of how sexy she looked amidst her rant. It seems she had decided to ignore the friendship between her brother and him.