
The Burning Desire

Damian is a well raised Alpha male with women desiring his attention. But only one woman has his attention, Evangeline. Evangeline has a dark past. She has been hurt by love and she'll do anything to make sure that her heart is protected.

Favour_Faith · Realista
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12 Chs

Burning Desire Forced Vacation

Six months of vacation. Six freaking months! What was he supposed to use all that time for? Six months! When Sebastian, his annoying best friend and partner demanded that he takes some time off work, he had expected a few days, maybe two weeks at most but not months. Six months?! He was supposed to be his friend, have his back but maybe he was asking for too much.

To be fair Sebastian was a reasonable man or had been except when someone tried to ruin his business. And right now Damien was likely to cost them money. Money was Sebastian's greatest love. So Damian punching a reporter and destroying his camera was definitely messing with the former's business.

" Damian, there are things you don't do to reporters..." Sebastian Sullivan yelled as he stormed into Damian's office like an angry bull. 

" You do know he practically insulted Lynnet, right? You know Lynnet, the woman that happens to be YOUR mother?" Damian interrupted using the same calm voice that often left his employees panicked but didn't work on his partner. Sebastian's arched his eyebrows and took calming breaths

"Damian, I know who Lynnet is but still that's not good PR for our company. I have been in the same position with reporters recently, you don't see me...

"The moron had it coming. He called her a whore, Sebastian, a WHORE!" Once again Damian cut his friend off, this time standing up as he stormed towards Sebastian shoving papers from the table in the process. The two looked at each other. They were of similar build. Broad shoulders, chiseled jaws, muscular arms and the same height. Sebastian had brown  hair where Damian's was as black as a crow's feathers. 

They had been friends for so long that people often thought they were brothers. They were closer than brothers. In some situations some people thought they were lovers. The only people that Damian considered as family were the Sullivans. 

After his parents' death in a tragic car accident at the age of twelve, the Sullivans took him in. Sheltered him and adopted him.  They became his family. However Damian  treasured Lynnet above all. He couldn't remember his parents.  So some idiot referring to the woman he adored beyond heaven as a "WHORE" that was enough to earn the reporter a beating that left him with a dislocated jaw, and two bruised ribs plus a broken camera.  Did he feel  sorry for his actions, hell no. He was only sorry that he didn't get to do more damage to the moron before other reporters and his security team stepped in to save the asshole. Maybe he should have shoved the camera down his throat.

Sebastian shook his head. He never understood why his friend was easy to provoke. All one had to do was push a few buttons and Damien would lose his cool. 

Their mother's past had come back to haunt them. Some nosey reporter discovered photos of Lynnet's past as a stripper and now they were trying to use that to keep their papers relevant.  Amazingly, his parents were not bothered. They had laughed as his father kept telling them how hot his lovely Lynnet had been in her youth. They had no secrets between them. Infact, his father met his wife in a strip club and still decided to marry her. Sebastian and Damian knew about this history but the world found this new information astonishing.

" Okay, I guess he had it coming. But I need you to stay away from the media for some time. Take a vacation or something. " Damian noticed that his friend was using that patronizing tone as though he was speaking to a teenager. Was he psychoanalyzing him? He Studied his body language, noticed the controlled breathing, calm voice, words being picked carefully and Damian knew that he was definitely not going to like this conversation.

"Damian, you haven't been off work in more than ten years. I talked to mum and she thinks you will benefit from the time off." 

While Sebastian took leave once a year, Damian didn't see the necessity. He loved his job. Fifteen years ago, during a very boring summer,  Damian and Sabastian started a small construction company using the small fortune that Damian's parents had left for him upon their demise and  his trust fund. To date Damian had never taken a day off. 

" Okay, I'll take maybe a few days off"  Damian  grudgingly agreed with the proposal. Off course he wasn't surprised that Sebastian used Lynnet. 

" Not days, months. Six to be precise." Sebastian roughly raised his voice as though he was talking to a petulant child. Damian was shocked. He looked at Sebastian as though he had developed a second head maybe with some horns, a third eye and a big gaping mouth on his forehead.

"Hell no! Are you fucking crazy? Six months! Who came up with that shit? You I presume?" 

" Our clients are scared that the bad PR will affect the company. I assured them that we..."

" Cut the bullshit Sebastian, we both know that you are more worried about the contract with Sax than with our other clients. My answer is still.." 

Sebastian stormed towards his friend and grabbed him by the collars of his shirt pulling him towards his face as he yelled in his face.

" That contract is fucking important to this company and I'm not about to lose it because of  some bad PR. So get that stick out of your arse and go for the fucking vacation"

"Boys, that's enough!" A feminine voiced called out calmly. The two men separated and turned to look at Lynnet. She was angry. That was the first thing they both noticed.

"Sit down, both of you." Lynnet said as she pointed towards the couch towards the glass wall in the corner. She didn't wait for them as she moved as though she was in control of the situation which she was but none of the two men was going to tell that to the woman. That would add another weapon in her arsenal to use against them.

Lynnet was wearing one of her signature multi colored dresses that made her look like a gypsy. Sebastian made sure to buy her one of those hideous things whenever he travelled. No one knew why she liked the ugly things but they knew how much she adored them. She was wearing her ballet pumps; purple in color. Her hair was left out and was colored orange. Typical hippie. She sat and began tapping her  small foot with anger. Sebastian often wondered how her continuous tapping never irritated her as it did them. She closed her eyes  as she counted to ten. They knew it was to ten because she was counting out loud. Then she opened them.

"I hate it when the two of you fight, you both know it. Are you trying to send me to my grave this early in my years. I've just started enjoying my life and you two are trying to end it."

Well this is not going to be pretty. Here comes the guilt train; choo choo choooo.