
The Bullied Husband's Club s

A group of friends who met by chance and fate. Kenzo and Maverick were on the run from their assassins ever since they were a child as Caleb was the rich boy who independently build his own company. Kenzo and Maverick were known broke as they've been working multiple jobs just to pay for the bills. Everything turns around when Victoria Parson, granddaughter of the Baroness of Berkon met Kenzo in the bar. After witnessing the adulterous act between Victoria's fiancé and her sister, Stacey, her best friend make sure that they had a proof. Victoria's parents didn't care of whatever her sister took from her. A night in the bar and a few drinks led Victoria to an impulsive decision, by marrying the man she's attracted to. And doesn't care if he was broke or a beggar. From broke or beggar, Kenzo and Maverick turned out to be more than a middle class or a noble.

Jyojiko_f · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 8: Hinderance

Carl walked down from the stairs and got to the dustbin and dropped the paper bag containing the milk box and sandwich wrappers into it.

He turned to go and saw Calia grinning from ear to ear with an amused expression at him. Carl ignored her and walked forward but Calia held his hand stopping him and said as she leaned against the wall.

''I see that you are already making progress, huh? Cuis. I always knew you were a man who wasn't afraid to go for what he wanted. But still, she is a woman. You shouldn't be so aggressive in pursuing her.

If you are too aggressive in your pursuit, she might hate you. Why don't you take things slow and look at it from her view? She is older than you and she is our teacher.

Anything you do will affect her career and life. I understand it is your first love and all that but, I thought you should know a little bit about women. Lisa didn't look happy just now''. Calia said and patted Carl's shoulder before going away.

Carl looked at Calia and sighed. He really acted rashly just now. Even he didn't know what was wrong with him. Carl looked at the discarded paper bag before walking away.

Maria walked out of the teachers' female washroom and saw Calia standing at a distance with a paper bag . Calia saw Maria and smiled as she spoke.

''Lisa, good morning. I saw you going inside and decided to wait and say hi to you''. Calia said.

''Oh, good morning. How are you doing Calia?'' Maria asked and walked slowly with Calia beside her.

''I am fine. But, you don't seem to be in a good mood. Did something happen to you?'' Calia asked, watching Maria's reaction.

''Not much. I just had an encounter with an arrogant person is all. But, I am doing well. Maria responded.

''Oh, an arrogant person? Whoever he is, he needs a good whacking to know his limits. Lisa, if he ever comes at you again, just call me. I have a black belt in taekwondo''. Calia said.

''O, I see. I should also go for some lessons in taekwondo too. My body is petite which makes people think I am still a teenager''. Maria said and they both laughed.

"Lisa, on a day like this, chocolate is the best friend to have on a moody day. I have a lot more in my bag, so this is all yours. Eat this and don't be angry anymore" Calia stuffed the paper bag into Maria's hand and walked away adding "Lisa, I will go to class first. You have a second period with us. I will see you then''. Calia said and waved at Maria before running along.

Maria smiled and looked at the box of chocolate in the paper bag and walked away to the staff room.

Karen blocked Calia's way at the door to the classroom.

''What is this? What kind of situation is this?'' Calia asked with an amused tone.

''What were you discussing with the new teacher?'' Karen asked. She had seen Calia trying to get close to Lisa and had a feeling that Calia was doing that to spite her.

''I didn't know I was supposed to report to you about whom I spoke to now?''. Calia said.

''You are trying so hard to get into her good books. As a classmate may I need to remind you that students and teachers must not have any ambiguous relationship?'' Karen crossed her arms around her chest as she said.

''Oh, really? But, did you know? The one who is the most ambiguous is you, Karen?'' Calia smiled.

''Your every action is filled with ambiguity. Didn't you know? Well, I guess only the ones standing outside the court know how best the players are really playing. Stop blocking my way before I push you away''.

"I saw you giving her something. Was it money" Karen asked with a sly smirk.

"Not everyone is as dirty minded as you. Now move away before I shove you out of my sight"

Calia said and Karen quickly moved aside making way for Calia but still the latter knocked her shoulder against Karen's as she walked away. Karen turned and looked at Calia and scoffed.

It was soon second lesson time and Maria walked into the classroom. The students as usual became quiet and watched Maria.

''How is everyone doing?'' Maria asked as she opened her book.

''We are doing well thanks to you, Lisa''. The students responded and Maria smiled.

''Okay, we are going to continue from where we left off yesterday. I marked your answers and I was happy with your response. You people are doing so well and I am happy about that. Now, let's remind ourselves of what we did yesterday. Who will do us the honor of telling us please?'' Maria said.

She felt an intense gaze on her but ignored it. She knew Carl, that boy was looking at her but she was not going to allow him to treat her like his colleague. Maria felt disrespected by him.

''Lisa, can I ask you a question?'' Globus said, raising her hand up.

''Yes, Globus. What do you want to know?'' Maria asked and looked at him.

''Lisa, in SVA, when you were teaching us last time you said that the subjects and verbs must agree in number. My question is what about the words between them?''.

''Mm, do you also remember that I said even though they must agree, the words in between them do not affect the agreement in any way? You see, when dealing with SVA, we should realize that though the words make up the sentence, they don't have any serious effect on the agreement between the subject and the verb''. Maria told the class.

''Thank you, Lisa''. Globus said.

''You are welcome, Globus. Is there any question again? If there is none then let's continue from where we left off''.

The class ended smoothly and Maria realized the students had warmed up to her now. They participated well and made her time in the class less stressful. Maria was grateful. She packed her books and got down from the podium to go out. Karen walked to her and spoke.

''Lisa, let me help you with that''. She said, startling Maria.

''Oh, no need. The bell has gone off. You should hurry off for lunch and prepare for the next lesson''. Maria politely declined.

Karen's face stiffened as she felt the eyes on her. Though no one opened their mouths to say anything, her classmates knew she wasn't one to do things for free or even bother to warm up to teachers. All actions looked quite suspicious to everyone.

The silence of the class as they saw how Karen was declined produced an awkward atmosphere. Maria didn't understand the situation nor did she ever dare to find out. To her, high school was the scariest place in a person's life. After declining Karen, Maria didn't waste any more time and immediately left the class.

After Maria left, Karen turned and glared at her colleagues and they soon looked away with some even leaving the class that minute. Her gaze landed on Calia who was sitting two desks away from hers and she saw the smug look on Calia's face. It was almost like Calia was showing off in front of her.

Carl closed his books and stood up to go out. Karen held his hand when he got to her desk and turned to face him with a smile.

''Carl, my mom brought some Chinese dates from her trip. They are especially sweet and rare so I saved some for you. My mother said she couldn't even get some from the fruit market. A business partner gifted them to her. Should we find a place to eat them together?'' Karen said and turned to look at Calia.

She could never guess the relationship between Carl and Calia. She had always treated Calia as a rival and threat because no matter how cold Carl was, everyone in class knew he treated Calia differently so they even thought he had feelings for him. Karen also thought that way hence her behavior towards Calia. She thought of Calia as a rival and a threat.

Carl looked at the hand that held onto his sleeve and frowned. His frown was so apparent that Karen had to let go.

''I don't like sweet things. You can eat them alone''. Carl said and walked out. Karen stiffened and felt embarrassed. Carl had flatly rejected her in front of everybody.

Calia was the first to chuckle sarcastically and also the only one who was capable of doing that.

"Aye, what do you do? Some people really try so hard" Calia murmured as she looked over from her desk.