
The Bullied Husband's Club s

A group of friends who met by chance and fate. Kenzo and Maverick were on the run from their assassins ever since they were a child as Caleb was the rich boy who independently build his own company. Kenzo and Maverick were known broke as they've been working multiple jobs just to pay for the bills. Everything turns around when Victoria Parson, granddaughter of the Baroness of Berkon met Kenzo in the bar. After witnessing the adulterous act between Victoria's fiancé and her sister, Stacey, her best friend make sure that they had a proof. Victoria's parents didn't care of whatever her sister took from her. A night in the bar and a few drinks led Victoria to an impulsive decision, by marrying the man she's attracted to. And doesn't care if he was broke or a beggar. From broke or beggar, Kenzo and Maverick turned out to be more than a middle class or a noble.

Jyojiko_f · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 18:Guidance 2

Carl walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed taking his phone. He had just finished taking his bath. He dialed Maria's number and she picked up on the first ring.

''Were you expecting my call?'' Carl asked cockily.

''No. I was setting my alarm when the call came in''. Maria sat on the bed in her towel. She had also just finished taking her bath.

''I missed you already. Say, you are so small, I wished you were a little smaller than that so that I could put you in my pocket and go with you wherever I want''. Carl teased her and Maria blushed. She was lucky he wasn't closer to her.

''Were you always such a sweet talker? Tsk! I seriously doubt that this is your first relationship. Tell me the truth. You are a player, right? How many girls have you dated before me?'' Maria said over the phone and Carl chuckled.

''I am telling you the truth. You are the first woman I am in a relationship with and the last woman because I intend to go forever with you''.

''You just know how to say the right things to make my head swell. Tomorrow is school and you should go to bed early''.

''Oh. You too. Make sure you get enough sleep and dream about me. I love you, Maria''.

''I love you too, Carl"

"Make sure you dream about me because I will be dreaming about you for sure" Carl said.

"Okay, I will make sure I dream about you, bye". Maria hung up and changed into her pajamas before going to bed.

Maria arrived at school early to have enough time to write her lesson notes and get ready for class. She got to the staff room and saw a set of breakfast on her table. She was the first person to arrive so she was surprised but after seeing a piece of note attached to it she sighed and removed it. It was from Carl.

''Have breakfast and be energized throughout the day''.

Maria smiled and stuffed the paper into her bag and sat down quickly when she heard voices and footsteps drawing closer.

Soon, Miss Diana and Miss Mani entered the staff room and saw the set of breakfast on Maria's table.

" Lisa, is that a Brings Breakfast set? Whoa, you're so lucky. I didn't get some even after getting there an hour earlier today" Miss Diana said.

"Maria must have gone there really early, right?" Miss Mani said and Maria quickly nodded her head saying.

"Yes, I went there around 5:40AM. The line was crazy, I tell you" Maria lied through her teeth and smiled.

"That's my sentence exactly. The line at Brinhs is always crazy. Anyways, enjoy your breakfast" Miss Diana said as she walked over to her desk.

Calia entered the class and saw that almost half of the students were already in. She looked at Carl and gave him a knowing smirk. He left the house so early today that she wondered where he went but seeing him in school so early, she guessed the reason but still wanted to tease him.

Calia took out an exercise book and walked to Carl and spoke loudly for everyone to hear.

''Carl, the assignment geography teacher gave us, I didn't understand. Could you help me?''

Calia said and pulled a chair closer to him and sat down. When the students heard her, they didn't suspect anything and took it normal since they all ask him for help at times.

Carl frowned and glared at Calia. He knew her true reason for acting that way. Calia sat down and nudged Carl and winked her eye at him before saying in a low voice.

''You disappeared after the meeting last night. Big brother called me to ask about your whereabouts because you completely disappeared on him. Tell big sis the truth. Were you with Lisa? I need to know where you are in order to do a better job at covering up for you"

''Go back to your seat before I tell everyone that we are related''. Carl said to her.

''Why? She is going to be my sister in law anyway. Don't you think you should have at least one person in the family who will support your forbidden love story? Let me tell you. I like Lisa. I pick her over that green bitch who has her claws out for you. I will never accept her as part of the family even after 20 lifetimes''. Calia looked over at the empty desk of Karen Kash. She was still in school.

''Calia, I am getting impatient with you. Go before I expose you''.

''Tsk. You are no fun at all. So boring. If you don't lighten up, Lisa is going to find you boring in no time. But, you don't have to worry because big sister here will be your guide through it all"

Calia said and stood up to go and saw Karen entering the class.

A naughty thought crossed her mind and she smirked before leaning closer to Carl.

Karen stood at the entrance and saw everything. She frowned as soon as she saw Calia by Carl's side.

Calia smirked and leaned closer to Carl and whispered in his ears ''cousin, sorry for what I'm about to do''. Calia said and gave Carl a peck on his cheek before he could even process her words.

Karen saw everything and bit her lips hard. Calia raised her hands in surrender and went to her desk. Carl looked up and saw Karen and realized why Calia acted that way. He simply shook his head and opened his English text book, not bothering about girls. He could never understand them.

Karen was so furious that she banged her bag on her desk and walked out.

Carl took his tray and went to his table behind the teachers' wing. He purposefully went to the cafeteria today because he wanted to see Maria. They gave each other a subtle look before returning to their food.

Calia walked to Carl's table with her tray and sat across Carl. Carl sighed and spoke to her.

''What do you want?'' He asked.

''What? I am protecting my sister in law's spot. Can't let another lady sit here and create misunderstandings in your love life. Is your first love after all''. Calia said and started to eat her food.

Carl shook his head and went on to eat his food.

Karen took her tray and turned and saw that Calia was with Carl. Karen wondered what Calia's problem was. That girl had clung unto Carl the whole morning making it impossible for her to have a conversation with him.

Now, even at the cafeteria, she was still with him. Karen felt that Calia was just a busybody who was out to sabotage her.

''Someone is drinking vinegar today. You should thank me, Ad. Thanks to me, that shrew is out of your face today. She must be very livid with me. Did you see that?''. Calia lifted her head towards Karen's direction and Carl turned and looked. Karen was shooting daggers at Calia with her eyes but as soon as Carl turned, she flashed a smile but glared at Calia.

"See that? If looks could kill, I would be dead and gone by now" Calia added as she stole a piece of meat from Carl.

''If you know that then why are you intentionally provoking her? That girl is not normal. Stay away from her business''.

''No, no. She has no business aside from you and as long as you are her business, she will also be my business. Now that I have someone I support, I don't intend on letting that bitch go near you. You should seriously thank me''. Calia picked a boiled egg from Carl's plate after saying that.

''You will be the one to bring misunderstanding in my love life with the way you keep stealing my food. What if Maria sees this and misunderstands? Don't you think everyone is finding your actions rather strange lately?"' Carl said.

''Just tell Lisa about our relationship as for the others, ignore them as you always do. No one will dare talk about me anyways. But...?" Calia paused and looked at Carl teasingly before adding "you are already on a first name calling basis? Whoa. Ad, I really admire your guts and courage. Even if the whole world is against you, Calia Banks will support you''.

''Okay, don't go back on your words when things go south for me later on''. Carl smiled and ate his food.

" I always keep to my words. Have you forgotten who I am? I am Calia Banks!!''

"Yes, you are Calia Banks, my only trusted friend. Now eat before the food goes cold" Carl said and Calia smiled and went back to eating her food while occasionally stealing Carl's food.