
The Bugged System

How are systems created? Who tests them and makes sure they work as intended? Riva receives a system in her dying moments but this one is special because this system is far from complete and has more bugs than a computer game in early alpha. It fails to save her life and revives her as an undead. Its skills are something untouched by the concept of user-friendliness. "Feature will be added in the future" is one of its favorite excuses. The only saving grace is her ability to report bugs and request features. But Riva has her own goals. She lost the majority of her memories, yet she is sure that someone betrayed her, causing her death. Whoever it was will pay for it. She also remembers her goal of becoming someone who leaves their mark in history. Someone truly great. Thus Riva is left with no other option, she needs to find a way to deal with the system's whims and oddities. And she slowly gets the hang of it and adapts by acquiring strategies to make bugs into usable features. Isn't messed-up balancing great when it's to your advantage? So what if the mana pool is reset when executing that one attack? Isn't the fact awesome that the inventory items duplicate in case you sell them while taking them out of storage at the right moment? And best of all, the ability to create infinite combos… This is the story about Riva who finds a way to use that buggy mess of a system to make herself unbeatable. Schedule: One chapter per week (Release at the Saturday/Sunday Reset) Support the Author: I’m called mingapur anywhere, including Ko-fi and Patreon. Come and support me. Motivate me, tell me this is worth writing! The cover art was made by me.

mingapur · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Curse of the Nightshift

When the receptionist lady heard Riva's inquiry about a temporary license she wore her best professional business smile, just that its desired effect fell victim to the smudge on her cheek.

"Right away mam, is this your first time registering?"

Riva used 'Self Control' to somehow reign in her laughter and answered "No, this is a first for me." She decided against telling the receptionist about her face.

"Then have you registered with any other guild or own another license?"

She continued to as Riva a series of different questions.

"You will need to prove yourself capable before we can issue your license. We need at least some assurance that you won't die on your first job." The Receptionist informed Riva.

In the meantime, a group of people had entered the guild.

"What a coincidence, we meet again, miss Riva."

Riva shuddered when she heard the familiar voice.

"Hello mister Rao, what brings you here at this early hour?" Riva returned, feigning pleasant surprise.

Yes, the group that entered was non-other than Rao and his party. The one who she met fighting the bandit adventurers on her way to Marinon. And Riva would eat her hat if this meeting was a coincidence. Like hell it was!

"We came to register for a temporary license. What about miss Riva." He continued, pretentiously addressing her as miss.

"You know each other, that's perfect!" the receptionist answered in Riva's stead. "Miss Riva too was signing up for a temporary license."

"Great, then we can do the test together!" Rao grinned.

"That would be wonderful! I have your data from yesterday. I'll sign you up right away." The receptionist didn't wait for Riva's agreement.

"You will be doing the group assignment test. It's a low-level mission that you need to clear successfully by sundown! I'll go fetch it right away." She hurried up the stairs.

"What do you want, you can't tell me you coincidentally need a temporary license and have come to get it at this early hour?" Riva didn't beat around the bush.

"Haha, why would you think that? Fate is both willful and mysterious! More importantly. What's up with the receptionist? I kept quiet because you didn't say anything but what's that on her cheek? I don't think that's it but it looks like a curse." Rao avoided giving a proper answer and changed the topic.

"It's the curse of getting a nightshift!" Riva kept her answer short and returned to the previous topic. "I'm sure someone as strong as you has little need for a side gig as temporary adventurer."

"Me? Strong? You must be joking! I'm but a novice." Rao grinned sheepishly and scratched his head in faked insecurity.

Riva glared at him with narrowed eyes.

"Is it me or has miss Ria's personality changed since last we met?" Rao called her out. "Was your training unsuccessful? I thought you aimed to become an adventurer."

"And you did you not aim to become a mercenary for the guild, why apply for a temporary license?" Riva retaliated.

"I took miss Riva's observation to heart. The one, about the decline in adventurer standards. Consequently, I will be testing the waters before I make my decision."

Riva wanted to continue their argument when they heard a shout from the upper floors.

"You DARE sleep on the job AGAIN??! Do you not care for our reputation at ALL? Huh?! Why don't you QUIT?!"

Rao and Riva exchanged glances.

"Someone's found decisive evidence for somebody's earlier negligence of duty - the sin of sleeping on the job!" Riva declared matter of factly.

"Now I see, it was a curse indeed." Rao grinned understanding Riva's implication.

"Maybe we should have told her?" Riva felt a bit sorry for the receptionist.

"That's right! I'll be docking you Pay for the next week! And don't give me those puppy eyes. It's your own damn fault!" The shouting continued from upstairs.

"Maybe." Rao agreed.


Riva heaved a long sigh and held out her hand.

"Fine, let's call it a truce. I don't know what you want from me but I'll be in your care for the test. Just don't go expecting anything special."

"Haha, the same applies to me." Rao shook hands with her.

"Will those uh… followers of yours come along?" Riva eyed Rao's ever-quiet entourage.

"No, they'll have some business to take care of."

Whew, glad it's at least not the entire party. Riva thought with relief.

Rao remains a mystery. He's hiding his strength pretty well. Enough that I'm doubting myself.

Even my mana sense is just picking up a weak mana emission and I can't acutely grasp his signature even when standing right next to him. He must be manipulating his output. The fact that he can do so is already scary.

I might be unable to adjust my own mana emission. But I'm safe because the disguise spell fakes my signature to look human.

What worries me more is his mind manipulation. As far as I can tell I'm no longer that susceptible to his strange amiable aura. Must be because I got stronger through the evolution.

Then again, I can't be sure maybe it's just what he wants me to think and I fell into his trap?

I asked the system to tell me if I'm targeted by a magic spell or effect. This would have been a good moment to know about it but the damn thing is offline for its version update.

Can't believe I'm actually missing it a little.

If it were any use, I would have just postponed my test. But firstly I'm sick of hiding and being a coward and secondly, Rao made it pretty clear that he wants to stick with me. I doubt I can stop him from doing so.

What an annoying guy. What does he want with me? Could he be suspicious about my species? What if he knew my past self?

Riva ruminated over the problem.

Rao amusedly watched her frowning thinking face.

"What's troubling the miss to the degree she's risking wrinkles on her pretty face?" He asked.

"That would be you, mister Rao." Riva snapped back irritatedly.

"Haha, it pleases me to hear that a beautiful lady's mind is occupied with me to this extent."

… Riva chose to ignore him.

She knew he was dangerous and it was probably a bad idea to bicker. Problem was that his overly pretentious acting rubbed her the wrong way.

He's probably doing it intentionally. The guy is a manipulative bastard. He wants to see me slip up and let my guard down. Focus Riva!

In the end, the receptionist lady returned, cleaned up but with puffy eyes. She was followed by another woman who introduced herself as the branch's head.

Riva immediately disliked her. She was the type that would find fault with anyone but herself.

The branch head made the receptionist apologize excessively to Rao and Riva who both just shrugged in response.

Riva turned to the branch head and said "I don't need any apologies. I think your employee handled herself pretty well despite her slip-up. She was extremely quick on the uptake and professionally glossed over her mistake. That's a great quality to have. I'd prefer if she didn't get punished" Riva advised.

She wanted to put in a good word for the receptionist. Maybe it was meddlesome but she felt guilty for not telling her about the stain.

"Being a receptionist is being a representative for the guild. I simply cannot excuse… "

"What about yourself? In my eyes, your actions are far more disgraceful. " Rao interrupted smiling pretentiously innocent. "Starting with the fact that you have your clients listen to your angry shouting."

"That...that's.." The branch head struggled for words. Her face turned red.

"Then humiliating…" Rao didn't wait and continued his tirade.

"That's the mission, right?" Riva whispered to the receptionist and pointed at the envelope in her hand.

"Yes, that's it. Everything you need to know is inside." The receptionist answered without thinking too stunned to react properly.

Riva simply snatched it from her hands and said. "Alright, we'll be back before you know it!"

Grabbed Rao by the hand and pulled him out of the guild. He didn't resist. Instead, he turned around one last time and added. "This shabby place doesn't deserve its employees!"

The last of Rao's followers closed the door behind them.

Riva let go of Rao. "Is it me or has mister Rao's personality changed since last we met?"

"What does miss Riva think?" He shrugged.

"Also, was there as a reason for you to make an enemy of the branch head? What about our chances for the temporary license?"

"It was my impression that you wanted to help the receptionist."

"Yes, help her, not make things worse!" Riva snapped back.

<What do you think master wants with that human? Why is he stooping to their level? Going as far as signing up with the accursed guild! What is he thinking?>

<It's the female. Can't you tell he's having fun toying with her?>

<What's so interesting about her?>

<Maybe that's not all there is to it. Did you see how he incited a conflict with the branch head? I think he has some sort of goal in mind.>

mingapurcreators' thoughts