
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Who killed Daddy??

Jay came back later with a tray of various dishes and laid them on the small round table next to the couch.

" Have some and let him have some too. He has to take his medication on time." Jay said so while dishing for the father and son.

He proceeded with his speech,

" Have you thought about what I suggested earlier on? Afterall, am not forcing you on doing something you aren't ready to do."

" I already know what to do." Replied Atlas as he feed August.


" I would have never known that you are that radio girl. I have always been a fan of your program since it started to air, but never would I have thought that I would meet you one day and that too in my house." Molly exclaimed loudly as she stared at Dada.

The two ladies sat by the swing and we're enjoying afternoon tea and snacks. In a floral print dress, Dada looked at the overjoyed Molly and smiled.

" So you get to see my idol everyday? No offense though, am also a fan of Zach. He has a nice voice and when he is presenting next to you, do you get shivers too because I do whenever I listen to him." A foolish smile graced Molly's lips and she couldn't contain her joy.

" I do..."

Before Dada could finish her sentence, Molly screamed.

" You do? I mean, which girl wouldn't get shivers. That's my man Zach." Clapping her hands, Molly smiled further. One could even hear small giggles in between her words.

" I didn't get to finish my sentence. What I wanted to say is that, I do get to be next to him and see him every now and then. I don't get shivers anymore. And, your man is Rex not Zach. Zach is already married and so are you." With that Dada laughed at Molly's deflated appearance.

Molly decided to change the topic as the previous one wasn't in her favour.

" You aren't from here, right?"

Dada lifted up her face and looked in Molly's direction. She slightly smiled and nodded, " My parents moved to Country L, which is here when I was a little girl. My dad is from Country K and my mom is a citizen of country B. Am biracial in simple terms."

" Biracial? So do you know a handful of languages. I had a friend who had parents from different countries and he was good at multiple languages." Molly sat down next to Dada as if it was an interrogation session.

" Some say, mixed race. And, yeah you could say so, though am not that fluent in some. But I can say I know about eight and still willing learn more in the future."

The answer that Dada provided left Molly's lips parted. She gazed at Dada in astonishment.

" That much? I only know two which are English and my native language. Did you take online classes or downloaded any apps?"

Dada laughed at her expression, " Actually from my dad's side, I mastered three and from my mom's, I managed to learn four and when we came here I learned yours too, making them eight.

Well, Country B has about eighteen languages including the national one which of course I learned at a young age.

My mom taught me a lot of languages when I was a small kid though I forgot some while growing up. And, my dad on the other side, would take us on vacations to different countries where I got the inspiration and motivation to learn some more."

" Wow! You sure are a genius. Teach me some when you have some free time. I would love to learn a few and show off to my workmates."

" It takes time, and you are a doctor. I assume that you normally don't get to have much free time."

" Too bad, but I could still learn even if it will take me ten years to master."

The way they interacted, one could say they knew each other from a long time ago. They spent most of the afternoon talking and laughing.


" I will be going back to the city in two days and will sort everything out by then." Atlas said while eyeing August who was playing with other kids a distance away.

" Does that mean that you have finally come to consider taking him away?" With a smile evident on his face, Jay held Atlas's arm. His joy knew no boundaries as he jerked it back and forth.

" It's time to consider giving him a warm home, and am gonna do exactly that."

Holding a toy gun in his hand, August turned around when he felt someone's gaze on him. That young innocent face appeared more beautiful as he directed a smile at Atlas and Jay.

" Daddy, come and join us." He waved his hands freely in the air as he aimed the gun to the skies. His eyes shone with glee as he ran over to the two men.

" Sure." Picking up the boy from the ground, Atlas made his way to the small group of kids. He let August down and immediately, a small girl aimed her pink toy gun at Atlas which produced funny cracking sounds. Atlas clutched his chest as if in pain and let himself fall to the ground.

" Daddy! daddy! Who killed daddy?" August rushed to where Atlas lay and tried to open the latter's eyes. Atlas's eyes shot open when he felt the boy's finger tips on his eyelids. He gripped August and embraced him, taking the boy by suprise.

" Daddy!" With terrified voice, August cried out.

Jay who stood watching, laughed at the sight before him. The other kids joined him and laughed at August.