
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

What it means

Someplace else, Dada wasn't having a good day too. She was on a video call and sounds of people arguing echoed within the living room, filling every corner.

" When are you paying me back? I have been waiting for your call or a text but none of these came, Dada."

Sprawled on the brown couch, Dada listened on without saying a word. Her face showed slight displeasure and irritation. She then looked in her laptop's direction and sat up slowly.

" I know that I owe you and I haven't forgotten about that. I just need some time and I will pay you back, alright. I truly understand that it's been quite some time now but am trying. I have exhausted all my financial means, and need some time then all shall be in good shape."

Mockingly, Julie on the other side fixed her eyes on Dada's face which was displayed on her phone's screen.

" It's good that you remember that you have owed me for an extended period of time. You know what Dada, I don't like appearing as if am stingy or clingy because am not like that.

What I need right now is money and I couldn't think of anybody else cause I knew that I could count on you." Julie said in a hushed tone while rubbing her eyes.

Exhaling slowly, Julie spoke again,

" I haven't paid my rent for two months now and the landlady is running out of patience. I have no food inside my house and you know very well that am unemployed at the moment. I have no other source of income. Hope you understand what am trying to say."

" I do get your point but as I said, am low on cash too but since am the one at fault then I will give you the little that I have and please give me some more time. I promise to pay back every coin that I owe you." Dada said before she hung up the call.

After the call was hung up, Dada was left to face the harsh reality. She was broke and she couldn't do anything about it. She looked out of the window at the scenery and all she could see were happy faces but what about her?

Taking a deep sigh, she went for a hot shower. She needed it so much. Her mind, body and soul, were in disarray.

Standing under the shower head, she became lost in her thoughts. She thought of calling her mother for help but she knew very well that it was impossible. Her parents were out of the country.

Finished showering, she walked out only to be greeted by her phone ringing. She picked it up and it was her manager.

Surely it wasn't anything in her favour. As she listened on, displeasure became more visible on her face.

" I understand but why me of all people? You know that am on leave so why did you select me?" Dada's voice got a bit higher and she became agitated.

Nothing was going in the direction she wanted.

" The management is aware of that and that is the main reason why. All the people we could rely on are preoccupied so we decided to reach out to you since you may not have much to do." The other party spoke in a meek tone.

" Really? I suppose that they aren't fully aware of what being 'on leave' means. I don't understand whether you are trying to come up with another piece of your 'reach-out' developments. And with all due respect, you can't just decide on my behalf and tell me everything when all is already done.

Therefore am not going as am supposed to be resting at home and am gonna to do exactly that."

Dada felt anger filling her insides. She wanted some time alone to think things through but...

"Well, we thought that since this is an unpaid leave then how about you getting paid for this trip. And it's not just you, there are others going with you."

" Should that make me happy?" Sarcastically, she asked the person on the other side of the phone.

"... "

From the other side came silence that she thought the call was disconnected.

" I will think about it and when are 'they' leaving in case in I change my mind?"

" Tomorrow."

Ending the call, Dada dived on top of her bed. She frowned a little when she felt slight pain on her butt just below the waist when she laid on her back.

Later, a smile crept up her face.

' Mooonneeyyy' She screamed within the depths of her mind.

A good ending on a troublesome day.


The following day as planned, the leaving team stood assembled in front of the studio entrance. Parking the car by the gates, Dada schooled her expressions to appear as if she really didn't want to go but only she knew how much she couldn't fall asleep for most of the night thinking about today's trip.

She had woken up forty- two minutes earlier than her usual waking up time from the little slumber that enveloped her in the early hours of the morning. By the time her alarm went off, she was already done preparing herself and having her breakfast.

The team set off to their destination in an ' Iveco' mini bus. As she had something to attend to, Dada drove off in her car half an hour later.



The sun hid in the grey skies as the winds made the tree branches swing in a monotonous dance.

The loud chatters of children filled the passageway leading to the town's market Square. Various stalls and store outlets lined up the not so small space as a bunch of school kids patrolled the area. Distinct and loud voices of women could be heard from a distance away, making the whole scene lively.

Hooray and shout out to you.

And, if you like it ? Add to library!

Apologies for the late update, I have been pretty occupied with work and school loads.

Porcupine ---

Porcupine_creators' thoughts