
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


These eyes...

Those big, round violet eyes, were so out of this world. His chiseled jawbone was so prominent and those lashes...

She mustered up her courage and stole a glance at him. She found him staring right back at her and her heart raced.

That was a killer look.

" Hi!" She greeted him and she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable due to his stare. His stare on her were like lasers.

Hearing her greeting, Atlas moved his eyes away from Dada and looked somewhere else only to look back at her again.

She knew that he recognised her from that night at the restaurant. By that time he looked pale when compared to his current healthy complexion.

With his manly voice, Atlas responded to the greeting with a smile. Dada was mesmerized by his smile, his dimples showing vividly on his cheeks and his pointed incisors stood out. He was more like a vampire when coupled with his unique eyes.

Dada forgot to breath as she became lost in his beauty. It was one of a kind.

" We get to meet again."

Rex, sitting on the armrest look alternatively between the two. Dada could see the curious look in his eyes. Clearing his throat, he asked Atlas the question that has been dancing in his mind for seconds.

" Do you know her? Have you two already met because it seems like you are already familiar with each other."

Giving a push to Atlas's shoulder, Rex eyed him while waiting for an answer.

" We met by coincidence a few weeks ago and she helped me out therefore, she can be considered to be an acquittance of mine." Still maintaining his smile, Atlas looked back again at Dada.

Mrs Chase who was now acting as a spectator, finally came around. With her brows raised, she glanced at the smiling Atlas.

Ignoring her, Atlas spoke to Dada again,

" It's nice meeting you again, am Atlas Ford."

He extended his hand towards her for a handshake.

Seeing those fair fingers and that beautiful hand stretched towards her, Dada felt like screaming out loud. She knew she was enchanted and she was willing to be enchanted further.

She shook his hand and it felt soft unlike the roughness she expected.

' He must be using quality hands smoothening products.' Dada thought to herself while still maintaining the handshake.

" Am Isis Dada Dester, but you can call me Dada and it's my pleasure meeting you too, Atlas. And you look very familiar." She said whilst calming herself down.

" A lot of people says so and you may not be wrong." Atlas smiled broadly at her.

After the brief introduction, Rex explained what had transpired at the clinic to them. Dada quietly lay on the couch by the side munching on grapes after the delicious lunch prepared by Mrs Chase. She was starting to feel slight pain on her back. She wanted to be comfortable therefore she shifted a little.

Feeling more uncomfortable, she stood up and excused herself. As she was going to stay over, she decided to make herself comfortable and at home. She walked out of the house and looked around. She found a swing hanging loose from one of the trees in the front yard.

She walked towards it in slow steps. Stopping before it, she helped herself onto it and half- sat on her uninjured right butt.

Immediately as she sat down, a familiar figure came walking towards her. His eyes were now covered by eye shades.

Atlas sat on the tree trunk next to where Dada was sitting. He looked up at her for a while making her shift uncomfortably on the swing.

" ' Isis'. A pretty name you have got. Mind sharing what it means. I have never heard of such a name before."

An appreciative smile formed on Dada''s face as she took a glance at him. It felt good to be appreciated and complemented.

She opened her lips in response, " Thanks. From what I know, Isis is an Egyptian and Greek name for the goddess of love. Egyptians also called her Aset or Eset. "

" Egypt? Greece? Never expected to hear that at all."

Dada was puzzled and curious as to why he would say that,

" Why weren't you expecting that?"

Expecting her question, Atlas smiled more widely. He took off his shades and gazed straight into her eyes. As he did so, Dada got to take a good look at his face once again. He had a small black mole on his chin and his under his right eye. And there were faint reddish highlights in his eyes. All in all, he was a bit unique.

He was indeed a beauty to admire.

Atlas took his sweet time to complete his sentence,

" Most women go by Sarah, Jessica, Jennifer, Cindy, Annie, and so forth. Am pretty sure that you can name them one by one. I was expecting to hear that you are Debbie or Kate. No offense though, but I was amazed and surprised to hear a unique name. I love it."

Keeping quite after answering her question, Atlas asked her in return.

" Have we met before, Isis? The meeting at the restaurant doesn't count as that was just recently. You know, I remember seeing you somewhere if not seeing a familiar face a year back."

Perplexed as to why he asked her that, Dada made a funny face at him.

" Well I suppose you don't remember what happened a year ago."


** One year ago, BridgeLake **

Petite feet left behind beautiful trails on the soft white sand as a lady with a camera in her left hand strode by the beach. Behind her, joyful laughter reached her ears.

She continued walking forward and took refuge on the rock being hit by the small water waves from the ocean currents. Her arms stretched out lazily to her sides as the cold air kissed her honey colored skin making her shiver a little.

" Beautiful."

Isis Dada Dester exhaled deeply as a smile decorated her heart shaped face while looking at the azure sky reflected on the vast mass of waters. The 'Adidas' cap on top of her head which she had flipped backwards revealed her small forehead making her appear like a teenager. Long black thick eyelashes graced her beautiful brown eyes as her wavy hair danced in tune to the ocean breeze.