
The Brown Rose

" What if I say I want to know you more, would you allow me?" His playful expression became a bit serious then playful again. " What do you mean by that? Why should you know me more?" Confusion was evident on her face. " I meant exactly that. I want to know you better, know more than your name, how does that sound?" He asked and looked down at her from above. " There is nothing to know about me. Am just a simple girl with a boring life, well that is what most of my friends tells me. Am anti-social so yeah, absolutely nothing exciting about my life." She looked up and met his focused gaze. ***** A short story of two individuals, ......... introducing: * Isis Dada Dester; a young radio presenter. AND * Atlas Ash Ford; a man despised for his eyes but still loved by many. Sit back and enjoy.

Porcupine_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Atlas stood there for a minute before he walked back to his room.

He would love to use any chance he finds to talk to her. Ever since he laid his eyes on her earlier on, he had made a vow to win her over and this was just the beginning.

Laying on the big bed in his room, Atlas scrolled through his phone. He paused his finger movements when he realised that he had opened his gallery. The picture on the screen was of a smiling little boy.

His eyes became moist as his nose began to sting.

" Daddy loves you."

He whispered to the picture while enlarging it.


" It's not as painful as before. The medication they prescribed is working effectively."

Standing before the window, Dada played with a rubric cube she found inside the room while her other hand held the phone to her right ear. She was donned in her sleepwear ready to go to bed.

" You have to see the doctor again as soon as possible when you starting feeling the pain, or you risk infecting your wound." A lady's voice came through the phone's speaker.

" I know mama. You don't need to overreact. I know how to take care of myself." Dada spoke in mild tone as a wide smile appeared on her face.

" Is caring about my daughter being overreacting, you dumb lass? I would have wrung your neck if I you were by side."

Dada let out a chuckle. She marched to the bed and lay on her side prior to shifting the phone to her left ear. The smile on her face widened further after hearing her mother's words.

" You have said that a couple of times that I have lost count, and surely I would have died a long time ago if you really did as you said. Also, say goodnight to dad on my behalf."

" I will."

Having disconnected the call, silence ensued within the dimly lit room and slowly sleep overtook all her senses as she drifted off to sleep.


The following morning, Atlas woke up early. He was still delved deeper into his dreams and fantasies when he received a phone call which made his sleep vanish in an instant. Without wasting much time, he got off the bed and showered as quickly as possible. Picking up the backpack he had brought along, he packed lunch in a medium sized bag in a jiffy.

He rushed to where his car was parked, hopped onto the driver's seat before turning on the ignition and zoomed off into the distance.

Krrr' krrr'

The phone tossed on the front passenger seat rang and Altas checked the name displayed on the screen before connecting the phone's Bluetooth to the car's. He answered in an uneasy tone.

" Have you feed him his medication?"

" I did that a long time ago, and the fever has subsided. He is now sleeping." A male voice came out from the car speakers.

" Thanks Jay." Atlas responded before continuing, " I will be there in half an hour so am hanging up."

The black Honda HR-V maneuvered through the narrow, pot-holed roads as it made it way to an unknown destination. It came to a stop before a wooden gate with a big blue sign carved, 'Fair Smiles Children's Home' on it.

Atlas alighted from the car with his bags, and made his way into the premises in rushed steps.

" Where is August?" Immediately he asked the man he found waiting for him by the building entrance.

A man by the name Jay straightened his posture and lead Atlas into one of the rooms. With a height of 180cm, he exuded the aura of a noble schooler and calmness. His bright, moist brown eyes appeared more innocent under the sun rays.

" He is sleeping. I called the doctor over and he has already received immediate treatment." Jay gestured using his hand for Atlas to go on before he himself trailed behind.

Atlas stood by the bedside and stared at the little boy around three years of age covered in baby blue duvets.

" Don't you think it is time to take him home, Atlas? Well, it would be good to have him close to you and feel the love of a family. We both know what it feels like to be away from the warmth of your family, therefore I suggest that you

free him from this place." Jay looked at Atlas and then his gaze fell on the sleeping boy.

" You know how much I want to but I don't meet the requirements. He needs more than just me being there for him. He needs more than that." Atlas took little August's hand into his own. He rubbed the tender flesh and squeezed it lightly.

The boy stirred in his sleep and frowned.

" Daddy will take you away from this place." He said kissing the little squishy hand, and took the boy into his arms. August wiggled in discomfort and went back to sleep.

Atlas walked to the mahogany colored couch and lay on it with August taking comfort on his chest. He shut his eyes and rubbed August's little back gently. He could feel the heat emanating from August's body through his clothes.

It was past eleven in the morning when the son- father pair woke up. Though it was uncomfortable for Atlas to sleep on the couch, he still did so as August's bed was way too tiny to accommodate his tall and muscular body. He propped himself up and looked at August in his arms. His face was round and freshy. The fine black baby hairs fell down, covering his forehead.

A sight to behold.

" Look who is here!" Atlas spoke in a gentle voice with a smile on his face.

With a confused look, August stared at Atlas before a soft giggle left his pink lips.

" Daddy" August uttered joyously and snaked his hands around Atlas's neck.

" Mhm. Daddy is here to see you, and daddy brought you plenty of toys." Atlas looked at the young boy with love evident in his eyes and let him lay on his chest.

August's eyes lit up though they still lacked the full shine found in a toddlers eyes. He leaned forward and gave Atlas's cheek a peck.

" Daddy." August burrowed deeper into Atlas's embrace as he repeatedly called out to him.

" Mhm."

" Daddy."

Another chapter update on the way!!


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