
The Broom Guy

A 14 years old boy started a Taekwondo course. On the first day or martial art. Some offenders stole the X-Power and Emrick has been choosed to be a young secret spie to find out who took the X-Power and take it back to save Asia.

Evrick_Scratch · Ação
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4 Chs


-- So, what we are going to do? Asked Emrick

-- We have something to tell you... Began the mother

-- Our Sokage family is filled up with spies including us. continued the father

-- And that's why you'll be a spies too... Ended Li-Xan

. . .

-- Spie?!? Emrick was angry cause he didn't wanted to be a spie.

-- Don't worry, being a spie is fun. Whispered Li-Xan in the ear of Emrick.

The parents took serious faces and said:

-- From now on, your big brother, Li-Xan, will teach you the Brazilian Martial Arts. It will take two hours or one hour and half everyday starting tomorrow.

Emrick give a look to Li-Xan who were showing his phone with a game opened. Emrick immediatly understood that they will be playing while practicing martial arts.

-- Now time to go eat the dinner. Interupted the father of Emrick.

*The Next Day

. . .

-- Bye kids. Li-Xan! Take care of your little brother. Said the mom of Emrick.

--Sure! replied Li-Xan.

*While Recess

. . .

-- Hey, Emrick! Come with me for the recess.

Embarrassed, Emrick went out of the class and join his big brother in the hallway.

-- What do you want? Asked Emrick.

-- I'll be with you for the recess to talk you about your next mission.

-- But... I haven't even practised any fighting sport.

-- You'll be using you current skills... said Li-Xan

-- What do you mean? answered Emrick

-- You're in a Soccer team like me so you have already a lot of skills. For Example, you got: Speed, Strenght, Jump ability and Intelligence. Others like: Chance, Critical hit and instinct. You will also soon discover your Hiden Power also called H_P and you Hiden Talent AKA H_T. My H_P is invisibility and my H_T is fire. Do you understand?

-- I guess that I understand? Said Emrick

-- Anyway, your first mission will be to found the supplier in this school. added Li-Xan.

-- You mean the supplier of the money.

-- Exactly, there some students trading valuable objects for money. For example, they could trade a old expensive DVD cause of this one has 30 years for a lot of money. Continued Li-Xan

-- Ok but what is the problem? asked Emrick?

-- Well the problem is that students are trading for robbed money but the clients(Students) don't know that. And Somehow, a student record the traders talking about that they robbed money to trade. Listen Carefully

Li-Xan's phone:"Those fools of students don't know that we are robbing money. Fudge! We should not talk about that guys.".

-- As you can see, they have deep voice, so they probably seventeen years old like me. said Li-Xan.

-- I think that they are sixteen... added Emrick


-- Cause usually there a group of sixteen years old beside my friends and me and their voices are similars. continued Emrick

-- Hmm...

*Bell rings to mark the end of the recess

-- So what should i do?

-- You will have to trade to with traders acting like a normal client. Take this this is a fake Rolex watch. Do this for now, ok? said Li-Xan

-- Ok!