
The Broken Glass.

i am too lazy to make a synopsis of this story so please just read the first damn chapter and review my story. i will update this story with a synopsis once i get time. thank you. degards alfiya.

_Alfiya_94 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Everyone Leaves Eventually.

After a day full of tasks and work, despite being tired as hell, she completes all her work and comes back home with a dull face. Throwing and flipping her things around as she entered her apartment. She lays on her couch, and closes her eyes. She thinks about the silly things she had done in the past, and smirks at herself.

She was hurt miserably, but she is pretending to move over that past but her thoughts could not let her pass. She is trying to hold her tears and emotions back. But eventually her front door mirror didn't think that way. After all 'people say mirrors always tell us the truth.' her mirror bursting tons of thoughts about her past. She is miserable with her pain right now. Its like as if the wounds have left a unbearable scar in her heart.



Sofia, a teenager that was careless and stubborn. Spending time with her dirty minded friends during the days and sleeping late at night was like it had become her everyday life schedule. She didn't have a lot of friends, she would always be seen with the few she had.

During one of her sleepovers at her friend's house, Sofia was laying on her friends bed with her friend Daizy. She was just about to fall asleep when Daizy tucked her. "What wrong?" asked Sofia. "Dude...Look at this" said Daizy while showing a picture of her ex to Sofia.

"You are...still stalking your ex on social media huh...*giggle* Can't you forget him already? why are you wasting your time on doing such stupid things. The exams are around the corner aren't you afraid that you might fail." Sofia rolled her eyes.

Daizy moved her head closer to Sofia and said "yes I do know that exams are near and I haven't even opened a book yet, but...you know you can't unlike someone once you start to like them." Sofia says while forcing her sleepy eyes to be open "Didn't you say that you got over him?"

"yes I did say that I got over him...but getting over someone is like saying 'I still love and care about you but you don't deserve it, so I am gonna pretend like I don't care either'. Forget it you will never know what it feels like to be heart broken" Daizy looks at Sofia and smiles. "Sofia never ever fall in love with people, who do not respect you. you know, you can love them, you can care about them, you can forgive them, and hope for the best for them...but in the end you will have to suffer alone on your own."

Till Daizy was done talking Sofia was already asleep. "Hey you little jerk. how can you fall asleep while I am speaking. that's illegal!" Daizy looks at Sofia and smiles foolishly. "Always be who you are Sofia, don't ever change yourself for someone." After stalking her ex again Daizy falls asleep too.


The Next Day. At Daizy's place.

"Hey Daizy I remember you were telling me something but I was so tired so I fell asleep. I am sorry but could you please repeat that again." Says Sofia while eating her breakfast.

"huh...leave it. I will tell you when the time comes...but I hope that time does not come buddy." Daizy rolls her eyes. "Hey come on. you know that I am impatient. I can't wait for 'that time to come.' Come on dude just say it already." Sofia waits for awhile, but after not receiving an answer, she gets annoyed and repeats herself. "hey! are you telling me or not?"

"Sofia...We are getting late for school. Will you stop playing around?" Says Daizy while adjusting her skirt. "Okay fine...Lets go." Sofia picks her school bag and heads to the school with Daizy and some of her other friends.


In The School.

"Hey Sofia! Did you know that my recent post got viral. Have you checked it out yet? I am sure you must have seen it already. Almost every guy from our class has commented on it." Says on of the the most cheerful friend of Sofia. who Sofia thinks is a 'social media psycho' and annoying as hell.

"No, I haven't checked it yet. I am not active on social media alot, So I might not have seen it yet. Its been like almost 2 days since I was active on social media." says Sofia while trying to hide her dismay towards social media. "Dude...Are you kidding me or something? You seriously haven't been active since like 2 days?" says Sofia's 'Social media psycho' friend while keeping her eyes wide open.

"hmm...What's wrong with that though? Why are you acting as if I just murdered someone?" Says Sofia while chewing her favorite snack. "No, I am not saying there is something wrong with that but...you are kind of weird...like I mean you are different from us."

"Excuse me Lia? Wha...wha...what did you say? I am weird and different from others? No girl, I am just the way as you are. I am not different its just that not everyone is the same, everyone has different opinions and choices. It depends upon what you choose to do and that's all"

"oh wait that's a good tweet. Could you please repeat that again, Sofia I wanna post that please please repeat it again." Says Lia hurriedly. "girl! I am leaving right now. If the teacher asks tell her I got my periods so I had to go home and rest. see you later, or maybe never" Sofia picks her school bag up to leave. "Wait.. what do you mean by 'never.' You are just taking a day off right. Why do you have to say that?

Till Lia was done talking, Sofia was already standing out of the class. Sofia yells so that Lia could hear her properly. "Everyone. leaves. eventually. some a little early and some a little late." Sofia leaves the school leaving Lia confused. "What did she mean to say?"

Hey guys! its Alfiya here! I am not a professional author or anything. but i tried to write and make the story as entertaining as possible. If you find any mistakes in it then i am sorry, i am still improving myself.


Don't forget to review it plox ♡

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