
Wedding Party

Prussia, July 28th 1803

10:26 AM

Already in the mansion of the Santen house, the wedding party was about to begin. Lukas and Nathalie were already there, and more and more guests started arriving.

Meanwhile, Lukas and Nathalie were together, just having a relaxed conversation. They were both sitting at a small table while drinking some orange juice.

Nathalie lifted her glass slightly. "Well, I can see why you chose not to consume any alcohol by now," she said with a smirk.

Lukas chuckled softly. "Well, you shouldn't commit the same mistake twice," he said while also lifting his glass slightly.

Nathalie nodded her head. "Agreed," she replied before clinking glasses with Lukas.

After that, the both of them drank up their juices.

Lukas smiled. "Much more enjoyable than alcohol, don't you think?" he asked.

Nathalie nodded her head. "Yeah, I kinda like this sweet taste," she said before taking a brief glance at the glass.