
Medical Appointment

Austria, October 24th 1800

2:05 PM

Lukas was in the library studying about the Austrian colonies. He had brought with him a big gallon of water and some food to accompany him in this long day of study.

Lukas didn't think that he would need more than one day in order to study about the two Austrian colonies, since they were not very big, and not very influent either.

Still, Lukas was still trying wrap his around why Franz suddenly decided to invest in colonies.

According to what he had studied, Austria had taken over these colonies in 1778, and hasn't given much attention to either of them after a few years, so... why now?

Perhaps Franz just wanted to test Lukas's searching skills, or something like that, however, it was still weird. Why about such a specific matter?

Or perhaps, Lukas was just overthinking it.