
First Conversation

Austria, February 25th 1797

3:39 PM

Johan was still standing still as Lukas walked away. Even though he had told himself several times that he could do it, he was still a bit insecure.

Johan then stared at the ground and took a deep breath. 'Perhaps, I'll just... wait a bit?' he wondered for a bit, and he seriously considered that for a moment. 'No! Lukas said I only have 5 minutes! I'll go now!' the blue-eyed resolutely decided.

Johan then took one more deep breath and started walking forward towards Violett, who was still sitting on the rock, apparently zoning out.

Meanwhile, Lukas, who was watching from a nearby tree, sighed in relief as he gave Johan two thumbs up in his mind. 'He finally took the initiative. Holy crap,' the blonde boy thought.

Meanwhile, Johan took stuff steps towards Violett, the girl he had beholding and thinking about for a very long time.