

While Kurokon's father was day dreaming on what will his son becomes, Let's talk about on what are Kurokon's thoughts last few months.

While Kurokon was Eating breakfast, He thought what will he do in this world because he doesn't have any information, and so he made some plans.

"Since I'm a baby now but with adult thoughts, I might as well gain info in my parents conversation" Kurokon said.

By the time Kurokon was done eating, He was put into a crib and His Mother made him sleep, but of course, he just said he will gain information, and so he pretends to sleep.


Kurokon's parents were having a conversation while he was pretending to be asleep, Their conversation was about what will Kurokon Be in the future. But while Kurokon was hearing all this he became bored and was very sleepy.

By the time Kurokon was sleepy, something caught his attention in his parents conversation, The word was magic, Then Kurokon thought confused.

"Magic?, Wait what kind of world am I in?" Kurokon thought curiously.

"If this World has magic, then Does meditation here important?, because Meditation helps the person calm down, Maybe Mediation Helps with magic?, Well if Magic exist then ate there different kinds of spells?" Kurokon thought curiously.

"If there is magic then are there wands or staff here?, Wait, since magic exist, are there mages?, Does mages have different ranks?, like Apprentice and Adept?" Kurokon thought curiously.

When Kurokon was thinking about Magic, another Thing caught his attention in the conversation, His parents are talking about paths, and Alchemist was included.

Then Kurokon excitedly thought "Wait, Alchemist?, What is an Alchemist, Maybe it's similar to scientist making potions for testing, but This is a another world so, Potions might be different here" Kurokon thought excitedly and a bit confused.


Now, Back to where Kurokon's father was day dreaming, Zane was Interrupted by Maki, Because she is going to the kingdom and buy supplies for the upcoming winter.

"Should I go with you?" Zane said

"No, There will be no one that is going to look after our son, You will stay here". Maki said

But Zane insisted because he wants to test the courage of their son when he is alone.

and this actually made a opportunity for Kurokon to learn magic.

by the time Kurokon's Parents went to the kingdom, Kurokon hurriedly took the book he found in the attic and read the basics of magic, The first step was to grasp the mana

and the 2nd step was to create any kind of spell with your imagination.

The steps may sound easy but in reality, It is actually hard, Because in order to grasp the mana, you must be able to control your emotions, Like if you're mad, the mana will disperse and it's power will be deceased, if contained and in a good mood, The power will be increased, it's depends on your emotions.

While Kurokon was confused, He just sat down and meditated and trying to feel the mana, And it actually Worked, But little did he know, People that can grasp mana on their first try are considered genius.

And so, Kurokon tried the 2nd step, And then.

"Okay so the 2nd step is to imagine, It must be easy right?" Kurokon said.

Kurokon Actually imagined something that rivals the strength of a Full fledged Sword mage, Well what did Kurokon imagined?, It is a Gravity Element, One of the Rare affinities in the world and guess what did he make with the gravity affinity?

He made his Own Space domain that covers an Area of 10 kilometers. Well this kind of spell is a Advanced one, And he was shocked.

Kurokon Can do anything in this space, He can manipulate Anything inside his domain, But of course, He's still a kid, He passed out.

Well what happened when he suddenly activated his newly found ability?, Well let me explain, If Kurokon activates this ability, He will be sent in a different dimension and the living things inside the domain, It copies the exact location but in a different dimension, For example, If their house In the village gets demolished inside the Domain, The real one is still intact.

For those who are confused On where Kurokon lived, He lives in a remote village near a kingdom named Alkaban, That's where his parents are buying supplies for the upcoming winter, And the village name is Plains.

If you guys are confused, Kurokon is now 7 years old, He didn't attend nursery and was home schooled.

Back to where Kurokon passed out, Hours has passed, 4 hours has passed to be exact and it is already Noon, Kurokon was putted in his bed by his parents when they got home, But they did not know that their son has completely mastered how to grasp mana, But a weird feeling was struck in Kurokon's mother, She is a full fledged retired healing mage from the military, And so she have the ability to sense mana, I'm not saying that swordsman can't sense mana.

They can sense mana but only vaguely because they don't specialize in magic that much. But this actually Struck Kurokon's father too but he didn't bother with it much, he only thought it was the tiredness.

When Kurokon Woke up, The first thing he saw was the ceiling. He then get out of his room and Heard the conversation of his parents that he is going to school next week,

They are still prepping the arrangements before their son will be sent to school.