

Ever since she opened her eye to the world, she had been given one rule she must live by, which is to be perfect, without a single flaw and if she does not keep to this rule, she would face dire consequences. Genevieve the rightful heiress to Phantasia Inc. one of the biggest and globally dominating companies in the world has been forced to live by this rule since birth but what happens when she meets the mysterious and cold-hearted Dane and they become rivals? ...... "What is love?". He asked with phlegmatic modulation and aspect as he glanced away from me. I couldn't answer his question immediately because I never expect such a question from him. " Love is a strong feeling of genuine affection which makes one value another person's interest and wellbeing as a top priority over their own regardless of circumstance". I replied when I finally regained my composure. "Where does it come from?". " It...it comes from the brain but it will always remain a matter of the heart". I replied almost hesitantly. Unexpectedly he turned toward me, staring straight into my eye, still with an emotionless profile. "If I choose to open your head or heart in search of this love...... would I find it". He inquired boldly. I felt the chills run down my spine, for a moment I was frightened and I couldn't breathe, I held my breath, it was until he gazed away from me that I could finally exhale. l thought of taking his words for humor to put me at ease but I couldn't shake off the lethal feeling I got from his voice and overall aspect he was never the kind of person to smile, to say he was joking would be crazy. " Love is an emotion just like pain and hate it can't be seen". There was silence between us for a while until he broke the silence. "Something that can't be seen or grasped physically does not exist.........if one has lived long enough they'll realize that just like pain and hate, love is a deception people have to fill up their vanity because in the end that is all they can ever do".

Nyx_heart · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


"I'll take that as a no."

Michael attempted to walk into the room but quickly stopped in his strides upon being asked a question.

"Have you tracked down the relic? " Came the cold voice of the figure standing by the fireplace.

Micheal's brows furrowed slightly, he continued on his strides and promptly straighten them as he relayed in an exhausted modulation."The runes aren't working."

He moved his hand through his short blonde locks after which he massaged the bridge of his nose."It's as of something is stopping me from accessing it" He expressed with a serious countenance and continued, muttering in frustration under his breath. "Even with all the adjustments."

He had to admit there was something unusual about the mortal realm but that didn't change the fact that it had harbored the weakest of creatures.


To think that the relic would be in a place like that.

He walked towards the bookshelf, moving his hands along the rails as his eye searched for no book, in particular, he pulled out a book from the shelf, flipped through it, and dropped it back in place. He stretched out his hand again in an attempt to pick another but something made him stop with his hand still extended, his eye widened a little for a moment before it returned to its original form.

He had felt a surge of energy.

He didn't have to turn to the side to know the figure standing by the fireplace was no longer there.


The room gradually became darker.

Her father and the soldiers are bound to be leaving for the temple by now.

She didn't know how long she had been standing but the full moon was visible already, her mind suddenly when back to the times when she would sneak out of the villa and her brother would come looking for her at their favorite site they called Oasis.

A tear slid down her eye.

In the end, there was nothing she could do, she had never felt so weak in her life. All the emotions she had been holding back came rushing down in form of tears.

Why did fate have to be so cruel to her? first, it was her mother and now it is her brother, the only person keeping her strong, at the moment she didn't see a reason, there was no point living in a world without them, the loneliness and pain were just too much to bear.

She gripped the pendant in her hand firmly with the tears rolling down her cheeks, suddenly she discerned a presence behind her.

Someone had just entered the cellar, coming to stand some distance away from Genevieve. She didn't turn around to acknowledge the figure as she assumed it could either be her personal assistant Victoria or her personal maid Kimberly because it was already late.

"You shouldn't be here, leave now" Genevieve commanded with her gaze fixed on the full moon.

"Tsk, you're not even going to ask me why I'm here" The fellow inquired in displeasure."I heard you were locked up by our father, I came because I was worried" She paused for a moment and surveyed the cellar with her eye after which she fixed her gaze back on Genevieve while trying to suppress a chuckle."I can't imagine how you're feeling, it must be really hard for you to bear" She uttered, conjuring a sob.

Genevieve turned around to acknowledge the owner of the familiar voice.

"Matilda" Genevieve uttered with her gaze softening, of all the people she had thought could visit her she hadn't expected to see her step-sister Matilda. Her gaze moved behind Matilda and her brow subtly knitted on realizing she came alone.

"Matilda, you need to leave now, I'm under punishment, if you are caught here you would be forced to share in my punishment." Genevieve relayed while gripping the bars of the cellar.

"I won't be caught" Matilda stated audibly, taking Genevieve by surprise."Father is occupied at the moment and so is almost everyone in the villa." She continued with an amused look in her eye as she watched Genevieve's worry from behind the enclosure.

If her father was occupied then it means that they hadn't left for the capital city.

"A representative from the council is here" Matilda informed, pulling Genevieve from her thoughts.

Genevieve turned away from her while trying to register the whole situation.

The council was against having Rome's body cremated. If a representative was sent to the villa, it meant that words had gotten to their ears. She still had a chance to save her brother. The council is made up of principled, they would never side with something they know is wrong all she needs to do is speak to the representative, but how could she do that when she is locked in a cellar?

"I can help you escape" Matilda offered as if reading her thoughts."If that's what you want" She quickly added with a shrug.

"Why would you do that? " Genevieve inquired, not being able to understand the reason why Matilda had offered to help her escape.

"Be....cause I care for brother Rome's image" Matilda uttered conjuring tears in her eye while placing her free hand on her chest."He stood up for me when no one else did, now it's my turn to do the same, I wanted to go up to the council to defend him but they wouldn't take my words seriously" She paused for a moment and wiped the tears from her eye."I do not know why father wants to have his body cremated but I do know he would be presenting a considerable reason to the council, so the only person cable of saving brother Rome's image now is you, Genevieve."

Genevieve looked away from her again, she didn't know Matilda had known her brother Rome but with the emotions Matilda exhibited, it was clear that she care about Rome as well.

She did want to save Rome's image but she didn't want to put Matilda in a difficult situation.

"You don't have to worry about me Genevieve, all you need to do is to make sure you return to the cellar before anyone notices you are gone, I'll wait for you at the back entrance," Matilda reassured while stepping closer to the rails of the cellar. "We don't have much time Genevieve, you need to make a decision now."

"I'll do it."