
The Bride Of Satan

As much as she could understand Sameerah suffered for what was beyond her she saw what no one else could see heard what no one else could hear and in the midst of that she recorded a breakthrough but not with a tranquil heart her experience

SamiBby · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter Two

How did I get here? Sameerah wondered turning again towards the mud huts a thick forest surrounded the place it's leafless trees making ominous shapes in the deepening dark. She shivered this was no place of comfort a sense of foreboding clutched at her chest. Suddenly she saw a woman on horseback galloping towards her down a narrow path cut through the woods she stood transfixed unable to do anything but watch and wait.

The woman was wearing a deep dark robe very unlike the dresses worn by human beings on her feet were pointed nails a dark hooded cloak flapped wildly as she drew nearer on her black steed her piercing eyes glaring at Sameerah she drew the horse up to a walk never averting her eyes from hers they were the scary steel dark eyes she had never seen before which seemed to beckon her against her will.

What do you want? Sameerah screamed her voice shrill with terror what do you want from me?" She screamed again something magnetic then pulled her towards the woman it was an invisible hand that pushed her from behind.

No! She screamed wrestling with a creature she could not see Let me go! She struck it and it shrank back in the shadows she then saw the woman dismounting the steed heading straight for her the same invisible hand returned to grab her arms and propel her towards the horrible woman who feels her down and the invisible one made love to her the orgasmic pleasure of which she felt as she struggled to resist the act.

No!No!No! She cried out her strength waning and suddenly she was awakened to the horror of a frightening dream she looked around the room there was no woman no forest no horse only darkness of the room and the thumping of her own heart a chilly breeze played with the crisp yellow curtains that framed her room window panting and soaked with sweat Sameerah groped around the bed for familiar objects.

There was a ceiling fan above whose blades rolled and ventilated the room her clothes were packed in one corner of the room she had a teddy by her side there was a novel she was reading and a noble placed by her pillow side she continued groping her fingers closed around something cold and metallic it was the crucifix her grandmother had bought for her to resist her recurrent nightmares.

Still trembling with fright Sameerah murmured into the darkness Our father,which art in heaven hallowed be thy name she had memorized the Lord's Prayer early in life from Mama's constant invocations though born a Muslim Mama had changed her faith to attend the Catholic Church after Sameerah's mother her only child died at child birth she had also inculcated the catholic creed in Sameerah and they were both members of St Augustine Catholic Church.

Sameerah rubbed the sleep from her eyes What's the time? She asked and looked untothe clock across the wall it was seven fifteen she then yawned loudly covering her mouth with her right hand palm and sat briefly at the edge of the bed before she stood and sauntered out of the room half dressed with a wrapper around her breasts she quickly left for Mama's room.

Good morning Mama

Good morning my daughter how was your night?

It's wasn't fine at all responded Sameerah she yawned again I keep having the same dreams at nights I'm tired of this terrible experience it scares me each time I have it.

Mama was standing at her vanity her back to Sameerah as she listened to her expression of frustration arising from her recurrent nightmares dressed in a buba on top of a wrapper made of Ankara wax Mama looked lovelier at seventy than the nollywood star everyone said she resembled.

What was the dream all about this time around? Did anything make love to you again? She asked absently taking this and that necklace from the jewelry knobs that lined the front of her dresser Sameerah hesitated waiting until Mama had settled on one particular necklace before narrating her nasty dream experience Mama grew quiet as her grandchild gave a detailed account of her encounter with the woman on horseback and the invisible thing that had violated her in her dream when Sameerah finished Mama still hadn't turned to face her at last she turned around a strange look on her face.

Describe the lady on horseback to me again said Mama with a line of concern on her face Sameerah did painting every detailed vividly.

She looks exactly like Raabiah your mother Mama said her voice trembled with a recall of agony I remember when she was young she was fond of horse games I even bought her a horse toy when I realize her fondness for it Sameerah listened in rapt attention as her grandmother narrated her mother's childhood experience Mama's eyeballs welled up with tears looking into Sameerah's eyes she continued I think she's out to play with you and not harm you at all so my darling daughter you shouldn't take it for an ominous sign it is rather a nice experience to encounter one's dead mother in a dream she may perhaps tell you something someday that may be beneficial to your existence on earth.

Sameerah heard Mama's interpretation but it was just too difficult for her to agree how could her mother ever help an invisible thing make love to her. More so what she saw in her dreams was scary not friendly so it couldn't have been her mother.

Okay Mama Sameerah started what about the strange thing that makes love to me? Is that also my father? I need to know because this explanation sounds ridiculous Mama I know something is wrong with me though I can't say what but I know that something is wrong she concluded biting her lower lips to stop it from quivering.

Mama realized the truth in Sameerah's observation and pondered for a while then she asked what is really that thing that makes love to you? What is it? What does it look like? Can you describe it?

No I can't Mama answered Sameerah shaking her head in despair I can't really describe it it comes on different images last week it was the image of one of my colleagues on the university three days ago it was Mr Chuks our neighbor across the road but overnight it was purely invisible I don't even know what face it will bring tonight I am really fed up of this horrible experience.

Do you have only sexual dreams or what else do you experience in sleep?asked Mama.

Quite a number of other nasty things all of them frightening like seeing myself close to an oceanic path swimming underneath the sea being pressed down in sleep seeing myself falling off the height of a mountain eating in a state of sleep and carrying and caring for children all in dreams.

Okay said Mama I'll do something about it I quite agree with you that it's not ordinary and I'll see what to do about it.

Please do something about it Mama do something about it else I'll kill myself Mama hushed her stopping her from uttering a threat she pulled her head to her own chest.

It was just a nightmare darling don't worry I'll do something about it you'll not die Mama consoled her grandchild.

Sameerah wanted to say more she wanted to tell her grandma how vividly real the dreams were how terrified she was to go to bed every night she wanted to tell her that she sometimes felt some evil presence that nobody else seemed to feel but instead she nodded in silence and turned to prepare for office that Monday morning.

Sameerah was pretty enough to be wooed by any man she came across she was tall slim and light complexioned with a slender waist but a heavy hip she often flashed her white sclera via a seductive gaze and her white teeth across her smooth lips in a lustful smile that usually formed deep holes on her cheeks to every admirer of her beauty with her distinctive rolling gait tens of male admirers had fallen to her needs.

She did her first degree in Economics and graduated with a upper class division only to pursue a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) a few years later she had recently secured an employment in a reputable establishment called Mainstream Oil and Gas Sameerah's problem was therefore not of economic survival as she earned more than she could expend on herself and her grand mother her problem was her recurrent dreams and her failure to sustain any man's attention for approximately a month those she had retained beyond that period of time had usually ended up being consumed by certain disasters as a result of which she was never promised a wedding ring.

On different occasions she had her fiancés in various names Mr Ayinde who jilted her a month into dating Eric David the young industrious Edo man who started doubting her romantic skill three weeks into their meeting Alhaji Bako Abdullahi whom she turned down a week after she had consented Mr Babatunde Bello who was knocked down and killed in an auto crash third moth into their relationship and Sam Nwankwo whose business fortune had started to dwindle after their first sexual encounter and lots more whose fate seemed to fail after a fling.

Thus Sameerah was although a comfortable beautiful girl at twenty five she was always sad and apparently grief stricken and if she smiled at all it was sorrow concealed in facial delight that was indeed her concern this Monday morning on her way to the office having suffered her usual nightmare experience overnight with a normal promise from Mama to ameliorate her plight she was probably going again to be admired by those who might end up breaking her heart.

As she arrived at her office alighting quietly from her Honda Accord car something particularly strange happened to her she found herself admiring a young man not her age rather than being admired a colleague who hated seeing her face was the one she admired she saw Ebere parked his Benz car in the company's parking lot then something invisible whispered to propel her that she must go right away to secure his heart this guy is handsome don't you see? Something whispered in her mind.

He's handsome said Sameerah confirming the silent whisper is this not Ebere? She asked herself marveling at his elegant look he looks different more handsome and admirable this early morning she said

Mr Ebere a chartered accountant was unmarried a cute young man tall in black suit whatkind of idiocy was this being distracted by a man younger in age? Really Ebere was exceptionally cute this Monday morning fabulous strong features short dark hair it wasn't only his look but also the way he carried himself this morning not in the routinely attractive athletic way of those handsome men around nearly all of who looked as though they could ski up mountains.

Ebere looked strong too but it was as much as an intrinsic acquired strength as if he had grown out of the earth as Sameerah locked her driver side door she cast a lustful look at him she loved the way he stood feet slightly apart his hand dangling with a key to his Benz in that romantic longing of her heart she was transported out of that place to another world entirely where there was only herself and this young man oh God he is better than being good this guy is splendid she mused silently.

When Ebere saw her staring at him she instantly shifted her gaze Hey may be I should smile at him she thought but it could probably work out who knows? Not that you should talk to him just smile and if he said hello you should say hi the inner voice had whispered in her but how could that be possible with someone who hated her face and style of living? They had now met inside the elevator and they exchanged a momentary glance.

Hello good morning Ebere Sameerah smiled flirtatiously.

Good morning how was your weekend?

Fine and you?

Ebere refused to answer staring instead at the lift door with a frown Sameerah felt hurt then ashamed it was so incredibly stupid of her within a brief stay in the company Ebere knew her to be frivolous a young lady with loathesome character different kinds of men had come to pick her up after the close of work more so it was lately rumored that she was dating the Director Sameerah was therefore not his kind of friend Ebere was a brilliant young man with a promising career in his chosen endure loved to dine with people of quality thinking and not the pretty gems with frivolous hearts there was albeit a few others who liked Sameerah in the company loved and hated in equal proportion.

The elevator was now at the fifth floor and Ebere stepped out without uttering a word while Sameerah continued her flight to the seventh floor where she later stepped out of the elevator into a corridor decorated in shades of tasteful beige and walked down the hall towards the door of her office.

She flung the file on her desk and leaned back in her seat her eyes closed feeling the anguish of not securing Ebere's attention the embarrassment notwithstanding she felt like taking further steps to win his heart she was intermittently encouraged to do it by the inner voice she felt like going into Ebere's office and pretending to use a telephone then seducing him into a date she felt the need she felt the urge she felt the necessity to keep a date with this promising young man but such a mental impulse was not hers it was the invisible one's

She then removed her suit leaving herself in a sleeveless shirt and left her office through the stair for the fifth floor in the account section of the company where Ebere's office was situated she got there and entered without seeking permission Ebere was alone in the office she then sat opposite him picked up the telephone and started to dial some pseudo numbers Ebere busy computing some information stopped and asked Please Miss Sameerah why don't you use the telephone in your office?

This is an official call Please Sameerah told him and continued to do her dialing.

Don't you see you're disturbing me?

Look Ebere Sameerah said complacently while she daintily replaced the telephone.

Mr Ebere please he corrected her manner of addressing him.

Oga sir Mr Ebere let me tell you something I'm confidence my problem is that I need somebody not anybody someone like you to keep my company on one or two evening I'm lonely that's all the invisible one had spoken through her tongue.

And you think I'm the somebody you need?


Well Miss Sameerah I have to say No because first and foremost I don't have time for women and two I won't like to clash with the Director or any of the numerous men who pick you up daily over a woman of frivolous character.

What clash? I'm nobody's wife.

We'll Miss Sameerah I have no time.

You have no time for me but you can run around with that small girl in reception.

Ebere was astounded and it was apparently reflective in his face.

Who is telling you this? He asked calmly but his forehead had wrinkled and his eyes narrowed.

Who is telling me you're are Tope's boyfriend? You think anything can go on in this company without my knowing right from the word go I know your type always pretending you're not interested in women and then sneaking around with small girls.

I think Tope is a decent girl that's all and I think you had better go to your office now I have work to do.

You mean you think Tope is a more decent girl than myself?

Please madam I have works to do.

Can you find sometime to take me out this week.

she said in a lighter mood and smiled flirtatiously No Then can I take you out? No Then can I take you out? No

But you can find time for Tope.

Will you please get yourself out of my office or I force you out.

Sameerah would not like to create a scene so she made to leave the invisible one suddenly intruded Ebere's heart conquering his strength of moral resistance and creating an overwhelming desire in him as soon as Sameerah turned to open the door her heavy hip was revealed to Ebere's lustful gaze as though he had just seen her for the first time the desire then flamed in him.

Miss Sameerah he called her back standing on his feet and trembling with an inexplicable urge Sameerah turned abruptly to face him I'm sorry for insulting you he said to tonelessly yours is a genuine desire I'm sorry will you move closer and return to the seat?

Sameerah extremely elated returned to the seat in front of Ebere I love you that's why I can for you in the first place she said with an aura of confidence around her.

I know.

But you don't seem to appreciate it imagine how you snubbed me inside the elevator and.... I'm sorry he interrupted her just forgive me and hence forth I shall make a wonderful friend he said as he sat on his desk in front of her reaching for her king tresses of hair her cheeks her intimate body until they found themselves letting out a low moan of pleasure the invisible one then cast its fiery gaze at Ebere moving in his direction and in the throes of his orgasmic passion throttled him to death his abnormally loud groan on the throes of death was what had attracted Tope before any other staff into Ebere's office she rushed in only to find him zipped down lying there and his mouth oozing blood Sameerah half clothed covered her head with both hands and intermittently biting the forefinger of her right hand her panties and bra in different directions she broke down and wept regrettably.

It was dead of night Nana sat impatiently on the bench set at one of the mud platform that ran around the hut facing her from another crude bench on the platform to her right was Sameerah her friend's daughter whose predicament had compelled her into seeking a refuge with her in Lagos Sameerah looked stressed up and apparently agitated awing to her previous week experience in her place of work she had manage to escape the mob's anger and the subsequent arrest by the police as soon as Ebere was found dead and the story mad headline captions of some daily newspapers in town.

The news spread fast wide and so widely like flames of fire in the harmattan and it had also reached Mama that her grand daughter murdered a man after a bout of sex expectedly Mama had been harassed once or twice by policemen who insisted that she must produce her daughter how could Mama produce Sameerah who was yet to return home after the sad incident? But now finally having kept Sameerah in custody for a week Nana sent for Mama to meet her grand daughter in Lagos.

The night was very silent and still so too was this distraught beautiful girl called Sameerah she was vividly grief stricken as she sat around the sim light of a clay oil lamp wondering if her grand mother would ever show up she may have been arrested by the police she may not be favorably disposed to coming she may even have died of complications arising from high blood pressure she thought.

As doubts began to impinge on her hopes the front door directly opposite where she sat creaked slowly open and her heart thumped loud and fast as a dark silhouette glided quickly through it the door shut as slowly as it had opened and a moment went by before she could see clearly the silhouette approached her and a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she recognized her grand mother.

Mama has come she said rising to her feet Nana saw Mama and she stood up as Sameerah had done.

Welcome Mama she greeted her friend's mother and moved forward to take her bag.

Thank you Nana a sad smile flitting across Mama's face.

How is your husband and the little ones? She asked.

They're alright the children have all gone to Abuja to spend the holiday with their father you know their father is now working in Abuja

Hope you hear from them?

We thank god Mama how is your health?followed Nana into the hug she shifted her gaze and it fell suddenly on Sameerah

Sameerah so you are here!

Mama Nana interrupted her.


She has been here since last week she told me all that happened in her place of work and I decided that she stay with me for a while to save her head.

After a pause followed by a deep sigh Mama fixed her gaze at Sameerah questioning her further Tell me Sameerah is it true what I heard? Sameerah was mute answer me now is it true that someone died on your laps? Mama asked her further.

Yes Mama Sameerah's voice was barely audible.

Why Sameerah? Mama groaned why? Do you want me to believe you are capable of such monstrous act after all the upbringing you had? Your father died when you were four months into pregnancy your mother died at child birth lankier since then I've struggled to read you into an accomplished adult you went to the best school in the neighborhood and you pursued your education to Masters Level while I did this alone and now rather than making me proud you caused me pain and embarrassment by sleeping around with men who might not even marry you Mama said with agony in her voice Ha Sameerah she exclaimed bit the fore finger of her right hand and broke down in tears.

This display by an old woman who was never known to be perturbed by anything touched Nana deeply she stood there at the threshold staring at both Mama and Sameerah with pity.

The toothless animal has bitten me again Mama continued between sons Ah God Sameerah has finally exposed me to ridicule Are you going to let this happen to me God?

Enough of this Mama come inside and let's talk about it Nana consoled her friend's mother it may even be a problem that's beyond her she has told me a lot of things she can't really undestand happening to her her vision was burred by tears she strove hard to suppress Nana understood Mama's plight she also suspected that Sameerah's problem might be supernatural she ruminated silently and sighed is there anything seen on this earth that was never seen or heard that was never heard before? She continued facing no one in particular if we don't see a way out we'll take the only way left but she gritted her teeth we will definitely find a way out so weep no more Mama she concluded.

Sameerah was there listening to both her grand mother and her mother's friend's lamentations she knew something was actually wrong as suggested by Nana but she could not tell what was that thing that whispered in her mind? What was that invisible image that featured frequently on her dreams? What was it that made her suitors kilt her repeatedly? What instigated her to stop every relationship she enjoyed? Why did calamities befall her suitors? Sameerah knew that something was wrong but she couldn't tell.

They sat in the car quietly as the driver drove through a very long street then uphill until the road turned into a dirt track Nana knew where she was leading the duo of Mama and Sameerah and she was quite sure that Sameerah would be delivered in Jesus name the taxi driver had been told their destination before they embarked on that trip and he had charged them than necessary fare appropriate to the distance.

The driver stopped by a wooden fence the church behind it was barely visible through the banana tree they alighted paid the negotiated fare and walked into a large shed near a river path where a small crowd of worshippers sat their white robes reflecting the yellow glow of the candles on the floor a large crucifix on a table dorminated the clear area in the middle of the church flanked by the statue of Jesus Christ how could a house of god be situated in a grimy environment? Sameerah wondered.

The invisible one vacating Sameerah's person temporarily had arrived at the church ahead of them there was also another one in charge there they both laughed out excitedly as Sameerah and her grand mother were led in by Nana they levitated in vacant air exhibiting a sense of pride which those who came for worship did not perceive but perhaps only the middle aged woman called the prophetess.

Soon after the invicative prayers led by the prophetess the singing started in the clear space by the altar in their white robes the worshippers predominately women of exceptional beauty swayed to the song of praise humming loudly the labor for Satan with the spurious claim of holiness one of them got excited by the song and intruded at herself to a feeling of abandon and spiritual ecstasy soon the one in Sameerah returned to her and suddenly she started grunting as her face contorted into a scary mask of the devil she fell to the ground and rolled backwards and forward hissing and muttering in an incomprehensible language.

The two invisible ones spoke in thier victims' tongues the one with the church worked essentially for the prophetess revealing the past of every worshipper through the prophetess mental impulse which she then comprehended and uttered to upset frighten or glorify the ego of the person concerned she might even reveal it before the congregation of worshippers but certainly the silent whisperings were half truths to which the prophetess or the invisible ones is her employ added a salt of lies to gravitate the victims' hearts towards the church and the prophetess economic advantage.

As soon as the invisible one relaxed it's action Sameerah fell into a temporary loss of consciousness she was later awakened to severe headache which she normally had after every encounter with her guest she looked around only to realize that the worshippers had dispersed after today's service but some few members who had waited for consultation and counseling Nana and Mama were also present they were somehow agitated Oh Jesus she is awake Mama exclaimed in a toneless voice.

It is the evil spirit in her she'll be alright responded Nana.

The prophetess then moved closer to Sameerah what is your name my dear sister? She asked

I'm Sameerah

Oh Sameerah I hope you are not too tired?

No ma I'm getting better she lied.

What do you think is wrong with you? She asked further trying to tease her.

I don't know ma.

You don't know? Okay I will tell you every detail of your problem as revealed to me by the spirit of God she said proudly then looked around to ensure private conservation you belong to an occultic sisterhood of witches!

Me!Witch? Sameerah exclaimed with a grimace of both surprise and disagreement written all over her face I'm not a witch she disagreed.

Keep quiet and let me talk if you really want to hear more revelations from God said the prophetess.

We are very sorry ma Mama pleaded with the prophetess kindly continue with your discussion.

Sameerah! The prophetess called her name.

Ma! She answered in a whisper.

You belong to an occultic sisterhood of witches who take charge of the world to frustrate the work of our Lord Jesus Christ and you know this because you are not unconscious of the fact that you attend regular meetings with your mates at nights you kill people at will and those who are too strong for your evil you deprived them of fortune the prophetess talked authoritatively while Sameerah gaped at her in dismay she knew how untrue were the prophetess relegation she couldn't albeit deny the fact that someone died on her lap that could not imply belonging to an occultic sisterhood the prophetess saw her eye balls welled up with tears and she continued you can't deny the fact that you've killed a number of men particularly those who came your way for relationships there was a certain you killed in an auto crash there was also a man whose fortune dwindled on account of interacting with you amorously and lately you killed a young handsome man who had a promising career the spirit of God just told me now that you deliberately seduced that young man for the purpose of killing him so which of these will you deny? God speaks truth the prophetess had transmitted in verbatim from the inner voice the silent voice of the invisible one!own Apparently bewildered and red eyed Sameerah sobbed her eyeballs like the onyx she wondered what was wrong the prophetess had spoken the truth someone died and someone's fortune dwindled but she did not kill them or cause anyone to suffer a loss worst still she knew of ko occultic sisterhood of witches meeting albeit she had some regular encuwith strange creatures that featured prominently with me she thought as tears of dropped down.