
The Bride Of Satan

As much as she could understand Sameerah suffered for what was beyond her she saw what no one else could see heard what no one else could hear and in the midst of that she recorded a breakthrough but not with a tranquil heart her experience

SamiBby · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

Thank you ma Mama went on her knees before the prophetess we thank you for revealing this truth to us may our Lord Jesus Christ continue to guide you as you remain devoted to his work she said watching for her response but the prophetess could only respond proudly with a nod Mama continued we've heard everything you said is there anything we can do to get her out of that sisterhood?

Yes there is she answered calmly only if she can spend some money and endure the process of her deliverance we shall set a thick line between her and her mates so that they will detest interacting with her and she will be happy to live a normal life she stopped looked into Sameerah's eyes and asked is she married? No answered Nana.

Her mates won't allow her to secure any man's attention for any reasonable period of time it is her convenant with the sisterhood of witches to remain permanently unmarried.

Mummy what can we do and what is the cost of her deliverance? Asked Nana.

She'll stay with us in the church for some days in her white robe praying and fasting she will also be taketheough a stream bath you will get me forty one packets of red candles black candles blue candles yellow candles and white candles also twenty one bottles of Goya oil and other spiritual materials sold in our rock if ages store across the state you will then pay the Lord for his service it may cost you much in terms of money but she will definitely be delivered on the mighty name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen Nana and Mama chorused sheeply.

Whatever amount Mama added in a desperate tone we will pay the Lord to make her happy No amount is too much to buy the divine grace and she won't hesitate to spend the money that is the advantage of saving enough while in service I've always taught her to thrifty its now to her own advantage she has although lost her job she has enough in her account.

Hearing this the prophetess was extremely delighted what a soothing gratification of her ego!

Help! Sameerah screamed she had woken up at dawn to find herself sweating profusely the shock of that dream suddenly brought her to a sitting position her head throbbed with severe headache she was very dizzy and delirious in spite of all she had spent at the prophetess place to alleviate her pain the frightening experience in her state of sleep did not cease a month after she had left the church and emptied her account for the prophetess she was still plagued by nightmares migraine and aches of different kinds in some vital organs of her body.

That night the dream had reflected her in a wedding feast she saw a long peak studed train of a creamy candle light satin wedding gown cascading in graceful folds behind herself as she glided to a halt in front of the alter she saw herself smiling demurely at her terribly ugly groom through a gossamer cloud of veil she heard the organ music trail off she heard the minister clear his throat and she saw herself glad and happy.

And suddenly she saw the invisible one in the image of an extremely black dog she then ran and ran as far as her feet could take her the groom the invisible one in the prophetess employ had fled from sight back to the church and the black dog the one in her changed again and picked the semblance of a particular man he had once dated it finally got hold of her and she screamed until she was awakened to severe and streams of sweats.

After a few minutes in a sitting position Sameerah shoved the blankets aside and got to her feet she found her jeans trousers and reached for her shirt after a brief search she also discovered her slippers under the bed Oh Jesus she said and opened the door to a damp fog bound morning Mama and Nana were already outside and she joined them.

Good morning she greeted.

Good morning Sameerah how was your night? Asked Nana.

We thank God but for this terrible nightmare.

Nightmare! Do you still have it?asked Mama.

Yes I do in fact the one I had just now was even more frightening than any other and I've come to realize that it got worse after I had left the church.

I am really surprised to hear that Nana said grimly she gaped for few seconds and continued upon the huge amount of money spent this is incredible! If we can't trust the men of God what else can we do?

If not for your concern and necessary advice o don't trust those white garment churches their custodians are liars they cajole you into spending and nothing more said mama didn't you hear insist the other day that I belong to a sisterhood of witches? Can you imagine that? How can I ever be involved in an occultic sisterhood without being conscious of it? Sameerah added taking the advantage to defend herself I know that I'm not a witch but I didn't argue with her because we were so desperate to get a solution Now my account is empty I'm unemployed and the problem is even worse.

Mama what else can we do? Asked Nana.

May be we should try any Catholic Church around I trust the reverend fathers they don't live for the world they live for the mother of Christ you know immediately after the sad death of Raabiah when the calamities from Islam to the Catholic faith and I've found it very reliable so we can try a Catholic Church.

They were impressed by the high spire of the Cathedral they entered through the front gate and saw Father Godson Ejikeme genuflecting towards the striking crucifix over the main altar that was lit by three tall lancet windows when they saw him go on his knees in a pew at the back they knelt beside him and watched him bow his head and pray.

After the prayer the reverend Father rose and led them into his magnificently furnished office where he listened to the whole narrative of Sameerah's problems he seemed satisfied that the story was detailed but he felt sorry that the young pretty lady could be so plagued he then suggested that she needed to give her whole life to Jesus the son of God.

It's an evil spirit and we shall cast it out he said you only need to give your entire life to Christ to be delivered ours is not a church that claims miracles and advertises for it it is and outlet of the pure church established by Christ he told them proudly and the three of them nodded in solemn concord he then continued we shall cast the evil spirit in the good way of our Lord Jesus Christ if you read Mark 1:20 it is said the Jesus preached and cast out devils so here we preach pray and heal at the same time if you read Mark 9 between 17 and 27 there is a story of a certain man who came to Jesus and said master I have brought unto thee my son which hath a dumb spirit and Jesus asked the man for how long was that affliction he then rebuked the foul spirit saying unto him thou dumb and deaf spirit I charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him and the spirit cried and rent him sore and came out of him so if our Lord Jesus Christ could do that and we tread his path we'll do it as well for this power is given to us the sons of God in Mathew 10:1 it is said that Jesus gave his 12 disciples power against unclean spirits to cast them out so my dear sisters be rest assured she'll be alright and it doesn't cost her anything except that'll remain behind within the church premises for some days and we shall organise prayers for her to cast out the evil spirit we'll cast it out through a higherly structured exorcism system called Roman Rituals to be performed on her that's all it takes.

Thank you sir! Mama responded appreciatively.

Thank God Father Godson replied in a humble manner.

Mama was elated she seemed to have been vindicated the Catholic Church was not for the world the deliverance would after all cost them nothing but a mere refuge in the house of God.

God bless you Father Godson Ejikeme she prayed.

Father Godson Ejikeme was known in the Catholic mission across the state to have lived a life of piety with strict adherence to the covenants and without ever betraying his vow of celibacy aside from the discipline imposed on him via his celibate life he was although not totally averse to women he was never as ease interacting with them but with Sameerah in his custody he seemed challenged His challenge was not the elegance of this beautiful girl but something more that thing which had dwelt in Sameerah from birth to destroy others.

In most cases the highest voltage of temptation occurred during prayers when Father Godson found himself alone with her the seductive thought was often flashed in him but each time it happened he would quickly seek a moral refuge in his own sincere commitment to celibacy more so if he did it he had so much lose Honour Prestige Power and the grace of God but what was it that Sameerah stand to lose? He often thought.

So the invisible one had chosen Sameerah for the task rather than the reverend Father as he prayed for her that Tuesday night she felt the intent of a woman who had just come out of gloom for the first time to be used if only she could open up her heart to him and if she succeeded it might only cost him his priesthood career how could she desire to corrupt a man whose help she sought only because he was apparently incorruptible?

But the invisible one failed that Tuesday night and Sameerah was happy that her worst desire did not occur the following day was however not a day of prayer it was eleven 0'clock towards midnight and sleep had eluded Father Godson And Ejikeme in his own flat the invisible one had finally secured a place in his heart and after he had said his prayers for that night he slipped into Sameerah's room Sameerah was also awake that night and somehow assisted to appreciate her host's desire as he stoked her long tresses of hair tender and silent apart from an occasional sigh she knew what Father Godson really wanted.

Nevertheless the man of God seemed to wrestle with a problem which Sameerah could not fathom his inner battle with the evil one when she glanced at him momentarily she saw a sad almost wistful expression in his face she subsequently felt his whole body trembling and shuddering next to hers and after about two minutes into that play without a word without an explanation or even an apology Father Godson had unclothed himself in a frenzy and the man finally took over from the priest the worst then occurred Father Godson Ejikeme had no one to blame but himself if he had thus broken a crucial commandment.

For a long time into that night Sameerah's mind was in turmoil but what stunned her most was the realization that the reverend Father Godson had done this before for in her own conclusion no one could have done it so skillfully the way he did without practice she wondered if this would ever solve her problem she then switched off the light and went into a deep quiet restful sleep.

The intimacy between Sameerah and Father Godson Ejikeme grew day by day she was housed in a private room situated in the second floor of a two storey building of the mission house that particular floor was hirtherto empty and even now apart from the one occupied by her other rooms on that floor was totally vacant so each time Father Godson visited her to quench his recently activated libido he felt absolutely secure he took pleasure in that sim as she did and both of them had become mere knobs in the hands of the invisible one.

On a certain rainy night they both shred a private moment lasting a few hours into the night as Sameerah turned in bed she felt Father Godson crawl in his back next to her feeling the other shake with mirth each of them burst out laughing simultaneously Nothing was as wonderful to Sameerah as waking up the next morning to some one who cared about her problem that was the first time that one of them did not have to leave furtively before other residents of the Cathedral premises awoke.

A couple of days later Father Godson was ordaining a priest and he had invited Sameerah to the ceremony Sameerah actually resented seeing him called a priest she however considered the invitation and graced the occasion on her arrival at the venue she saw in a full Episcopal robe seated in the sanctuary in front of a young man in white alb who stretched out on the ground Sameerah sympathized with that innocent young man who knew virtually nothing about life being ordained by Father Godson to renounce the thrill of sexual pleasure when he himself had failed to uphold the moral vow of celibacy she felt like pulling the ordained to his feet and shouting at him don't be stupid but the inner voice cautioned her she hissed and walked out of the Cathedral to await Father Godson in his office.

After the ceremony the new priest and his family took their pictures with the father after which he entered his office and saw Sameerah.

Oh you're here! He said.

Yes I'm here I can't stand that public celebration of hypocrisy responded Sameerah.

Did you see any hypocrite there?

Yes of course the one standing before me!

Father Godson was embarrassed but any attack on his person by Sameerah usually endeared him to her. He hushed her lips and tried to kiss her if anyone comes in he said I'll pretend I'm listening to your confession okay?

That's bad faith another public display of hypocrisy the whole doctrine is all about deception and paganism can't you talk with a woman without ever seeking to reform her or pardon her sins? You people are corrupt and even those who claim to work for modern Pentecostal Churches are worse you are all corrupt!

Father Godson looked as though Sameerah had slapped him on his face his ego shattered I don't think I am corrupt he disagreed but after a momentary pause he pondered briefly and concurred Yes I am he then went on unclothing himself and facing Sameerah he quickly added you are a terrible person you've destroyed my career.

What Father Godson perceived in the previous week discussion with Sameerah after the ordination ceremony was indeed a great threat to his time honored career as a priest of the Catholic Church he had broken his vow by gratifying the lust of flesh what explanation would dispel the truth if it finally broke out he thought the only solution as temporary as it seemed was probably to make Sameerah pledge to honor his intregrity by not divulging the details of their illicit affair but Sameerah would neither vow to protect nor compromise Father Godson's integrity.

The key to her room was with him and the door was under lock thus she was often inside alone she did derive some pleasurable thrills in his occasional visits so in that room there was Christ where the Satan lived on a particular Saturday towards the evening hour Sameerah was prompted a few seconds intervals by the inner voice to leave for the street behind she truly felt the necessity to leave the after all she had lost hope of getting deliverance from the sinner father the bottled up loneliness exploded in her continuously and she burst into sobs she put her head between her hands as though to shut out the imaginary voices then she pulled herself together there must be a way out she thought.

The room had only one window which looked out on to the grounds of a Catholic school behind the fence silent and deserted that Saturday evening as the room was on the second floor the drop was considerable if she shouted until she was hoarse nobody would hear her with the noise of the high street traffic in front and the empty play ground below it was nearly eight O'clock she stayed by the window for twenty minutes in the hope of seeing a security guard from the school but nobody appeared she then turned back to the room a sick despair in her heart and desperately started searching everywhere perhaps there was a rope somewhere for one corner of the room was stocked up with packing cases in a cupboard she eventually found some dust sheets there were three and they seemed to be made of strong materials she eventually found some dust sheets tied one end round the leg of a heavy desk which she dragged over to the window.

When she lowered the other end out of the window her improvised rope left a drop of about ten feet to the back yard of the mission house it seemed difficult landing but she might be able to use the drain pipe to help her down a little farther tying her hand bag round her waist Sameerah clambered out on to the windowsill and groped with her feet for the sheet the drain pipes was far to her left and she had to jump to the ground the fall jarred her and she went sprawling but picked herself up unhurt except for some grazing down her left arm and leg she then managed to remain on her feet though weak and tired.

When she had tidied up herself as best as she souls she limped along the alley and came out into the street crossed to the other side and linked up Allen Avenue she then saw some call girls lined up the street in provocative attire what are they doing here? She asked herself she hissed and returned her mind to her own problem she had actually decided to go home but she felt like relaxing somewhere around here for some minutes before going home.

Longing for somewhere to relax she went into the park across the road and she found a bench near the kiosk of a cigarette seller she then sat down stretching her aching legs and glancing at the prostitutes across the road as they bargained with customers in exotic cars and earned some money suddenly the invisible one whispered in her reminding her of the full extent of her predicament she didn't have a job she couldn't enjoy her sleep lonely and very miserable she burst into tears.

The pathetic sight of this unhappy young beautiful lady than caught attention of many passersby some were moved some were intrigued and most were indifferent but a certain call girl who had come to buy a cigarette from the kiosk took one look at her and accurately assessed the situation she sympathized with her and sat down beside her come in fine girl there's nothing to worry about what's your problem? She wiped away her tears of itch her heavily scented handkerchief any problem? She asked again.

No I don't have any problem.

Then it's better you leave here it's dangerous to sit around policemen come here once in a while to raid us the call girl said in a caring voice she then gave her one thousand Naira note take this and leave immediately it'll be alright she said consoling her.

Sameerah collected the money as she buried her face in the prostitute's shoulder crying out her despair Thank you she said appreciatively.

Don't mention just leave here immediately replied the call girl in a warning voice.

Sameerah had never seen a human being as caring as that prostitute she wondered why kind of God would throw her into hell and grant the prophetess and Father Godson an eternal bliss she looked at the one thousand Naira note and marveled at her generosity she wouldn't have given out such a significant amount of money if she didn't make enough from the trade she thought.

You may then give it a trial whispered the silent voice.

The thought filled her with revulsion at first but as she began to earn her livelihood at Allen Avenue she was glad to live in comfort and take care of Mama and Nana her mother's friend it was a fragile shield against the reality that she was forced to survive through prostitution three months had passed and now eventually she realized the trade was very lucrative.

As she stood there waiting her patrons her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by thunder clap it was going to rain she had thus decided to go home when she saw the light of an approaching car she stood by the kerb her arms akimbo in her skinny wear her black vinyl corset pushed up her breasts and emphasized her narrow waist the car then stopped by her side and its window rolled down.

She had seen many customers faces but this one was unusually pleasant he was not bad looking but his eyes were cold and there was something cruel about his thin lips he wore a black polo shirt and drove an expensive car he looked at her appreciatively ignoring other prostitutes who had suddenly appeared from behind can you spend two hours with me he asked.

Yes she answered it had began to rain heavily and she wanted to get into the car as soon as possible.

How much will it cost me?

Five thousand Naira Sameerah replied.

Come in he said opening the door she sat next to him and held out her hand palm up ward he paid her and started driving towards a hotel making conversation about the weather the man was Mr Walkman a British born make up artist who specialized in scouting for models across African a few hours after his intimate encounter with Sameerah he was all too conscious that he had indeed been treated to an usually pleasurable thrill by a negress she never expected to meet again.

Sameerah later returned to the spot of her trade she stood in the light displaying herself she had learned the trade very quickly and she seemed to be more skilled than her colleagues in the street as she looked up she saw the light of another car cursing slowly towards her but the car didn't stop there is no trade at this spot tonight I'm going home she resolved and began to walk a few distance ahead of others a car suddenly stopped by her side she kept walking and the car followed her while the driver kept addressing her through his half opened window.

I'm going home now leave me alone she said replying his call the man got infuriated he got out of the car grabbed her arm she screamed and he punched her in the face repeatedly she stumbled but he hauled her up and twisted her arm behind her back pushing her towards his car while she moaned helplessly calling faintly for help her lip was bleeding badly where he had punched her.

Meanwhile a heel car was coming behind them occupied by a wealthy woman in her late forty the affluent woman was sitting at the owner's side of the car when her driver called her attention to the struggling couple the woman saw them and quickly identified Sameerah as a prostitute being oppressed perhaps after a sexual abuse she was one of those who were strongly averse to any kind of violence against women she was although equally opposed to women seeking livelihood through commercial sex.

Stop! Stop! She told her driver and quickly alighted from her car she then found a discarded bottle on the road side and the did not hesitate to pick it up and rush towards the struggling couple the man never saw her he only heard the tip tap of her approaching shoes and then a painful flash of light exploded inside his skull the man collapsed on the road the woman quickly helped Sameerah regain her shoulders they left the spot immediately as the driver drove pass the man still struggling for breath on the floor.

I am sorry my dear he had injured your mouth a wicked man the woman said as she touched Sameerah's blood stained lips how can someone be so cruel to drag a helpless woman on the floor? She lamented.

Thank you ma Sameerah responded appreciatively with tears on her cheeks.

Where do you live? The woman asked I'll take you home. It's a bit far she replied.

In few seconds the incident had created a momentary bond of companionship between them something missing in Sameerah's life for too long and she suddenly hoped that this wealthy woman would become her sympathetic confidant.

I'm Hadeezab they call me Hajia Hazeedah the woman introduced herself.

I'm Sameerah she smiled wanly thank you for helping me you're beautiful you shouldn't be involved in that kind of work Hajia commented then paused for some seconds you're much too good looking to be working in the street of Allen as a prostitute.

I don't really know what brought me here I'm a graduate with Masters Degree said Sameerah as she looked at Hajia's broad face her features were coarse but her eyes were reflection of kindness and there was warmth in her smile she liked her.

So you're a graduate? Hajia asked in a surprise laden voice why are you involved in that kind of job? Experienced worse than that but because the young lady had compounded her own problem by trading her body for little income.

Unnh! She sighed again I've listened to all you have to say but there is one thing I need from you will you give me?

If it lies within my capability I'll give you ma answers Sameerah.

I want you to vacate the street and leave that dirty job you don't belong there it even compounds your problem please I beg you to leave the street and I'll try my possible effort to take care of your needs I will accommodate you here and then later I'll get you employed in my company Hajia pleaded with her was there a better response to a generous offer aimed at rehabilitating her life?

I'll leave the job thank you ma!

Then another thing the problem of nightmare sexual deans imaginary voices migraine or severe headache and your inability to regain a spouse as narrated by you is basically spiritual and it requires only a spiritual solution I was once a victim of such problems so much that I didn't conceive a pregnancy for a single day up till now I have no child from my womb I only adopted one so tomorrow morning insha allah I'll lead you to my Malam and he'll definitely do something about it if you don't mind.

Thank you ma I'm really grateful for your concern may god bless you.

And you too so let's go and sleep one of my maids will lead you to the guests room.

Sameerah was awakened the following morning to the smell of fresh coffee and warm bread from the guests room she could hear the conversation between Hajia Hadeezab and her adopted child as they sat for breakfast the girl was eighteen her name was Hidaayah a part three medical student at the university college hospital Ibadan she was polished elegant and reserved her beauty was however concealed in the glowing gown she wore depicting a beautiful Islamic model.

Hajia had adopted Hidaayah from the motherless babies home when she was five and he had reared her into a disciplined girl Hidaayah attended the best school in the neighborhood and she was now acquiring a tertiary education in a reputable school she had interacted with some Muslim students rising to the position of Ameerah in the university she had thus grown into a chaste Muslim sister Hajia loved her with passion but often blamed her hatred for religions Innovations and preference for the sunnah.

Sameerah cleaned up in the bathroom before coming to the sitting room where she found Hajia and Hidaayah sharing a meal of coffee and bread.

Ah there you are! Hajia greeted her as she saw her come into the sitting room how was your night? I hope you had a restful sleep?

Yes ma Good Moroni Sameerah greeted her.

Good morning kindly meet my daughter the only one I have her name is Hidaayah Hajia turning her face to Hidaayah said Hidaayah this is your big sister her name is Sameerah she is our new friend.

Salam alaykum and good morning uttered by both Hidaayah and Sameerah respectively had almost collided into confusion.

How are you Hidaayah? Sameerah asked further. I'm fine what about you? I'm okay.

Sit down and join us said Hajia Sameerah sat down at the table next to Hidaayah and she was served her breakfast.

Make sure you eat enough today because you didn't eat yesternight insha Allah after the meal we shall leave for malam Adamu's house to discuss your problem.

Okay thank you ma Sameerah answered Hajia modestly and continued eating.