
The Bride Of Satan

As much as she could understand Sameerah suffered for what was beyond her she saw what no one else could see heard what no one else could hear and in the midst of that she recorded a breakthrough but not with a tranquil heart her experience

SamiBby · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter Four

Hidaayah glanced through Hajia's face when she heard her mention Malam Adamu it sounded repugnant to her that Hajia could still patronize a Malam after all she had spent seeking spiritual help to no avail.

Mummy she called Hajia what are you going to do in Malam Adamu's place again after all he has collected from you? Can't you pray to solve your problems?

You're a small girl my daughter Hajia had answered in a caring voice it's only Malam such as Adamu and others in Nupe Kanuri Fulani and the Yoruba land of Ilorin with spiritual wisdom who can solve any serious problem with the magical secrets of the Holy Quran you only read the Quran you didn't learn it's secrets! She told her daughter.

By the time Malam Adamu slaughtered the second ram a crowd of beggars had converged outside his house indifferent to the rain beggars of all ages jostled and fought one another to reach the front door one seemingly able bodied man wore a frame statement around his neck that carried his picture and proclaimed him deaf dumb and blind a blind woman cursed loudly when an apparently impoverished man pushed her airside she was accompanied by a young girl who had tangled hair and clogged nostrils the old woman's left hand rested on the girl's right hand shoulder begging for meat.

The beggars had all come to share meats of sacrifice made to appease the demon that Malam Adamu had claimed was Sameerah's eternal spouse when he had heard the story narrated by her in the presence of Hajia Hadeezah Malam Adamu had brought his tray of sands and gone into a silent divination that lasted some minutes drawing some lines on the sands to know the source of Sameerah's problem he then concluded after a while that Sameerah was actually married to a demon her eternal spouse from the world beyond.

He then suggested that a complete cure of Sammerah's affliction was dis engaging her from the demon this according to Malam Adamu required slaughtering three spotless white rams to appease it a portion of the rams' blood shall then be used to write some Quranic verses and make a rubutu liquid which Sameerah would drink her unplaited head would be washed with a certain quantity of the blood while the meat of those three white rams would be distributed among beggars seventy one incisions would then be marked around her pubic hair to scare the eternal spouse away from her.

Hajia Hadeezab had paid Malam Adamu for the service including the purchase of three white rams they were now present in his house witnessing the solemn appeasement of the demon the black and white checked floor of Malam Adamu's veranda was wet with some watered down blood of those animals the pots of ferns were set against the back wall and next to them in a neat row were the heads of the sacrificed rams their small eyes were like marbles the long velvet encased ears rested softly on the tiles like robes the ribbed horns curved backwards and touched the wall.

The young boy assisting Malam Adamu was now dragging the third ram on the veranda with the rope around its neck the ram sensing danger struggled and bleated Malam Adamu held the knife between his teeth and with a quick movement of his right foot across the ram's front legs threw the animal to the floor his movements from then on were perfectly co ordinated the actions of Malam Adamu's assistant as he grappled with the writhing rump and hind legs were haphazard as it betrayed his lack of experience once the ram was overpowered the young man quickly sent for Sameerah.

Sameerah then emerged from the room adjoining the veranda nowhere she had been sitting with Hajia Hadeezah since the early hour of the day it was necessary for the person in whose name the sacrifice was made to touch the knife Malam Adamu raised his head the knife between his teeth and Sameerah reached down to touch his wooden handle Malam Adamu then took the knife from his mouth and his lips murmuring some incantations cut the ram throat with a short precise cut!

H-u-r-r-a-y! The invisible ones were jubilating making a feast of wild raspberries out of the three spotless white rams sacrificed in Sameerah's name the animals blood was preferable to them how this had added to their fin was known only to their maker but they seemed to have taken delight in seeing man sim against God innovating practices alien to the path of total submission and the frequent propitiation of the devil in the guise of sacrificial animals so if they were not present at a three path road devouring a pot of soup aimed at appeasing them they were shamelessly attracted to his kind of feast.

Here on a heap of garbage they were numerous and even countless some of them rose in the sky slow magestic their wings spread hovering in the breeze rising and descending with the current of the wind all of them were ugly impassive cruel some had their ribbed horns curved backwards like those of the slaughtered rams a few others had multiple heads and hoofed feet they had all gathered feasting on bones carcass filth and the animals blood.

Thank you brother for giving us a meal of blood the one in vapor shape had said thanking the one in Sameerah you must have tormented your human victim to compel her to make this huge appeasement.

Yes brother but let's thank the one in Malam Adamu's employ it taught him our way and made him mislead others who took him for a believer of God answered the one in Sameerah.

We thank you both interjected another one in shadow form for working hand in hand.

Others listened to those words of gratitude celebrating human folly soon one arrived from the Red Sea.

I congratulate us all for another fall of man it said in a fiery gaze human inhabitants of the planet earth are fond of failure with the fall and repentance of Adam their father they've always fallen but what pains my heart is their gut to repent.

This will never repent one interrupted.

Who? Asked the one in Sameerah.

Sameerah your own answered the one that had spoken earlier.

Sameerah must never repent!

Sameerah must not be free I'm in total control and she's under my grip said the one in her.

Another one that shuttled between a deep forest and the ocean quickly added Human Beings are stupid that I've lost my pleasure in working for them some don't even believe we exist and those who do call us various names they call us oracles nymphs fairies household gods lemurs jinn larvae lamias maiads incubi some might even call us shades manes specters and phantoms interrupted the one whose feet didn't touch the ground.

And when you tell them the truth about yourself they wouldn't believe they say we are liars said the one in shadow form.

There was one twenty five feet tall that was recently cast out of a middle aged man it grew taller as it made to collaborate the facts.

While the exorcism was on it said the faithful exorcist asked me from where I came I said from our own world and because ours is over populated on account of our longevity of life we often come around to reside in man he asked me further for how long I have lived I told him four thousand three hundred and fifty two years he then asked me how I got into the man I told him that when I felt that the carcass I had earlier inhabited was almost worn out and it's organs were no longer functioning I breathe myself into the man I possessed do you know that upon my confessions the man around that faithful exorcist did not believe me?

Why then did you vacate that body? Asked the one standing on a single feet.

Because of the holy verses that had tormented me I felt the touch of fire I moaned helplessly I clamored for help and in the name of the creator he ordered that I should leave then I obeyed vacating the body at once.

Human beings are fools said the one from the Red Sea why aren't they seeking refuge protection and cure from their creator rather than seeking us out.

As the last one spoke a beloved among them hovering in mid air towards the mosque arrived at the scene and interrupted it sharply they cannot remember to seek their creator you've after all blinded thier hearts you've enticed them with glitters of life you whisper evil in them you inhabit their bodies at will and most of them are ungrateful to Allah their creator both they and you shall be those own into hell unless they seek refuge in Allah they remember Him and repent from your evil way it concluded and melted into the breeze.

Hearing the believer's sermon they all laughed out sarcastically but the few repentant ones the one in vapor shape continued to laugh even after others had stopped it then told the one in Sameerah Don't forget to take me along to domicile with you inside your beautiful girl so that I may then play with her a game of the snakes.

Hidaayah was in the kitchen cooking a meal of spaghetti when she heard a silent ominous sound a moment later she switched off the central air conditioner and heard the sound more loudly from Sameerah's room she then left the kitchen and peeped quietly through the door's knob only to see a big black snake almost as thick as a child's arm and perhaps a yard longer.

Mummy! Mummy! Hidaayah's terrier shriek broke the serenity of the day and Sameerah's twilight state Sameerah was suddenly startled out of sleep and saw the snake earring it's head in her direction.

Help! Help! Help! Snake! Hajia. Snake! She cried out in horror Hajia Hadeezah and who had also been awakened to Hidaayah's hysteria quickly went to Sameerah's room and pushed the door open she then saw a big black snake raring its head in Sameerah's direction it was the one in vapor shape that had come to play with her a game of the snake and it had been with her for almost an hour the bed was still lumpy with the pillow she had tucked under the blanket the room was drap the weather was cold the digital clock was blinking it was three O'clock at noon Hajia Hadeezah was terrified to see a snake occupy a bed with a human being she suddenly cried out.

Lailaaha illa llah! What is this?

Sameerah saw Hajia Hidaayah frightened as she was she was sobbing hysterically holding tightly to herself across her own wrapped breasts.

You this snake! Shouted Hidaayah addressing the strange animal leave this house now if you belong in to the demonic specie of jinn else we shall kill you but if you're what you claim to be an ordinary snake from the world of animals then wait and we shall kill you she said while Hajia Hadeezah shivered and trembled the sight of that snake sent a fright to her spine she quickly sent for Malam Adamu.

Go and call him for me tell him to rush down that there is a serious problem here! She told her maid.

For the second time I warn you this snake to leave our house and return to your fellow jinn if you're one of them but if not then we shall treat you as a dangerous animal Hidaayah warned the second time she was about making the third warning when the snake as though it had yielded made to leave it shifted its direction from Sameerah and climbed down the bed obviously taking to Hidaayah's warning Hajia saw it coming and she ran for cover.

It's coming! It's coming! She screamed again as the snake quietly slithered across the threshold leaving for the sitting room at that exact moment Malam Adamu arrived and Hajia's heart slowed down its beat with Malam Adamu's presence she seemed brave and confident now to confront the horror.

We saw it on Sameerah's bed she said trying to explain to Malam Adamu but at that challenging moment her explanation was ignored.

With almost a reflex movement behind the snake Malam Adamu picked up two sticks and as Hidaayah saw him pin the snake to the floor she shouted don't kill the snake! Don't kill it! Don't... but before she could repeat it Malam Adamu had pinned the snake hitting it with the other the snake jerked writhed and is finally dead thus Malam Adamu had killed the repulsive creature the vapor shaped invisible one that had just put on the image of a snake to play with Sameerah had been murdered by him.

Malam Adamu then turned to face the small crowd of rescuers with an aura of pride His pride was however short lived as he suddenly felt a leaden weight on his legs and a burning sensation inside his limbs were hot like an ember of fire within a few seconds of his experience he fell down and convulsed repeatedly his squeals suddenly ceased as he finally fell into a loss of consciousness.

Malam! Malam! Malam! Shouted Hajia the fright returned to her spine she trembled she sobbed Malam what's wrong with you? She asked again but Malam Adamu could not respond he was indeed in that state totally oblivious of his surrounding.

Didn't I warn him not to kill the snake? Hidaayah said regrettably and now he is suffering the consequences of his action we create problems for ourselves by not taking to the sunnah of the holy prophet Muhammad didn't he warn to ask questions three times repeatedly before killing any snake? She said asking no one in particular and nobody was attentive wither everybody including Sameerah was indeed crying wailing over Malam Adamu sub consciously living body lying powerlessly on the floor.

Malam Adamu had thus found himself on a total gloom when something he could barely see stood to his right and another to his left leading him into a great dusky hole inhabited by some creatures with multiple heads limbs and abnormal heights they were no human beings he then discovered that he had been brought before someone shorter that he had been brought before someone shorter than a dwarf sitting on a raised dais in the back ground it seemed like a chieftain of this mysteriously invisible world.

There were two distinct parties in that hole and Malam Adamu soon realized that he was the accused opposed or supported by each party someone thirty feet tall in a dark thorny skin suddenly said he killed him unjustly without a warning so he is guilty and must be afflicted or even killed.

No we can't kill him someone incredibly ugly from the opposing party had retorted he did not know whom he was killing he thought it was a mere snake so he is not guilty.

But those of the accusing party disagree shouting No he killed it deliberately he killed it to flaunt his pride.

The other party repeated all together in chorus he didn't he was only doing his job.

So it continued for a while accusations and defense of Malam Adamu until the one in Sameerah spoke remember this man is our associate he works for us and we for him he disobeys his creator quite often and guides his clients to the path of our master didn't he feed us recently with a meal of appeasement? So let's pardon him so that he may continue to live for us and mislead his clients it argued convincingly but in a belligerent tone until the chieftain in the background stood and spat fire to decide.

He did not know whom he was killing and he is our associate in the world of Adam so let's pardon him lead him back and warn him to desist from helping that girl!

The two creatures who had brought Malam Adamu into that gloomy hole then took him under their arms again leading him back through the darkness from which he had come they suddenly laid him on the ground and left.

Malam Adamu opened his eyes and saw himself lying there helplessly in Hajia's sitting room with a crowd of sympathizers around him some had made their shirts into fans others were only helpless wailing.

Water! He said in a whisper he looked dazed tired and thirsty.

He speaks! He speaks! A man jumped up as he heard Malam Adamu call for water.

Alhamdulillahi! Exclaimed Hajia she was relieved he is back to life Alhamdulillahi please someone should bring him water his regain his consciousness had apparently whipped the crowd into a frenzy of delight.

We thank god the man is back to life said a woman who lived on the neighborhood but had come to gossip.

God saved him a man added he had fainted for almost an hour.

Meanwhile Hidaayah had brought a glass cup of water which Malam Adamu gulped silently like a horse thirsty from the race of several miles distance.

You need rest Hajia Hadeezah advised him.

Yes I will he said as he managed to rise slowly to his feet but you must send this girl packing from your house if you want to live in peace he told Hajia frankly while Sameerah watched him leave the house through the stair with a slight limp after he had spoken most vehemently against her presence in that house.

Mike Forest was an accomplished designer in Europe he had built his succcess on his dream for perfection the perfect fabric the perfect cut the perfect shape and above all the perfect woman to wear his designer clothes with every successive show he had produced quite a number of models each of who had reflected a perfect interpretation of his vision.

It was another season for his show Mike Forest needed an exceptionally beautiful model of African descent to wear his clothes and show case his artistic creativity to the rest of the world he then contacted Mr Walkman a fashion cum makeup artist who was fond of scouting for models across Africa Mr Walkman had partaken in several couture shows in various seasons but he was more identified with African models.

It was late June and the show was in early August Mr Walkman had almost exhausted his search for models in the whole of Africa but he was very sure that somewhere in the world if not in the continent of Africa there must be an African lady who perfectly matched his client's description he was now in Tunis lodged in Demanar Hotel he felt compelled to speak to Mike Forest about his challenge.

Hello Mr Forest he called via his cell phone.

Hello Mr Walkman how are you doing? How far have you gone?

We've not made enough progress it's in fact a big challenge perhaps if you can once again given me a vivid description of your vision and the kind of face or lady you need for the show it may help me Mr Walkman suggested in a calm tone.

Mike Forest then described his vision in detailed expressions and Mr Walkman listened very carefully suddenly something in the description struck a cord in his memeory Mr Walkman never forgot a face he was very passionate about his business he remembered that somewhere sometime ago he had seen a face and physique which corresponded with the face and vision described by Mike Forest.

Okay I can now understand your vision thank you I'll reach back he said and hung up before his client could respond from the other end of the receiver.

He then sat back in his hotel room relaxing over a glass of whisky and trying to remember where he had seen the semblance of that face after a while he decided to think of something else he needed some distractions then a calm return to the problem then suddenly he remembered it was in the Lagos city of Nigeria a few month ago while driving down the street of Allen he had met a prostitute spent two hours with her the prostitute was nearly naked but she seemed as pretty and elegant in her whorish underwear as models were in evening dresses during shows and beauty contests now he realized that's the kind of lady Mike Forest needs for his show only if I could get her he resolved and booked a ticket for Nigeria that same day.

A gum chewing half naked pessimist stood by the road side on the egde of the still and immensely silent street a lady sad powerless and frustrated with a cry of bitter discontent ready on her lips a cry that had it come out would have rung through the virgin solitudes of the night as real as painful as any emotional shriek to disturb the pure wilderness of chimneys and roofs of mansions in Allen.

It was Sameerah she stood akimbo as she was fond of doing her legs slightly apart her breasts visible through the wide mesh of her crochet mini dress she was unrepentantly provocative Hajia had sent her packing and she had returned to the street Sex was now much a fact of everyday commitment to her as the grinding poverty with her determined return to Allen a few months ago Sameerah had built a career as one of the highest paid call girls around and the most educated too looking youthful possessive and exotically beautiful she soon found the light complexion of her skin a built in asset politicians and business men became her clients but they had to pay so exorbitantly to purchase grief and regret.

Sameerah wasn't aware that men whatever their status found her attractive as attractive as any model but tonight for the second time she had come across an English man who was not only attracted to her during their first encounter but had now returned to offer her an opportunity to escape from poverty the model's scout Mr Charles Walkman his car stopped and Sameerah smiled invitingly her eyes in him his eyes on her flaunted breasts she couldn't remember ever meeting him but he remembered most vividly that's the girl he mused silently he got out of car and walked up to her smiling broadly.

The third week after their meeting witnessed the ultimate fulfillment of Sameerah's long desired break through overwhelmed by joy she looked up to a blissful sojourn in London having her travel documents perfectly procured she left for the airport with a solemn vow not to return to Nigeria the country where she had suffered so much agony but Mama wasn't happy that Sameerah was leaving.

The Boeing 787 began to move slowly that particular night was Sameerah's first trip by air she felt vulnerable she couldn't concentrate on her discussion with Mr Walkman anxious for a better distraction she put the head phone on turning the volume knob up she did not even bother to look at the tape any music would do she just needed to close her eyes and let her mind drift away momentarily both the fear of flight and the joy of fulfillment roared simultaneously in her mind.

At last the pilot received a take off clearance from the tower the plane then began to climb towards the cloudless sky Sameerah's eyes were also fixed on the sky but she did not see it nor the ocean below as the Afriqiyah airplane flew above Nigeria's territorial waters with a brief stop over in Tripoli into the United Kingdom's Heathrow Airport.

In the street of London the taxi sped in measured meters until they finally arrived at Crossway street where Mr Walkman's residence was situated the ranch house was surrounded by three hills in front of the house stood the big brown barn where Mr Walkman kept his horse Chiquita two pet pigs and a menacing angus bull named Jolly.

Sameerah was led into the house only to find herself overwhelmed by horror the invisible one had played itself out again her eyes were suddenly rivets on something behind her it was a body of a woman crumbled on the floor in a patch of blood stained the carpet the scene was horror inspiring and she fainted immediately.

Sammy! Sammy! Are you alright? Exclaimed Mr Walkman he tried to rescue her and after a few seconds she was conscious but very delirious with severe headache.

Who is that woman? She asked in a whisper.

What are you taking about Sammy? Mr Walkman's face drawn with concern he did not see what she saw because in him was not what was in her.

I saw a woman lying on the floor in a pool of blood Sameerah could tell by the look on Mr Walkman's face that he did not see what she saw.

Calm down Sammy there is no woman here re replied but his voice sounded uneasy.

They sat for a moment in silence with concern boldly written on Mr Walkman's face.

Can you describe what you saw?

She then gave a vivid description of the scene and Mr Walkman nodded as though he understood what happened I think I know what you saw he started in a quiet tone.

She looked up at him eagerly hoping he might be able to appreciate her experience.

When I came here to rent this house there was a reddish stain on the carpet I asked the person in charge what it was and she told me they would put in a new carpet before I moved in she never told me what it was but the day after I moved in a neighbor dropped by to see me.

Go on she said curious to know don't leave me hanging what happens after that?

He told me about the horrible murder that had taken place in this house a woman was killed with a double barreled gun right inside here five years ago he concluded.

But how did you see it? I mean how did you know? He asked her.

I don't know I can't really understand what is wrong but I know something is wrong.

May be by hallucination suggested Mr Walkman.

May be she said as she made to settle down in London for a total fulfillment.

For Sameerah dawn has a way of lessening the horror of the night she had been sleeping in Mr Walkman's room for over a week now but every morning she went through the same ritual she looked around and hoped that one day she would have a lovely house like this.

She was always so stunned by Mr Walkman's inner room her only experience with comfortable living had been when she resided with Mama prior to the calamity that befell her at her place of work then in Hajia's house but this was a new dimension of luxury the residence had a large sitting room a double height space with floor to ceiling windows on one side overlooking a beautiful tree in the country yard Mr Walkman had out Sameerah up in his bedroom and he slept on a spared bed in the gallery overlooking the sitting room.

The training had been exhausting but he seemed pleased with her progress he had spent hours coaching her in every aspect of modeling her posture her walk her makeup he borrowed clothes from friend and explained to her how to show each type of garment to its best advantage every moment of the day was a lesson how to eat how to turn her head how to sit gracefully he had also told her time without number to not smile Mr Forest believes that truly elegant women have a disagreeable air about them he once explained to her.

As Sameerah woke up that early hour of the day she stretched her arms she had a quick shower and dressed in the borrowed clothes that Mr Walkman had given her she briskly walked out of the bedroom and found Mr Walkman in the sitting room having a breakfast she sat down and poured coffee in her cup adding three lumps of sugar she then buttered her bread and began to eat.

How was ur night? He asked her.

It was fine what about yours?

It was okay I dreamt that you got the job.

If I get the job she smiled warmly I'll be the happiest girl on earth Sameerah felt a mixture of excitement and fear in the next three hours her life could change for better if she was considered for the modeling job she could then start afresh in affluence otherwise she would return to Nigeria and continue to trade in Allen Sameerah could not afford to fail.

After the breakfast meal Mr Walkman led her towards the bedroom he pointed to the dressing table and she sat down in front of it he then picked up a brush and comb from the table a handful of hairpins in his mouth he skillfully pulled her dark hair back into a severe knot you don't need these tresses of hair with a beautiful face like yours he said pushing her chin up gently and admiring her in the full light of the opened window you're nearly perfect a beauty queen he added after a moment of silence but I'll make you absolutely perfect with this makeup.

Brush in hand he leaned forward and Sameerah closed her eyes for the next half hour there was complete silence until she finally heard Mr Walkman drop them on the glass stopped table.