

Ina looked at Maggie with tears as she wipes her eyes " look at Henry, his such a sweet kid, sometimes he doesn't eat for a whole day, your son doesn't complain he smiles and fights with you, it's not about you, it's about your son, I know you never wanted to have a child at fifteen but afterwards drake abandoned you, Henry was the only thing that kept you going, are you going to be selfish or would you do anything for your son?" Maggie asked as the tears dropped again from ina's eyes , she looked at Maggie and to the door when Henry came in " come here son" she said hugging him tightly, he is the only family she had left, lost her mom in the delivery room , Lost her dad at forty years, getting pregnant at fifteen been abandoned by her boyfriend, life has never been easy for Ina, only God knows the hard labor she had to pass through just to complete her education without help from anyone. Ina was discharged from the hospital as she lied on the bed, she could remember everything that Maggie told her, she is willing to do anything for Henry's sake as she gets up and walks down to where the signboard was kept " hell no" she screamed realizing it wasn't there anymore " oh hell, what I'm I going to do now" she mumbled as she walks away and goes to search for other jobs. Ina returned back very late as she went into Henry's room, he was already sleeping, she sat down besides him and lay down by his sides as she closed her eyes and slept off. " Good morning mom" Henry said as she pecked him " go brush your teeth" she said as he rushed to the toilet, it was Sunday and they were ready for church. Ina and Henry walked around the road till they got to point where Ina could see the house help signboard again " it's here again" she thought as she quickly collected the number and crossed the road. After the came back from church, Ina immediately called the contact

📱 Hi, I'm Ina Rodriguez, I calling for the job.

☎️Oh Rodriguez, we are very delighted that you called we are very happy to have you work for us, do you want us to send a driver over to your house to pick you up or do you want us to send you the details online

📱 ( Giggling) it's just an interview isn't it, I'll come over to your place, besides it's a house help job who pays a car for that

☎️ ( Laughing) oh no, its not an interview it's your job, we have already hired you, infact you need to come over today to collect all your uniforms and the details about the house, so come over and start work immediately

📱 Okay

     ( Call  ends )

Ina dropped her phone and wondered why the lady sounded so eager to have her work , she picked up a nice outfit and carried up her bag " son" she called out to Henry who came out of his room " yes mom" he said " I'm going to work, so if you need anything call aunt Maggie ' Ina said as Henry smiled " you got a job?" He asked happily " it's just a house help job nothing important" she said sadly " don't worry mom, some day you'll have a good paying job" Henry said as Ina smiled " isn't my little boy intelligent, I'll go now take care" she said leaving the house. Ina's mind was blown away by the beauty of the house infact the mansion as she looks around with her mouth open " miss Rodriguez, please follow me" the guard said as she follows him inside " hell no" she said as she goes into the beautiful decorated mansion looking at the old lady on the couch " good day ma" she said " you're welcome Rodriguez, you can start work immediately" she said " I'm just going to manage this untill I find a job that befits me what's the salary" she asked ' 50 thousand naira " the lady said as Ina fell to the floor ' hell no, if you pay is so huge why do you always put your signboard outside" she asked getting up " it's our sir, sir Charles Jones, this is the Jones mansion, his attitude isn't that nice, his the one chasing them out."

" Sir Charles Jones" Ina repeated as the sound of the stairs came louder " nanny's where's my food?" The voice came as Ina looked up, she could swear she has heard that voice before but couldn't just place it " what are you doing in my house?" Jones asked as Ina turned back, " hell no, it's the old man" she mumbled remembering how she insulted him the other day " do you know her?" Nanny Celine asked " yes, I don't want to see her in my house" Jones said harshly, for one second Ina felt like going on her knees to beg him but hell no, she wasn't going to do it just because of house help job but God is the pay tempting " get out" he screamed immediately grabbing her by the hands and throwing her out of the house as she uses her head to hit the floor " Charles" nanny Celine shouted as he turned back his face could show he was really angry " I don't want her in my house" he yelled going upstairs " please have mercy, I'm an idiot, please forgive me" she said running to him and holding his feets " please Charles, she is the only one available" nanny Celine said " 20 thousand salary, working till 11, coming back by 4 leave it or take it?" Jones said as she looked up to him squeezing her face " hell no, who do you think you are to pay me 20 thousand and stress me out, I'm not interested" she yelled picking up her bag " Rodriguez please stay" nanny Celine begged " let her go, never you dare come back" he yelled going upstairs " old man, fool" Ina yelled as she rushed out of the mansion. Ina got home by eleven and dropped her purse on the chair " that old fool, thinks he can kill me, die soon idiot, Henry" she called out going into Henry's room to find him on the floors " son " she screamed running to hold him, he was unconscious yet his temperature was burning hot " son " she screamed raising him up and taking him to the hospital " your son, fainted due to hunger, he'll be fine" the doctor says as Ina sighed .