
The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]

Follow the journey of a different Neji Hyuga, with a different soul, trying to break free of his miserable, chained fate, instead of succumbing to it like in that different, original universe. What changes would that bring to the Hyuga clan, Konoha, and even the whole Ninja World, in the end? See a different version of the same story, but with a properly explored and fleshed-out Hyuga clan and Hamura Otsutsuki's side of the equation. . . . . . . . . . . * Amoral and very goal-oriented MC. Multiple female leads, one of them an OC, but logical for the story. * The story will definitely deviate from the original plot and events mainly due to the Butterfly Effect. * More fleshed-out, complete, logical, and realistic (dark) version of the Naruto world. * Will include some elements from Naruto's light novels, manga, anime fillers, movies, and data books mixed together so as to create the most logical, real-like world in the end. * Might not include some Boruto explanations, excessive cosmic, Godly elements, or technological stuff and a few characters. So, a bit AU. I will decide what to include and what not at my own discretion and preferences. So, don't complain. . . . . . . . . A/N: I wrote a new high-quality Bleach Fanfiction, go check it from my profile page or the link below if you are interested! . . https://www.scribblehub.com/series/809201/arrancar-ascension-apex-predator-of-hueco-mundo/

Hanma_Jack · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Naruto and Kakashi Improving Together (1)

HELLO, my new story is out, check the link in the first comment or click this story's main page or my author's profile page. It is about an MC transmigrating into a villain-type character, with a strong background, in a fantasy world and going against different "Sons of Destiny".



It is a Western-middle age fantasy, swords, and magic, world setting. But, it is similar to those Chinese "Villain-type" novels plot-vise if you know what I'm talking about. If you don't know what that is, just ignore that part and see for yourself. If you liked this story and the MC, you will like that new one even better!




The link to that story is on this story's main page as well as on my author's profile page!







Jiraiya and Naruto soon entered the room and Naruto immediately rushed toward Kakashi in quick steps worriedly, "Kakashi sensei, are you okay?", He ran back toward Konoha at the fastest speed in his life after he heard what happened to Kakashi from Jiraiya. He was now much taller and more handsome-looking and muscular than the last time he was in Konoha. He was older than fifteen years already now and he completely changed his clothes, removing his previous stupid-looking and flashy jumpsuit, showcasing his change of temperament, during the last few years, the best.

Naruto promptly inspected Kakashi but found nothing wrong, it was just that he appeared a little different than usual in some inexplicable way. Kakashi just smiled at him while rubbing him by the hair, "You've grown up so much, Naruto. Perfect timing, just for my special training!", Jiraiya, who came inside the room, in his usual attire, after Naruto, nodded toward Tsunade and then looked at Kakashi, also noticing his new differences mainly in temperament and aura, he was just like an unleashed sword ready to strike. Jiraiya smiled and also patted Kakashi a little on his shoulder fast.

Naruto and Sakura also greeted each other in their usual funny way, in front of Kakashi, before Naruto asked him curiously, "Special training?", Naruto was now also much more serious and intelligent due to all that happened and Jiraiya's previous honing, so he quickly composed himself from his previous interaction with Sakura, "Yes, Naruto, I've decided, we're going to train together for a while. Only with this method that I envisioned could we bring back Sasuke and defend ourselves against the Akatsuki...", Kakashi also looked at Jiraiya and Tsunade at this time, Jiraiya immediately understood the method, he opened his eyes wide and nodded in approval but he also facepalmed himself hard for everyone inside the room to see, "Yes, how did I forget about that, good job, Kakashi!", Had Naruto trained in that method during their time together, he would've been much better, 'I'm really not a good teacher...', Jiraiya then turned a bit disheartened suddenly.

"Don't beat yourself, master Jiraiya, after all, even I don't know if the method will be successful. We have to test it out first. And it took me so long to think of that too, only during the last few days did I get the idea!", Kakashi explained patiently before looking at Tsunade resolutely, "Lady Tsunade, please allow Naruto some free time from his missions as well. I will try to teach Naruto a new jutsu with an S class potential!", Kakashi also got another idea beforehand to try and see if Naruto could break Fourth Hokage's Rasengan's potential, by fusing it with nature transformation of some sort as well. He believed that only Naruto, that man's own son, could break his limits and take the jutsu further, 'But we first have to test Naruto's chakra natures, if they weren't already tested by master Jiraiya...', Kakashi planned to waste no time in regards to training his student Naruto and himself.

"Well, since you're so eager, Kakashi, you can go right away immediately. I don't remember even seeing you this fired up!", Tsunade smiled, all of a sudden, and generously allowed their training while Jiraiya also nodded. He knew Kakashi way more extensively and personally than Tsunade because he was his grand-student in a sense, but he never saw him this motivated in nearly decades, 'Maybe losing this eye wasn't so bad for him...', Jiraiya immediately thought. After Kakashi got that eye from his teammate, he stopped being creative, like he used to be, and relied only on copying other people's abilities with his Sharingan. But, how far could he reach with just copying?

"Sakura, you three are still a team even now, so you're also free from your missions. You should train how I taught you, and help them during their training. Try giving them those special chakra food pills you created recently.", Tsunade looked toward Sakura next, who was also in a room. They had a poison and chemical research center in Konoha and Sakura was recently an often-seen guest there. Sakura immediately agreed, glad that she could help them in any way, she was also good in that area. She even developed some of her own personal, special military ratio pills with great effects.

"Ah yes, I need one more thing Lady Tsunade. We're going to need Yamato to keep the Nine-Tails in check!", Kakashi suddenly remembered and spoke to her. Jiraiya also inwardly agreed and his face turned serious after remembering all of the problems they had with the fox demon during their training. He unknowingly glanced at his chest, where a large scar now stood because of his own carelessness. The majority of their training was spent on trying to tame that beast a little for the future. And they succeeded in a sense but also failed, hence why he agreed for Yamato to be there.

Tsunade immediately responded positively and called for the Anbu stationed outside the office to appear. She whispered something to him and then he obviously went on to call Yamato as well. Kakashi and Naruto were one of the most important people in the village and for her faction inside of the said village. She needed to do everything in her power for them to succeed and really get stronger. She saw the difficulties that lay ahead, both from the inside and outside, for their village.

And shortly after, following her orders, Yamato, who removed his usual Anbu uniform, arrived at the scene and reported. Then after a while, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, and Yamato, went to a training field outside the Konoha where a giant waterfall lay. Tsunade also motioned for Shizuen to leave the room as well and leaver her alone with Jiraiya. Jiraiya and Tsunade then remained alone and looked at each other in silence. They knew each other for decades and were quite emotionally connected. Jiraiya broke the weird silence, after sighting internally, and spoke first, in a warm kind of manner,

"I went to Mount Myoboku. The prophecy was changed, Naruto is not the child of destiny anyone. Neji Hyuga is the new one in the words of the Giant Toad Sage. What should we do? He said that Neji could either save this world in the future or destroy it completely...", Jiraiya started speaking about the Tenseigan, Hyuga heritage, and Homura Otsutsuki, while Tsunade had eyes wide open.

After ten minutes of only Jiraiya speaking, Tsunade finally opened her mouth while massaging her head a bit from all the information she received just now, "Jiraiya, to be honest with you, I'm still not sure if I believe in all of this. Even if that being is very exalted, and lived for so long. As a Kage of this village, Neji is still our enemy and rebellious ninja, despite him being the potential savior of this world or not being the one. And we need to act accordingly, you as well!", Unlike Jiraiya, who was always obsessed with those kinds of weird prophecies, she was very rational regarding this matter.

"However, I have to thank you, if this information regarding his unseen dojutsu or his heritage turns out to be true, then at least you solved for us some huge mysteries!", Tsunade also deemed the rest of Jiraiya's information very valuable. If those were correct, then they were the most knowledgeable great village on those newfound problems and mysteries in the Ninja World regarding Neji and the Hyuga clan. Jiraiya wanted to save something, but he turned silent, he understood Tsunade's words.


Outside the Konoha village, directly in front of a giant waterfall, on some man-made wooden pillars, Naruto and his clones trained in his Wind Release chakra nature transformation by training to cut that water. Yamato was above him, on the ground, performing his special tailed beast suppression jutsu from the First Hokage. Kakashi was in the nearby forest. Sakura brought some food and chakra pills, from time to time, while Tsunade and Jiraiya occasionally spectated and checked on their progress. Kakashi already explained to them all his newfound and proven successful method of shinobi training with Shadow Clones. Naruto looked like he discovered fire while others marveled at Kakashi's ingenuity. This method could help anyone, but in fact, it could best be employed by Naruto because of the sheer number of Shadow Clones that only he could make due to his chakra.

The idea was that the experience of a shadow clone practicing a skill or technique could be the equivalent of Naruto performing the training himself when said experience is deposited into his memory bank. Therefore, training with one shadow clone would allow Naruto to gain twice the experience for whatever he was learning. The more shadow clones he trained with then the more experience he would gain in the same amount of time. It was the perfect skill to use in their current urgent situation.

Naruto's current max limit they all found was to create a hundred and sixty-eight shadow clones to practice for an hour, amounting to exactly seven days' worth of non-stop training. Most ninja who learned the jonin-level, Shadow Clone technique would be a lot older and more developed in skill than Naruto, would struggle to use it for training for a worthwhile amount of time, and would take longer to recover their stamina afterward. Only Naruto had the perfect combination of his young age, massive chakra levels, and enhanced recovery speed to make this the perfect training method.

Naruto was currently learning the chakra nature transformation and it was best to learn one at a time rather than trying to learn them all simultaneously due to the focus required. Naruto discovered that his affinity was wind, so he trained it first after Kakashi tested him with that chakra test paper. Each chakra nature has the same first level of training where they try to affect a leaf by making it split in two with wind, soak it with water, crumble it away with earth, wrinkle it with lightning, and burn it with lightning. The second level is more varied with splitting a waterfall with wind, filling a pool with water, breaking a boulder with earth, creating a ball with lightning, and burning a tree with fire. Naruto was currently obviously doing the waterfall method needed for now.

However, strangely, Tsunade's and Jiraiya's attention this time wasn't on Naruto, but on Kakashi, who could train only with a few Shadow Clones. They were shocked by the speed at which he became familiar with his father's Hatake swordsmanship once again after so many years. They looked from above as dozen of white light flashes cut down the trees, and transformed that forest.

"It's as I thought Tsunade, Kakashi is a natural prodigy at kenjutsu. Maybe, this road will yield him greater results in the future!", Jiraiya looked at this emotionally and sighed, remembering his old friend, Sakumo Hatake. He could see his shadow on Kakashi now, 'So many years passed already...', Tsunade also sighed noticing Jiraiya's remembrance of the legendary White Fang while Jiraiya continued speaking, "In fact, there is a good reason for this speed and it isn't strange to me at all!"

"Through hundreds of years of constant battles using only their swords, the members of the Hatake clan managed to incorporate their kenjutsu style and experience into their clan's genome. Not to mention their sight, reaction time, and body constitution being superior for learning kenjutsu as well. It's like a Kekkei Genkai but made specifically for kenjutsu. The Hatake clan is truly a special existence...", Jiraiya spoke about his theory to Tsunade who was surprised by his words but also agreed after remembering Sakumo and thinking carefully, "That's why Tsunade I think that losing his Sharingan could be a blessing in disguise for him!", Jiraiya added confidently. He really cared for Kakashi and wanted the best for him in all aspects of life. Therefore, he really meant what he said.

"The Sharingan just wasn't made for non-Uchiha people to use, especially not the ones without some kind of monster bloodlines like your Senju clan, or the Uzumaki clan, with a large amount of chakra in them. When a non-Uchiha person transplants the Sharingan into his eye sockets, it has to be activated at all times. It couldn't be turned on and off like in the Uchiha clan's people, thus draining an enormous amount of chakra from them twenty-four hours a day, every day. You should also remember Tsunade how Kakashi stagnated right after acquiring it during the Third Great Ninja War...", Jiraya spoke to Tsunade who wasn't really listening and was still dazed thinking of Sakumo.

Memories kept coming back to her mind. She remembered how Sakumo used to school them, in their sparings, even back during their genin periods. His reflexes were so advanced, that his arm holding his unique sword moved like it had a mind on its own, like an ultimate defense. He probably had the best reflexes in the whole world. If it was genetic or acquired by him later they never got to find out, 'Sakumo was so fast that he in fact managed to kill that Kumo ninja who was said to have an attack moving at the speed of light during the Second Great Ninja War...', Tsunade suddenly thought. It was not the Raikage's family, but another shinobi with pseudo "Light Release".

Jiraiya noticed this and spoke again, "Still thinking of Sakumo? Yes, he was really stronger than all of us together during that time, and even today if he was alive, he would still be stronger than any of us three individually...", Sakumo also got his fame and recognition during the Second Great Ninja War. It was just that his status equaled their Sannins' combined put together. He used to fight with the Kages of other great Ninja villages, he prevented Kumo from joining the war against them, he fought against some of their strongest shinobi, he nearly destroy Suna's puppet division, and many more extraordinary things. Second Great Ninja War was his White Fang's war, not their Sannins' war.

The First Great Ninja War was the war for resources and it was fought between all the great five ninja villages after that system was first introduced. It was a bloody battle royal between them all and it led to all five of the first Kages being assassinated, killed in battle, or died in some other way.

The First Shinobi World War ended with an armistice treaty but also left the Five Great Shinobi Countries seriously wounded. The treaty led to a period of peace, but after about twenty years, the economic disparity between the countries had become a serious problem. The nations began to form factions, and under the pretext of expanding fair rights, the countries started using military force to expand their territories. Thus, a world war started. This time it wasn't all versus all clash.

The Third Great Ninja War happened because of a decline in national power, the reign of the Five Great Shinobi Countries was crumbling. Along their borders, skirmishes with smaller nations broke out all the time. The prolonged conflicts gradually spread their flames far and wide, until at last, they developed into an all-out world war. The conflict turned into an unprecedented war of attrition.

"It was tragic how he ended up, isn't it?", Tsunade suddenly melancholically looked toward Jiraiya. Sakumo was their biggest target and rival to surpass when they were young, he was a peak of shinobi in everyone's opinion. However, due to an evil conspiracy, he later took his own life prematurely. Danzo instructed some villages to badmouth him, after he abandoned missions to save his teammates, knowing his honorable personality really well Danzo abused it to the extreme. At that time, Sakumo was the Anbu's Commander and Danzo's biggest contender inside the village.

"There is no use for regret now, Tsunade. No one expected that he would really take his own life at that time, not even our sensei, or else he would've all done something. Sometimes, people are really unpredictable. We could only prevent something like that from happening ever again and take care of his son in the future...", Jiraiya said after looking at Kakashi far in the distance. He was also aware of Danzo's recent small and harmful movements. He decisively looked at Tsunade next and clenched his fists in anger, 'I will never allow that man to harm you in any way, even if I had to personally kill him!', Tsunade looked at him and suddenly felt really safe alongside something else.

Up to 40 additional chapters are available on my Patreon, check that out as well. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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