
Episode 5

(The episode opens with Don and Den walking, while the demon is following them)

Don: Is there something we can help you with?

The demon (looking suspicious): You two aren't giving off the aura of demons

(Don and Den look nervous)

A voice: There you two are, we were afraid you got lost again

(Don and Den sees Luke, Jay, and Adam appears)

Luke and Jay: Who's he?

Don and Den: Jay! Luke!

Adam (looking insulted): What am I? Invisible

Don and Den: Sorry, Adam

(Don and Den walks to Luke, Jay, and Adam)

The demon: Oh, so you have a little friend group

(Adam, Luke, and Jay reveal they have antennas, and tails like normal demons)

(Adam gives Don and Den pills)

The demon: So, would you like to explain how come you haven't been given off normal demon auras

Adam: They were in disguise

(Antennas and tails appear on Don and Den)

The demon: Oh, then bye Don and Den, see you next time (winks)

Don and Den (blushes): What's your name?

The demon: Tae

Don and Den: Bye Tae

(Tae kisses Don and Den on the cheek)

Tae: Meet you later (zooms off)

(Don and Den giggle)

Adam: Are you two idiots? go after him. We can do the tour later

Don and Den: Are you sure?

Luke: Yeah, but be safe

Don and Den: Got it

(Don and Den run off)

(Tae is leaning on a pole)

(Don and Den stops, looking cool)

Tae: I had a feeling you would follow me

Don and Den: We hope it isn't a bad thing

Tae: Not at all, I love twins

(Don and Den blushes)

Tae: But, what are your boyfriends?

Don and Den: They aren't our boyfriends, more of associates

Tae (smiles): So, sex friends

(Don and Den blushes)

Tae (smirks): I'll take that as a yes

Don and Den: Yeah, but we are still regular friends

Tae: Interesting, so you regularly social?

Don and Den: Yes

Tae: Do you feel them any other kind of way?

Don and Den: No

Tae: So, you wouldn't protect them with your lives?

Don and Den: We would, but that's because we are friends

Tae: Would they do the same?

Don and Den: Yes

Tae: Have you went through any traumatic moments with them?

Don and Den: We have

Tae: Do you want to talk about it?

Don and Den: Nah

Tae: Okay, do you want to join me for lunch?

Don and Den: Sure

(Don and Den walk with Tae)

(The screen switches to Luke, Jay, and Adam with Jae)

Jae (points a skyscraper): That's where the guy that runs the underworld be

Jay: Fascinating

Jae: You only can meet him, if you have made an appointment

Luke: Of course

Jae: Do you want to meet him?

Adam: I wouldn't mind

Jae: I could try to (bumps into somebody) sorry

(A boy who has short blonde hair, white skin, wearing sunglasses, a black suit and shoes named Sazgon)

Jae: Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, are you okay?

(Sazgon gets up and picks up his glasses)

Sazgon: Yeah, I'm fine

Jay: You might be (grabs the broken sunglasses) these are not

Sazgon: That's okay, I'll have them fixed

Jay: Okay

(Sazgon's scarlet eyes are revealed and he looks at Adam)

(Adam looks back)

Sazgon (walks): What's your name?

Adam: Adam, yours?

Sazgon: Sazgon, say want to hang out?

Adam (looks at Luke and Jay): I shouldn't just

Luke and Jay: Go, we will catch you later, have fun

Adam (looks at Jay and Luke): Are you sure?

Luke and Jay: Yeah, we don't mind, have fun

Adam: Well, we'll meet up, agree

Luke and Jay: 'Kay

(Adam and Sazgon walk off)

Jae: And then there were three

Luke and Jay: You know we haven't split up like this, since last (went silent)

Jae: I can keep a secret

Luke: It's that we don't trust you, we would rather not say what happened

Jae: Fair enough, so tell me (green eyes) did it happen to do something with aliens

(Luke and Jay jumped)

Jae (smiles): Sorry, I can read minds

Luke and Jay: It does, but please don't read any further

Jae (smiles): Too late, how about I treat you?

Luke and Jay: Thank you

(Episode ends)